1. Which of the following is the correct statement?
(A). The Conjugate effect is always the same as the (-I) effect
(B). The Conjugate effect is always weaker than the (-I) effect
(C). The Conjugate effect is always stronger than the (-I) effect
(D). None of the mentioned
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: C
2. When the complete transfer of p-electrons takes place away from the atom at the requirement of the attacking agent, it is known as what?
(A). (-E) effect
(B). (+I) effect
(C). (-I) effect
(D). (+E) effect
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: D
3. The temporary effect brought into play at the requirement of an attacking reagent is ____________.
(A). Electromeric effect
(B). Mesomeric effect
(C). Inductive effect
(D). Inductomeric effect
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: A
4. Which of the following are the positively charged and electron-deficient compounds that have a tendency to form a bond by accepting the electron pair?
(A). Homophiles
(B). Nucleophiles
(C). Electrophiles
(D). All of the mentioned
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: C
5. The incorrect statement about the nucleophiles is ___________.
(A). They always possess an empty orbital to receive an electron pair
(B). They are electron-rich
(C). They attack electron-deficient centers
(D). Examples are: OH–, NH3, H2O, etc.
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: A
6. The Lewis acids are the best examples of nucleophilic reagents.
(A). False
(B). True
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: A
7. The example of a Lewis base is ____________.
(A). NH3
(B). BF3
(C). ZnCl2
(D). FeCl2
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: A
8. What do those groups which are electron-repelling and have lesser electron-attracting power than hydrogen show?
(A). (+I) effect
(B). (-E) effect
(C). (-I) effect
(D). (+E) effect
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: A
9. The molecule that will show the highest dipole moment is ____________.
(A). CH3F
(B). CH3Br
(C). CH3Cl
(D). CH3I
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: A
10. What is the electronic spectra in the visible range span?
(A). 12500-25000 cm⁻¹
(B). 25000-50000 cm⁻¹
(C). 25000-72000 cm⁻¹
(D). 15000-30000 cm⁻¹
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: A
11. The position of the band of alkanes is _______________.
(A). 150 nm
(B). 185 nm
(C). 217 nm
(D). 190 nm
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: A
12. _____________ is not an Auxochrome group.
(A). –O2
(B). –SH
(C). –OR
(D). –OH
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: A
13. The shift that leads to the decreased intensity of absorption is _____________.
(A). Bathochromic
(B). Hyperchromic
(C). Hypsochromic
(D). Hypochromic
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: D
14. The organic compound that shows a transition because of the conjugation is _____________.
(A). Alkenes
(B). Conjugated dienes
(C). Saturated aliphatic ketones
(D). Alkanes
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: B
15. If %T = 80, the absorbance is ____________.
(A). 0.097
(B). 0.05
(C). 0.5
(D). 0.97
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: A
16. The limitation of Lambert-Beer’s law is ______________.
(A). All of the mentioned
(B). Fluorescence of the sample
(C). Non-monochromatic radiation
(D). Scattering of light due to particles
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: A
17. An application of electronic spectroscopy is _____________.
(A). Detection of impurities
(B). All of the mentioned
(C). Study of kinetics of the chemical reaction
(D). Control of purification
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: B
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