Steam Distillation and Surface Tension MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: November 27, 2024

1. At which of the following does the organic liquid in steam distillation vaporize?

(A). than its boiling point lower temperature
(B). than its boiling point higher temperature
(C). At its boiling point
(D). None of these
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

2. From aniline-water mixture using which one aniline is separated?

(A). Steam distillation
(B). Fractional distillation
(C). Fractional crystallisation
(D). All of these
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

3. For the extraction, the pure solvent after the differential extraction cannot be used again.

(A). True
(B). False
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

4. For separating substances which are _______steam distillation process is used?

(A). Steam volatile
(B). All of these
(C). Steam volatile and immiscible with water
(D). Steam volatile and miscible with water
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: c

5. ______ type of mixture is collected in a round bottom flask after passing through a steam generator.

(A). organic compound and steam, Mixture of volatile
(B). organic compound and water, Mixture of volatile
(C). inorganic compound and steam, Mixture of nonvolatile
(D). organic compound and water, Mixture of nonvolatile
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

6. _______ is an application of surface tension?

(A). Molecular structure will be elucidated
(B). by surface tension measurements through parachor values all of these
(C). in preparations like toothpaste surfactants are incorporated
(D). like cleansing agents use of soaps and detergents
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

7. Which of the following is the surface tension of the liquid on increasing the temperature?

(A). Increases
(B). Decreases
(C). Remains constant
(D). None of these
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

8. Which of the following is the apparatus used for the determination of surface tension of a liquid?

(A). Oedometer
(B). Stalagmometer
(C). Consolidometer
(D). None of these
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

9. The liquid boils when the sum of vapor pressure due to organic liquid and due for watering becomes which one in steam distillation?

(A). Lesser than atmospheric pressure
(B). equals to atmospheric pressure
(C). Greater than atmospheric pressure
(D). None of these
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

10. For separating organic compound with water __________ property is not possessed by the organic solvent required.

(A). It is less volatile than water
(B). It is easily vaporizable
(C). It is immiscible with water
(D). more soluble in its organic compound
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

11. _______ is the upper layer in differential extraction.

(A). Solvent layer
(B). Solute layer
(C). Aqueous layer
(D). None of these
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

12. Which of the following is the unit of surface tension in the CGS system?

(A). Dynes/cm
(B). N/m
(C). Kg/cm
(D). Dynes/m
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

13. With the help of which one stalagmometer is cleaned to remove grease?

(A). Distilled water
(B). Chromic acid
(C). Sulphuric acid
(D). Tartaric acid
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

14. In the upper solvent layer in differential extraction, ________ the organic compound be present?

(A). After the extraction
(B). During the extraction
(C). Before the extraction
(D). in the upper layer it is always present
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

15. From the organic solvent by _________the organic compound in differential extraction is recovered.

(A). Distillation
(B). Fractional crystallisation
(C). Steam crystallization
(D). Sublimation
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

16. Which of the following is the kinetic energy of the liquid molecules on increasing the temperature?

(A). Remains constant
(B). Increases
(C). Decreases
(D). None of these
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

17. We get a concave meniscus because the adhesive force between water and glass are which one in case of water and glass than the cohesive forces in the water molecules?

(A). Weaker
(B). Stronger
(C). Same
(D). None of these
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

18. Which of the following is the surface tension of water at 25°C?

(A). 72.14 dynes/cm
(B). 90.0 dynes/cm
(C). 82.5 dynes/cm
(D). 45.63 dynes/cm
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

19. Because of which one shapes of drops of liquid are spherical?

(A). Conductivity
(B). Surface tension
(C). Absorption
(D). Viscosity
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

20. _______is incorrect?

(A). we observe a convex meniscus in case of mercury and glass
(B). for the rise and fall of the capillary tubes Surface tension is responsible
(C). All of these
(D). None of these
(E). they tend to repel each other if two drops encounter each other

Multiple Choice Question Answer: e


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