Geotechnical Civil Engineering MCQs PDF
What is reduced in the presence of sand and silt-size particles in a clay deposit?
(A). Total shrinkage
(B). Volume
(C). Water content
(D). Swelling of soil
(E). none of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a
How can we define the free swell of soil?
(A). Limited swelling on rewetting
(B). Swelling on submergence in water
(C). Swelling of soil without shrinkage
(D). Increase in volume without any constrains
(E). none of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a
Minerals responsible for the large volume decrease in a soil on drying in clayey soils are_______
(A). None of the mentioned
(B). Ilite and Kaolinite
(C). Montmorillonite
(D). All of the mentioned
(E). none of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b
Who developed the application of electro-osmosis on dewatering of the soil?
(A). Dupuit
(B). Darcy
(C). Chapmen
(D). L. casagrande
(E). none of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: d
What can drain or stabilize the fine-grained cohesive soil?
(A). Vacuum method
(B). Wellpoint system
(C). Shallow well system
(D). Electro-osmosis method
(E). none of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: d
For the unconfined flow, the discharge slot used is____
(A). Fully penetrating slot
(B). Partially penetrating slot
(C). None of the mentioned
(D). All of the mentioned
(E). none of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a
To find the liquid limit which diameter sieve is used?
(A). 275 microns
(B). 700 microns
(C). 425 microns
(D). 200 microns
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: c
What is caused by the formation of the meniscus in the saturated soil?
(A). Decrease in water content
(B). The Reduction in the volume and the compression in the soil structure
(C). None of the mentioned
(D). All of the mentioned
(E). none of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b What is the volume of the wet soil, present in the shrinkage dish?
(A). One-third
(B). Two-third
(C). One–fourth
(D). Same
(E). none of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a
When the soil in its dry state, the shrinkage ratio of soil is equal to what?
(A). Specific gravity
(B). Mass density
(C). Water content
(D). Mass specific gravity
(E). none of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: d
How the shrinking limit is found using the alternate method?
(A). If the water content in the soil is known
(B). If the dry volume of soil is known
(C). If the specific gravity of the soil is known
(D). If the dry density of the soil is known
(E). none of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: c
For compacting the ___ the sheep-foot-rollers is very much suitable
(A). Fine-grained soil
(B). Cohesion-less soil
(C). Cohesive soil
(D). Clay soil
(E). none of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b
In what order, the tire pressure in the smaller roller is?
(A). 100 kN/m2
(B). 400 kN/m2
(C). 500 kN/m2
(D). 250 kN/m2
(E). none of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: d
To determine the shrinkage limit, which apparatus is not included?
(A). Porcelain evaporating dish
(B). Brass cup
(C). Two glass plates
(D). Stainless steel shrinking dish
(E). none of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b
Because of what, the attainment of maximum density of soil at full saturation?
(A). Hydrostatic pressure
(B). Lubrication action
(C). Bulking of sand
(D). None of the mentioned
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a
Which force plays an important role in the honeycomb structure?
(A). Surface force
(B). Gravitational force
(C). Adhesion force
(D). All of the mentioned
(E). none of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a
What is the diameter of coarse-grained soils having a single-grained structure?
(A). <0.002 mm
(B). =0.002 mm
(C). >0.002 mm
(D). ≥0.002 mm
(E). none of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: c
With respect to the honeycomb structure, what is correct?
(A). It can carry out the heavy load and the structure has a high void ratio
(B). It has the high compact structure
(C). All of the mentioned
(D). None of the mentioned
(E). none of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a
Because of what, the Coarse-grained soil settles in suspension?
(A). Weight of the grain
(B). Surface force
(C). Gravitational force
(D). All of the mentioned
(E). none of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a
In what coarse-grained soil is deposited?
(A). Liquid state
(B). Dense state
(C). Solid-state
(D). Loose state
(E). none of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: d
In a vibrator which vibrating unit type is used?
(A). Piston hydraulic type
(B). The Pulsating hydraulic type and the out-of-balance weight type
(C). None of the mentioned
(D). All of the mentioned
(E). none of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b
For _____ are the best suited Pneumatic tyred rollers
(A). Cohesion-less sand
(B). Cohesive soils
(C). Cohesion-less gravels
(D). All of the mentioned
(E). none of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: d
What is the range of foot pressure in sheep foot rollers?
(A). 800-350 kN/m2
(B). 300-1500 kN/m2
(C). 800-3500 kN/m2
(D). 350 kN/m2
(E). none of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: c
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