1. Which one of the following is the polymer when each chiral centre has the same configuration?
(A). Syndiotactic
(B). Isotactic
(C). Atactic
(D). Multitactic
(E). None of these
Answer: B
2. This is an example of which one? On reaction with NaOH, (S)-2-bromo octane gives (R)-2-octanol under SN2 conditions.
(A). Stereospecific
(B). Dynamicselective
(C). Regioselective
(D). Stereoselective
(E). None of these
Answer: A
3. The polymer chain consisting of which one monomeric unit, the tactic dyad has a segment of?
(A). 5
(B). 3
(C). 4
(D). 2
(E). None of these
Answer: D
4. Which of the following is the reaction which gives exclusively one of several possible isomeric products?
(A). Dynamicselective
(B). Stereoselective
(C). Regioselective
(D). Stereospecific
(E). None of these
Answer: C
5. In various degrees, stereoselectivity can be exhibited.
(A). True
(B). False
(E). None of these
Answer: A
6. ____ is an example of regioselective reaction.
(A). Debromination of 2,3- dibromobutane
(B). Addition of HI for propylene
(C). Debromination of meso dibromobutane
(D). With sodium hydroxide 2-bromo octane
(E). None of these
Answer: B
7. In correlating conformation and reactivity and in stereoselective synthesis, dynamic stereochemistry helps.
(A). True
(B). False
(E). None of these
Answer: A
8. This is an example of which one? For giving a syn product R – C = C – R reacts in the presence of linear catalyst.
(A). Regioselective
(B). Dynamicselective
(C). Stereoselective
(D). Stereospecific
(E). None of these
Answer: C
9. Atactic polymer is that in _____
(A). The same configuration alternate chiral centres have
(B). The same configuration every third chiral centre has
(C). The same configuration each chiral centre has
(D). Configuration is there a completely random distribution of
(E). None of these
Answer: D
10. Which of the following is the reaction that yields predominantly one enantiomer of a possible pair?
(A). Dynamicselective
(B). Stereoselective
(C). Regioselective
(D). Stereospecific
(E). None of these
Answer: B
11. Which of the following is the formula of enantiomeric excess?
(A). [(d+l)/(d-l)]*100
(B). [(d-l)/(d)]*100
(C). [(d)/(d+l)]*100
(D). [(d-l)/(d+l)]*100
(E). None of these
Answer: B
12. Which of the following is the reaction of (±) 2,3- dibromobutane is slower than meso in which the two methyl groups?
(A). Skew
(B). Gauche
(C). Partially eclipsed
(D). Anti
(E). None of these
Answer: C
13. On reaction with NaOH under SN2 conditions, (R)-2-bromo octane gives which one?
(A). Trans-2-butene
(B). (S)-2-octanol
(C). Cis-2-butene
(D). (R)-2-octanol
(E). None of these
Answer: B
14. Which one of the following is the polymer in which alternate chiral centres have the same configuration?
(A). Syndiotactic
(B). Atactic
(C). Isotactic
(D). Multitactic
(E). None of these
Answer: A
15. __________ scientists won the Nobel prize for working in polymer stereochemistry.
(A). Zeigler and Natta
(B). Peter Agre and Agricola
(C). Kurt Alder and Richard Abegg
(D). Friedrich Accum
(E). None of these
Answer: A
16. For a polymer to adopt crystalline morphology increases with which one stereo regularity the tendency?
(A). Increasing
(B). First decreasing then increasing
(C). First increasing then decreasing
(D). Decreasing
(E). None of these
Answer: A
17. Which one of the following is the configuration of the isotactic dyad?
(A). Rectus
(B). Racemic
(C). Chiral
(D). Meso
(E). None of these
Answer: D
18. Which of the following is the reaction in which stereochemically different molecules react differently?
(A). Dynamicselective
(B). Regioselective
(C). Stereospecific
(D). Stereoselective
(E). None of these
Answer: C
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