Research Topics Uncertainty analysis

Research Area/ Research Interest: Uncertainty analysis

Research Paper Topics for: Masters and PhD Thesis and publication

  1. Comprehensive Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology (nth-CASAM): Overcoming the Curse of Dimensionality in Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis
  2.  Model Uncertainty Analysis and the Margin of Safety
  3.  A comprehensive review on optimization challenges of smart energy hubs under uncertainty factors
  4.  A methodology for uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis for responses subject to Monte Carlo uncertainty with application to fuel plate
  5.  Adaptive robust vulnerability analysis of power systems under uncertainty: A multilevel OPF-based optimization approach
  6.  Analysis of the Impact of US Trade Policy Uncertainty on China Based on Bayesian VAR Model
  7.  ARBO: Arbovirus modeling and uncertainty quantification toolbox
  8.  Bayesian uncertainty analysis of SA turbulence model for supersonic jet interaction simulations
  9.  Calibration and uncertainty budget analysis of a high precision telescopic instrument for simultaneous laser multilateration
  10.  Challenges in estimation, uncertainty quantification and elicitation for pandemic modelling
  11.  City-wide model-based analysis of heat recovery from wastewater using an uncertainty-based approach
  12.  Climate change impact on wheat and maize growth in Ethiopia: A multi-model uncertainty analysis
  13.  Evaluation of the impact of input uncertainty on urban building energy simulations using uncertainty and sensitivity analysis
  14.  Extension of SCALE/Sampler’s sensitivity analysis
  15.  From inference to design: A comprehensive framework for uncertainty quantification in engineering with limited information
  16.  How does economic policy uncertainty affect CO2 emissions? A regional analysis in China
  17.  Introducing variance-based global sensitivity analysis for uncertainty enabled operational and economic aircraft technology assessment
  18.  Numerical analysis of performance uncertainty of heat exchangers operated with nanofluids
  19.  Optimal Bayesian MCMC based fire brigade non-suppression probability model considering uncertainty of parameters
  20.  Quantifying input uncertainty in the calibration of water quality models: reordering errors via the secant method
  21.  Quantifying interaction uncertainty between subwatersheds and base-flow partitions on hydrological processes
  22.  Quantifying the propagation of parametric uncertainty on flux balance analysis
  23.  Reducing uncertainty in seismic assessment of multiple masonry buildings based on monitored demolitions
  24.  Research and Forecast Analysis of Financial Stability for Policy Uncertainty
  25.  Truth and Uncertainty. A critical discussion of the error concept versus the uncertainty concept
  26.  Uncertainty analysis of modeled ozone changes due to anthropogenic emission reductions in Eastern Texas
  27.  Uncertainty in climate change impact studies for irrigated maize cropping systems in southern Spain
  28.  Uncertainty matters: Bayesian modeling of bicycle crashes with incomplete exposure data
  29.  Uncertainty quantification of granular computing-neural network model for prediction of pollutant longitudinal dispersion coefficient in aquatic streams
  30.  Advanced Graphite Creep Uncertainty Analysis
  31.  Aircraft Selection Problem Using Decision Uncertainty Distance in Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making Analysis
  32.  End-to-End ECV Uncertainty Budget Version 3 (E3UBv3)
  33.  Evaluation and Projections of Surface Air Temperature over the Tibetan Plateau from CMIP6 and CMIP5: Warming Trend and Uncertainty
  34.  Implications of Aggregation Uncertainty in DEA
  35.  Methods for communicating the impact of parameter uncertainty in a multiple strategies cost-effectiveness comparison
  36.  On the relationship between economic policy uncertainty, geopolitical risk and stock market returns in South Korea: a quantile causality analysis
  37.  Overview of stochastic model updating in aerospace application under uncertainty treatment
  38.  Time-frequency connectedness across housing markets, stock market and uncertainty: A Wavelet-Time Varying Parameter Vector Autoregression
  39.  Types of uncertainty in simulation models: Categorisation for better identification, accounting and assessment
  40.  Uncertainty Analysis of Optimal Instruction for WDN Pipes Repair and Replacement Using Fuzzy Cut-Hydraulic Simulation Approach
  41.  Uncertainty Health Risk Assessment and Regional Control of Drinking Water: A Case Study of Hanyuan County, Southwest Mountainous Area, China
  42.  new multi-model absolute difference-based sensitivity (MMADS) analysis method to screen non-influential processes under process model and parametric uncertainty
  43.  uncertainty be ignored when exploring heterogeneity in public preferences for air pollution treatment policies? Comparative results from choice experiment analysis
  44. A comparative study on two different configurations of hybrid photovoltaic thermal collector with experimental validation and uncertainty analysis
  45. A comprehensive kinetic modeling study of hydrogen combustion with uncertainty quantification
  46. A concept analysis of family caregivers’ uncertainty of patient’s illness
  47. A critical perspective on uncertainty appraisal and sensitivity analysis in life cycle assessment
  48. A Data-Driven Deterministic Forecast-Based Probabilistic Method for Uncertainty Estimation of Wind Power Generation
  49. A detailed uncertainty analysis of EI-MBMS data from combustion experiments
  50. A dimension-reduction based Chebyshev polynomial method for uncertainty analysis in composite corrugated sandwich structures
  51. A Flow Feature Clustering-Assisted Uncertainty Analysis Workflow for Optimal Well Rates in Waterflood Projects
  52. A general framework for quantifying uncertainty at scale and its application to fusion research
  53. A method for uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in fuel performance codes
  54. A Monte Carlo approach to evaluate the local measurement uncertainty in transient heat transfer experiments using liquid crystal thermography
  55. A multi-method approach to scheduling and efficiency analysis in dual-resource constrained job shops with processing time uncertainty
  56. A new methodology for reference evapotranspiration prediction and uncertainty analysis under climate change conditions based on machine learning, multi criteria
  57. A probabilistic uncertainty evaluation method for turbomachinery probe measurements
  58. A project prioritization approach considering uncertainty, reliability, criteria prioritization, and robustness
  59. A Real Options Analysis of the Effects of Oil Price Uncertainty and Carbon Taxes on the Optimal Timing of Oil Field Decommissioning
  60. A risk assessment framework considering uncertainty for corrosion-induced natural gas pipeline accidents
  61. A three dimensional kinetic Monte Carlo defect-free crystal dissolution model for biological systems, with application to uncertainty analysis and robust optimization
  62. A three-stage automated modal identification framework for bridge parameters based on frequency uncertainty and density clustering
  63. Addressing the Impact of Non-intrinsic Uncertainty Sources in the Stability Analysis of a High-Speed Jet
  64. Addressing uncertainty in relative effectiveness assessments by HTA organizations
  65. An Analysis of Downstream Uncertainty in NRHO Stationkeeping Strategies
  66. An Information Geometry Approach to Robustness Analysis for the Uncertainty Quantification of Computer Codes
  67. An investigation of hard-disk drive circularity accounting for socio-technical dynamics and data uncertainty
  68. An uncertainty quantification method relevant to material test reactors
  69. Analysis and characterization of uncertainty components in the measurement of radio-electric signals and parameters.
  70. Analysis of Basic Issues for Energy Storage Introduction in an Uncertainty Landscape of Power Distribution and Consumption Demand Response
  71. Analysis of gamma-ray spectra with spectral unmixing—Part I: Determination of the characteristic limits (decision threshold and statistical uncertainty) for
  72. Analysis of nodalization uncertainty for nuclear system analysis code with Lax-Wendroff numerical scheme
  73. Analysis of Renewable Generation Uncertainty for Planning and Operation
  74. Analysis of uncertainty in chromaticity measurement of retroreflective color plate
  75. Application of adaptive Monte Carlo method to evaluate pose uncertainty in monocular vision system
  76. Aquifer Characterization and Uncertainty in Multi‐Frequency Oscillatory Flow Tests: Approach and Insights
  77. Artificial neural network to predict traction performance of autonomous ground vehicle on a sloped soil bin and uncertainty analysis
  78. Assessing Human Health Risk to DNAPLs Exposure in Bayesian Uncertainty Analysis.
  79. Assessment of uncertainty and credibility of predictions by the OECD QSAR Toolbox automated read-across workflow for predicting acute oral toxicity
  80. Bayesian calibration and uncertainty analysis of an agroecosystem model under different N management practices
  81. Bayesian extreme value analysis of kinematic-based surrogate measure of safety to detect crash-prone conditions in connected vehicles environment: A driving
  82. Best-practice severe accident uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for a short-term SBO sequence of a reference PWR using MAAP5
  83. Bidding and Drilling Under Uncertainty: An Empirical Analysis of Contingent Payment Auctions
  84. Calibration uncertainty in nanoparticle sintering simulations
  85. Calibration uncertainty of MEMS thermopile imagers for quantitative temperature measurement
  86. Can uncertainty be quantified?
  87. Cascade hydropower station risk operation under the condition of inflow uncertainty
  88. Clay content mapping and uncertainty estimation using weighted model averaging
  89. Closure Law Model Uncertainty Quantification
  90. Combined effect of anisotropy and uncertainty on the safe mud pressure window of horizontal wellbore drilled in anisotropic saturated rock
  91. Comparing district heating options under uncertainty using stochastic ordering
  92. Credit policy, uncertainty, and firm R&D investment: A quasi-natural experiment based on the Green Credit Guidelines
  93. Criticalities of Eurachem/CITAC guide uncertainty of qualitative results
  94. Cross Section and Fission Yields Induced Uncertainty in the Water–Water Energetic Reactor-440 Burnup Calculation
  95. Data assimilation for uncertainty reduction using different fidelity numerical models
  96. Dealing With Uncertainty: An Analysis of VRIN Resources for SME’s Business Survival
  97. Decomposing crop model uncertainty: A systematic review
  98. Demand-side flexibility in a residential district: What are the main sources of uncertainty?
  99. Democracy, Public Support, and Measurement Uncertainty
  100. Dense Residual LSTM-Attention Network for Boiler Steam Temperature Prediction with Uncertainty Analysis
  101. Determining allowable parametric uncertainty in an uncommon quadrotor model for closed loop stability
  102. Disproportionate policy dynamics in crisis and uncertainty: an international comparative analysis of policy responses to COVID-19
  103. Do I know this? segmentation uncertainty under domain shift
  104. Drawing Attention to the Measurement Uncertainty Arising from Sampling in Chemical and Physicochemical Analyses: An Overview
  105. Dynamic analysis of an L-shaped liquid-filled pipe with interval uncertainty
  106. Dynamic analysis of the dual-rotor system considering the defect size uncertainty of the inter-shaft bearin
  107. Dynamic real–time abnormal energy consumption detection and energy efficiency optimization analysis considering uncertainty
  108. Earthquake Risk of Gas Pipelines in the Conterminous United States and Its Sources of Uncertainty
  109. Economic uncertainty spillover and social networks
  110. Effects of Exposure to COVID-19 News and Information: A Meta-Analysis of Media Use and Uncertainty-Related Responses During the Pandemic
  111. Efficient Uncertainty Quantification and Sensitivity Analysis on the Aerothermal Performance of Turbine Blade Squealer Tip
  112. Energy price uncertainty and the value premium
  113. Equivalent description and stability analysis for discrete-time systems with uniformly distributed uncertainty
  114. Error and Uncertainty Analyses of Reference and Sample Reflectances Measured with Substitution Integrating Spheres
  115. Estimating the Uncertainty in Emotion Class Labels with Utterance-Specific Dirichlet Priors
  116. Estimating the uncertainty of middle-atmospheric temperatures retrieved from airborne Rayleigh lidar measurements
  117. Estimation uncertainty for some common seismic fragility curve fitting methods
  118. Evaluating the impact of uncertainty events on the cost of highway construction project using Adaptive-Network-based Fuzzy Inference System
  119. Evaluation and analysis of firecrackers noise: Measurement Uncertainty, legal noise regulations and noise induced hearing loss
  120. Evaluation of insurance companies considering uncertainty: A multi-objective network data envelopment analysis model with negative data and undesirable outputs
  121. Evidence-theory-based kinematic uncertainty analysis of a dual crane system with epistemic uncertainty
  122. Extreme Events for Infrastructure: Uncertainty and Risk
  123. Fast computation of uncertainty lower bounds for state-space model-based operational modal analysis
  124. Fatigue Analysis of Nonstationary Random Loadings Measured in an Industrial Vehicle Wheel: Uncertainty of Fatigue Damage
  125. Fatigue Life Prediction of Structures With Interval Uncertainty
  126. Flood anticipation, reality, and uncertainty, the 2019 flood in Khuzestan, Iran
  127. Flood Modeling and Forecasting Uncertainty
  128. Forecasting the Volatility of European Union Allowance Futures with Climate Policy Uncertainty Using the EGARCH-MIDAS Model
  129. Fourth-Order Adjoint Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of an OECD/NEA Reactor Physics Benchmark: II. Computed Response Uncertainties
  130. Future projection of low flows in the Chungju basin, Korea and their uncertainty decomposition
  131. Global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of a microalgae model for wastewater treatment
  132. Greenhouse gas emissions from Mexican inland waters: first estimation and uncertainty using an upscaling approach
  133. Group sequential designs for in vivo studies: Minimizing animal numbers and handling uncertainty in power analysis
  134. Hierarchical multi-response Gaussian processes for uncertainty analysis with multi-scale composite manufacturing simulation
  135. How to Make Quantum Ideas Less Counter-Intuitive: A Simple Analysis of Measurement Uncertainty Can Help
  136. Identification and uncertainty quantification of structural flexibility for reliability analysis
  137. Improved FMECA for effective risk management decision making by failure modes classification under uncertainty
  138. Improvement of Extreme Value Modeling for Extreme Rainfall Using Large-Scale Climate Modes and Considering Model Uncertainty
  139. Improvements to Estimate ADCP Uncertainty Sources for Discharge Measurements
  140. Incorporating spatial uncertainty maps into soil sampling improves digital soil mapping classification accuracy in Ontario, Canada
  141. Kinetic model development and Bayesian uncertainty quantification for the complete reduction of Fe-based oxygen carriers with CH4, CO, and H2 for chemical looping
  142. Large-sample study of uncertainty of hydrological model components over North America
  143. Las2DoD: Change Detection Based on Digital Elevation Models Derived from Dense Point Clouds with Spatially Varied Uncertainty
  144. Low-Rank Approximation of Frequency Response Analysis of Perforated Cylinders under Uncertainty
  145. Machine learning approach for reducing uncertainty in AFM nanomechanical measurements through selection of appropriate contact model
  146. Machine Learning-Enhanced Play Fairway Analysis for Uncertainty Characterization and Decision Support in Geothermal Exploration
  147. Managing risk and uncertainty in systematic conservation planning with insufficient information
  148. Maps of relative floristic ignorance and virtual floristic lists: An R package to incorporate uncertainty in mapping and analysing biodiversity data
  149. Material Uncertainty Based Seismic Robustness Assessment of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames
  150. Measurement uncertainty quantification for myocardial perfusion using cardiac positron emission tomography imaging
  151. Measuring the effect of infectious disease-induced uncertainty on hotel room demand: a longitudinal analysis of US hotel industry
  152. Measuring the uncertainty assessment of an experimental device used to determine the thermo-optico-physical properties of translucent construction materials
  153. Method to Minimize the Errors of AI: Quantifying and Exploiting Uncertainty of Deep Learning in Brain Tumor Segmentation
  154. Minimizing Uncertainty in Prevalence Estimates
  155. Modeling bidirectional pedestrian flow with the perceived uncertainty of preceding pedestrian information
  156. Monetary policy uncertainty, debt financing cost and real economic activities: Evidence from China
  157. Multi-objective Optimization, Process Scale-up Techno-Economics and Uncertainty analysis of Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Phenolic-Rich Extract from Allium
  158. Multiple Volatility Real Options Approach to Investment Decisions Under Uncertainty
  159. Multistep prediction of dynamic uncertainty under limited data
  160. Nonlinear analysis of economic policy uncertainty: Based on the data in China, the US and the global
  161. Nuclear data uncertainty in iterative neutron spectrum unfolding
  162. Nuclear polarizability in muonic atoms: Bayesian analysis of the -expansion uncertainty
  163. Nuq: A noise metric for diffusion mri via uncertainty discrepancy quantification
  164. On Uncertainty Analysis of the Rate Controlled Production (RCP) Model
  165. Optimal design of solar-assisted steam and power system under uncertainty
  166. Optimal shape design and transition uncertainty analysis of transonic axisymmetric natural laminar flow nacelle at high Reynolds number
  167. Optimization Models under Uncertainty in Distributed Generation Systems: A Review
  168. Optimization-based clustering of random fields for computationally efficient and goal-oriented uncertainty quantification: Concept and demonstration for delineation of
  169. Organizational Performance in Environmental Uncertainty on the Indonesian Healthcare Industry: A Path Analysis
  170. Overview of Challenges in Performing Uncertainty Quantification for Fluids Engineering Problems
  171. Parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis in hydrological modeling
  172. Parameter Uncertainty Effects on the Buckling Characteristics of Cylindrical Structures in a Thermal Environment
  173. Passive analysis and finite-time anti-disturbance control for semi-Markovian jump fuzzy systems with saturation and uncertainty
  174. Passive safety systems analysis: A novel approach for inverse uncertainty quantification based on Stacked Sparse Autoencoders and Kriging metamodeling
  175. PBK modelling of topical application and characterisation of the uncertainty of Cmax estimate: A case study approach
  176. Personal data concern, behavioral puzzle and uncertainty in the age of digital surveillance
  177. Polynomial chaos expansion for uncertainty analysis and global sensitivity analysis
  178. Polyphase uncertainty analysis through virtual modelling technique
  179. Probabilistic analysis to analyze uncertainty incorporating copula theory
  180. Probabilistic power distribution considering power uncertainty of load and distributed generators using cumulant and truncated versatile distribution
  181. Projected Changes and Uncertainty of Cold Surges Over Northern China Using the Cmip6 Weighted Multi-Model Ensemble
  182. Quadratic Pose Estimation Problems: Globally Optimal Solutions, Solvability/Observability Analysis, and Uncertainty Description
  183. Quantification of Uncertainty in Extrapolation of Charring Ablator Material Performance to Flight
  184. Quantifying uncertainty in dose–response screenings of nanoparticles: a Bayesian data analysis
  185. Quantitative uncertainty estimation in biophysical models of fish larval connectivity in the Florida Keys
  186. Reducing the Uncertainty of Multi-Well Petrophysical Interpretation from Well Logs via Machine-Learning and Statistical Models
  187. Reliability analysis model of time-dependent multi-mode system under fuzzy uncertainty: Applied to undercarriage structures
  188. Remote sensing and field data based structural 3D modelling (Haslital, Switzerland) in combination with uncertainty estimation and verification by underground data
  189. Retrieval and Uncertainty Analysis of Land Surface Reflectance Using a Geostationary Ocean Color Imager
  190. Re-vitalising discourses of solidarity: Governing populations in times of uncertainty and crisis
  191. Risk assessment of energy investment in the industrial framework–Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis for energy design and operation optimisation
  192. Risk coupling analysis of subsea blowout accidents based on dynamic Bayesian network and NK model
  193. Robust and Efficient Uncertainty Quantification for Extreme Events that Deviate Significantly from the Training Dataset Using Polynomial Chaos-Kriging
  194. Robust topology optimization for structures under thermo-mechanical loadings considering hybrid uncertainties
  195. Role of hydrological parameters in the uncertainty in modeled soil organic carbon using a coupled water-carbon cycle model
  196. Searching the nature of uncertainty: Macroeconomic and financial risks VS geopolitical and pandemic risks
  197. SEED: Sound Event Early Detection via Evidential Uncertainty
  198. Seismic response and collapse analysis of a transmission tower-line system considering uncertainty factors
  199. Seismic robustness assessment of steel moment resisting frames employing material uncertainty incorporated incremental dynamic analysis
  200. Sensitivity analysis of injection parameters in steam assisted gravity drainage under geological uncertainty
  201. Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Reactor Modeling
  202. Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis on Reactivity for HEU and LEU Fuel Assemblies of Dalat Nuclear Research Reactor using Monte Carlo Code and ENDF/B-VII. 0
  203. Soil Organic Carbon and Soil Total Carbon Mapping and Uncertainty Analysis Using Machine Learning Techniques
  204. Spatial analysis and probabilistic risk assessment of exposure to fluoride in drinking water using GIS and Monte Carlo simulation
  205. Spatial Modelling of Concentration in Topsoil Using Random and Systematic Uncertainty Components: Comparison against Established Techniques
  206. State liability and uncertainty perception on cadastral parcel area registry in Turkey
  207. Static and dynamic characteristics of journal bearings under uncertainty: A non-probabilistic perspective
  208. Stochastic analysis of geometrically imperfect thin cylindrical shells using topology-aware uncertainty models
  209. Stochastic Galerkin methods for linear stability analysis of systems with parametric uncertainty
  210. Stochastic Stratigraphic Simulation and Uncertainty Quantification Using Machine Learning
  211. Study on the distribution characteristics and uncertainty of multiple energy load patterns for building group to enhance demand side management
  212. Surrogate modeling for dynamic analysis of an uncertain notched rotor system and roles of Chebyshev parameters
  213. Surrogate Neural Network Model for Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Quantification of the Mechanical Behavior in the Optical Lens-Barrel Assembly
  214. Systematic parameter analysis to reduce uncertainty in crowd simulations
  215. Systematic QM Region Construction in QM/MM Calculations Based on Uncertainty Quantification
  216. TEScalib: Targetless Extrinsic Self-Calibration of LiDAR and Stereo Camera for Automated Driving Vehicles with Uncertainty Analysis
  217. The Desirable Systemic Uncertainty in Complex IoT Sensor Networks—General Anticipatory Foresight Perspective
  218. The dynamic correlation between China’s policy uncertainty and the crude oil market: a time-varying analysis
  219. The embodied carbon of mass timber and concrete buildings in Australia: An uncertainty analysis
  220. The Mediating Effect of Uncertainty on the Impact of Information Technologies, Agility and Integration on Operational and Financial Performance
  221. The SUSD3D code for cross-section sensitivity and uncertainty analysis–recent development
  222. The uncertainty of climate change impacts on China’s agricultural economy based on an integrated assessment approach
  223. Three Essays on Housing, Credit and Uncertainty
  224. Threshold Sooting Index of Sustainable Aviation Fuel Candidates from Composition Input Alone: Progress toward Uncertainty Quantification
  225. Time-varying spillovers between trade policy uncertainty and precious metal markets: Evidence from China-US trade conflict
  226. Towards an Effective Application of Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty Analysis to Mathematical Groundwater Models
  227. Towards an Effective Application of Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty Analysis to Mathematical Groundwater Models
  228. Transient dynamic balancing of the rotor system with uncertainty
  229. Uncertainsci: Uncertainty Quantification for Computational Models in Biomedicine and Bioengineering
  230. Uncertainty analyses on the CFD–FEA co-simulations of ship wave loads and whipping responses
  231. Uncertainty Analysis and Experimental Validation of Identifying the Governing Equation of an Oscillator Using Sparse Regression
  232. Uncertainty analysis and risk identification of the gravity dam stability using fuzzy set theory
  233. Uncertainty Analysis Based on Kriging Meta-Model for Acoustic-Structural Problems
  234. Uncertainty analysis for stride-time-derived modelling of lower limb stiffness: applying Taylor series expansion for error propagation on Monte-Carlo simulated data
  235. Uncertainty analysis for the nuclear liquid drop model and implications for the symmetry energy coefficients
  236. Uncertainty Analysis in Ontology-Based Knowledge Representation
  237. Uncertainty Analysis in Predicting Differential Settlement at the Interface between Bridge Deck and Subgrade
  238. Uncertainty Analysis in SAR Sea Surface Wind Speed Retrieval through C-Band Geophysical Model Functions Inversion
  239. Uncertainty Analysis of a Simplified 2D Control-relevant Oil Reservoir Model
  240. Uncertainty analysis of curing-induced dimensional variability of composite structures utilizing physics-guided Gaussian process meta-modeling
  241. Uncertainty analysis of facemasks in mitigating SARS-CoV-2 transmission
  242. Uncertainty analysis of fiber optical current transformer on-site calibration
  243. Uncertainty analysis of infinite multiplication factor and nuclide number density based on the UAM-PWR benchmark with respect to cross sections, fission yields and
  244. Uncertainty analysis of natural vibration characteristics of composite laminated plates with spatially varied stochastic volume fractions
  245. Uncertainty Analysis of Offshore Platform Wind Load Tests
  246. Uncertainty Analysis of Scattering Parameters Calibrated by an Electronic Calibration Unit based on a Residual Model
  247. Uncertainty analysis of temperature distribution in a thermal fin using the concept of fuzzy derivative
  248. Uncertainty analysis of the optimal health-conscious operation of a hybrid PEMFC coastal ferry
  249. Uncertainty analysis using generalized Polynomial Chaos for the identification of structural constraining fixtures
  250. Uncertainty and correlation propagation analysis of powertrain mounting systems based on multi-ellipsoid convex model
  251. Uncertainty and multi-criteria global sensitivity analysis of structural systems using acceleration algorithm and sparse polynomial chaos expansion
  252. Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis
  253. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for probabilistic weather and climate risk modelling: an implementation in CLIMADA v. 3.1.
  254. Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of a Dry Cask for Spent Nuclear Fuel
  255. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of algal-bacterial model under different ranges of parameter variation
  256. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of heat transfer in hypersonic three-dimensional shock waves/turbulent boundary layer interaction flows
  257. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of the QUENCH-08 experiment using the FSTC tool
  258. Uncertainty budget for PTB’s gonioreflectometers and ways to improve it in the short VIS spectral range
  259. Uncertainty consideration in CFD-models via response surface modeling: Application on realistic dense and light gas dispersion simulations
  260. Uncertainty Effect of Co2 Molecular Diffusion Coefficient on Oil Recovery and Gas Storage in Underground Formations
  261. Uncertainty Estimation for Determination of Potassium Iodate Purity by Potentiometric Titrimetry
  262. Uncertainty estimation in classification of MGMT using radiogenomics for glioblastoma patients
  263. Uncertainty Estimation in Deep Learning‐Based Property Models: Graph Neural Networks Applied to The Critical Properties
  264. Uncertainty in building fan pressurization tests: Review and gaps in research
  265. Uncertainty in High-Pressure Stator Performance Measurement in an Annular Cascade at Engine-Representative Reynolds and Mach
  266. Uncertainty in industrial markets: The COVID-19 pandemic
  267. Uncertainty in the calibration transfer of solar irradiance scale: from absolute cavity radiometers to standard pyrheliometers
  268. Uncertainty of PIV/PTV based Eulerian pressure estimation using velocity uncertainty
  269. Uncertainty optimization of pure electric vehicle interior tire/road noise comfort based on data-driven
  270. Uncertainty propagation in risk and resilience analysis of hierarchical systems
  271. Uncertainty quantification and global sensitivity analysis for composite cylinder shell via data-driven polynomial chaos expansion
  272. Uncertainty Quantification for Aircraft Noise Emission Simulation: Methods and Limitations
  273. Uncertainty quantification for correlated variables combining p-box with copula upon limited observed data
  274. Uncertainty quantification for the mechanical behavior of fully grouted rockbolts subjected to pull-out tests
  275. Uncertainty Quantification in High-Low Dynamic System Coupling Using RAVEN and TRANSFORM
  276. Uncertainty Quantification in Large Scale Systems Design
  277. Uncertainty Quantification of Model Predictions Due to Fluid Flow in Laser Powder Bed Fusion of IN625
  278. Uncertainty Quantification of PWR Fuel Assembly Performance Analysis Based on Statistical Sampling Method
  279. Uncertainty quantification: data assimilation, propagation and validation of the numerical model of the Arade river cable-stayed bridge
  280. Uncertainty, risk and ignorance
  281. Uncertainty-aware convolutional neural network for COVID-19 X-ray images classification
  282. Uncertainty-based analysis of random load signal and fatigue life for mechanical structures
  283. Understanding the Uncertainty Using Sensitivity Analysis in Artificial Neural Networks
  284. Using SWAT model and SWAT-CUP software in simulation and analysis of hydrological uncertainty of Kasilian watershed
  285. Validation of the Sensitivity Analysis Method of Coordinate Measurement Uncertainty Evaluation
  286. Verification, Validation, and Uncertainty Quantification in Thermal Hydraulics, Freeman Scholar Lecture (2019)
  287. Very small‐scale, segregating‐fluidized‐bed experiments: A dataset for CFD‐DEM validation and uncertainty quantification
  288. Well logging prediction and uncertainty analysis based on recurrent neural network with attention mechanism and Bayesian theory
  289. Wind turbine noise uncertainty quantification for downwind conditions using metamodeling


Research Topics Biology
