Research Topics Uncertainty analysis
Research Area/ Research Interest: Uncertainty analysis
Research Paper Topics for: Masters and PhD Thesis and publication
- Comprehensive Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology (nth-CASAM): Overcoming the Curse of Dimensionality in Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis
- Model Uncertainty Analysis and the Margin of Safety
- A comprehensive review on optimization challenges of smart energy hubs under uncertainty factors
- A methodology for uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis for responses subject to Monte Carlo uncertainty with application to fuel plate
- Adaptive robust vulnerability analysis of power systems under uncertainty: A multilevel OPF-based optimization approach
- Analysis of the Impact of US Trade Policy Uncertainty on China Based on Bayesian VAR Model
- ARBO: Arbovirus modeling and uncertainty quantification toolbox
- Bayesian uncertainty analysis of SA turbulence model for supersonic jet interaction simulations
- Calibration and uncertainty budget analysis of a high precision telescopic instrument for simultaneous laser multilateration
- Challenges in estimation, uncertainty quantification and elicitation for pandemic modelling
- City-wide model-based analysis of heat recovery from wastewater using an uncertainty-based approach
- Climate change impact on wheat and maize growth in Ethiopia: A multi-model uncertainty analysis
- Evaluation of the impact of input uncertainty on urban building energy simulations using uncertainty and sensitivity analysis
- Extension of SCALE/Sampler’s sensitivity analysis
- From inference to design: A comprehensive framework for uncertainty quantification in engineering with limited information
- How does economic policy uncertainty affect CO2 emissions? A regional analysis in China
- Introducing variance-based global sensitivity analysis for uncertainty enabled operational and economic aircraft technology assessment
- Numerical analysis of performance uncertainty of heat exchangers operated with nanofluids
- Optimal Bayesian MCMC based fire brigade non-suppression probability model considering uncertainty of parameters
- Quantifying input uncertainty in the calibration of water quality models: reordering errors via the secant method
- Quantifying interaction uncertainty between subwatersheds and base-flow partitions on hydrological processes
- Quantifying the propagation of parametric uncertainty on flux balance analysis
- Reducing uncertainty in seismic assessment of multiple masonry buildings based on monitored demolitions
- Research and Forecast Analysis of Financial Stability for Policy Uncertainty
- Truth and Uncertainty. A critical discussion of the error concept versus the uncertainty concept
- Uncertainty analysis of modeled ozone changes due to anthropogenic emission reductions in Eastern Texas
- Uncertainty in climate change impact studies for irrigated maize cropping systems in southern Spain
- Uncertainty matters: Bayesian modeling of bicycle crashes with incomplete exposure data
- Uncertainty quantification of granular computing-neural network model for prediction of pollutant longitudinal dispersion coefficient in aquatic streams
- Advanced Graphite Creep Uncertainty Analysis
- Aircraft Selection Problem Using Decision Uncertainty Distance in Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making Analysis
- End-to-End ECV Uncertainty Budget Version 3 (E3UBv3)
- Evaluation and Projections of Surface Air Temperature over the Tibetan Plateau from CMIP6 and CMIP5: Warming Trend and Uncertainty
- Implications of Aggregation Uncertainty in DEA
- Methods for communicating the impact of parameter uncertainty in a multiple strategies cost-effectiveness comparison
- On the relationship between economic policy uncertainty, geopolitical risk and stock market returns in South Korea: a quantile causality analysis
- Overview of stochastic model updating in aerospace application under uncertainty treatment
- Time-frequency connectedness across housing markets, stock market and uncertainty: A Wavelet-Time Varying Parameter Vector Autoregression
- Types of uncertainty in simulation models: Categorisation for better identification, accounting and assessment
- Uncertainty Analysis of Optimal Instruction for WDN Pipes Repair and Replacement Using Fuzzy Cut-Hydraulic Simulation Approach
- Uncertainty Health Risk Assessment and Regional Control of Drinking Water: A Case Study of Hanyuan County, Southwest Mountainous Area, China
- new multi-model absolute difference-based sensitivity (MMADS) analysis method to screen non-influential processes under process model and parametric uncertainty
- uncertainty be ignored when exploring heterogeneity in public preferences for air pollution treatment policies? Comparative results from choice experiment analysis
- A comparative study on two different configurations of hybrid photovoltaic thermal collector with experimental validation and uncertainty analysis
- A comprehensive kinetic modeling study of hydrogen combustion with uncertainty quantification
- A concept analysis of family caregivers’ uncertainty of patient’s illness
- A critical perspective on uncertainty appraisal and sensitivity analysis in life cycle assessment
- A Data-Driven Deterministic Forecast-Based Probabilistic Method for Uncertainty Estimation of Wind Power Generation
- A detailed uncertainty analysis of EI-MBMS data from combustion experiments
- A dimension-reduction based Chebyshev polynomial method for uncertainty analysis in composite corrugated sandwich structures
- A Flow Feature Clustering-Assisted Uncertainty Analysis Workflow for Optimal Well Rates in Waterflood Projects
- A general framework for quantifying uncertainty at scale and its application to fusion research
- A method for uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in fuel performance codes
- A Monte Carlo approach to evaluate the local measurement uncertainty in transient heat transfer experiments using liquid crystal thermography
- A multi-method approach to scheduling and efficiency analysis in dual-resource constrained job shops with processing time uncertainty
- A new methodology for reference evapotranspiration prediction and uncertainty analysis under climate change conditions based on machine learning, multi criteria
- A probabilistic uncertainty evaluation method for turbomachinery probe measurements
- A project prioritization approach considering uncertainty, reliability, criteria prioritization, and robustness
- A Real Options Analysis of the Effects of Oil Price Uncertainty and Carbon Taxes on the Optimal Timing of Oil Field Decommissioning
- A risk assessment framework considering uncertainty for corrosion-induced natural gas pipeline accidents
- A three dimensional kinetic Monte Carlo defect-free crystal dissolution model for biological systems, with application to uncertainty analysis and robust optimization
- A three-stage automated modal identification framework for bridge parameters based on frequency uncertainty and density clustering
- Addressing the Impact of Non-intrinsic Uncertainty Sources in the Stability Analysis of a High-Speed Jet
- Addressing uncertainty in relative effectiveness assessments by HTA organizations
- An Analysis of Downstream Uncertainty in NRHO Stationkeeping Strategies
- An Information Geometry Approach to Robustness Analysis for the Uncertainty Quantification of Computer Codes
- An investigation of hard-disk drive circularity accounting for socio-technical dynamics and data uncertainty
- An uncertainty quantification method relevant to material test reactors
- Analysis and characterization of uncertainty components in the measurement of radio-electric signals and parameters.
- Analysis of Basic Issues for Energy Storage Introduction in an Uncertainty Landscape of Power Distribution and Consumption Demand Response
- Analysis of gamma-ray spectra with spectral unmixing—Part I: Determination of the characteristic limits (decision threshold and statistical uncertainty) for
- Analysis of nodalization uncertainty for nuclear system analysis code with Lax-Wendroff numerical scheme
- Analysis of Renewable Generation Uncertainty for Planning and Operation
- Analysis of uncertainty in chromaticity measurement of retroreflective color plate
- Application of adaptive Monte Carlo method to evaluate pose uncertainty in monocular vision system
- Aquifer Characterization and Uncertainty in Multi‐Frequency Oscillatory Flow Tests: Approach and Insights
- Artificial neural network to predict traction performance of autonomous ground vehicle on a sloped soil bin and uncertainty analysis
- Assessing Human Health Risk to DNAPLs Exposure in Bayesian Uncertainty Analysis.
- Assessment of uncertainty and credibility of predictions by the OECD QSAR Toolbox automated read-across workflow for predicting acute oral toxicity
- Bayesian calibration and uncertainty analysis of an agroecosystem model under different N management practices
- Bayesian extreme value analysis of kinematic-based surrogate measure of safety to detect crash-prone conditions in connected vehicles environment: A driving
- Best-practice severe accident uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for a short-term SBO sequence of a reference PWR using MAAP5
- Bidding and Drilling Under Uncertainty: An Empirical Analysis of Contingent Payment Auctions
- Calibration uncertainty in nanoparticle sintering simulations
- Calibration uncertainty of MEMS thermopile imagers for quantitative temperature measurement
- Can uncertainty be quantified?
- Cascade hydropower station risk operation under the condition of inflow uncertainty
- Clay content mapping and uncertainty estimation using weighted model averaging
- Closure Law Model Uncertainty Quantification
- Combined effect of anisotropy and uncertainty on the safe mud pressure window of horizontal wellbore drilled in anisotropic saturated rock
- Comparing district heating options under uncertainty using stochastic ordering
- Credit policy, uncertainty, and firm R&D investment: A quasi-natural experiment based on the Green Credit Guidelines
- Criticalities of Eurachem/CITAC guide uncertainty of qualitative results
- Cross Section and Fission Yields Induced Uncertainty in the Water–Water Energetic Reactor-440 Burnup Calculation
- Data assimilation for uncertainty reduction using different fidelity numerical models
- Dealing With Uncertainty: An Analysis of VRIN Resources for SME’s Business Survival
- Decomposing crop model uncertainty: A systematic review
- Demand-side flexibility in a residential district: What are the main sources of uncertainty?
- Democracy, Public Support, and Measurement Uncertainty
- Dense Residual LSTM-Attention Network for Boiler Steam Temperature Prediction with Uncertainty Analysis
- Determining allowable parametric uncertainty in an uncommon quadrotor model for closed loop stability
- Disproportionate policy dynamics in crisis and uncertainty: an international comparative analysis of policy responses to COVID-19
- Do I know this? segmentation uncertainty under domain shift
- Drawing Attention to the Measurement Uncertainty Arising from Sampling in Chemical and Physicochemical Analyses: An Overview
- Dynamic analysis of an L-shaped liquid-filled pipe with interval uncertainty
- Dynamic analysis of the dual-rotor system considering the defect size uncertainty of the inter-shaft bearin
- Dynamic real–time abnormal energy consumption detection and energy efficiency optimization analysis considering uncertainty
- Earthquake Risk of Gas Pipelines in the Conterminous United States and Its Sources of Uncertainty
- Economic uncertainty spillover and social networks
- Effects of Exposure to COVID-19 News and Information: A Meta-Analysis of Media Use and Uncertainty-Related Responses During the Pandemic
- Efficient Uncertainty Quantification and Sensitivity Analysis on the Aerothermal Performance of Turbine Blade Squealer Tip
- Energy price uncertainty and the value premium
- Equivalent description and stability analysis for discrete-time systems with uniformly distributed uncertainty
- Error and Uncertainty Analyses of Reference and Sample Reflectances Measured with Substitution Integrating Spheres
- Estimating the Uncertainty in Emotion Class Labels with Utterance-Specific Dirichlet Priors
- Estimating the uncertainty of middle-atmospheric temperatures retrieved from airborne Rayleigh lidar measurements
- Estimation uncertainty for some common seismic fragility curve fitting methods
- Evaluating the impact of uncertainty events on the cost of highway construction project using Adaptive-Network-based Fuzzy Inference System
- Evaluation and analysis of firecrackers noise: Measurement Uncertainty, legal noise regulations and noise induced hearing loss
- Evaluation of insurance companies considering uncertainty: A multi-objective network data envelopment analysis model with negative data and undesirable outputs
- Evidence-theory-based kinematic uncertainty analysis of a dual crane system with epistemic uncertainty
- Extreme Events for Infrastructure: Uncertainty and Risk
- Fast computation of uncertainty lower bounds for state-space model-based operational modal analysis
- Fatigue Analysis of Nonstationary Random Loadings Measured in an Industrial Vehicle Wheel: Uncertainty of Fatigue Damage
- Fatigue Life Prediction of Structures With Interval Uncertainty
- Flood anticipation, reality, and uncertainty, the 2019 flood in Khuzestan, Iran
- Flood Modeling and Forecasting Uncertainty
- Forecasting the Volatility of European Union Allowance Futures with Climate Policy Uncertainty Using the EGARCH-MIDAS Model
- Fourth-Order Adjoint Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of an OECD/NEA Reactor Physics Benchmark: II. Computed Response Uncertainties
- Future projection of low flows in the Chungju basin, Korea and their uncertainty decomposition
- Global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of a microalgae model for wastewater treatment
- Greenhouse gas emissions from Mexican inland waters: first estimation and uncertainty using an upscaling approach
- Group sequential designs for in vivo studies: Minimizing animal numbers and handling uncertainty in power analysis
- Hierarchical multi-response Gaussian processes for uncertainty analysis with multi-scale composite manufacturing simulation
- How to Make Quantum Ideas Less Counter-Intuitive: A Simple Analysis of Measurement Uncertainty Can Help
- Identification and uncertainty quantification of structural flexibility for reliability analysis
- Improved FMECA for effective risk management decision making by failure modes classification under uncertainty
- Improvement of Extreme Value Modeling for Extreme Rainfall Using Large-Scale Climate Modes and Considering Model Uncertainty
- Improvements to Estimate ADCP Uncertainty Sources for Discharge Measurements
- Incorporating spatial uncertainty maps into soil sampling improves digital soil mapping classification accuracy in Ontario, Canada
- Kinetic model development and Bayesian uncertainty quantification for the complete reduction of Fe-based oxygen carriers with CH4, CO, and H2 for chemical looping
- Large-sample study of uncertainty of hydrological model components over North America
- Las2DoD: Change Detection Based on Digital Elevation Models Derived from Dense Point Clouds with Spatially Varied Uncertainty
- Low-Rank Approximation of Frequency Response Analysis of Perforated Cylinders under Uncertainty
- Machine learning approach for reducing uncertainty in AFM nanomechanical measurements through selection of appropriate contact model
- Machine Learning-Enhanced Play Fairway Analysis for Uncertainty Characterization and Decision Support in Geothermal Exploration
- Managing risk and uncertainty in systematic conservation planning with insufficient information
- Maps of relative floristic ignorance and virtual floristic lists: An R package to incorporate uncertainty in mapping and analysing biodiversity data
- Material Uncertainty Based Seismic Robustness Assessment of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames
- Measurement uncertainty quantification for myocardial perfusion using cardiac positron emission tomography imaging
- Measuring the effect of infectious disease-induced uncertainty on hotel room demand: a longitudinal analysis of US hotel industry
- Measuring the uncertainty assessment of an experimental device used to determine the thermo-optico-physical properties of translucent construction materials
- Method to Minimize the Errors of AI: Quantifying and Exploiting Uncertainty of Deep Learning in Brain Tumor Segmentation
- Minimizing Uncertainty in Prevalence Estimates
- Modeling bidirectional pedestrian flow with the perceived uncertainty of preceding pedestrian information
- Monetary policy uncertainty, debt financing cost and real economic activities: Evidence from China
- Multi-objective Optimization, Process Scale-up Techno-Economics and Uncertainty analysis of Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Phenolic-Rich Extract from Allium
- Multiple Volatility Real Options Approach to Investment Decisions Under Uncertainty
- Multistep prediction of dynamic uncertainty under limited data
- Nonlinear analysis of economic policy uncertainty: Based on the data in China, the US and the global
- Nuclear data uncertainty in iterative neutron spectrum unfolding
- Nuclear polarizability in muonic atoms: Bayesian analysis of the -expansion uncertainty
- Nuq: A noise metric for diffusion mri via uncertainty discrepancy quantification
- On Uncertainty Analysis of the Rate Controlled Production (RCP) Model
- Optimal design of solar-assisted steam and power system under uncertainty
- Optimal shape design and transition uncertainty analysis of transonic axisymmetric natural laminar flow nacelle at high Reynolds number
- Optimization Models under Uncertainty in Distributed Generation Systems: A Review
- Optimization-based clustering of random fields for computationally efficient and goal-oriented uncertainty quantification: Concept and demonstration for delineation of
- Organizational Performance in Environmental Uncertainty on the Indonesian Healthcare Industry: A Path Analysis
- Overview of Challenges in Performing Uncertainty Quantification for Fluids Engineering Problems
- Parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis in hydrological modeling
- Parameter Uncertainty Effects on the Buckling Characteristics of Cylindrical Structures in a Thermal Environment
- Passive analysis and finite-time anti-disturbance control for semi-Markovian jump fuzzy systems with saturation and uncertainty
- Passive safety systems analysis: A novel approach for inverse uncertainty quantification based on Stacked Sparse Autoencoders and Kriging metamodeling
- PBK modelling of topical application and characterisation of the uncertainty of Cmax estimate: A case study approach
- Personal data concern, behavioral puzzle and uncertainty in the age of digital surveillance
- Polynomial chaos expansion for uncertainty analysis and global sensitivity analysis
- Polyphase uncertainty analysis through virtual modelling technique
- Probabilistic analysis to analyze uncertainty incorporating copula theory
- Probabilistic power distribution considering power uncertainty of load and distributed generators using cumulant and truncated versatile distribution
- Projected Changes and Uncertainty of Cold Surges Over Northern China Using the Cmip6 Weighted Multi-Model Ensemble
- Quadratic Pose Estimation Problems: Globally Optimal Solutions, Solvability/Observability Analysis, and Uncertainty Description
- Quantification of Uncertainty in Extrapolation of Charring Ablator Material Performance to Flight
- Quantifying uncertainty in dose–response screenings of nanoparticles: a Bayesian data analysis
- Quantitative uncertainty estimation in biophysical models of fish larval connectivity in the Florida Keys
- Reducing the Uncertainty of Multi-Well Petrophysical Interpretation from Well Logs via Machine-Learning and Statistical Models
- Reliability analysis model of time-dependent multi-mode system under fuzzy uncertainty: Applied to undercarriage structures
- Remote sensing and field data based structural 3D modelling (Haslital, Switzerland) in combination with uncertainty estimation and verification by underground data
- Retrieval and Uncertainty Analysis of Land Surface Reflectance Using a Geostationary Ocean Color Imager
- Re-vitalising discourses of solidarity: Governing populations in times of uncertainty and crisis
- Risk assessment of energy investment in the industrial framework–Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis for energy design and operation optimisation
- Risk coupling analysis of subsea blowout accidents based on dynamic Bayesian network and NK model
- Robust and Efficient Uncertainty Quantification for Extreme Events that Deviate Significantly from the Training Dataset Using Polynomial Chaos-Kriging
- Robust topology optimization for structures under thermo-mechanical loadings considering hybrid uncertainties
- Role of hydrological parameters in the uncertainty in modeled soil organic carbon using a coupled water-carbon cycle model
- Searching the nature of uncertainty: Macroeconomic and financial risks VS geopolitical and pandemic risks
- SEED: Sound Event Early Detection via Evidential Uncertainty
- Seismic response and collapse analysis of a transmission tower-line system considering uncertainty factors
- Seismic robustness assessment of steel moment resisting frames employing material uncertainty incorporated incremental dynamic analysis
- Sensitivity analysis of injection parameters in steam assisted gravity drainage under geological uncertainty
- Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Reactor Modeling
- Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis on Reactivity for HEU and LEU Fuel Assemblies of Dalat Nuclear Research Reactor using Monte Carlo Code and ENDF/B-VII. 0
- Soil Organic Carbon and Soil Total Carbon Mapping and Uncertainty Analysis Using Machine Learning Techniques
- Spatial analysis and probabilistic risk assessment of exposure to fluoride in drinking water using GIS and Monte Carlo simulation
- Spatial Modelling of Concentration in Topsoil Using Random and Systematic Uncertainty Components: Comparison against Established Techniques
- State liability and uncertainty perception on cadastral parcel area registry in Turkey
- Static and dynamic characteristics of journal bearings under uncertainty: A non-probabilistic perspective
- Stochastic analysis of geometrically imperfect thin cylindrical shells using topology-aware uncertainty models
- Stochastic Galerkin methods for linear stability analysis of systems with parametric uncertainty
- Stochastic Stratigraphic Simulation and Uncertainty Quantification Using Machine Learning
- Study on the distribution characteristics and uncertainty of multiple energy load patterns for building group to enhance demand side management
- Surrogate modeling for dynamic analysis of an uncertain notched rotor system and roles of Chebyshev parameters
- Surrogate Neural Network Model for Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Quantification of the Mechanical Behavior in the Optical Lens-Barrel Assembly
- Systematic parameter analysis to reduce uncertainty in crowd simulations
- Systematic QM Region Construction in QM/MM Calculations Based on Uncertainty Quantification
- TEScalib: Targetless Extrinsic Self-Calibration of LiDAR and Stereo Camera for Automated Driving Vehicles with Uncertainty Analysis
- The Desirable Systemic Uncertainty in Complex IoT Sensor Networks—General Anticipatory Foresight Perspective
- The dynamic correlation between China’s policy uncertainty and the crude oil market: a time-varying analysis
- The embodied carbon of mass timber and concrete buildings in Australia: An uncertainty analysis
- The Mediating Effect of Uncertainty on the Impact of Information Technologies, Agility and Integration on Operational and Financial Performance
- The SUSD3D code for cross-section sensitivity and uncertainty analysis–recent development
- The uncertainty of climate change impacts on China’s agricultural economy based on an integrated assessment approach
- Three Essays on Housing, Credit and Uncertainty
- Threshold Sooting Index of Sustainable Aviation Fuel Candidates from Composition Input Alone: Progress toward Uncertainty Quantification
- Time-varying spillovers between trade policy uncertainty and precious metal markets: Evidence from China-US trade conflict
- Towards an Effective Application of Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty Analysis to Mathematical Groundwater Models
- Towards an Effective Application of Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty Analysis to Mathematical Groundwater Models
- Transient dynamic balancing of the rotor system with uncertainty
- Uncertainsci: Uncertainty Quantification for Computational Models in Biomedicine and Bioengineering
- Uncertainty analyses on the CFD–FEA co-simulations of ship wave loads and whipping responses
- Uncertainty Analysis and Experimental Validation of Identifying the Governing Equation of an Oscillator Using Sparse Regression
- Uncertainty analysis and risk identification of the gravity dam stability using fuzzy set theory
- Uncertainty Analysis Based on Kriging Meta-Model for Acoustic-Structural Problems
- Uncertainty analysis for stride-time-derived modelling of lower limb stiffness: applying Taylor series expansion for error propagation on Monte-Carlo simulated data
- Uncertainty analysis for the nuclear liquid drop model and implications for the symmetry energy coefficients
- Uncertainty Analysis in Ontology-Based Knowledge Representation
- Uncertainty Analysis in Predicting Differential Settlement at the Interface between Bridge Deck and Subgrade
- Uncertainty Analysis in SAR Sea Surface Wind Speed Retrieval through C-Band Geophysical Model Functions Inversion
- Uncertainty Analysis of a Simplified 2D Control-relevant Oil Reservoir Model
- Uncertainty analysis of curing-induced dimensional variability of composite structures utilizing physics-guided Gaussian process meta-modeling
- Uncertainty analysis of facemasks in mitigating SARS-CoV-2 transmission
- Uncertainty analysis of fiber optical current transformer on-site calibration
- Uncertainty analysis of infinite multiplication factor and nuclide number density based on the UAM-PWR benchmark with respect to cross sections, fission yields and
- Uncertainty analysis of natural vibration characteristics of composite laminated plates with spatially varied stochastic volume fractions
- Uncertainty Analysis of Offshore Platform Wind Load Tests
- Uncertainty Analysis of Scattering Parameters Calibrated by an Electronic Calibration Unit based on a Residual Model
- Uncertainty analysis of temperature distribution in a thermal fin using the concept of fuzzy derivative
- Uncertainty analysis of the optimal health-conscious operation of a hybrid PEMFC coastal ferry
- Uncertainty analysis using generalized Polynomial Chaos for the identification of structural constraining fixtures
- Uncertainty and correlation propagation analysis of powertrain mounting systems based on multi-ellipsoid convex model
- Uncertainty and multi-criteria global sensitivity analysis of structural systems using acceleration algorithm and sparse polynomial chaos expansion
- Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis
- Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for probabilistic weather and climate risk modelling: an implementation in CLIMADA v. 3.1.
- Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of a Dry Cask for Spent Nuclear Fuel
- Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of algal-bacterial model under different ranges of parameter variation
- Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of heat transfer in hypersonic three-dimensional shock waves/turbulent boundary layer interaction flows
- Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of the QUENCH-08 experiment using the FSTC tool
- Uncertainty budget for PTB’s gonioreflectometers and ways to improve it in the short VIS spectral range
- Uncertainty consideration in CFD-models via response surface modeling: Application on realistic dense and light gas dispersion simulations
- Uncertainty Effect of Co2 Molecular Diffusion Coefficient on Oil Recovery and Gas Storage in Underground Formations
- Uncertainty Estimation for Determination of Potassium Iodate Purity by Potentiometric Titrimetry
- Uncertainty estimation in classification of MGMT using radiogenomics for glioblastoma patients
- Uncertainty Estimation in Deep Learning‐Based Property Models: Graph Neural Networks Applied to The Critical Properties
- Uncertainty in building fan pressurization tests: Review and gaps in research
- Uncertainty in High-Pressure Stator Performance Measurement in an Annular Cascade at Engine-Representative Reynolds and Mach
- Uncertainty in industrial markets: The COVID-19 pandemic
- Uncertainty in the calibration transfer of solar irradiance scale: from absolute cavity radiometers to standard pyrheliometers
- Uncertainty of PIV/PTV based Eulerian pressure estimation using velocity uncertainty
- Uncertainty optimization of pure electric vehicle interior tire/road noise comfort based on data-driven
- Uncertainty propagation in risk and resilience analysis of hierarchical systems
- Uncertainty quantification and global sensitivity analysis for composite cylinder shell via data-driven polynomial chaos expansion
- Uncertainty Quantification for Aircraft Noise Emission Simulation: Methods and Limitations
- Uncertainty quantification for correlated variables combining p-box with copula upon limited observed data
- Uncertainty quantification for the mechanical behavior of fully grouted rockbolts subjected to pull-out tests
- Uncertainty Quantification in High-Low Dynamic System Coupling Using RAVEN and TRANSFORM
- Uncertainty Quantification in Large Scale Systems Design
- Uncertainty Quantification of Model Predictions Due to Fluid Flow in Laser Powder Bed Fusion of IN625
- Uncertainty Quantification of PWR Fuel Assembly Performance Analysis Based on Statistical Sampling Method
- Uncertainty quantification: data assimilation, propagation and validation of the numerical model of the Arade river cable-stayed bridge
- Uncertainty, risk and ignorance
- Uncertainty-aware convolutional neural network for COVID-19 X-ray images classification
- Uncertainty-based analysis of random load signal and fatigue life for mechanical structures
- Understanding the Uncertainty Using Sensitivity Analysis in Artificial Neural Networks
- Using SWAT model and SWAT-CUP software in simulation and analysis of hydrological uncertainty of Kasilian watershed
- Validation of the Sensitivity Analysis Method of Coordinate Measurement Uncertainty Evaluation
- Verification, Validation, and Uncertainty Quantification in Thermal Hydraulics, Freeman Scholar Lecture (2019)
- Very small‐scale, segregating‐fluidized‐bed experiments: A dataset for CFD‐DEM validation and uncertainty quantification
- Well logging prediction and uncertainty analysis based on recurrent neural network with attention mechanism and Bayesian theory
- Wind turbine noise uncertainty quantification for downwind conditions using metamodeling
Research Topics Biology