Research Topics Crop Water management

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Research Area/ Research Interest: Crop Water management

Research Paper Topics for: Masters and PhD Thesis and publication

  1. 1 Integrated nematode management and crop health: Future challenges and opportunities
  2. A decision model for stochastic optimization of seasonal irrigation-water allocation
  3. A remote sensing and modeling integrated approach for constructing continuous time series of daily actual evapotranspiration
  4. An assessment of irrigated rice cultivation with different crop establishment practices in Vietnam
  5. Assessing the grapevine crop water stress indicator over the flowering-veraison phase and the potential yield lose rate in important European wine regions
  6. Basin-wide productivity and livelihood analysis of flood-based agricultural systems in African drylands: A case study in the Fogera floodplain
  7. BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Water Management and Soil Fertility Status at A Reclaimed Tidal Low Land of Telang Jaya Village …
  9. Conservation agriculture based integrated crop management sustains productivity and economic profitability along with soil properties of the maize-wheat …
  10. Coupling Effects of Goat Manure and Water Management on Immobilization of Cadmium and Improvement of Bacterial Community
  11. Cover crop and phosphorus fertilizer management impacts on surface water quality from a no-till corn-soybean rotation
  12. crop health: Future challenges and opportunities
  13. Crop Production Fluctuation And Agricultural Transformation: Impacts Of Constructing A Closure Dam
  14. Decision Support Systems for Crop Selection an Imperative for Enhancing Farmers Income
  16. Disentangling sources of future uncertainties for water management in sub-Saharan river basins
  17. Durum wheat ideotypes in Mediterranean environments differing in water and temperature conditions
  18. Effect of the optimized regulated deficit irrigation methodology on water use in garlic
  19. Enhancing water use efficiency and grain yield of wheat by optimizing irrigation supply in arid and semi-arid regions of Pakistan
  20. Exploring hyperspectral reflectance indices for the estimation of water and nitrogen status of spinach
  21. Geospatial Technologies for Land and Water Resources Management
  22. High-throughput phenotyping of a large tomato collection under water deficit: Combining UAVs’ remote sensing with conventional leaf-level physiologic and …
  23. Historical simulation of maize water footprints with a new global gridded crop model ACEA
  24. How do Western European farms behave and respond to Climate Change? A Simultaneous Irrigation-Crop Decision Model
  25. Improved representation of agricultural land use and crop management for large-scale hydrological impact simulation in Africa using SWAT+
  26. Influence of crop-water production functions on the expected performance of water pricing policies in irrigated agriculture
  27. International Journal of Water Management and Diplomacy is licensed under CC BY 4.0
  28. Investigating soybean (Glycine max L.) responses to irrigation on a large-scale farm in the humid climate of the Mississippi Delta region
  29. Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from irrigated rice cultivation through improved fertilizer and water management
  30. Narrowing crop yield gaps in Ethiopia under current and future climate: A model-based exploration of intensification options and their trade-offs with the water …
  31. New Insights in Cropping Patterns, Hydroponic Farming System and Roles in Crop Optimization through Advanced Technologies
  32. Optimal management of nitrogen fertilizer in the main rice crop and its carrying-over effect on ratoon rice under mechanized cultivation in Southeast China
  33. Optimising the water we eat—rethinking policy to enhance productive and sustainable use of water in agri-food systems across scales
  34. Optimization of Virtual Water Trade with Emphasis on Agricultural Sector Support From Two Perspectives: Maximizing Farmers’ Welfare and Employment.
  35. Saline Water Impact on Water Use Efficiency of Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia L) Using Drip Irrigation
  36. Soil Management and Crop Practice Effect on Soil Water Infiltration and Soil Water Storage in the Humid Lowlands of Beles Sub-Basin, Ethiopia
  37. Statistical Analysis of Crop Water Stress in Rainfed Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Using Spectral and Non-spectral Indices
  38. Symbiosis of Water and Agricultural Transformation in India
  39. The Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Crop Production
  41. The social wellbeing of irrigation water. A demand-side integrated valuation in a Mediterranean agroecosystem
  42. Tillage and crop management impacts on soil loss and crop yields in northwestern Ethiopia
  43. Translating open-source remote sensing data to crop water productivity improvement actions
  44. Use of fluorescence indices as predictors of crop N status and yield for greenhouse sweet pepper crops
  45. Using UAV-based thermal imagery to detect crop water status variability in cotton
  47. Water requirements for oil palm grown on marginal lands: A simulation approach
  48. Weed Management In Maize (Zea Mays L.) Crop Using Allelopathy Of Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.) And Johnson Grass (Sorghum Halepense) Aquatic …
  49. Winter cover crop biomass production and water use in southeast Queensland
  51. A circular model for sustainable produced water management in the oil and gas industry
  52. A Conceptual Approach toward Water Management with Aquaponics
  53. A co-simulation approach to study the impact of gravity collective irrigation constraints on plant dynamics in Southern France
  54. A global meta-analysis of fruit tree yield and water use efficiency under deficit irrigation
  55. A method for the prioritization of water reuse projects in agriculture irrigation
  57. A new solution of high-efficiency rainwater irrigation mode for water management in apple plantation: Design and application
  58. Adaptive Water Management-land Use Practice for Improving Ecosystem Services–a Hungarian Modelling Case Study
  59. Agricultural water and land resources allocation considering carbon sink/source and water scarcity/degradation footprint
  60. Agronomic Outcomes of Precision Irrigation Management Technologies with Varying Complexity
  61. Agronomic practices in soil water management for sustainable crop production under rain fed agriculture of Drylands in Sub-Sahara Africa
  62. An agent-based framework for simulating interactions between reservoir operators and farmers for reservoir management with dynamic demands
  63. An automatic control device for negative pressure irrigation for continuous low-rate water supply at constant soil wetting
  64. An interval multi-objective fuzzy-interval credibility-constrained nonlinear programming model for balancing agricultural and ecological water management
  65. Analysis of crop water requirements and irrigation demands for rice: Implications for increasing effective rainfall
  66. Analysis of the Acceptance of Sustainable Practices in Water Management for the Intensive Agriculture of the Costa de Hermosillo (Mexico)
  67. Analysis of the Water Demand-Supply Gap and Scarcity Index in Lower Amu Darya River Basin, Central Asia
  68. ANNs, SVM and empirical methods for modelling reference evapotranspiration with limited climatic data in the city of Xai-Xai, Mozambique
  69. Anticipate the impact of climate change at tidal swamplands through water management technology
  70. Application of in Situ Thermal Imaging to Estimate Crop Water Stress and Crop Water Requirements for Wheat in Koga Irrigation Scheme, Ethiopia
  71. Application of Modified Penman Method for Assessment of Crop Water Requirement in Venna Basin, Maharashtra India
  72. Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Crop Yield Forecasting and Water Productivity
  73. Applying Biostimulants to Combat Water Deficit in Crop Plants: Research and Debate
  74. AquaCrop Model Validation for Simulation Wheat Productivity under Water Stress Condition
  75. Artificial intelligent-based water and soil management
  76. Assessing the effect of spatial–temporal droughts on dominant crop yield changes in Central Malawi
  77. Assessment of CERES-Maize model in simulating maize growth, yield and soil water content under rainfed, limited and full irrigation
  78. Assessment of surface water management institutions: a case of public irrigation schemes in northern Algeria
  79. Assessment of the climate change impacts on the watershed-scale optimal crop pattern using a surface-groundwater interaction hydro-agronomic model
  80. Biochar as a means to improve soil fertility and crop productivity: a review
  81. Biodegradable mulch in weed management and water use efficiency in lettuce crop
  82. Biomaterial amendments combined with ridge–furrow mulching improve soil hydrothermal characteristics and wolfberry (Lycium barbarum L.) growth in the Qaidam …
  83. Calibration and validation of the FAO AquaCrop water productivity model for cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
  84. Can organic carbon and water supplementation sustain soil moisture–carbon balance under long-term plastic mulched semiarid farmland?
  85. Canal delivery and irrigation scheduling optimization based on crop water demand
  86. Case Study on Water Management Through Sustainable Smart Irrigation
  87. Center pivot irrigation capacity effects on maize yield and profitability in the Texas High Plains
  88. Centralized water management under lobbying: Economic analysis of desalination in Israel
  89. Climate Change-Induced Irrigation Water Problems and Resolution Strategies: A Case Study
  90. Climate Dependent Crop Management Through Data Modeling
  91. Climate-resilient agricultural water management to alleviate negative impacts of global warming in rice production systems
  92. Combination of Limited Meteorological Data for Predicting Reference Crop Evapotranspiration Using Artificial Neural Network Method
  93. Combined effects of irrigation level and fertilization practice on yield, economic benefit and water-nitrogen use efficiency of drip-irrigated greenhouse tomato
  94. Combined effects of ridge–furrow ratio and urea type on grain yield and water productivity of rainfed winter wheat on the Loess Plateau of China
  95. Combined effects of urea type and placement depth on grain yield, water productivity and nitrogen use efficiency of rain-fed spring maize in northern China
  96. Combined use of crop yield statistics and remotely sensed products for enhanced simulations of evapotranspiration within an agricultural watershed
  97. Combining multi-environmental trials and crop simulation to understand soybean response to early sowings under contrasting water conditions
  98. Comparison of cover crop monocultures and mixtures for suppressing nitrogen leaching losses
  99. Comparison of Crop Evapotranspiration and Water Productivity of Typical Delta Irrigation Areas in Aral Sea Basin
  100. Coupling effects of irrigation amount and nitrogen fertilizer type on grain yield, water productivity and nitrogen use efficiency of drip-irrigated maize
  101. Cover crop water use and corn silage production in-semi-arid irrigated conditions
  102. Creating a framework for coordination food security and sustainable management in agriculture lands and crop efficiency
  103. Crop diversification in southwest coastal Bangladesh: insights into farming adaptation
  104. Crop management: Wheat yield prediction and disease detection using an intelligent predictive algorithms and metrological parameters
  105. Crop Monitoring Strategy Based on Remote Sensing Data (Sentinel-2 and Planet), Study Case in a Rice Field after Applying Glycinebetaine
  106. Crop Performance Indexes Applied to Legume Used as Summer Cover Crops under Water Deficit Conditions
  107. Crop response and water productivity of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) drip-irrigated with magnetically treated and non-magnetically treated water with variable …
  108. Crop Water Availability Mapping in the Danube Basin Based on Deep Learning, Hydrological and Crop Growth Modelling
  109. Deep soil water storage and drainage following conversion of deep rooted to shallow rooted vegetation
  110. Design of IoT-Enabled Farmer-Centric Multi-Crop Irrigation Support System
  111. Detecting crop water requirement indicators in irrigated agroecosystems from soil water content profiles: An application for a citrus orchard
  112. Determing water use and crop coefficients of drip-irrigated cotton in south Xinjiang of China under various irrigation amounts
  113. Development and application of DRAINMOD model for simulating crop yield and water conservation benefits of drainage water recycling
  114. Development of a spatial decision system for irrigation management
  115. Differential Evolution for Water Management Problems
  116. Do Satellite Data Correlate with In Situ Rainfall and Smallholder Crop Yields? Implications for Crop Insurance
  117. Does plastic mulching reduce water footprint in field crops in China? A meta-analysis
  118. Does straw return increase crop yield in the wheat-maize cropping system in China? A meta-analysis
  119. Double-root-grafting enhances irrigation water efficiency and reduces the adverse effects of saline water on tomato yields under alternate partial root-zone irrigation
  120. Drip Fertigated Planting Systems with Polythene Mulching on Cauliflower–Eggplant Cropping Systems in Hot and Subhumid Climate: Impact on Soil Health and Crop …
  121. Driving factors of virtual water in international grain trade: A study for belt and road countries
  123. Drought monitoring in bivariate probabilistic framework for the maximization of water use efficiency
  124. Dry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Crop Water Production Functions and Yield Response Factors in an Arid to Semi-Arid Climate
  125. Effect of soil water content changes caused by ridge-furrow plastic film mulching on the root distribution and water use pattern of spring maize in the Loess Plateau
  126. Effect of water-salt regulation drip irrigation with saline water on tomato quality in an arid region
  127. Effects of Cover Crops on Soil Hydraulic Properties During Commodity Crop Growing Season
  128. Effects of crop residue managements and tillage practices on variations of soil penetration resistance in sloping farmland of Mollisols
  129. Effects of drip irrigation methods on yield and water productivity of maize in Northwest China
  130. Effects of irrigation and fertilization on different potato varieties growth, yield and resources use efficiency in the Northwest China
  131. Effects of irrigation and fertilization on grain yield, water and nitrogen dynamics and their use efficiency of spring wheat farmland in an arid agricultural watershed of …
  132. Effects of optimized water management on the uptake and translocation of cadmium and arsenic in Oryza sativa L. in two contaminated soils
  133. Effects of partial organic fertilizer replacement combined with rainwater collection system on soil water, nitrate-nitrogen and apple yield of rainfed apple orchard in the …
  134. Effects of residual film on maize root distribution, yield and water use efficiency in Northwest China
  135. Effects of soil preparation and mulching practices together with different urea applications on the water and nitrogen use of winter wheat in semi-humid and drought …
  136. Effects of water and nitrogen coupling on watermelon growth, photosynthesis and yield under CO2 enrichment
  137. Encounter risk analysis of crop water requirements and effective precipitation based on the copula method in the Hilly Area of Southwest China
  138. Enhancing irrigation water productivity and controlling salinity under uncertainty: a full fuzzy dependent linear fractional programming approach
  139. Estimate Cotton Water Consumption from Shallow Groundwater under Different Irrigation Schedules
  140. Estimating and partitioning maize evapotranspiration as affected by salinity using weighing lysimeters and the SIMDualKc model
  141. Estimating potential yield and change in water budget for wheat and maize across Huang-Huai-Hai Plain in the future
  142. Estimation of actual evapotranspiration and water stress in the Lijiang River Basin, China using a modified Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEBop) …
  143. Estimation of crop evapotranspiration from MODIS data by combining random forest and trapezoidal models
  144. Estimation of Crop Water Requirement and Irrigation Scheduling of Rice in Southeastern Region of Bangladesh Using FAO-CROPWAT 8.0
  145. Evaluating the adaptability of an irrigation district to seasonal water availability using a decade of remotely sensed evapotranspiration estimates
  146. Evaluation of AquaCrop model performance under mulched drip irrigation for maize in Northeast China
  147. Evaluation of effects of limited irrigation on regional-scale water movement and salt accumulation in arid agricultural areas
  148. Evaluation of regulated deficit drip irrigation strategies in apricot
  149. Evaluation of saline water irrigation on cotton growth and yield using the AquaCrop crop simulation model
  150. Evaluation of the drought management measures in a semi-arid agricultural watershed
  151. Evaluation of Tillage Systems on Wheat Crop Production Under Surface and Sprinkler Irrigation Methods: Application for Rural Areas Close to Baghdad, Iraq
  152. Evapotranspiration characteristics and soil water balance of alfalfa grasslands under regulated deficit irrigation in the inland arid area of Midwestern China
  153. Evapotranspiration estimation using a modified crop coefficient model in a rotated rice-winter wheat system
  154. Evapotranspiration, crop coefficient and water use efficiency of onion cultivated under different irrigation depths
  155. Ex-foliar applied extremolyte ectoine improves water management, photosystem, antioxidant system and redox homeostasis in Zea mays under cadmium toxicity
  156. Expected effects of climate change on the production and water use of crop rotation management reproduced by crop model ensemble for Czech Republic sites
  157. Exploring long-term impacts of different crop rotation systems on sustainable use of groundwater resources using DSSAT model
  158. Exploring the environmental impact of crop production in China using a comprehensive footprint approach
  159. Field scale discharge and water quality response, to drainage water management
  160. Fossil water: Last resort to resolve long-standing water scarcity?
  161. Fundamental Study on Water Stress Detection in Sugarcane Using Thermal Image Combined with Photosynthesis Measurement Under a Greenhouse Condition
  162. Geo-CropSim: A Geo-spatial crop simulation modeling framework for regional scale crop yield and water use assessment
  163. Global water scarcity assessment incorporating green water in crop production
  164. High-resolution propagation time from meteorological to agricultural drought at multiple levels and spatiotemporal scales
  165. Historical Water Management in SE Spain:–with a focus on traditional irrigation strategies in the Vega of Vélez Blanco
  166. How agricultural water use efficiency varies in China—A spatial-temporal analysis considering unexpected outputs
  167. How changes in cropping intensity affect water usage in an irrigated Mediterranean catchment
  168. Humic acid modulates growth, photosynthesis, hormone and osmolytes system of maize under drought conditions
  169. Identifying water availability with maize phytoliths in Range Creek Canyon, Utah
  170. If the combination of straw interlayer and irrigation water reduction maintained sunflower yield by boosting soil fertility and improving bacterial community in arid and …
  171. Impact of biochar amendment on soil hydrological properties and crop water use efficiency: a global meta‐analysis and structural equation model
  172. Impact of mulching and nutrients on soil water balance and actual evapotranspiration of irrigated winter cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)
  173. Impact of water markets on equity and efficiency in irrigation water use: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  174. Impacts of Different Water Management Technologies on Water Productivity, Partial Nutrient Balance and Yield of Bread Wheat at Koga Irrigation Scheme
  175. Implication of climate variable selections on the uncertainty of reference crop evapotranspiration projections propagated from climate variables projections under …
  176. Implicit alignment: India’s National Water Policy and a human rights‐based approach to water management
  177. Improving crop modeling to better simulate maize yield variability under different irrigation managements
  178. Improving wheat yield by optimizing seeding and fertilizer rates based on precipitation in the summer fallow season in drylands of the Loess Plateau
  179. Increasing available water capacity as a factor for increasing drought resilience or potential conflict over water resources under present and future climate conditions
  180. Integrated assessment of carbon footprint and economic profit from paddy fields under microbial decaying agents with diverse water regimes in central China
  181. Integrated effects of microbial decomposing inoculant on greenhouse gas emissions, grain yield and economic profit from paddy fields under different water regimes
  182. Integrated water resources management in Sikta irrigation system, Nepal
  183. Intelligent IoT-multiagent precision irrigation approach for improving water use efficiency in irrigation systems at farm and district scales
  184. Interactive effects of plant density and nitrogen rate on grain yield, economic benefit, water productivity and nitrogen use efficiency of drip-fertigated maize in northwest …
  185. Inter-lighting and defoliation in a soilless culture system require more dynamic water management for improving the yield-promotion effect
  186. Interplay of irrigation strategies and sowing dates on sunflower yield in semi-arid Mediterranean areas
  187. IoT Framework for Measurement and Precision Agriculture: Predicting the Crop Using Machine Learning Algorithms
  188. Irrigated agriculture potential of Australia’s northern territory inferred from spatial assessment of groundwater availability and crop evapotranspiration
  189. Irrigation management or climate change? Which is more important to cope with water shortage in the production of table grape in a Mediterranean context
  190. Irrigation water management of soybeans
  191. Irrigation water use and efficiency assessment coupling crop cultivation, commutation and consumption processes
  192. Irrigation-induced hydrothermal variation affects greenhouse gas emissions and crop production
  193. Joint analysis of drought and heat events during maize (Zea mays L.) growth periods using copula and cloud models: A case study of Songliao Plain
  194. Layering smart management practices to sustainably maintain rice yields and improve water use efficiency in eastern India
  195. Least-Cost Provision of Ecosystem Services from Water: When, Where, and How Much?
  196. Leveraging sustainable development of agriculture with sustainable water management: The empirical investigation of “Five Water Cohabitation” of Zhejiang Province …
  197. Limited irrigation and fertilization in sand-layered soil increases nitrogen use efficiency and economic benefits under film mulched ridge-furrow irrigation in arid areas
  198. Long-term cover crop management effects on soil properties in dryland cropping systems
  199. Long-term straw rather than manure additions improved least limiting water range in a Vertisol
  200. Magnetization and oxidation of irrigation water to improve winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production and water-use efficiency
  201. Maize leaf functional responses to blending urea and slow-release nitrogen fertilizer under various drip irrigation regimes
  202. Maize response to coupled irrigation and nitrogen fertilization under center pivot, subsurface drip and surface (furrow) irrigation: Growth, development and productivity
  203. Making the invisible visible: Co-learning guided development of an operational tool for irrigation management
  204. Managing water table depth thresholds for potato subirrigation
  205. Maximizing soybean productivity and profitability by transitioning from flood to furrow irrigation on clay‐textured soils
  206. Measurement of Resource Environmental Performance of Crop Planting Water Consumption Based on Water Footprint and Data Enveloped Analysis
  207. Measuring and modelling nitrate fluxes in a mature commercial apple orchard
  208. Methodical Approaches to Economic Efficiency Assessment of Crop Growing by the Implementation of Hydro-reclamation Innovation-and-Investment Projects
  209. Methods to estimate evapotranspiration in humid and subtropical climate conditions
  210. Modeling Reference Crop Evapotranspiration Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) in Region IV-A, Philippines
  211. Modelling soil salinity effects on salt water uptake and crop growth using a modified denitrification-decomposition model: A phytoremediation approach
  212. Monitoring and analysis of crop irrigation dynamics in Central Italy through the use of MODIS NDVI data
  213. Monitoring irrigation dynamics in paddy fields using spatiotemporal fusion of Sentinel-2 and MODIS
  214. Multispectral Imaging for Identification of Water Stress and Chlorophyll Content in Paddy Field Using Vegetation Indices
  215. Multi-variable assimilation into a modified AquaCrop model for improved maize simulation without management or crop phenology information
  216. Optimal crop planting pattern can be harmful to reach carbon neutrality: Evidence from food-energy-water-carbon nexus perspective
  217. Optimal soil Eh, pH for simultaneous decrease of bioavailable Cd, As in co-contaminated paddy soil under water management strategies
  218. Optimized algorithm for evapotranspiration retrieval via remote sensing
  219. Optimized spectral index models for accurately retrieving soil moisture (SM) of winter wheat under water stress
  220. Optimizing Approach of Water Allocation to Off-Takes During Reduced Flows
  221. Optimizing irrigation and fertilization at various growth stages to improve mango yield, fruit quality and water-fertilizer use efficiency in xerothermic regions
  222. Optimizing the impact of film mulching pattern and nitrogen application rate on maize production, gaseous N emissions, and utilization of water and nitrogen in …
  223. Optimizing the ridge–furrow ratio and nitrogen application rate can increase the grain yield and water use efficiency of rain-fed spring maize in the Loess Plateau …
  224. Overview of Geospatial Technologies for Land and Water Resources Management
  225. Partial root zone drying increases peppermint essential oil yield and water productivity
  226. Perceptions of Irrigation Water Management Practices in the Mississippi Delta
  227. Perceptions on irrigation water supply and utilisation by smallholder agricultural enterprises in Vhembe district of Limpopo Province, South Africa
  228. Plastic film mulching increases yield, water productivity, and net income of rain-fed winter wheat compared with no mulching in semiarid Northwest China
  229. Practical analysis of remote sensing estimations of water use for major crops throughout the Urmia Lake basin
  230. Precise Monitoring of Sugarcane Crop in Pakistan using Support Vector Machine
  231. Predicting the impacts of the changes in crop pattern on water table level and electrical conductivity of an unconfined aquifer using a Bayesian decision network
  232. Productivity and water use in forage-winter wheat cropping systems across variable precipitation gradients on the Loess Plateau of China
  233. Quantifying grain yield, protein, nutrient uptake and utilization of winter wheat under various drip fertigation regimes
  234. Quantifying irrigation water use with remote sensing: Soil water deficit modelling with uncertain soil parameters
  235. Quantitative assessment of the dynamics and attribution of arable land water scarcity for arid and semiarid areas based on water footprint framework: the Inner …
  236. Rainfed crop yield response to climate change in Iran
  237. Raised and sunken bed system for crop diversification, improving water productivity and economic returns: A case study in low-lying paddy lands of North-east India
  238. Rapid change in soil properties after converting grasslands to crop production
  239. Remote sensing and soil moisture data for water productivity determination
  240. Resolving data-hungry nature of machine learning reference evapotranspiration estimating models using inter-model ensembles with various data management …
  241. Response and contribution of shallow groundwater to soil water/salt budget and crop growth in layered soils
  242. Responses of yield, quality and water-nitrogen use efficiency of greenhouse sweet pepper to different drip fertigation regimes in Northwest China
  243. Rice yield, water productivity, and nitrogen use efficiency responses to nitrogen management strategies under supplementary irrigation for rain-fed rice cultivation
  244. Ridge–furrow rainfall harvesting system helps to improve stability, benefits and precipitation utilization efficiency of maize production in Loess Plateau region of China
  245. Ridge–furrow rainwater harvesting combined with supplementary irrigation: Water-saving and yield-maintaining mode for winter wheat in a semiarid region based on …
  246. Robotic Irrigation Water Management: Estimating Soil Moisture Content by Feel and Appearance
  247. Role of Geospatial Technology for Enhancement of Field Water Use Efficiency
  248. Salt and irrigation management of soil-grown Mediterranean greenhouse tomato crops drip-irrigated with moderately saline water
  249. Sand dams for sustainable water management: challenges and future opportunities
  250. Scheduling Quinoa Irrigation by Crop Water Stress Index
  251. Seasonal variation and controlling factors of evapotranspiration over dry semi-humid cropland in Guanzhong Plain, China
  252. Selection of Resilient Crop Species for Cultivation Under Projected Climate Change
  253. Sequenced Crop Evapotranspiration and Water Requirement in Developing a Multitrigger Rainfall Index Insurance and Risk-Contingent Credit
  254. Short-term legacy effects of rice season irrigation and fertilization on the soil bacterial community of the subsequent wheat season in a rice-wheat rotation system
  255. Silicon as a mitigator of water deficit stress in radish crop
  256. Soil health and crop response of biochar: an updated analysis
  257. Soil water stress and physiological responses of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) subject to tillage and irrigation management in lower Gangetic plain
  258. Spatial optimization of cropping pattern in the upper-middle reaches of the Heihe River basin, Northwest China
  259. Spatio-temporal variation of irrigation water requirements for wheat and maize in the Yellow River Basin, China, 1974–2017
  260. Strategies to Improve Crop-Water Productivity
  261. Strategies to Reduce Crop Water Footprint in Intensive Wheat-Maize Rotations in North China Plain
  262. Study on agricultural cultivation development layout based on the matching characteristic of water and land resources in North China Plain
  263. Subfield maize yield prediction improves when in-season crop water deficit is included in remote sensing imagery-based models
  264. Sustainable agricultural water management incorporating inexact programming and uncertain salinization-related grey water footprint
  265. Sustainable conjunctive water management model for alleviating water shortage
  266. Sustainable management of agricultural water and land resources under changing climate and socio-economic conditions: A multi-dimensional optimization approach
  267. Synergy of remotely sensed data in spatiotemporal dynamic modeling of the crop and cover management factor
  268. The effect of different fertigation strategies on salinity and nutrient dynamics of cherry tomato grown in a gutter subirrigation system
  269. The effects of bio-based superabsorbent polymers on the water/nutrient retention characteristics and agricultural productivity of a saline soil from the Yellow River …
  270. The synergy between water conservation and economic profitability of adopting alternative irrigation systems for cotton production in the Texas High Plains
  271. Thermal imaging for assessment of maize water stress and yield prediction under drought conditions
  272. Towards Smart Irrigation: A Literature Review on the Use of Geospatial Technologies and Machine Learning in the Management of Water Resources in Arboriculture
  273. Towards sustainable circular agriculture: An integrated optimization framework for crop-livestock-biogas-crop recycling system management under uncertainty
  274. Translational Platform for Increasing Water Use Efficiency in Agriculture: Comparative Analysis of Plantation Crops
  275. Two irrigation events can achieve relatively high, stable corn yield and water productivity in aeolian sandy soil of northeast China
  276. UAV-based remote sensing in plant stress imagine using high-resolution thermal sensor for digital agriculture practices: a meta-review
  277. Unravelling resources use efficiency and its drivers for water transfer and grain production processes in pumping irrigation system
  278. Updated trends of water management practice in the Italian rice paddies from remotely sensed imagery
  279. Using SWAT‐MEA to determine optimal placement of crop management systems under no‐till
  280. Utility of Satellite-Based Open Access Data in Estimating Land and Water Productivity for a Canal Command
  281. Water deficit index to evaluate water stress status and drought tolerance of rainfed barley genotypes in cold semi-arid area of Iran
  282. Water Demand in Maize Is Projected to Decrease under Changing Climate in India
  283. Water Footprint Assessment: towards water-wise food systems
  284. Water footprint of rain-fed maize in different growth stages and associated climatic driving forces in Northeast China
  285. Water in the West: Trends, production efficiency, and a call for open data
  286. Water Management in Era of Climate Change
  287. Water requirements for carrot crop with sprinkler irrigation under Russian conditions
  288. Water resource use and driving forces analysis for crop production in China coupling irrigation and water footprint paradigms
  289. Water use efficiency of castor bean under semi-arid conditions of Brazil
  290. Water-Energy-Food Nexus Approach to Assess Crop Trading in Saudi Arabia
  291. What is the past, present, and future of scientific research on the Yellow River Basin?—A bibliometric analysis


Research Topics Biology
