Research Area/ Research Interest: Crop Water management
Research Paper Topics for: Masters and PhD Thesis and publication
- 1 Integrated nematode management and crop health: Future challenges and opportunities
- A decision model for stochastic optimization of seasonal irrigation-water allocation
- A remote sensing and modeling integrated approach for constructing continuous time series of daily actual evapotranspiration
- An assessment of irrigated rice cultivation with different crop establishment practices in Vietnam
- Assessing the grapevine crop water stress indicator over the flowering-veraison phase and the potential yield lose rate in important European wine regions
- Basin-wide productivity and livelihood analysis of flood-based agricultural systems in African drylands: A case study in the Fogera floodplain
- BUKTI KORESPONDENSI KARYA ILMIAH dengan judul: Water Management and Soil Fertility Status at A Reclaimed Tidal Low Land of Telang Jaya Village …
- Conservation agriculture based integrated crop management sustains productivity and economic profitability along with soil properties of the maize-wheat …
- Coupling Effects of Goat Manure and Water Management on Immobilization of Cadmium and Improvement of Bacterial Community
- Cover crop and phosphorus fertilizer management impacts on surface water quality from a no-till corn-soybean rotation
- crop health: Future challenges and opportunities
- Crop Production Fluctuation And Agricultural Transformation: Impacts Of Constructing A Closure Dam
- Decision Support Systems for Crop Selection an Imperative for Enhancing Farmers Income
- Disentangling sources of future uncertainties for water management in sub-Saharan river basins
- Durum wheat ideotypes in Mediterranean environments differing in water and temperature conditions
- Effect of the optimized regulated deficit irrigation methodology on water use in garlic
- Enhancing water use efficiency and grain yield of wheat by optimizing irrigation supply in arid and semi-arid regions of Pakistan
- Exploring hyperspectral reflectance indices for the estimation of water and nitrogen status of spinach
- Geospatial Technologies for Land and Water Resources Management
- High-throughput phenotyping of a large tomato collection under water deficit: Combining UAVs’ remote sensing with conventional leaf-level physiologic and …
- Historical simulation of maize water footprints with a new global gridded crop model ACEA
- How do Western European farms behave and respond to Climate Change? A Simultaneous Irrigation-Crop Decision Model
- Improved representation of agricultural land use and crop management for large-scale hydrological impact simulation in Africa using SWAT+
- Influence of crop-water production functions on the expected performance of water pricing policies in irrigated agriculture
- International Journal of Water Management and Diplomacy is licensed under CC BY 4.0
- Investigating soybean (Glycine max L.) responses to irrigation on a large-scale farm in the humid climate of the Mississippi Delta region
- Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from irrigated rice cultivation through improved fertilizer and water management
- Narrowing crop yield gaps in Ethiopia under current and future climate: A model-based exploration of intensification options and their trade-offs with the water …
- New Insights in Cropping Patterns, Hydroponic Farming System and Roles in Crop Optimization through Advanced Technologies
- Optimal management of nitrogen fertilizer in the main rice crop and its carrying-over effect on ratoon rice under mechanized cultivation in Southeast China
- Optimising the water we eat—rethinking policy to enhance productive and sustainable use of water in agri-food systems across scales
- Optimization of Virtual Water Trade with Emphasis on Agricultural Sector Support From Two Perspectives: Maximizing Farmers’ Welfare and Employment.
- Saline Water Impact on Water Use Efficiency of Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia L) Using Drip Irrigation
- Soil Management and Crop Practice Effect on Soil Water Infiltration and Soil Water Storage in the Humid Lowlands of Beles Sub-Basin, Ethiopia
- Statistical Analysis of Crop Water Stress in Rainfed Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Using Spectral and Non-spectral Indices
- Symbiosis of Water and Agricultural Transformation in India
- The Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Crop Production
- The social wellbeing of irrigation water. A demand-side integrated valuation in a Mediterranean agroecosystem
- Tillage and crop management impacts on soil loss and crop yields in northwestern Ethiopia
- Translating open-source remote sensing data to crop water productivity improvement actions
- Use of fluorescence indices as predictors of crop N status and yield for greenhouse sweet pepper crops
- Using UAV-based thermal imagery to detect crop water status variability in cotton
- Water requirements for oil palm grown on marginal lands: A simulation approach
- Weed Management In Maize (Zea Mays L.) Crop Using Allelopathy Of Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.) And Johnson Grass (Sorghum Halepense) Aquatic …
- Winter cover crop biomass production and water use in southeast Queensland
- A circular model for sustainable produced water management in the oil and gas industry
- A Conceptual Approach toward Water Management with Aquaponics
- A co-simulation approach to study the impact of gravity collective irrigation constraints on plant dynamics in Southern France
- A global meta-analysis of fruit tree yield and water use efficiency under deficit irrigation
- A method for the prioritization of water reuse projects in agriculture irrigation
- A new solution of high-efficiency rainwater irrigation mode for water management in apple plantation: Design and application
- Adaptive Water Management-land Use Practice for Improving Ecosystem Services–a Hungarian Modelling Case Study
- Agricultural water and land resources allocation considering carbon sink/source and water scarcity/degradation footprint
- Agronomic Outcomes of Precision Irrigation Management Technologies with Varying Complexity
- Agronomic practices in soil water management for sustainable crop production under rain fed agriculture of Drylands in Sub-Sahara Africa
- An agent-based framework for simulating interactions between reservoir operators and farmers for reservoir management with dynamic demands
- An automatic control device for negative pressure irrigation for continuous low-rate water supply at constant soil wetting
- An interval multi-objective fuzzy-interval credibility-constrained nonlinear programming model for balancing agricultural and ecological water management
- Analysis of crop water requirements and irrigation demands for rice: Implications for increasing effective rainfall
- Analysis of the Acceptance of Sustainable Practices in Water Management for the Intensive Agriculture of the Costa de Hermosillo (Mexico)
- Analysis of the Water Demand-Supply Gap and Scarcity Index in Lower Amu Darya River Basin, Central Asia
- ANNs, SVM and empirical methods for modelling reference evapotranspiration with limited climatic data in the city of Xai-Xai, Mozambique
- Anticipate the impact of climate change at tidal swamplands through water management technology
- Application of in Situ Thermal Imaging to Estimate Crop Water Stress and Crop Water Requirements for Wheat in Koga Irrigation Scheme, Ethiopia
- Application of Modified Penman Method for Assessment of Crop Water Requirement in Venna Basin, Maharashtra India
- Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Crop Yield Forecasting and Water Productivity
- Applying Biostimulants to Combat Water Deficit in Crop Plants: Research and Debate
- AquaCrop Model Validation for Simulation Wheat Productivity under Water Stress Condition
- Artificial intelligent-based water and soil management
- Assessing the effect of spatial–temporal droughts on dominant crop yield changes in Central Malawi
- Assessment of CERES-Maize model in simulating maize growth, yield and soil water content under rainfed, limited and full irrigation
- Assessment of surface water management institutions: a case of public irrigation schemes in northern Algeria
- Assessment of the climate change impacts on the watershed-scale optimal crop pattern using a surface-groundwater interaction hydro-agronomic model
- Biochar as a means to improve soil fertility and crop productivity: a review
- Biodegradable mulch in weed management and water use efficiency in lettuce crop
- Biomaterial amendments combined with ridge–furrow mulching improve soil hydrothermal characteristics and wolfberry (Lycium barbarum L.) growth in the Qaidam …
- Calibration and validation of the FAO AquaCrop water productivity model for cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
- Can organic carbon and water supplementation sustain soil moisture–carbon balance under long-term plastic mulched semiarid farmland?
- Canal delivery and irrigation scheduling optimization based on crop water demand
- Case Study on Water Management Through Sustainable Smart Irrigation
- Center pivot irrigation capacity effects on maize yield and profitability in the Texas High Plains
- Centralized water management under lobbying: Economic analysis of desalination in Israel
- Climate Change-Induced Irrigation Water Problems and Resolution Strategies: A Case Study
- Climate Dependent Crop Management Through Data Modeling
- Climate-resilient agricultural water management to alleviate negative impacts of global warming in rice production systems
- Combination of Limited Meteorological Data for Predicting Reference Crop Evapotranspiration Using Artificial Neural Network Method
- Combined effects of irrigation level and fertilization practice on yield, economic benefit and water-nitrogen use efficiency of drip-irrigated greenhouse tomato
- Combined effects of ridge–furrow ratio and urea type on grain yield and water productivity of rainfed winter wheat on the Loess Plateau of China
- Combined effects of urea type and placement depth on grain yield, water productivity and nitrogen use efficiency of rain-fed spring maize in northern China
- Combined use of crop yield statistics and remotely sensed products for enhanced simulations of evapotranspiration within an agricultural watershed
- Combining multi-environmental trials and crop simulation to understand soybean response to early sowings under contrasting water conditions
- Comparison of cover crop monocultures and mixtures for suppressing nitrogen leaching losses
- Comparison of Crop Evapotranspiration and Water Productivity of Typical Delta Irrigation Areas in Aral Sea Basin
- Coupling effects of irrigation amount and nitrogen fertilizer type on grain yield, water productivity and nitrogen use efficiency of drip-irrigated maize
- Cover crop water use and corn silage production in-semi-arid irrigated conditions
- Creating a framework for coordination food security and sustainable management in agriculture lands and crop efficiency
- Crop diversification in southwest coastal Bangladesh: insights into farming adaptation
- Crop management: Wheat yield prediction and disease detection using an intelligent predictive algorithms and metrological parameters
- Crop Monitoring Strategy Based on Remote Sensing Data (Sentinel-2 and Planet), Study Case in a Rice Field after Applying Glycinebetaine
- Crop Performance Indexes Applied to Legume Used as Summer Cover Crops under Water Deficit Conditions
- Crop response and water productivity of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) drip-irrigated with magnetically treated and non-magnetically treated water with variable …
- Crop Water Availability Mapping in the Danube Basin Based on Deep Learning, Hydrological and Crop Growth Modelling
- Deep soil water storage and drainage following conversion of deep rooted to shallow rooted vegetation
- Design of IoT-Enabled Farmer-Centric Multi-Crop Irrigation Support System
- Detecting crop water requirement indicators in irrigated agroecosystems from soil water content profiles: An application for a citrus orchard
- Determing water use and crop coefficients of drip-irrigated cotton in south Xinjiang of China under various irrigation amounts
- Development and application of DRAINMOD model for simulating crop yield and water conservation benefits of drainage water recycling
- Development of a spatial decision system for irrigation management
- Differential Evolution for Water Management Problems
- Do Satellite Data Correlate with In Situ Rainfall and Smallholder Crop Yields? Implications for Crop Insurance
- Does plastic mulching reduce water footprint in field crops in China? A meta-analysis
- Does straw return increase crop yield in the wheat-maize cropping system in China? A meta-analysis
- Double-root-grafting enhances irrigation water efficiency and reduces the adverse effects of saline water on tomato yields under alternate partial root-zone irrigation
- Drip Fertigated Planting Systems with Polythene Mulching on Cauliflower–Eggplant Cropping Systems in Hot and Subhumid Climate: Impact on Soil Health and Crop …
- Driving factors of virtual water in international grain trade: A study for belt and road countries
- Drought monitoring in bivariate probabilistic framework for the maximization of water use efficiency
- Dry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Crop Water Production Functions and Yield Response Factors in an Arid to Semi-Arid Climate
- Effect of soil water content changes caused by ridge-furrow plastic film mulching on the root distribution and water use pattern of spring maize in the Loess Plateau
- Effect of water-salt regulation drip irrigation with saline water on tomato quality in an arid region
- Effects of Cover Crops on Soil Hydraulic Properties During Commodity Crop Growing Season
- Effects of crop residue managements and tillage practices on variations of soil penetration resistance in sloping farmland of Mollisols
- Effects of drip irrigation methods on yield and water productivity of maize in Northwest China
- Effects of irrigation and fertilization on different potato varieties growth, yield and resources use efficiency in the Northwest China
- Effects of irrigation and fertilization on grain yield, water and nitrogen dynamics and their use efficiency of spring wheat farmland in an arid agricultural watershed of …
- Effects of optimized water management on the uptake and translocation of cadmium and arsenic in Oryza sativa L. in two contaminated soils
- Effects of partial organic fertilizer replacement combined with rainwater collection system on soil water, nitrate-nitrogen and apple yield of rainfed apple orchard in the …
- Effects of residual film on maize root distribution, yield and water use efficiency in Northwest China
- Effects of soil preparation and mulching practices together with different urea applications on the water and nitrogen use of winter wheat in semi-humid and drought …
- Effects of water and nitrogen coupling on watermelon growth, photosynthesis and yield under CO2 enrichment
- Encounter risk analysis of crop water requirements and effective precipitation based on the copula method in the Hilly Area of Southwest China
- Enhancing irrigation water productivity and controlling salinity under uncertainty: a full fuzzy dependent linear fractional programming approach
- Estimate Cotton Water Consumption from Shallow Groundwater under Different Irrigation Schedules
- Estimating and partitioning maize evapotranspiration as affected by salinity using weighing lysimeters and the SIMDualKc model
- Estimating potential yield and change in water budget for wheat and maize across Huang-Huai-Hai Plain in the future
- Estimation of actual evapotranspiration and water stress in the Lijiang River Basin, China using a modified Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance (SSEBop) …
- Estimation of crop evapotranspiration from MODIS data by combining random forest and trapezoidal models
- Estimation of Crop Water Requirement and Irrigation Scheduling of Rice in Southeastern Region of Bangladesh Using FAO-CROPWAT 8.0
- Evaluating the adaptability of an irrigation district to seasonal water availability using a decade of remotely sensed evapotranspiration estimates
- Evaluation of AquaCrop model performance under mulched drip irrigation for maize in Northeast China
- Evaluation of effects of limited irrigation on regional-scale water movement and salt accumulation in arid agricultural areas
- Evaluation of regulated deficit drip irrigation strategies in apricot
- Evaluation of saline water irrigation on cotton growth and yield using the AquaCrop crop simulation model
- Evaluation of the drought management measures in a semi-arid agricultural watershed
- Evaluation of Tillage Systems on Wheat Crop Production Under Surface and Sprinkler Irrigation Methods: Application for Rural Areas Close to Baghdad, Iraq
- Evapotranspiration characteristics and soil water balance of alfalfa grasslands under regulated deficit irrigation in the inland arid area of Midwestern China
- Evapotranspiration estimation using a modified crop coefficient model in a rotated rice-winter wheat system
- Evapotranspiration, crop coefficient and water use efficiency of onion cultivated under different irrigation depths
- Ex-foliar applied extremolyte ectoine improves water management, photosystem, antioxidant system and redox homeostasis in Zea mays under cadmium toxicity
- Expected effects of climate change on the production and water use of crop rotation management reproduced by crop model ensemble for Czech Republic sites
- Exploring long-term impacts of different crop rotation systems on sustainable use of groundwater resources using DSSAT model
- Exploring the environmental impact of crop production in China using a comprehensive footprint approach
- Field scale discharge and water quality response, to drainage water management
- Fossil water: Last resort to resolve long-standing water scarcity?
- Fundamental Study on Water Stress Detection in Sugarcane Using Thermal Image Combined with Photosynthesis Measurement Under a Greenhouse Condition
- Geo-CropSim: A Geo-spatial crop simulation modeling framework for regional scale crop yield and water use assessment
- Global water scarcity assessment incorporating green water in crop production
- High-resolution propagation time from meteorological to agricultural drought at multiple levels and spatiotemporal scales
- Historical Water Management in SE Spain:–with a focus on traditional irrigation strategies in the Vega of Vélez Blanco
- How agricultural water use efficiency varies in China—A spatial-temporal analysis considering unexpected outputs
- How changes in cropping intensity affect water usage in an irrigated Mediterranean catchment
- Humic acid modulates growth, photosynthesis, hormone and osmolytes system of maize under drought conditions
- Identifying water availability with maize phytoliths in Range Creek Canyon, Utah
- If the combination of straw interlayer and irrigation water reduction maintained sunflower yield by boosting soil fertility and improving bacterial community in arid and …
- Impact of biochar amendment on soil hydrological properties and crop water use efficiency: a global meta‐analysis and structural equation model
- Impact of mulching and nutrients on soil water balance and actual evapotranspiration of irrigated winter cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)
- Impact of water markets on equity and efficiency in irrigation water use: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Impacts of Different Water Management Technologies on Water Productivity, Partial Nutrient Balance and Yield of Bread Wheat at Koga Irrigation Scheme
- Implication of climate variable selections on the uncertainty of reference crop evapotranspiration projections propagated from climate variables projections under …
- Implicit alignment: India’s National Water Policy and a human rights‐based approach to water management
- Improving crop modeling to better simulate maize yield variability under different irrigation managements
- Improving wheat yield by optimizing seeding and fertilizer rates based on precipitation in the summer fallow season in drylands of the Loess Plateau
- Increasing available water capacity as a factor for increasing drought resilience or potential conflict over water resources under present and future climate conditions
- Integrated assessment of carbon footprint and economic profit from paddy fields under microbial decaying agents with diverse water regimes in central China
- Integrated effects of microbial decomposing inoculant on greenhouse gas emissions, grain yield and economic profit from paddy fields under different water regimes
- Integrated water resources management in Sikta irrigation system, Nepal
- Intelligent IoT-multiagent precision irrigation approach for improving water use efficiency in irrigation systems at farm and district scales
- Interactive effects of plant density and nitrogen rate on grain yield, economic benefit, water productivity and nitrogen use efficiency of drip-fertigated maize in northwest …
- Inter-lighting and defoliation in a soilless culture system require more dynamic water management for improving the yield-promotion effect
- Interplay of irrigation strategies and sowing dates on sunflower yield in semi-arid Mediterranean areas
- IoT Framework for Measurement and Precision Agriculture: Predicting the Crop Using Machine Learning Algorithms
- Irrigated agriculture potential of Australia’s northern territory inferred from spatial assessment of groundwater availability and crop evapotranspiration
- Irrigation management or climate change? Which is more important to cope with water shortage in the production of table grape in a Mediterranean context
- Irrigation water management of soybeans
- Irrigation water use and efficiency assessment coupling crop cultivation, commutation and consumption processes
- Irrigation-induced hydrothermal variation affects greenhouse gas emissions and crop production
- Joint analysis of drought and heat events during maize (Zea mays L.) growth periods using copula and cloud models: A case study of Songliao Plain
- Layering smart management practices to sustainably maintain rice yields and improve water use efficiency in eastern India
- Least-Cost Provision of Ecosystem Services from Water: When, Where, and How Much?
- Leveraging sustainable development of agriculture with sustainable water management: The empirical investigation of “Five Water Cohabitation” of Zhejiang Province …
- Limited irrigation and fertilization in sand-layered soil increases nitrogen use efficiency and economic benefits under film mulched ridge-furrow irrigation in arid areas
- Long-term cover crop management effects on soil properties in dryland cropping systems
- Long-term straw rather than manure additions improved least limiting water range in a Vertisol
- Magnetization and oxidation of irrigation water to improve winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production and water-use efficiency
- Maize leaf functional responses to blending urea and slow-release nitrogen fertilizer under various drip irrigation regimes
- Maize response to coupled irrigation and nitrogen fertilization under center pivot, subsurface drip and surface (furrow) irrigation: Growth, development and productivity
- Making the invisible visible: Co-learning guided development of an operational tool for irrigation management
- Managing water table depth thresholds for potato subirrigation
- Maximizing soybean productivity and profitability by transitioning from flood to furrow irrigation on clay‐textured soils
- Measurement of Resource Environmental Performance of Crop Planting Water Consumption Based on Water Footprint and Data Enveloped Analysis
- Measuring and modelling nitrate fluxes in a mature commercial apple orchard
- Methodical Approaches to Economic Efficiency Assessment of Crop Growing by the Implementation of Hydro-reclamation Innovation-and-Investment Projects
- Methods to estimate evapotranspiration in humid and subtropical climate conditions
- Modeling Reference Crop Evapotranspiration Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) in Region IV-A, Philippines
- Modelling soil salinity effects on salt water uptake and crop growth using a modified denitrification-decomposition model: A phytoremediation approach
- Monitoring and analysis of crop irrigation dynamics in Central Italy through the use of MODIS NDVI data
- Monitoring irrigation dynamics in paddy fields using spatiotemporal fusion of Sentinel-2 and MODIS
- Multispectral Imaging for Identification of Water Stress and Chlorophyll Content in Paddy Field Using Vegetation Indices
- Multi-variable assimilation into a modified AquaCrop model for improved maize simulation without management or crop phenology information
- Optimal crop planting pattern can be harmful to reach carbon neutrality: Evidence from food-energy-water-carbon nexus perspective
- Optimal soil Eh, pH for simultaneous decrease of bioavailable Cd, As in co-contaminated paddy soil under water management strategies
- Optimized algorithm for evapotranspiration retrieval via remote sensing
- Optimized spectral index models for accurately retrieving soil moisture (SM) of winter wheat under water stress
- Optimizing Approach of Water Allocation to Off-Takes During Reduced Flows
- Optimizing irrigation and fertilization at various growth stages to improve mango yield, fruit quality and water-fertilizer use efficiency in xerothermic regions
- Optimizing the impact of film mulching pattern and nitrogen application rate on maize production, gaseous N emissions, and utilization of water and nitrogen in …
- Optimizing the ridge–furrow ratio and nitrogen application rate can increase the grain yield and water use efficiency of rain-fed spring maize in the Loess Plateau …
- Overview of Geospatial Technologies for Land and Water Resources Management
- Partial root zone drying increases peppermint essential oil yield and water productivity
- Perceptions of Irrigation Water Management Practices in the Mississippi Delta
- Perceptions on irrigation water supply and utilisation by smallholder agricultural enterprises in Vhembe district of Limpopo Province, South Africa
- Plastic film mulching increases yield, water productivity, and net income of rain-fed winter wheat compared with no mulching in semiarid Northwest China
- Practical analysis of remote sensing estimations of water use for major crops throughout the Urmia Lake basin
- Precise Monitoring of Sugarcane Crop in Pakistan using Support Vector Machine
- Predicting the impacts of the changes in crop pattern on water table level and electrical conductivity of an unconfined aquifer using a Bayesian decision network
- Productivity and water use in forage-winter wheat cropping systems across variable precipitation gradients on the Loess Plateau of China
- Quantifying grain yield, protein, nutrient uptake and utilization of winter wheat under various drip fertigation regimes
- Quantifying irrigation water use with remote sensing: Soil water deficit modelling with uncertain soil parameters
- Quantitative assessment of the dynamics and attribution of arable land water scarcity for arid and semiarid areas based on water footprint framework: the Inner …
- Rainfed crop yield response to climate change in Iran
- Raised and sunken bed system for crop diversification, improving water productivity and economic returns: A case study in low-lying paddy lands of North-east India
- Rapid change in soil properties after converting grasslands to crop production
- Remote sensing and soil moisture data for water productivity determination
- Resolving data-hungry nature of machine learning reference evapotranspiration estimating models using inter-model ensembles with various data management …
- Response and contribution of shallow groundwater to soil water/salt budget and crop growth in layered soils
- Responses of yield, quality and water-nitrogen use efficiency of greenhouse sweet pepper to different drip fertigation regimes in Northwest China
- Rice yield, water productivity, and nitrogen use efficiency responses to nitrogen management strategies under supplementary irrigation for rain-fed rice cultivation
- Ridge–furrow rainfall harvesting system helps to improve stability, benefits and precipitation utilization efficiency of maize production in Loess Plateau region of China
- Ridge–furrow rainwater harvesting combined with supplementary irrigation: Water-saving and yield-maintaining mode for winter wheat in a semiarid region based on …
- Robotic Irrigation Water Management: Estimating Soil Moisture Content by Feel and Appearance
- Role of Geospatial Technology for Enhancement of Field Water Use Efficiency
- Salt and irrigation management of soil-grown Mediterranean greenhouse tomato crops drip-irrigated with moderately saline water
- Sand dams for sustainable water management: challenges and future opportunities
- Scheduling Quinoa Irrigation by Crop Water Stress Index
- Seasonal variation and controlling factors of evapotranspiration over dry semi-humid cropland in Guanzhong Plain, China
- Selection of Resilient Crop Species for Cultivation Under Projected Climate Change
- Sequenced Crop Evapotranspiration and Water Requirement in Developing a Multitrigger Rainfall Index Insurance and Risk-Contingent Credit
- Short-term legacy effects of rice season irrigation and fertilization on the soil bacterial community of the subsequent wheat season in a rice-wheat rotation system
- Silicon as a mitigator of water deficit stress in radish crop
- Soil health and crop response of biochar: an updated analysis
- Soil water stress and physiological responses of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) subject to tillage and irrigation management in lower Gangetic plain
- Spatial optimization of cropping pattern in the upper-middle reaches of the Heihe River basin, Northwest China
- Spatio-temporal variation of irrigation water requirements for wheat and maize in the Yellow River Basin, China, 1974–2017
- Strategies to Improve Crop-Water Productivity
- Strategies to Reduce Crop Water Footprint in Intensive Wheat-Maize Rotations in North China Plain
- Study on agricultural cultivation development layout based on the matching characteristic of water and land resources in North China Plain
- Subfield maize yield prediction improves when in-season crop water deficit is included in remote sensing imagery-based models
- Sustainable agricultural water management incorporating inexact programming and uncertain salinization-related grey water footprint
- Sustainable conjunctive water management model for alleviating water shortage
- Sustainable management of agricultural water and land resources under changing climate and socio-economic conditions: A multi-dimensional optimization approach
- Synergy of remotely sensed data in spatiotemporal dynamic modeling of the crop and cover management factor
- The effect of different fertigation strategies on salinity and nutrient dynamics of cherry tomato grown in a gutter subirrigation system
- The effects of bio-based superabsorbent polymers on the water/nutrient retention characteristics and agricultural productivity of a saline soil from the Yellow River …
- The synergy between water conservation and economic profitability of adopting alternative irrigation systems for cotton production in the Texas High Plains
- Thermal imaging for assessment of maize water stress and yield prediction under drought conditions
- Towards Smart Irrigation: A Literature Review on the Use of Geospatial Technologies and Machine Learning in the Management of Water Resources in Arboriculture
- Towards sustainable circular agriculture: An integrated optimization framework for crop-livestock-biogas-crop recycling system management under uncertainty
- Translational Platform for Increasing Water Use Efficiency in Agriculture: Comparative Analysis of Plantation Crops
- Two irrigation events can achieve relatively high, stable corn yield and water productivity in aeolian sandy soil of northeast China
- UAV-based remote sensing in plant stress imagine using high-resolution thermal sensor for digital agriculture practices: a meta-review
- Unravelling resources use efficiency and its drivers for water transfer and grain production processes in pumping irrigation system
- Updated trends of water management practice in the Italian rice paddies from remotely sensed imagery
- Using SWAT‐MEA to determine optimal placement of crop management systems under no‐till
- Utility of Satellite-Based Open Access Data in Estimating Land and Water Productivity for a Canal Command
- Water deficit index to evaluate water stress status and drought tolerance of rainfed barley genotypes in cold semi-arid area of Iran
- Water Demand in Maize Is Projected to Decrease under Changing Climate in India
- Water Footprint Assessment: towards water-wise food systems
- Water footprint of rain-fed maize in different growth stages and associated climatic driving forces in Northeast China
- Water in the West: Trends, production efficiency, and a call for open data
- Water Management in Era of Climate Change
- Water requirements for carrot crop with sprinkler irrigation under Russian conditions
- Water resource use and driving forces analysis for crop production in China coupling irrigation and water footprint paradigms
- Water use efficiency of castor bean under semi-arid conditions of Brazil
- Water-Energy-Food Nexus Approach to Assess Crop Trading in Saudi Arabia
- What is the past, present, and future of scientific research on the Yellow River Basin?—A bibliometric analysis
Research Topics Biology