Biology Latest Research Topics for thesis 2022

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Research Area/ Research Interest: Epidemiology of viral diseases of small ruminants

Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication

  2. Agreement between In-Clinics and Virus Neutralization Tests in Detecting Antibodies against Canine Distemper Virus (CDV)
  3. Review on Trypanosomiasis and their prevalence in ruminants
  4.  A survey on Apicomplexa protozoa in sheep slaughtered for human consumption
  5.  Cross Sectional Study of Diseases and Disorders in Sheep at Sheep and Goat Research Program, Guthichaur, Jumla, Nepal
  6. The Epidemiology and Control of Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus in Tropical Indonesian Cattle
  7. Peste des petits ruminants virus antibodies in domestic large ruminants in Bangladesh
  8. Current state of knowledge regarding bacterially-induced abortion in sheep
  9.  The first study on seroprevalence and risk factors for zoonotic transmission of ovine and caprine brucellosis in the Province of Bam, Burkina Faso
  10. Pneumonia in Slaughtered Sheep in Libya: Gross and Histopathological Findings
  11. Detailed new insights about tick infestations in domestic ruminant groups: a global systematic review and meta-analysis
  12. Estimating risk of introduction of Ebola virus disease from the Democratic Republic of Congo to Tanzania: a qualitative assessment
  13. Outbreak of Alimentary Tick-Borne Encephalitis in Eastern Slovakia: An Analysis of Affected Patients and Long-Term Outcomes
  14.  Detection of Rift Valley Fever Virus in Aedes (Aedimorphus) durbanensis, South Africa.
  15.  ICAR NIVEDI Annual Report 2020
  16.  Prevalence of Subclinical Mastitis from Milking Dairy Goat Species Reared in Different Climatic Conditions in Morogoro Region
  17. Analysis of Goat Production and Marketing Among Smallholder Farmers Zambia
  18.  Spatial epidemiology of hemorrhagic disease in Illinois wild white-tailed deer
  19. Pathology of the Mammary Gland in Sheep and Goats
  20.  Seroprevalence of bluetongue disease among domestic ruminants raised in International Border Areas of Nepal
  21. Porcine Circoviruses and Herpesviruses Are Prevalent in an Austrian Game Population
  22. Urban landscape and infection risk in free‐roaming cats
  23. First molecular evidence of border disease virus in wild boars in Turkey
  24. Epidemiological Risk Factors and Progression of Gastrointestinal Parasitic Infestation among Food Animals of Bangladesh: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
  25.  Sero-epidemiological survey of Coxiella burnetii in livestock and humans in Tana River and Garissa counties in Kenya
  26.  A Retrospective Report of Viral and Bacterial Diseases in Livestock, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
  27.  Ecological niche modeling predicting the potential distribution of African horse sickness virus from 2020 to 2060
  28.  Epidemiological study and identification of some flea species infesting wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and cape hares (Lepus capensis) in northern …
  29. Lumpy skin disease is expanding its geographic range: A challenge for Asian livestock management and food security
  30. Clinical and Serological Characterization of Orf-Induced Immunobullous Disease
  31. Aichivirus C isolate is a diarrhea‐causing pathogen in goats
  32.  Mathematical Modelling and optimal control of pneumonia disease in sheep and goats in Al-Baha region with cost-effective strategies
  33. Evaluation of Serological Methods and a New Real-Time Nested PCR for Small Ruminant Lentiviruses
  34. The first non-prion pathogen identified: neurotropic influenza virus
  35.  Prevalence and predictors of vector-borne pathogens in Dutch roe deer
  36.  … Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Based on Purified Recombinant Viral Protein 7 for Serological Diagnosis of Epizootic Haemorrhagic Disease in …
  37.  Clinical findings, post mortem lesions and therapeutic management of ORF virus infection (Contagious ecthyma) in goats of Mhow region
  38. Vector-virus interactions in vesicular stomatitis virus transmission by Culicoides sonorensis midges
  39.  Prevalence and association of hard ticks (ixodidae) with various breeds of sheep and goats
  40. Torque Teno Sus Virus (TTSuV) Prevalence in Wild Fauna of Northern Italy
  41. Serodiagnosis of Lumpy Skin Disease Using Sheep Pox Virus Compared to a Commercial ELISA Kit
  42.  Out of the shadows, into the spotlight: Invisible zoonotic diseases in Brazil
  43. A study on transmission of Peste des petits ruminants virus between dromedary camels and small ruminants
  44.  Just a Fluke? Trematode Infections of Dogs in the United States
  45. Detection of Dugbe virus from ticks in Ghana
  46.  Current Status of Lumpy Skin Disease and Its Economic Impacts in Ethiopia
  47. Nucleotide amplification and sequencing of the GC-rich region between matrix and fusion protein genes of peste des petits ruminants virus
  48. Novel Porcine Circoviruses in View of Lessons Learned from Porcine Circovirus Type 2-Epidemiology and Threat to Pigs and Other Species
  49. Ticks infected with Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV): A decision approach systematic review and meta-analysis regarding their role as vectors
  50. Biosecurity in dairy goat farms
  51. Serological Survey of Small Ruminant Lentivirus Infections in Free-Ranging Mouflon and Chamois in Slovenia
  52.  The first study on confirmation and risk factors of acute and chronic canine distemper in stray dogs in Wasit Province, Iraq, using enzyme-linked immunosorbent …
  53. Molecular Detection and Genetic Diversity of Tick-Borne Pathogens in Goats from the Southern Part of Thailand
  54. Genotyping of foot‐and‐mouth disease viruses collected in Sudan between 2009 and 2018
  55. Mechanistic models of Rift Valley fever virus transmission dynamics: A systematic review
  56.  Breeding for disease resilience: opportunities to manage polymicrobial challenge and improve commercial performance in the pig industry
  57. Insight on Bluetongue virus transmission in small ruminants in Senegal
  58. Prevalence and Identification of Tick Species Infesting Goats and Sheep in Pakistan
  59.  Serological Evidence of Antibodies to Rift Valley Fever Virus in Wild and Domestic Animals in Bauchi State, Nigeria
  60.  A Serosurvey for Ruminant Pestivirus Exposure Conducted Using Sera From Stray Mexico Origin Cattle Captured Crossing Into Southern Texas
  61.  A community-based intervention approach to control disease outbreaks and climate-related deaths in communally raised goat kids in the Eastern Cape …
  62. Viral deubiquitinases and innate antiviral immune response in livestock and poultry
  63.  First influenza D virus full-genome sequence retrieved from livestock in Namibia, Africa.
  66.  Assessment and prioritization of potential domestic diseases of ruminants in selected areas of afar regional state, Samara, Ethiopia
  67. Detection of Rift Valley Fever Virus Lineage H From South Africa Through the Syndromic Sentinel Surveillance Network in Senegal
  68.  Survey on shedding of selected pathogenic, zoonotic or antimicrobial resistant bacteria by South American camelids in Central Germany
  69. Prevalence of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Infections in Pigs on Jeju Island, South Korea, from 2009–2019 and Experimental Infection of Pigs with BVDV Strains …
  70. Characterization of Influenza D Virus in Danish Calves
  71. Assessment of the control measures of category A diseases of the Animal Health Law: Infection with rinderpest virus (Rinderpest)
  72. Insights on Transmission, Spread, and Possible Endemization of Selected Arboviruses in Israel—Interim Results from Five-Year Surveillance
  73.  Prevalence and sero-epidemiology of bluetongue with special reference to eastern and north-eastern states of India
  74. Vaccines for Mycoplasma Diseases of Small Ruminants: A Neglected Area of Research
  75. Pathogenic microorganisms in milk: their source, hazardous role and identification
  76. Experimental Infection of Horses with Influenza D Virus
  77. Arboviral Disease Outbreaks in the Pacific Islands Countries and Areas, 2014 to 2020: A Systematic Literature and Document Review
  78. Detection of Rift Valley Fever Virus in Aedes (Aedimorphus) durbanensis, South Africa
  79.  Study the antimicrobial effects of Zataria multiflora-based mouthwash on the microbial community of dental plaques isolated from children: A candidate of novel …
  80. Assessment of the control measures of the category A diseases of Animal Health Law: Rift Valley Fever
  81. Mechanistic models of Rift Valley fever virus transmission dynamics: A systematic review
  82.  … ? Using the Social-Ecological Model and Intersectionality Frameworks to Identify the Social Barriers to Peste des Petits Ruminants Vaccines in Karamoja …
  83.  Molecular detection and characterization of Orf virus from goats in Egypt
  84. Toxoplasmosis in Zoo Animals: A Retrospective Pathology Review of 126 Cases
  85.  Modeling the Spatial Distribution of Culicoides Species (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) as Vectors of Animal Diseases in Ethiopia
  86. Epidemiological and geospatial characterization of goat leptospirosis in Northeast region of Brazil
  87. Assessment of Contagious Ecthyma Virus in Camels of Wasit Province, Iraq
  88. Log frame for the Pan-African Programme for eradication of Peste des Petits Rumininant (PPR) 2022-2026
  89. Thermostable Vaccines in Veterinary Medicine: State of the Art and Opportunities to Be Seized
  90. Inhibition of bovine and ovine capripoxviruses (Lumpy skin disease virus and Sheeppox virus) by ivermectin occurs at different stages of propagation in vitro
  91.  Medical and Veterinary Ectoparasites’ Importance: An Insight on Alternative Control
  92. … , Molecular Docking and pharmacokinetic studies of various bioactive compounds from methanolic leaf extracts of Leucas aspera (L) against anti-Capripox viral …
  93. Epidemiological Investigation and Genetic Analysis of Pseudorabies Virus in Yunnan Province of China from 2017 to 2021
  94. Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of the foot and mouth disease outbreaks in cattle in central Ethiopia
  95. A novel approach for directly incorporating disease into fish stock assessment: a case study with seroprevalence data
  96. Full Genome Sequencing of Three Sedoreoviridae Viruses Isolated from Culicoides spp. (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) in China
  97.  Clinical Evidence and Risk Factors for Reproductive Disorders Caused by Bacterial Infections in Meat Goats in Northeastern Thailand
  98.  Gendered roles and disease management in small ruminant enterprises in agropastoral and pastoral systems: Implications for PPR control
  99. Applied Animal Andrology: Boar
  100. Point of care diagnostics and non-invasive sampling strategy: a review on major advances in veterinary diagnostics
  101. Passive Disease Surveillance of Alpine Chamois (Rupicapra r. rupicapra) in Slovenia between 2000 and 2020
  102. Cytopathological and bacteriological studies on caseous lymphadenitis in cattle slaughtered at Bishoftu municipal abattoir, Ethiopia
  103.  Preparation and field study of combined vaccine against Clostridium perfringens type A and bovine viral diarrhea virus in camels
  104.  Sero-epidemiological survey of Coxiella burnetii in livestock and humans in Tana River and Garissa counties in Kenya
  105. Risk‐based serological survey of bluetongue and the first evidence of bluetongue virus serotype 26 circulation in Tunisia
  106.  Seroprevalence of PPR Virus in Pre-and Post-Vaccinated Sheep and Goats of Saurashtra Region of Gujarat
  107.  The Common Mosquito (Culex pipiens) Does Not Seem to Be a Competent Vector for Hepatitis E Virus Genotype 3
  108.  Seroepidemiology of Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever among cattle in Cameroon: Implications from a One Health perspective
  109. Betaretrovirus infections in dromedary camels in Saudi Arabia
  110.  Infestation of Ixodidae Ticks in Cattle: Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors in Ambo District, Western Ethiopia
  111. Overview of Mitigation Programs for Cattle Diseases in Austria
  112. Prevalance of Schmallenberg orthobunyavirus (SBV) infection in sampled ruminants in Turkey’s Eastern Mediterranean region between 2015 and 2017
  113. Prevalence and Molecular Characterization of Mycoplasma Species, Pasteurella multocida, and Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Calves with Respiratory …
  114.  Assessing machine learning techniques in forecasting lumpy skin disease occurrence based on meteorological and geospatial features
  115.  Detection of Phenuiviridae, Chuviridae Members, and a Novel Quaranjavirus in Hard Ticks From Danube Delta
  116. Gendered Barriers and Opportunities for Women Smallholder Farmers in the Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia Vaccine Value Chain in Kenya
  117. First Molecular Evidence for the Presence of Anaplasma phagocytophilum in Naturally Infected Small Ruminants in Tunisia, and Confirmation of Anaplasma ovis …
  118. Molecular Characterization of Small Ruminant Lentiviruses Isolated from Polish Goats with Arthritis
  119.  First study on genetic variability of bovine viral diarrhea virus isolated from Sapera dairy goats with reproductive disorders in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  120. Understanding the role of wild ruminants in anthelmintic resistance in livestock
  121. Prevalence, Risk Factors for Exposure, and Socio-Economic Impact of Peste Des Petits Ruminants in Karenga District, Karamoja Region, Uganda
  122. Detection of Zoonotic Gastrointestinal Pathogens in Dairy Sheep and Goats by Using FilmArray庐 Multiplex-PCR Technology
  123. BVDV, BHV-1 and BLV antibodies in dromedary camels of Turkey kept without and with ruminants
  124. Characterization of Lumpy skin disease virus isolated from a giraffe in Vietnam
  125.  How can we compare multispecies livestock rearing households?–an analysis of the impact of health and production parameters on multispecies livestock …
  126.  … ? Using the Social-Ecological Model and Intersectionality Frameworks to Identify the Social Barriers to Peste des Petits Ruminants Vaccines in Karamoja …
  127.  Multiple species animal movements: network properties, disease dynamics and the impact of targeted control actions
  128. Impact of Vaccination on the World Epizootic Situation Plague of Small Ruminants
  129.  Incidence of diseases in goats in Bangladesh
  130. Detection and immune cell response of natural maedi visna virus (MVV) infection in Indian sheep and goats
  131. Socioeconomic impacts of clinical foot‐and‐mouth disease and a risk‐based partial vaccination campaign for smallholders in Lao People’s Democratic Republic
  132. Beyond the Gender of the Livestock Holder: Learnings from Intersectional Analyses of PPR Vaccine Value Chains in Nepal, Senegal, and Uganda
  133. In the Search of Marine Pestiviruses: First Case of Phocoena Pestivirus in a Belt Sea Harbour Porpoise
  134. A curated dataset of peste des petits ruminants virus sequences for molecular epidemiological analyses
  135. Neospora caninum infection activated autophagy of caprine endometrial epithelial cells via mTOR signaling
  136. Survey of Culicoides‐borne bluetongue and Schmallenberg viruses at the wildlife‐livestock interface in Doñana National Park (Spain)
  137. Factors Affecting the Perception and Practice of Iranian Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Pastoralists in Regard to Biosecurity Practices in Sheep and Goat Farms: A Cross …
  138. Facing the Human and Animal Brucellosis Conundrums: The Forgotten Lessons
  139. A comparative study of direct fluorescent antibody, mouse inoculation, and tissue culture infection testing for rabies diagnoses
  140. … in wild ruminants in Germany, 2021/22: No evidence of SARS-CoV-2, bluetongue virus or pestivirus spread but high seroprevalences against Schmallenberg virus
  141.  Ticks and prevalence of tick-borne pathogens from domestic animals in Ghana
  142.  Molecular detection and characterization of Orf virus from goats in Egypt
  143. … characterization of ticks infesting cattle and buffaloes in different agro-climatic zones in Andhra Pradesh, India, and factors associated with high tick prevalence
  144. Live pig markets are hotspots for spread of African swine fever virus in Nigeria
  145. Diagnosis of Coxiella burnetii Cattle Abortion: A One-Year Observational Study
  146. Toxoplasma gondii Infections in Animals and Humans in Southern Africa: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  147. Bacterial and viral zoonotic infections: bugging the world
  148.  Genomic surveillance reveals antibiotic resistance gene transmission via phage recombinases within sheep mastitis-associated Streptococcus uberis
  149. Molecular epidemiological survey, genetic characterization and phylogenetic analysis of Anaplasma ovis infecting sheep in Northern Egypt
  150. Literature Review: Coinfection in Young Ruminant Livestock—Cryptosporidium spp. and Its Companions
  151. New and Confirmed Foci of Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus (TBEV) in Northern Germany Determined by TBEV Detection in Ticks
  152. Parapoxvirus Infections in Northern Species and Populations
  153.  Assessing machine learning techniques in forecasting lumpy skin disease occurrence based on meteorological and geospatial features
  154. Mouse Mammary Tumour Virus (MMTV) in Human Breast Cancer—The Value of Bradford Hill Criteria
  155. A Qualitative Risk Assessment for Bluetongue Disease and African Horse Sickness: The Risk of Entry and Exposure at a UK Zoo
  156. Investigation into an outbreak of Border disease virus in pigs in England
  157. Porcine Circoviruses and Herpesviruses Are Prevalent in an Austrian Game Population
  158.  Serological Evidence of Bovine Herpes Virus-1 in Goats in Lahore, Pakistan
  159. Anaplasma ovis infection in sheep from Iran: molecular prevalence, associated risk factors, and spatial clustering
  160.  Determination of Anti-Mycoplasma Capricolum Subsp. Capripneumoniae Antibodies For The Sero-Epidemiology of Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia
  161.  Prevalence of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus among Livestock and Ticks in Zhambyl Region, Kazakhstan, 2017
  162.  Bluetongue virus in Europe: The current epidemiological situation
  163.  Financial impact of sheeppox and goatpox and estimated profitability of vaccination for subsistence farmers in selected northern states of Nigeria
  164. The Utility of Serological Analysis for Neospora caninum Infection in Dairy Cattle Farms Management: Serological Investigation and Evaluation of the Effects on …
  165. Identification and new record of tick species on livestock from district Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan
  166. Molecular characterization of picobirnaviruses in small ruminants with diarrhea in Turkey
  167.  Mosquito survey in Mauritania: Detection of Rift Valley fever virus and dengue virus and the determination of feeding patterns
  168. Molecular characterization and antimicrobial resistance profile of pathogenic Escherichia coli from goats with respiratory disease in eastern China
  169.  Evidence of Prolonged Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Endemicity by Retrospective Serosurvey, Eastern Spain
  170. Investigation of The Association Between Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus and Neospora caninum as a Cause of Abortion in Cattle
  171.  Improved vaccination protocol to enhance immunity in lambs of Kuwait farms
  172. A South American mouse morbillivirus sheds light into a clade of rodent-borne morbilliviruses
  173. The Importance of Complementary PCR Analysis in Addition to Serological Testing for the Detection of Transmission Sources of Brucella spp. in Greek Ruminants
  174.  Livestock Breeding for Disease Resistance: A Perspective Review
  175.  Zoonotic Diseases Risk Perception and Infection Prevention and Control Practices Among Poultry Farmers in the Buea Health District: a One Health Perspective
  176. Coxiella burnetii and Chlamydia spp. Coinfection in small ruminant abortion in Portugal
  177.  Clinical findings, post mortem lesions and therapeutic management of ORF virus infection (Contagious ecthyma) in goats of Mhow region
  178.  Clostridium perfringens Types A and D Involved in Peracute Deaths in Goats Kept in Cholistan Ecosystem During Winter Season
  179. Pathology of the Mammary Gland in Sheep and Goats
  180. Spatio‐temporal cluster analysis and transmission drivers for Peste des Petits Ruminants in Uganda
  181. Peste Des Petits Ruminants Virus N Protein Is a Critical Proinflammation Factor That Promotes MyD88 and NLRP3 Complex Assembly
  182. Bluetongue Research at a Crossroads: Modern Genomics Tools Can Pave the Way to New Insights
  183. Prevalence of Rickettsia africae in tick vectors collected from mammalian hosts in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  184. Seroprevalence and associated risk factors for camel brucellosis in south Algeria
  185.  Golden Mosaic Virus Disease of Cowpea in Rajasthan: Survey, Occurrence and Yield Loss
  186. PPRV-Induced Autophagy Facilitates Infectious Virus Transmission by the Exosomal Pathway
  187.  A high-density genome-wide association with absolute blood monocyte count in domestic sheep identifies novel loci
  188. Interstitial pneumonia and diffuse alveolar damage in domestic animals
  189. A high-resolution melting assay to differentiate a peste des petits ruminants virus vaccine strain from field isolates in Turkey
  190. A systematic review of the methods used to analyse the economic impact of endemic foot‐and‐mouth disease
  191.  Baseline mapping of Oropouche virology, epidemiology, therapeutics, and vaccine research and development
  192. Recent Advances in Plasma-Engineered Polymers for Biomarker-Based Viral Detection and Highly Multiplexed Analysis
  193.  Assessment and prioritization of potential domestic diseases of ruminants in selected areas of afar regional state, Samara, Ethiopia
  194. Molecular detection of foot and mouth disease virus serotype A in goats (Capra hircus)
  195. Development and Evaluation of Molecular Pen-Side Assays without Prior RNA Extraction for Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) and Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)
  196.  Qualitative risk assessment for African swine fever virus introduction: Caribbean, South, Central and North Americas
  197. Review on Trypanosomiasis and their prevalence in ruminants
  198. Toxoplasma gondii Infections in Animals and Humans in Southern Africa: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  199. Epidemiology, distribution and identification of ticks on livestock in Pakistan
  200. The first molecular detection of Anaplasma capra in domestic ruminants in the central part of Turkey, with genetic diversity and genotyping of Anaplasma capra
  201. Q fever as a potential cause of abortions in sheep (Ovis aries) in the Malopolskie Province–a preliminary study
  202. Diversity and Distribution of Theileria Species and Their Vectors in Ruminants from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
  203. Blood transfusion in large animals
  204. An Overview of Neglected Orthobunyaviruses in Brazil
  205. Brucellosis control methods with an emphasis on vaccination: a systematic review
  206.  A retrospective investigation into the outbreaks of abortions and orchitis in livestock in Namibia
  207.  A review analysis of global Bluetongue virus-related research articles from 2000 to 2020
  208.  Pests, Pandemics, Preparedness and Biosecurity
  209. Outbreak investigation and identification of risk factors associated with the occurrence of foot and mouth disease in Punjab, Pakistan
  210.  Detection of Maedi-visna virus in sheep in Nineveh province
  211.  Distribution and Identification of Tick Species on Small Ruminants
  212.  Status of disease prevalence in dairy bovines of Sabarkantha district of Gujarat
  213.  Paving the way for human vaccination against Rift Valley fever virus: A systematic literature review of RVFV epidemiology from 1999 to 2021
  214.  Improved vaccination protocol to enhance immunity in lambs of Kuwait farms
  215. Prevalence of parasitic lesions in lungs and livers of cattle and sheep at Constantine’s slaughterhouse, Northeast Algeria
  216. Prevalence of porcine viral respiratory diseases in India
  217.  Ticks and prevalence of tick-borne pathogens from domestic animals in Ghana
  218.  Golden Mosaic Virus Disease of Cowpea in Rajasthan: Survey, Occurrence and Yield Loss
  219.  First study on the molecular prevalence of caprine arthritis encephalitis virus in goats in Babylon, Iraq
  220. Viral and Bacterial Zoonotic Agents in Dromedary Camels from Southern Tunisia: A Seroprevalence Study
  221. Clinical cases of zoonotic Cryptosporidium parvum (subtype IIdA15G1) infections in Korean goats
  222.  Orf disease in local goat; clinical and phylogenetic study in Al-Qadisiyah governorate, Iraq
  223.  Sampling Plan for Serosurveillance of FMD in small Ruminants in Karnataka under National Animal Disease Control Programme (NADCP): 2022, ICAR-NIVEDI
  224.  Kendrapada Sheep: An Insight Into Productivity and Genetic Potential of this Prolific Breed
  225.  One current viral threat to wildlife or in captivity
  226.  Genetic diversity, frequency and concurrent infections of picobirnaviruses in diarrhoeic calves in Turkey
  227. No Detection of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus in Hard Ticks (Ixodidae) from a Highly Endemic Area in Southeast Iran
  228.  Seropositivity rates of zoonotic pathogens in small ruminants and associated public health risks at informal urban markets in Zambia
  229.  A Meta-Analysis of the Prevalence of Toxoplasmosis in Livestock and Poultry Worldwide
  230.  Sero-epidemiology of duck plague in duck population of Assam
  231. Zoonotic bacteria in clinically healthy goats in petting zoo settings of zoological gardens in Germany
  232.  Identification, Molecular Characterization and Pathological Features of Orf Virus in Sheep and Goats in Punjab Province, Pakistan
  233. Extensive Sheep and Goat Production: The Role of Novel Technologies towards Sustainability and Animal Welfare
  234.  Genetic diversity and distribution of bovine pestiviruses (Flaviviridae: Pestivirus) in the world and in the Russian Federation
  235.  Schmallenberg virus: research on viral circulation in Brazil
  236. … in France (Ain, Eastern France): A Longitudinal Serological Study in Livestock, Detection in Ticks, and the First Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Isolation and Molecular …
  237.  Influenza D binding properties vary amongst the two major virus clades and wildlife species
  238.  Complex network analysis to understand trading partnership in French swine production
  239.  Case report of enterobacter hormaechei in sheep with respiratory disease and death
  240. Molecular and Pathological Detection of Hepatitis E Virus in Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus) and Fallow Deer (Dama dama) in Central Italy
  241.  Infectious diseases in rising riding-horse and donkey milk industry: First detection of Neospora sp. antibodies in donkeys in Turkey
  242. Seroprevalence and associated risk factors of Rift Valley fever and Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever viruses in livestock and their zoonotic potentials: A systematic …
  243.  Detection of Phenuiviridae, Chuviridae Members, and a Novel Quaranjavirus in Hard Ticks From Danube Delta
  244. Molecular epidemiology and genetic characterization of Theileria orientalis in cattle
  245. Economic impact of a peste des petits ruminants outbreak and vaccination cost in northwest Ethiopia
  246. Artrite Encefalite Caprina em cabritos de rebanhos com programa de controle no Estado do Ceará
  247. Investigation of an outbreak of sheeppox among native sheep breeds in the Western Himalayas of India
  248. Prevalence of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Infections in Pigs on Jeju Island, South Korea, from 2009–2019 and Experimental Infection of Pigs with BVDV Strains …
  249. Epidemiology, distribution and identification of ticks on livestock in Pakistan
  250. Effect of Constant Temperatures on Culicoides sonorensis Midge Physiology and Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Infection
  252. Kinetics of the Equid Herpesvirus 2 and 5 Infections among Mares and Foals from Three Polish National Studs
  253. Epidemiological survey and risk factors associated with hepatitis E virus in small ruminants in southern Spain
  254. A novel enterovirus in lambs with poliomyelitis and brain stem encephalitis
  255.  Testing of chickens experimentally infected with A/H9N2 avian influenza virus isolates for their immune responses
  256.  Seroepidemiology of Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever among cattle in Cameroon: Implications from a One Health perspective
  257. Longitudinal dynamics of co-infecting gastrointestinal parasites in a wild sheep population
  258. Understanding the role of wild ruminants in anthelmintic resistance in livestock
  259.  Non jaagsiekte retrovirus associated adenosquamous lung carcinoma in a goat
  260.  Zoonoses and Wildlife: One Health Approach
  261. Identification of diffusion routes of O/EA‐3 topotype of foot‐and‐mouth disease virus in Africa and Western Asia between 1974 and 2019–a phylogeographic analysis
  262. Development of a real‐time PCR assay for detection and differentiation of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae and a novel respiratory‐associated Mycoplasma species in …
  263.  Identification of drivers of Rift Valley fever after the 2013–14 outbreak in Senegal using serological data in small ruminants
  264.  Foot and Mouth Disease in Cameroon: A Systematic Review to Support its Progressive Control
  265. Foot and mouth disease seroprevalence and reporting behaviours in nine northern provinces in Lao PDR: The current situation and challenges for control
  266. Molecular detection of Coxiella burnetii in aborted bovine fetuses in Brazil
  267. Clearance of Maedi-visna infection in a longitudinal study of naturally infected rams is associated with homozygosity for the TMEM154 resistance allele
  268. Vector Competence of Mediterranean Mosquitoes for Rift Valley Fever Virus: A Meta-Analysis
  269. Genetic Characterization of Small Ruminant Lentiviruses (SRLVs) Circulating in Naturally Infected Sheep in Central Italy
  270.  Seroprevalence of brucellosis, Q fever and Rift Valley fever in domestic ruminants in Guinea in 2017–2019
  271. Occurrence of CAE and CLA in Swedish Dairy Goats and Comparison of Serum and Milk as Sampling Material
  272.  Influenza D binding properties vary amongst the two major virus clades and wildlife species
  273.  Predicting the possibility of African horse sickness (AHS) introduction into China using spatial risk analysis and habitat connectivity of Culicoides
  274.  Cross Sectional Study of Diseases and Disorders in Sheep at Sheep and Goat Research Program, Guthichaur, Jumla, Nepal
  275.  The Multi-Faceted Role of Autophagy During Animal Virus Infection


Research Topics Biology
