Research Topics Crop Growth Modeling

Research Area/ Research Interest: Crop Growth Modeling

Research Paper Topics for: Masters and PhD Thesis and publication

  1. Climate Prediction by Using a Machine Learning Approach: A Case Study
  2.  Effects of climate change on the agricultural sector in the Kheirabad River Basin: Application of WEAP Software
  3.  … fertilizer production from organic waste by conventional and microwave-assisted extraction technologies: Techno-economic and environmental assessment
  4.  Agent-based modelling to simulate farmers’ sustainable decisions: Farmers’ interaction and resulting green consciousness evolution
  5.  Agricultural land systems importance for supporting food security and sustainable development goals: A systematic review
  6.  Assessing climate change projections in the Volta Basin using the CORDEX-Africa climate simulations and statistical bias-correction
  7.  Assessing the Impact of Financial Support on Ghana’s Agricultural Development
  8.  Basin-wide productivity and livelihood analysis of flood-based agricultural systems in African drylands: A case study in the Fogera floodplain
  9.  Bioenergy: a foundation to environmental sustainability in a changing global climate scenario
  10.  Can global models provide insights into regional mitigation strategies? A diagnostic model comparison study of bioenergy in Brazil
  11.  Climate Change Adaptation in Fisheries Livelihoods Associated with Mangrove Forests in Xuan Thuy National Park, Vietnam: A Case Study in Giao An …
  12.  Climate Change Adaptation Practices Towards Sustainable Watershed Management: The Case of Abuan Watershed in Ilagan City, Philippines
  13.  Climate change and future of agri-food production
  14.  Climate change and livelihood vulnerability of the rice farmers in the North Central Region of Vietnam: A Case Study in Nghe An Province, Vietnam
  15.  Climate change could reduce and spatially reconfigure cocoa cultivation in the Brazilian Amazon by 2050
  16.  Climate change impact on wheat and maize growth in Ethiopia: A multi-model uncertainty analysis
  17.  Climate change: a friend or foe to food security in Africa?
  18.  Climate impacts on the agriculture sector of Pakistan: Risks and amicable solutions
  19.  Comparison of pasture types in the tropical Andes: Species composition, distribution, nutritive value and responses to environmental change
  20.  Competency of groundwater recharge of irrigated cotton field subjacent to sowing methods, plastic mulch, water productivity, and yield under climate change
  21.  Crop traits enabling yield gains under more frequent extreme climatic events
  22.  Cross-scale trade-off analysis for sustainable development: linking future demand for animal source foods and ecosystem services provision to the SDGs
  23.  Do not transform food systems on the backs of the rural poor
  24.  Early season prediction of within-field crop yield variability by assimilating CubeSat data into a crop model
  25.  Economic Evaluation and Climate Change Adaptation Measures for Rice Production in Vietnam Using a Supply and Demand Model: Special Emphasis on …
  26.  Effects of paludiculture products on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural peatlands
  27.  Evaluation of multiple satellite precipitation products for rainfed maize production systems over Vietnam
  28.  Exploratory environmental assessment of large-scale cultivation of seaweed used to reduce enteric methane emissions
  29.  General equilibrium impact evaluation of food top-up induced by households’ renewable power self-supply in 141 regions
  30.  Historical simulation of maize water footprints with a new global gridded crop model ACEA
  31.  Integral analysis of environmental and economic performance of combined agricultural intensification & bioenergy production in the Orinoquia region
  32.  Judicious and optimal use of water and land resources for long-term agricultural sustainability
  33.  Links between food trade, climate change and food security in developed countries: A case study of Sweden
  34.  Machine learning in crop yield modelling: A powerful tool, but no surrogate for science
  35.  Modeling potential distribution of newly recorded ant, Brachyponera nigrita using Maxent under climate change in Pothwar region, Pakistan
  36.  Modelling the effects of cold temperature during the reproductive stage on the yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
  37.  Modelling the impact of climate change on maize yield in Victoria Nile Sub-basin, Uganda
  38.  Optimization of Water-Energy-Food Nexus considering CO2 emissions from cropland: A case study in northwest Iran
  39.  Predicting the potential habitat distribution of parthenium weed (Parthenium hysterophorus) globally and in Oman under projected climate change
  40.  Rainfall and temperature changes under different climate scenarios at the watersheds surrounding the Ngorongoro Conservation Area in Tanzania
  41.  Selection of the gridded temperature dataset for assessment of thermal bioclimatic environmental changes in Amu Darya River basin
  42.  Temperature effects on crop yields in heat index insurance
  43.  The Agricultural Genome to Phenome Initiative (AG2PI): creating a shared vision across crop and livestock research communities
  44.  The anticipatory governance of sustainability transformations: Hybrid approaches and dominant perspectives
  45.  The impact of agricultural trade approaches on global economic modeling
  46.  Using PhenoCams to track crop phenology and explain the effects of different cropping systems on yield
  47.  Using real-time mobile phone data to characterize the relationships between small-scale farmers’ planting dates and socio-environmental factors
  48.  Water requirements for oil palm grown on marginal lands: A simulation approach
  49.  Climate Change Impacts On Evapotranspiration in Brazil: a Multi-model Assessment
  50.  Climate Sensitivity of Groundwater Systems in South India: Does It Matter for Agricultural Income?
  51.  Defining Climate-Smart Forestry
  52.  Evaluating Climate Change Impact of Rainfed Maize Production Yield in Southern Ethiopia
  53.  Farmer Adaptation to Climate Variability and Soil Erosion in Samanalawewa Catchment in Sri Lanka
  54.  How Does Climate Change Affect Rice Production in Thailand? Assessing the Role of Financial Development
  55.  Impact of Climate Change on Arid Region: Case Study of Rajasthan
  56.  Mitigating Low Agricultural Productivity of Smallholder Farms in Africa: Time-Series Forecasting for Environmental Stressors
  57.  Modeling poultry and maize sector interactions in Southern Africa under a changing climate
  58.  Simulating Wheat Production Potential Under Near-future Climate Change in Arid Regions of Northeast Iran
  59. … -criteria research lines on livestock manure biorefinery development towards a circular economy: from the perspective of a life cycle assessment and business models …
  60. … heterogeneity, convergence and its impact factors: Perspective of carbon emission intensity and carbon emission per capita considering carbon sink effect
  61. … -Term Monitoring of Different Field Traffic Management Practices in Cereals Production with Support of Satellite Images and Yield Data in Context of Climate Change
  62. 16 Increasing Adaptation to Climate Stress by Applying Conservation Agriculture in Southern Africa
  63. A comprehensive method to increase yield and narrow the yield gap of winter wheat for sustainable intensification
  64. A co-simulation approach to study the impact of gravity collective irrigation constraints on plant dynamics in Southern France
  65. A district-level analysis for measuring the effects of climate change on production of agricultural crops, ie, wheat and paddy: evidence from India
  66. A fine-resolution estimation of the biomass resource potential across China from 2020 to 2100
  67. A life cycle assessment of an enterprise’s low-carbon emissions model: The Xinjiang Shihezi pig farm faecal treatment biogas project as a case study
  68. A Predictive Study of the Redistribution of Some Bread Wheat Genotypes in Response to Climate Change in Egypt
  69. A Review of economic analysis of climate change impacts and adaptation in fisheries and aquaculture
  70. A simplified strategy based on the house of quality to prioritize farming practices under variable weather conditions
  71. Adaptation to Environmental Change: Agriculture and the Unexpected Incidence of the Acid Rain Program
  72. Adapting agriculture to climate change through growing season adjustments: Evidence from corn in China
  73. Adapting to High Temperatures: Effect of Farm Practices and Their Adoption Duration on Total Value of Crop Production in Uganda
  74. Agricultural land suitability assessment for agricultural productivity based on GIS modeling and multi-criteria decision analysis: the case of Tekirdağ province
  75. Agri-environmental programs in the United States and Canada
  76. Agronomic practices in soil water management for sustainable crop production under rain fed agriculture of Drylands in Sub-Sahara Africa
  77. Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gases Emissions: Implications in Food Production and Food Security
  78. An Assessment of Agricultural Vulnerability in the Context of Global Climate Change: A Case Study in Ha Tinh Province, Vietnam
  79. An introduction to climate change phenomenon
  80. Analysis of Agriculture Production and Impacts of Climate Change in South Asian Region: A Concern Related with Healthcare 4.0 Using ML and Sensors
  81. Anticipated Shifting of Thermal and Moisture Boundary Under Changing Climate Across Nepal
  82. Application of logistic regression model for predicting the association of climate change resilient cultural practices with early blight of tomato (Alternaria solani) …
  83. Approaches in Wheat to Mitigate Impact of Climate Change
  84. Approaches to investigate crop responses to ozone pollution: from O3‐FACE to satellite‐enabled modeling
  85. Approaches towards Land Valuation and Land Pricing under the Influence of Geo-Climate Change
  86. Aquaculture Resources and Practices in a Changing Environment
  87. Assessing the effect of climate change and financial development on agricultural production in ASEAN-4: the role of renewable energy, institutional quality, and …
  88. Assessing the impacts of agricultural managements on soil carbon stocks, nitrogen loss and crop production—a modelling study in Eastern Africa
  89. Assessment of agricultural emissions, climate change mitigation and adaptation practices in Ethiopia
  90. Assessment of climate change impact and potential adaptation measures on wheat yield using the DSSAT model in the semi-arid environment
  91. Assessment of Climate Events in Changma Season (Korean Monsoon) for Production Trend of Sorghum-Sudangrass Hybrid (Sorghum bicolor L.) in the Central …
  92. Assessment of energy saving and GHG reduction of winter oilseed rape production using sustainable strip tillage and direct sowing in three tillage technologies
  93. Assessment of the impact of dust aerosols on crop and water loss in the Great Salt Desert in Iran
  94. Assessment of the soil erosion under long-term projections of climate change in Poland
  95. Awareness and perception of climate change by smallholder farmers in two agroecological zones of Oyo state Southwest Nigeria
  96. Bayesian Multi-modeling of Deep Neural Nets for Probabilistic Crop Yield Prediction
  97. Big Data Analytics for Climate-Resilient Food Supply Chains: Opportunities and Way Forward
  98. Brassica carinata as an off-season crop in the southeastern USA: Determining optimum sowing dates based on climate risks and potential effects on summer crop …
  99. Carbon footprint of cotton production in China: Composition, spatiotemporal changes and driving factors
  100. Cereal production practices and technical efficiency among farm households in major “teff” growing mixed farming areas of Ethiopia: A stochastic meta-frontier …
  101. Changes in wheat traits under future climate change and their contributions to yield changes in conventional vs. conservational tillage systems
  102. Characterization and life cycle exergo-environmental analysis of wood pellet biofuel produced in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
  103. Climate Change and Agricultural Production in Algeria
  104. Climate Change and Its Impact on Terrestrial Ecosystems
  105. Climate change and its impacts on oases ecosystem in Morocco
  106. Climate change and its influence on planting of cassava in the Midwest region of Brazil
  107. Climate change and major crop production: evidence from Pakistan
  108. Climate change impact on Brazilian broiler production cost: a simulation study
  109. Climate change impact on major crop yield and water footprint under CMIP6 climate projections in repeated drought and flood areas in Thailand
  110. Climate change impact on plants: Plant responses and adaptations
  111. Climate Change Impacts and Market-Driven Adaptation: The Costs of Inaction Including Market Rigidities
  112. Climate change perceptions and adaptations by indigenous Chepang community of Dhading, Nepal
  113. Climate change research and action must look beyond 2100
  114. Climate Change-Induced Irrigation Water Problems and Resolution Strategies: A Case Study
  115. Climate Extremes and Crops
  116. Climate Resilience in Agriculture
  117. Climate smart agriculture (CSA) technologies
  118. Climate variability and impacts on maize (Zea mays) yield in Ghana, West Africa
  119. Climate-associated major food crops production change under multi-scenario in China
  120. Climate-resilient agricultural water management to alleviate negative impacts of global warming in rice production systems
  121. Climatic Suitability for Robusta Coffee in West Lampung Under Climate Change
  122. Compound hydroclimatic extremes in a semi‐arid grassland: Drought, deluge, and the carbon cycle
  123. Contributions of climate change to cereal yields in Tibet, 1993–2017
  124. Control of crop diseases through Integrated Crop Management to deliver climate‐smart farming systems for low‐and high‐input crop production
  125. Control-released urea improved agricultural production efficiency and reduced the ecological and environmental impact in rice-wheat rotation system: A life-cycle …
  126. Cooperation between specialized livestock and crop farms can reduce environmental footprints and increase net profits in livestock production
  127. Co-production, uptake of weather and climate services, and welfare impacts on farmers in Senegal: A panel data approach
  128. Coupling geographic information system integrated fuzzy logic-analytical hierarchy process with global and machine learning based sensitivity analysis for agricultural …
  129. Crop simulation mediated assessment of climate change impact on rice grown under temperate high-altitude valley of Kashmir
  130. Cross-border strategies to respond the impact of climate change in the upstream Brantas Watershed, Indonesia
  131. Decomposing complex traits through crop modelling to support cultivar recommendation. A proof of concept with focus on phenology and field pea
  132. Deep Learning for Sustainable Agriculture
  133. Designing farmer-acceptable rotations that assure ecosystem service provision in the face of climate change
  134. Designing low-input upland rice-based cropping systems with conservation agriculture for climate change adaptation: A six-year experiment in M’bé, Bouaké, Côte d’ …
  135. Developing a paradigm model for the analysis of farmers’ adaptation to water scarcity
  136. Developing climate‐resilient crops: improving plant tolerance to stress combination
  137. Dietary change in high-income nations alone can lead to substantial double climate dividend
  138. Do rice varieties matter? Climate change adaptation and livelihood diversification among rural smallholder households in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam
  139. Does Climate Change Affect the Yield of the Top Three Cereals and Food Security in the World?
  140. Does Climate Change Influence Russian Agriculture? Evidence from Panel Data Analysis
  141. Double cropping and manure management mitigate the environmental impact of a dairy farm under present and future climate
  142. Econometric Assessment of Institutional Quality in Mitigating Global Climate-Change Risk
  143. Economic analysis of the environmental sustainability of agriculture: recent studies using quasi-experimental methods
  144. Effects of deforestation and afforestation on water availability for dry bean production in Haiti
  145. Effects of green bonds on Taiwan’s bioenergy development
  146. Emerging trends in machine learning to predict crop yield and study its influential factors: A SURVEY
  147. Energy Analysis on Wheat Yield of Mongolian Agriculture
  148. Energy flow and life cycle impact assessment of coffee-pepper production systems: An evaluation of conventional, integrated and organic farms in India
  149. Energy management for a net zero dairy supply chain under climate change
  150. Enhancing climate resilience of irrigated agriculture: A review
  151. Enhancing crop diversity for food security in the face of climate uncertainty
  152. Enhancing Crop Yield Prediction Utilizing Machine Learning on Satellite-Based Vegetation Health Indices
  153. Enhancing irrigation water productivity and controlling salinity under uncertainty: a full fuzzy dependent linear fractional programming approach
  154. Enhancing the Resilience of Oasis Agrosystems to Climate Change in Morocco
  155. Environmental assessment of four waste cooking oil valorization pathways
  156. Environmental life cycle assessment for improved management of agri-food companies: the case of organic whole-grain durum wheat pasta in Sicily
  157. Environmental pollution and agricultural productivity in Pakistan: new insights from ARDL and wavelet coherence approaches
  158. EPIC model simulation to assess effective agro-ecological practices for climate change mitigation and adaptation in organic vegetable system
  159. Estimating potential yield and change in water budget for wheat and maize across Huang-Huai-Hai Plain in the future
  160. Evaluating the impact of using digital soil mapping products as input for spatializing a crop model: The case of drainage and maize yield simulated by STICS in the …
  161. Evaluating the long-term impact of projected climate on rice-lentil-groundnut cropping system in Lower Gangetic Plain of India using crop simulation modelling
  162. Evaluation of AquaCrop model performance under mulched drip irrigation for maize in Northeast China
  163. Evaluation of Drought, Wet Events, and Climate Variability Impacts on Maize Crop Yields in East Africa During 1981–2017
  164. Evaluation of effects of limited irrigation on regional-scale water movement and salt accumulation in arid agricultural areas
  165. Evaluation of multiple gridded solar radiation data for crop modeling
  166. Evaluation of the drought management measures in a semi-arid agricultural watershed
  167. Examining the carbon emissions and climate impacts on main agricultural crops production and land use: updated evidence from Pakistan
  168. Exploring complementarities between modelling approaches that enable upscaling from plant community functioning to ecosystem services as a way to support …
  169. Extreme climatic effects hamper livestock production in Somalia
  170. Factors influencing smallholder rice farmers’ vulnerability to climate change and variability in the Mekong Delta Region of Vietnam
  171. Farmers’ adaptations strategies towards soil salinity effects in agriculture: the interior coast of Bangladesh
  172. Field crops and climate change
  173. Food security and climate change
  174. Future climate change could reduce irrigated and rainfed wheat water footprint in arid environments
  175. Future climate impacts on forest growth and implications for carbon sequestration through reforestation in southeast Australia
  176. Future frost risks in the Tohoku region of Japan under a warming climate—interpretation of regional diversity in terms of seasonal warming
  177. Geological Resource Planning and Environmental Impact Assessments Based on GIS
  178. Hotspots of Yield Loss for Four Crops of the Belt and Road Terrestrial Countries under 1.5° C Global Warming
  179. How does rural labor migration affect crop diversification for adapting to climate change in the Hehuang Valley, Tibetan Plateau?
  180. How large is the farm income loss due to climate change? Evidence from India
  181. How sustainable are biofuels in a natural resource-dependent economy?
  182. Human Health and Ecosystem Quality Benefits with Life Cycle Assessment Due to Fungicides Elimination in Agriculture
  183. Impact of agricultural management practices on soil carbon sequestration and its monitoring through simulation models and remote sensing techniques: A review
  184. Impact of climate change adaptation on farm productivity and household welfare
  185. Impact of declining renewable energy costs on electrification in low-emission scenarios
  186. Impact of drought on cereal crop yields in the Savanna Region of Nigeria
  187. Impact of temperature on agricultural drought occurrence under the effects of climate change
  188. Impacts of climate change on rice production: evidence from 30 Chinese provinces
  189. Impacts of climate change on wheat yield in Turkey: a heterogeneous panel study
  190. Implementing Agricultural Land Use Solutions to Adapt Climate Change in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta
  191. Implication of imposing fertilizer limitations on energy, agriculture, and land systems
  192. Importance of Carbon Sequestration in the Context of Climate Change
  193. Improving early-season wheat yield forecasts driven by probabilistic seasonal climate forecasts
  194. Increasing productivity of rice plants based on IoT (Internet Of Things) to realize Smart Agriculture using System Thinking approach
  195. Index-based insurance and hydroclimatic risk management in agriculture: A systematic review of index selection and yield-index modelling methods
  196. Integrated assessment of the landuse change and climate change impacts on the sediment yield in the Songkhram River Basin, Thailand
  197. Integrating agriculture and industry 4.0 under “agri-food 4.0” to analyze suitable technologies to overcome agronomical barriers
  198. Interactive impacts of climate change and agricultural management on soil organic carbon sequestration potential of cropland in China over the coming decades
  199. Introducing ground cover management in pesticide emission modeling
  200. Introduction to “Sustainable Agriculture in Egypt: Climate Change Mitigation”
  201. Investigating the effect of climate change on food loss and food security in Bangladesh
  202. IoE based framework for smart agriculture
  203. Irrigation management or climate change? Which is more important to cope with water shortage in the production of table grape in a Mediterranean context
  204. Irrigation water use and efficiency assessment coupling crop cultivation, commutation and consumption processes
  205. Land use and cropping decisions of agricultural households in India
  206. Land use intensification increasingly drives the spatiotemporal patterns of the global human appropriation of net primary production in the last century
  207. Life cycle assessment of food systems and diets
  208. Linking food production and environmental outcomes: An application of a modified relative risk model to prioritize land-management practices
  209. Living and Responding to Climatic Stresses: Perspectives from Smallholder Farmers in Hanang’District, Tanzania
  210. Machine learning modelling of crop structure within the Maize Triangle of South Africa
  211. Mapping the northern limit of double cropping using a phenology-based algorithm and Google Earth Engine
  212. Measuring and modelling crop yield losses due to invasive insect pests under climate change
  213. Measuring the impact of climate change on agriculture in Vietnam: A panel Ricardian analysis
  214. Mimicking nature to reduce agricultural impact on water cycles: A set of mimetrics
  215. Model for Predicting Rice Yield from Reflectance Index and Weather Variables in Lowland Rice Fields
  216. Modeling biophysical and socioeconomic interactions in food systems with the International Model for Policy Analysis of Agricultural Commodities and Trade (IMPACT …
  217. Modeling Production Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Objectives as a Function of Forage Production of Dairy Farms Using Copula Models
  218. Modeling seasonal soil moisture dynamics in gley soils in relation to groundwater table oscillations in eastern Croatia
  219. Modeling surface runoff and soil loss response to climate change under GCM ensembles and multiple cropping and tillage systems in Oklahoma
  220. Modeling the Impact of Climate and Land Use/Land Cover Change on Water Availability in an Inland Valley Catchment in Burkina Faso
  221. Modeling the impact of climate warming on potato phenology
  222. Modeling the impact of climatic and non-climatic factors on cereal production: evidence from Indian agricultural sector
  223. Modelling and mapping soil organic carbon stocks under future climate change in south-eastern Australia
  224. Modelling soil salinity effects on salt water uptake and crop growth using a modified denitrification-decomposition model: A phytoremediation approach
  225. Multi-model projections of trade-offs between irrigated and rainfed maize yields under changing climate and future emission scenarios
  226. Nitrification and denitrification in the Community Land Model compared to observations at Hubbard Brook Forest
  227. Nutrient dynamics and the role of modeling
  228. On the development of a regional climate change adaptation plan: Integrating model-assisted projections and stakeholders’ perceptions
  229. On the Timing of Relevant Weather Conditions in Agriculture
  230. Paddy crop insurance using satellite-based composite index of crop performance
  231. Perspectives on Climate Smart Agriculture: A Review
  232. Planning of ecological agricultural tourist attractions based on the concept of circular economy
  233. Plant–microbiome interactions under a changing world: responses, consequences and perspectives
  234. Practices Contribute in Reducing the Emission of Greenhouse Gases
  235. Predicting potential cultivation region and paddy area for ratoon rice production in China using Maxent model
  236. Projected impacts of 1.5 and 2 C global warming on temperature and precipitation patterns in South America
  237. Projecting Climate Change Effect on Soil Water Fluxes and Urea Fertilizer Fate in the Semiarid Pampas of Argentina
  238. Projection of future drought and its impact on simulated crop yield over South Asia using ensemble machine learning approach
  239. Recent Trends in Nano-Fertilizers for Sustainable Agriculture under Climate Change for Global Food Security
  240. Re-Estimation of Agricultural Production Efficiency in China under the Dual Constraints of Climate Change and Resource Environment: Spatial Imbalance and …
  241. Renewable energy and climate change
  242. Research on Climate Change Issues
  243. Revegetation of native desert plants enhances food security and water sustainability in arid regions: Integrated modeling assessment
  244. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Growth Modeling Based on Growth Degree Day (GDD) and Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
  245. Ridge–furrow rainfall harvesting system helps to improve stability, benefits and precipitation utilization efficiency of maize production in Loess Plateau region of China
  246. Risk assessment of water resource shortages in the Aksu River basin of northwest China under climate change
  247. Role of essential climate variables and black carbon in climate change: Possible mitigation strategies
  248. Satellite evidence for China’s leading role in restoring vegetation productivity over global karst ecosystems
  249. Simulated response of soil organic carbon density to climate change in the Northern Tibet permafrost region
  250. Simulating no-tillage effects on crop yield and greenhouse gas emissions in Kentucky corn and soybean cropping systems: 1980–2018
  251. Soil erosion and sediment transport under climate change for Mera River, in Italian Alps of Valchiavenna
  252. Soil salinity: A global threat to sustainable development
  253. Soil-plant interactions for agricultural sustainability under challenging climate change
  254. Spatial–temporal changes in risk of climate-related yield reduction of winter wheat during 1973–2014 in Anhui province, southeast China
  255. Spatiotemporal Change Analysis of Soil Moisture Based on Downscaling Technology in Africa
  256. Strategies of Land Use in the Regional Food Systems of Russia Under Climate Change
  257. Strategies to double milk production per farm in Argentina: Investment, economics and risk analysis
  258. Structural Change in Rice-Wheat Crop Yield in India: A Multiple Breakpoint Analysis
  259. Substantial increase of compound droughts and heatwaves in wheat growing seasons worldwide
  260. Suitability of Sustainable Agricultural Drainage Systems for adapting agriculture to climate change
  261. Sustainable development and pollution: the effects of CO2 emission on population growth, food production, economic development, and energy consumption in …
  262. Sustainable linear infrastructure route planning model to balance conservation and socioeconomic development
  263. Sustainable maize production and climatic change in Nepal: robust role of climatic and non-climatic factors in the long-run and short-run
  264. Sustainable management of agricultural water and land resources under changing climate and socio-economic conditions: A multi-dimensional optimization approach
  265. Testing APSIM in a complex saline coastal cropping environment
  266. The application of solar-driven technologies for the sustainable development of agriculture farming: a comprehensive review
  267. The APRU Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Hub: A platform for collaborative knowledge production and action
  268. The dual impact of climate change on irrigation water demand and reservoir performance: a case study of Koga irrigation scheme, Ethiopia
  269. The Effect of Climate Change, Human Activity, and Water Management Interventions on Environmental and Socio-Economic Outcomes in the Mekong Delta Region
  270. The effects of climate change scenarios on Carpinus betulus and Carpinus orientalis in Europe
  271. The farm-by-farm relationship among carbon productivity and economic performance of agriculture
  272. The first calibration and evaluation of the STICS soil-crop model on chickpea-based intercropping system under Mediterranean conditions
  273. The impact of climate change on agricultural productivity in Asian countries: a heterogeneous panel data approach
  274. The impact of climate change on Children’s nutritional status in coastal Bangladesh
  275. The Impact of Climate Change on Select Agricultural Production in a Water Scarce Country
  276. The Impact of Climate Variability and Change on Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa: Perspective from Panel Data Analysis
  277. The RothC Model to Complement Life Cycle Analyses: A Case Study of an Italian Olive Grove
  278. The use of microbial inoculants for biological control, plant growth promotion, and sustainable agriculture: A review
  279. Towards a more comprehensive life cycle assessment framework for assessing toxicity-related impacts for livestock products: The case of Danish pork
  280. Towards sustainable rice production in Asia: the role of climatic factors
  281. Trade, productivity, and the spatial organization of agriculture: Evidence from Brazil
  282. Translational Platform for Increasing Water Use Efficiency in Agriculture: Comparative Analysis of Plantation Crops
  283. Trends of extreme air temperature and precipitation and their impact on corn and soybean yields in Nebraska, USA
  284. Two birds with one stone: A combined environmental and economic performance assessment of rapeseed‐based biodiesel production
  285. Unequal weakening of urbanization and soil salinization on vegetation production capacity
  286. Use and economic benefits of indigenous seasonal climate forecasts: evidence from Benin, West Africa
  287. Using an asymmetrical technique to assess the impacts of CO2 emissions on agricultural fruits in Pakistan
  288. Various maize yield losses and their dynamics triggered by drought thresholds based on Copula-Bayesian conditional probabilities
  289. Vertical Farming: Under Climate Change Effect
  290. Vulnerability of oasis agriculture to climate change in Morocco
  291. Warming and soil water availability affect plant–flower visitor interactions for Stylosanthes capitata, a tropical forage legume
  292. Water Demand in Maize Is Projected to Decrease under Changing Climate in India
  293. Water environmental pressure assessment in agricultural systems in Central Asia based on an Integrated Excess Nitrogen Load Model
  294. Water footprint of rain-fed maize in different growth stages and associated climatic driving forces in Northeast China
  295. Water Management in Era of Climate Change
  296. Water resource use and driving forces analysis for crop production in China coupling irrigation and water footprint paradigms
  297. Wild relatives of potato may bolster its adaptation to new niches under future climate scenarios
  298. Will Climate Warming Alter Biotic Stresses in Wild Lowbush Blueberries?
  299. Wind Erosion, Climate Change, and Shelterbelts
  300. World nations priorities on climate change and food security


Research Topics Biology
