Research Topics Crop Nutrient management
Research Area/ Research Interest: Crop Nutrient management
Research Paper Topics for: Masters and PhD Thesis and publication
- Comparison of nitrogen losses from different manure treatment and application management systems in China
- Improving nutrient and economic efficiency of dairy intensification depends on intensive use of scattered cropland
- Nutrient Balance of Phosphorus in Long-Term Field Experiment
- Yield-limiting plant nutrients for maize production in northwest Ethiopia
- Predicting field N2O emissions from crop residues based on their biochemical composition: A meta-analytical approach
- Effect of diversified cropping systems on crop yield, legacy, and budget of potassium in a subtropical Oxisol
- Weather fluctuation can override the effects of integrated nutrient management on fungal disease incidence in the rice fields in Taiwan
- Productivity and quality enhancement in fodder maize (Zea mays) cultivars through nutrient management strategies
- Assessment of Farmer’s Practices on the Rubber Nursery Management Using Growing Medium and Varietal Selection in Mon State
- Role of nanotechnology in enhancing crop production and produce quality
- Long-term impact of integrated nutrient management on sustainable yield index of rice and soil quality under acidic inceptisol
- Tillage and crop management impacts on soil loss and crop yields in northwestern Ethiopia
- Co-cultivation Approach to Decipher the Influence of Nitrogen-Fixing Cyanobacterium on Growth and N Uptake in Rice Crop
- Differences in Rice Productivity and Growth Attributes Under Different Paddy-Upland Cropping Systems
- Management History Affects the Ecosystem Services from Cover Crop Mixtures
- Which policy is preferred by crop farmers when replacing synthetic fertilizers by manure? A choice experiment in China
- Field methods for making productivity classes for site-specific management of wheat
- Assessing the effect of P-solubilizing bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi on tomato yield and quality under different crop rotations
- Nutrient Stewardship: Taking 4R Further
- Dataset associated with the manuscript:“Divergent belowground allocation patterns of winter wheat shape rhizosphere microbial communities and nitrogen cycling …
- Effects of planting dates on the crude protein and nutrient uptake of two varieties of Millet (Pennisetum typhoides)(Burm. f.) Stapf & Hubbard} in a forest-savanna …
- Evaluation of Nutrient Requirements of Sweet Lupine in Bread Wheat-Sweet Lupine under Additive Design Intercropping System in Northwest Ethiopia
- Divergent belowground carbon allocation patterns of winter wheat shape rhizosphere microbial communities and nitrogen cycling activities
- Irrigation and nitrogen fertilization alter soil bacterial communities, soil enzyme activities, and nutrient availability in maize crop
- Effect of integrated nutrient management on mungbean (Vigna radiata) under custard apple (Annona squamosa) based agri-horti system in Vindhyan region …
- Soil labile carbon and nitrogen fractions after eleven years of manure and mineral fertilizer applications
- Investigation on the Capability of GreenSeeker Sensor in Predicting Nitrogen Status and Fractional Vegetation Cover of Spinach Crop
- Integrated management of Striga gesnerioides in cowpea using resistant varieties, improved crop nutrition and rhizobium inoculants
- Influence of Different Nutrient Management Practices and Cropping Systems on Organic Carbon Pools in Typic Ustochrept Soil of Indo-Gangetic Plains in India
- A Bibliometric Analysis of Management Bioenergy Research Using Vosviewer Application
- Mandatory information-based policy tools facilitate California farmers’ learning about nitrogen management
- Different Organic Fertilisation Systems Modify Tomato Quality: An Opportunity for Circular Fertilisation in Intensive Horticulture
- Sustainability of Fertigation in Agricultural Crop Production by IoT System: A Review
- Typology of rice-based cropping systems for improved soil carbon management: Capturing smallholder farming opportunities and constraints in Dinajpur, Bangladesh
- A review on integrated nutrient management and its effect on mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek)
- 16S rRNA Gene-Based Metagenomic Analysis of Rhizosphere Soil Bacteria in Arkansas Rice Crop Fields
- Structural Change in Rice-Wheat Crop Yield in India: A Multiple Breakpoint Analysis
- The Extension of Vegetable Production to High Altitudes Increases the Environmental Cost and Decreases Economic Benefits in Subtropical Regions
- Conservation agriculture based integrated crop management sustains productivity and economic profitability along with soil properties of the maize-wheat …
- Leaf colour chart based nitrogen management in wheat under zero till condition of West Bengal
- Global variation in soil carbon sequestration potential through improved cropland management
- Soil Nutrient Balance and Stock on Smallholder Farms at Agew Mariam Watershed in Northern Ethiopia
- Optimization of seed rate and nutrient management levels can reduce lodging damage and improve yield, quality and energetics of subtropical flax
- Bioextractive aquaculture as an alternative nutrient management strategy for water resource recovery facilities
- Crop management: Wheat yield prediction and disease detection using an intelligent predictive algorithms and metrological parameters
- Sensor-Based Monitoring of Soil and Crop Health for Enhancing Input Use Efficiency
- Synergy between compost and cover crops in a Mediterranean row crop system leads to increased subsoil carbon storage
- An agronomic‐economic approach to connect manure nutrients back to grain producing regions
- Benaragama, DIDS Suriyagoda, LDB Egodawatta, WCP (2022). The Effect of Nutrient Management and Crop Rotation on Weed Dynamics in Rice under Dry …
- Strengthening the policy framework to resolve lax implementation of the Baltic Sea Action Plan for agriculture
- Nutrient analysis and sensory qualities of black, red, and white rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars grown under different nutrient management in strongly alkaline soil
- Ample room for reducing agrochemical inputs without productivity loss: The case of vegetable production in Uruguay
- Evaluation of temporal variability on tissue nutrient concentrations of canola
- Effect of planting methods and nutrient management on economics of kharif soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill)
- Challenges and opportunities for manureshed management across US dairy systems: Case studies from four regions
- Evaluating maize yield response to fertilizer and soil in Mexico using ground and satellite approaches
- Soil properties and fertility management with respect to Capsicum (Capsicum annuum L.) production in Nairobi Peri-urban Counties
- Nitrogen and phosphorus emission to water in agricultural crop-animal systems and driving forces in Hainan Island, China
- Young and century-old biochars strongly affect nutrient cycling in a temperate agroecosystem
- Soil Nutrient Assessment and Crop Estimation with Machine Learning Method: A Survey
- Effect of fertility levels, organic sources and bio-inoculants on nutrient content and uptake of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
- … Anal-ysis of Rice and Weeds and Their Nutrient Partitioning under Various Establishment Methods and Weed Management Practices in Temperate …
- Exploring Overwintered Cover Crops as a Soil Management Tool in Upper-midwest High Tunnels
- Organic Farming for Sustainable Soil Use, Management, Food Production and Climate Change Mitigation
- Temporal and spatial variations in nitrogen use efficiency of crop production in China
- Impact of long term inorganic and integrated nutrient management practices on growth and yield of rice in rice (Oryza sativa L.): Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) …
- Nutritional values of forages in the maize-oats cropping sequence under various nutrient management practices
- Salt and irrigation management of soil-grown Mediterranean greenhouse tomato crops drip-irrigated with moderately saline water
- Mitigating magnesium deficiency for sustainable citrus production: A case study in Southwest China
- Impact of mulching and nutrients on soil water balance and actual evapotranspiration of irrigated winter cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)
- Winter cover crops favor cereal crop in N competition against creeping thistle Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop
- Developing an IoT-Based Data Analytics System for Predicting Soil Nutrient Degradation Level
- Nitrogen Management for Improving Water, Energy, and Food Security
- Cereal production trends, nutrient use efficiency and its management practices in agriculture: A review
- NPK in treated wastewater irrigation: Regional scale indices to minimize environmental pollution and optimize crop nutritional supply
- Impact of Safe Rock® Minerals, Mineral Fertilizers, and Manure on the Quantity and Quality of the Wheat Yield in the Rice–Wheat Cropping System
- Orychophragmus violaceus-maize rotation increases maize productivity by improving soil chemical properties and plant nutrient uptake
- The effect of different fertigation strategies on salinity and nutrient dynamics of cherry tomato grown in a gutter subirrigation system
- Soil-Smart Practices: Integrated Soil Fertility Management
- Conservation agriculture practices drive maize yield by regulating soil nutrient availability, arbuscular mycorrhizas, and plant nutrient uptake
- Effect of tillage and nitrogen management on yields, profitability and nitrogen balance of baby corn (Zea mays)
- Effect of fertility levels, biofertilizers and organic manure on nutrient uptake by sorghum fodder and its residual effect on barley
- Estimating Nutrient Uptake Requirements for Melon Based on the QUEFTS Model
- Study on the Nutrient Optimal Management Strategy of High and Stable Annual Yield in the Rice–Wheat System: A 10-Year Term Experiment
- Agronomic practices in soil water management for sustainable crop production under rain fed agriculture of Drylands in Sub-Sahara Africa
- Appraising water and nutrient recovery for perennial crops irrigated with reclaimed water in Mediterranean areas through an index-based approach
- Integrated use of biofertilizer, FYM with inorganic fertilizer on yield, nutrient content and quality of wheat
- Improving wheat yield by optimizing seeding and fertilizer rates based on precipitation in the summer fallow season in drylands of the Loess Plateau
- Exploring the environmental impact of crop production in China using a comprehensive footprint approach
- Integrated Nutrient Management Improves Productivity and Quality of Sugarcane (Saccharum Officinarum L.)
- Whole-plant phenotypic engineering: moving beyond ratios for multi-objective optimization of nutrient use efficiency
- crop health: Future challenges and opportunities
- Nitrogen losses from food production in the North China Plain: A case study for Quzhou
- Indian Research Journal of Extension Education
- Do post‐harvest crop residues in no‐till systems provide for nitrogen needs of following crops?
- Future Research Perspectives
- Nutrient Use Efficiency and Productivity of Field Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Influenced by Combined Nitrogen and Sulphur Application
- Integrated Nutrient Management Improves the Productivity and Nutrient Use Efficiency of Lens culinaris Medik.
- Quantifying regional effects of best management practices on nutrient losses from agricultural lands
- Nutrient Flows and Balances in Mixed Farming Systems in Madagascar
- Climate change vulnerability and adaptation of crop producers in sub-Saharan Africa: a review on concepts, approaches and methods
- Evaluating Impacts of 4R Nutrient Stewardship
- Data set showing the development of a hyperspectral imaging technique using LA-ICP-MS to determine the spatial distribution of nutrients in soil cores
- Growth analysis and grain yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties under green manure based integrated nutrient management
- Tillage and nutrient management influence net global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity in soybean-wheat cropping system
- Effect of Azotobacter and Nitrogen on Yield and Nutrient Uptake by Wheat
- Impacts of Different Water Management Technologies on Water Productivity, Partial Nutrient Balance and Yield of Bread Wheat at Koga Irrigation Scheme
- Greenhouse gas emissions from the wheat-maize cropping system under different tillage and crop residue management practices in the North China Plain
- Nutrient Management Effects on Wine Grape Tissue Nutrient Content
- Cover Crop Effects on Cash Crops in Northern Great Plains No-till Systems Are Annually Variable and Possibly Delayed
- Micronutrients availability in soil–plant system as influenced by long-term integrated nutrient management under rice–wheat cropping
- Impacts of tillage and nutrient management on soil porosity trends in dryland agriculture
- Nitrogen management for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) intercropped with variable aged poplar (Populus deltoides Bartr.) plantations in North-Western India
- Management Strategies for Critical Erosion-Prone Areas of Small Agricultural Watershed Based on Sediment and Nutrient Yield
- Improvements in grain yield and nutrient utilization efficiency of japonica inbred rice released since the 1980s in eastern China
- The Influence of Soil Organic Carbon and Climate Variability on Crop Yields in Kongwa District, Tanzania
- Nutrient Budget in Indian Agriculture During 1970–2018: Assessing Inputs and Outputs of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium
- Agri-environmental implications of N-and P-based manure application to perennial and annual cropping systems
- Evaluation of the DNDC Model to Estimate Soil Parameters, Crop Yield and Nitrous Oxide Emissions for Alternative Long-Term Multi-Cropping Systems in the North …
- Calculation of spatially explicit amounts and intervals of agricultural lime applications at county-level in China
- Ensuring future agricultural sustainability in China utilizing an observationally validated nutrient recommendation approach
- Effect of Irrigation Scheduling and Sowing Windows on Yield and Yield Attributes of Wheat
- Reducing the environmental risks related to phosphorus surplus resulting from greenhouse cucumber production in China
- Impact of crop rotation with chemical and organic fertilization on weed seed density, species diversity, and community structure after 13 years
- Long-term yield of rice–rice system with different nutrient management in eastern India: effect of air temperature variability in dry season
- Addressing Nutrient Imbalance in Animal Agriculture Systems
- Narrowing crop yield gaps in Ethiopia under current and future climate: A model-based exploration of intensification options and their trade-offs with the water …
- Frontiers in Crop Improvement
- Additive and synergistic effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, insect pollination and nutrient availability in a perennial fruit crop
- Influence of Integrated Nutrient Management on Yield of Coconut (Cocos Nucifera) on Sandy Soils
- Response of moth bean (Vigna aconitifolia L.) to FYM and phosphorus with and without biofertilizers and their effect on growth, yield attributes and yield
- Effect of sowing dates and varieties on the nutrient uptake and economics of Wheat crop (Triticum aestivum L.) under changing climate
- A review of the influences of organic farming on soil quality, crop productivity and produce quality
- Spectral and Smartphone-Based Tools to Monitor Plant and Soil Nitrogen Status for Site-Specific Nitrogen Management in Crop Plants
- Production potential, quality and soil health of newly introduced baby corn as influenced by best management practices in eastern Himalayas
- Identifying crop yield gaps with site-and season-specific data-driven models of yield potential
- Actinobacteria-enhanced plant growth, nutrient acquisition, and crop protection: Advances in soil, plant, and microbial multifactorial interactions
- Effect of Land Configuration and Nutrient Management Methods on Growth and Yield of Blackgram (Vigna mungo).
- Improving Onion Productivity Through Soil Macro Nutrient Optimization at Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia
- Studies on effect of organic and inorganic nutrients on growth and yield of capsicum (Capsicum annuum L. var. Grossum)
- Effect of nutrient management and time of vine cutting on orange and white-fleshed sweetpotato varieties in Southern Nigeria
- Nutrient use efficiency indices of N, P, and K under rice-wheat cropping system in LTFE after 34th crop cycle
- Impact of agricultural management practices on soil carbon sequestration and its monitoring through simulation models and remote sensing techniques: A review
- A comparison of obfuscation methods used for privacy protection: Exploring the challenges of polygon data in agricultural research
- Seedling quality and growth of sandalwood in response to integrated nutrient management
- Alfalfa green manure amendment improved P use efficiency and reduced P losses from paddy fields
- Strategies to Improve Crop-Water Productivity
- Morphological & physiological basis of submergence tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
- Cover crop and phosphorus fertilizer management impacts on surface water quality from a no-till corn-soybean rotation
- Effect of integrated nutrient management on productivity and profitability of mustard (Brassica juncea L.)
- The impact of integrated crop-livestock systems: A review of the components and barriers of the classic farming approach
- Promise and performance of agricultural nutrient management policy: Lessons from the Baltic Sea
- Effect of crop residues on productivity, profitability and oil quality of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.)
- Biofertilizers: The Role in Sustainable Agriculture
- The impact of NPK fertilizer on growth and nutrient accumulation in juniper (Juniperus procera) trees grown on fire-damaged and intact soils
- Correlation of Soil Characteristics and Citrus Leaf Nutrients Contents in Current Scenario of Layyah District
- Growth and yield performance of fodder oats (Avena sativa) grown under different nutrient management practices
- Anaerobic digestate management, environmental impacts, and techno-economic challenges
- An assessment of irrigated rice cultivation with different crop establishment practices in Vietnam
- Nutrient use efficiency (NUE) of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as affected by NPK fertilization
- Nutrient uptake, soil nutrient status and water use efficiency as influenced by drip fertigation in broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica)
- Understanding changes in cassava root dry matter yield by different planting dates, crop ages at harvest, fertilizer application and varieties
- 1 Integrated nematode management and crop health: Future challenges and opportunities
- Sources of nitrogen for crop growth: Pakistan’s case
- Long-term effects of FYM and nitrogen application on weeds, nutrient uptake, and crop productivity of wheat in subtropical north-western India
- Agronomic evaluation of different Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) varieties under organic management system in Bundelkhand
- Microbial Indices to Assess Soil Health under Different Tillage and Fertilization in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Crop
- Spatial Distribution and Regulating Factors of Soil Nutrient Stocks in Afforested Dump of Pingshuo Opencast Coalmine, China
- Nano-biofertilizers for enhanced nutrient use efficiency
- Cereal grain composition under changing climate
- Phosphorus management strategies to increase lowland rice yields in sub-Saharan Africa: A review
- Biochar as a means to improve soil fertility and crop productivity: a review
- Cover crops and no-tillage reduce crop production costs and soil loss, compensating for lack of short-term soil quality improvement in a maize and soybean production …
- Leaf and Fruit Nutrient Concentration in Rojo Brillante Persimmon Grown under Conventional and Organic Management, and Its Correlation with Fruit Quality …
- Developing Climate Resilient Integrated Soil–Crop Management (Criscm) System for Sustainable Wheat Production in Salt–Affected Agroecosystems: Bridging Yield …
- Leaf litter species affects decomposition rate and nutrient release in a cocoa plantation
- Biofortification of major crop plants with iron and zinc-achievements and future directions
- Bottom-up forces in agroecosystems and their potential impact on arthropod pest management
- Complementary effect of zoo compost with mineral nitrogen fertilisation increases wheat yield and nutrition in a low-nutrient soil
- Vermicomposting: an eco-friendly approach for waste management and nutrient enhancement
- Microbial Contributions for Rice Production: From Conventional Crop Management to the Use of ‘Omics’ Technologies
- Six-spotted mite and its predators on sprayed and unsprayed ‘Hass’ avocado trees
- Biochar and Compost-Based Integrated Nutrient Management: Potential for Carbon and Microbial Enrichment in Degraded Acidic and Charland Soils
- Combined use of crop yield statistics and remotely sensed products for enhanced simulations of evapotranspiration within an agricultural watershed
- Comparative Analysis of Rice and Weeds and Their Nutrient Partitioning under Various Establishment Methods and Weed Management Practices in Temperate …
- Plant Nutrition under Climate Change and Soil Carbon Sequestration
- Spatial characteristics of nutrient budget on town scale in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China
- Reduction of Synthetic Nitrogen Fertilizer Using Tithonia-based Liquid Organic Fertilizer for Sweet Corn Production in Ultisols
- Growing Season Harvests of Shrub Willow Have Higher Nutrient Removals and Lower Yields Compared to Dormant Season Harvests
- Nitrogen and the future of agriculture: 20 years on
- Nitrogen fertilisation impacts greenhouse gas emissions, carbon footprint, and agronomic responses of beet intercropped with arugula
- Long-Term Effects of Animal Manures on Nutrient Recovery and Soil Quality in Acid Typic Hapludalf under No-Till Conditions
- Insect pests under changing climate and climate-smart pest management
- Drought Stress in Brassica napus: Effects, Tolerance Mechanisms, and Management Strategies
- Localized nutrient supply can facilitate root proliferation and increase nitrogen-use efficiency in compacted soil
- Nitrogen use efficiency trends for sustainable crop productivity in Lake Victoria basin: smallholder farmers’ perspectives on nitrogen cycling
- Yield Variability in Oil Palm Plantations in Tropical India Is Influenced by Surface and Sub-Surface Soil Fertility and Leaf Mineral Nutrient Contents
- Micro and macroalgae: A potential biostimulant for abiotic stress management and crop production
- An Insight into GreenSeeker Technology: A Vital Tool for Precision Nutrient Management
- … dissolved inorganic nitrogen in runoff from sugarcane informs development of a modelling algorithm to prioritise organic and inorganic nutrient management
- Response of Organic and Inorganic Nutrient Sources on Soil Nutrient Status of Cucumber Production under Protected Cultivation
- Enhancing farm productivity and profitability by technological interventions through farmers’ participatory approach in Hisar district
- Region Based Crop Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network
- Using Liquid Manure in Nursery for Stimulating Growth & Reducing Mortality in Forestry Plantations
- The farm coaching experience to support the transition to integrated crop–livestock systems: From gaming to action
- Implication of imposing fertilizer limitations on energy, agriculture, and land systems
- Evaluation of Fodder Maize (Zea mays L.) Cv. African Tall and its Response to Different Rates of FYM and Biofertilizers under Cold arid Conditions of Kargil
- Drought Demonstrates Value of Fall Soil Nitrate‐Nitrogen Testing in the Northern Great Plains
- Biochar and its twin benefits: Crop residue management and climate change mitigation in India
- Agroecological management with intra-and interspecific diversification as an alternative to conventional soil nutrient management in family maize farming
- Effect of Integrated nutrient management on growth and yield of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
- Enhanced nutrient uptake in rice-wheat cropping system through the use of microbial inoculations and zinc fertilization
- Effect of organic nutrient sources on growth, yield attributes and yield of wheat under rice (Oryza sativa L.) wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping system
- Performance of mustard variety NRCHB-101 through cluster frontline demonstration in Malda, West Bengal
- Multi-micronutrient foliar fertilization in eggplant under diverse fertility scenarios: Effects on productivity, nutrient biofortification and soil microbial activity
- Effect of nitrogen and sulphur levels on growth, yield and quality of maize (Zea mays L.)
- … Minimum Tillage on Crop Yields and Sustainable Yield Index of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) and Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) and Nutrient …
- Minimum dataset and metadata guidelines for soil‐test correlation and calibration research
- Does straw return increase crop yield in the wheat-maize cropping system in China? A meta-analysis
- Residual effect of integrated nutrient management in rice on growth and yield of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
- Reduced Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates Maintained Raspberry Growth in an Established Field
- Data-driven, early-season forecasts of block sugarcane yield for precision agriculture
- Response of cabbage to soil test-based fertilization coupled with different levels of drip irrigation in an inceptisol
- Nano-fertilizer: Role in Sustainable Agriculture
- Spatial Patterns of Fertilizer Use and Imbalances: Evidence from Rice Cultivation in India
- Establishing long-term nitrogen response of global cereals to assess sustainable fertilizer rates
- Nitrogen use efficiency in crop production: issues and challenges in South Asia
- An Integrated Yield-Based Methodology for Improving Soil Nutrient Management at a Regional Scale
- Nutrient expert system optimizes fertilizer management to improve potato productivity and tuber quality
- QUEFTS Model-based Estimation of the Nutrient Requirements and Fertilizer Recommendation for Chinese Onion
- Seeding density and nutrient management practice influence yield; quality and nutrient use efficiency of flax grown under sub-tropical humid Himalayan tarai
- The state of play of copper, mineral oil, external nutrient input, anthelmintics, antibiotics and vitamin usage and available reduction strategies in organic farming across …
- Effect of information-driven irrigation scheduling on water use efficiency, nutrient leaching, greenhouse gas emission, and plant growth in South Florida
- Integrated Nutrient Management Improves the Growth and Yield of Rice and Greengram in a Rice—Greengram Cropping System under the Coastal Plain Agro …
- Improving crop modeling to better simulate maize yield variability under different irrigation managements
- Integrated Nutrient Management for Rice Yield, Soil Fertility, and Carbon Sequestration
- Applications of Waste Decomposer in Plant Health Protection, Crop Productivity and Soil Health Management
- Modeling and assessing water and nutrient balances in a tile-drained agricultural watershed in the US Corn Belt
- Influence of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield and economics of okra
- Socio-psychological factors influencing intent to adopt conservation practices in the Minnesota River Basin
- Economic evaluation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under the influence of fertilizer placement and nutrient management
- Crop nitrogen use efficiency for sustainable food security and climate change mitigation
- Impact of different nutrient sources on yield, nutrient uptake and quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum)
- Crop Management Using Machine Learning
- Viable Nutrient Management Options for Sustaining Small Farm Agriculture
- Phosphorus Forms under Crop Residue Retention and Phosphorus Fertilization in Maize–Wheat Rotation
- Growth and yield performance of late sown Toria (Brassica rapa subsp. Toria) under integrated nutrient management practices in Assam
- Crop Yield and Soil Quality Are Partners in a Sustainable Agricultural System
- Root system architectural and growth responses of crop plants to mineral nutrition under moisture stress and its implications in drought tolerance
- Nitrogen and phosphorus management in cropland soils along with greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation for nutrient management
- Nitrogen and phosphorus leaching and vegetative growth of maize as affected by organic manure application
- Growth and development of paddy due to deferent amendments and nutrient management practices in sodic soil
- Mapping of Soil Nutrient Variability and Delineating Site-Specific Management Zones Using Fuzzy Clustering Analysis in Eastern Coastal Region, India
- Input Use Efficiency for Food and Environmental Security
- Farm factors influencing soil fertility management patterns in Upper Eastern Kenya
- Nutrient Solution for Hydroponics
- Effects of Tillage and Cropping Sequences On Crop Production And Environmental Benefits in the North China Plain
- Using SWAT‐MEA to determine optimal placement of crop management systems under no‐till
- Evaluation of nitrate leaching, fatty acids, physiological traits and yield of rapeseed (Brassica napus) in response to tillage, irrigation and fertilizer management
- Soil microbial communities following 20 years of fertilization and crop rotation practices in the Czech Republic
- Impact of long term integrated nutrient management (INM) practice on aluminium dynamics and nutritional quality of rice under acidic Inceptisol
- Nutrient Response Functions of Sorghum for Miesso District Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia
Research Topics Biology