Research Topics Crop Nutrient management

Research Area/ Research Interest: Crop Nutrient management

Research Paper Topics for: Masters and PhD Thesis and publication

  1. Comparison of nitrogen losses from different manure treatment and application management systems in China
  2. Improving nutrient and economic efficiency of dairy intensification depends on intensive use of scattered cropland
  3. Nutrient Balance of Phosphorus in Long-Term Field Experiment
  4. Yield-limiting plant nutrients for maize production in northwest Ethiopia
  5. Predicting field N2O emissions from crop residues based on their biochemical composition: A meta-analytical approach
  6. Effect of diversified cropping systems on crop yield, legacy, and budget of potassium in a subtropical Oxisol
  7. Weather fluctuation can override the effects of integrated nutrient management on fungal disease incidence in the rice fields in Taiwan
  8. Productivity and quality enhancement in fodder maize (Zea mays) cultivars through nutrient management strategies
  9. Assessment of Farmer’s Practices on the Rubber Nursery Management Using Growing Medium and Varietal Selection in Mon State
  10. Role of nanotechnology in enhancing crop production and produce quality
  11. Long-term impact of integrated nutrient management on sustainable yield index of rice and soil quality under acidic inceptisol
  12. Tillage and crop management impacts on soil loss and crop yields in northwestern Ethiopia
  13. Co-cultivation Approach to Decipher the Influence of Nitrogen-Fixing Cyanobacterium on Growth and N Uptake in Rice Crop
  14. Differences in Rice Productivity and Growth Attributes Under Different Paddy-Upland Cropping Systems
  15. Management History Affects the Ecosystem Services from Cover Crop Mixtures
  17. Which policy is preferred by crop farmers when replacing synthetic fertilizers by manure? A choice experiment in China
  18. Field methods for making productivity classes for site-specific management of wheat
  19. Assessing the effect of P-solubilizing bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi on tomato yield and quality under different crop rotations
  20. Nutrient Stewardship: Taking 4R Further
  21. Dataset associated with the manuscript:“Divergent belowground allocation patterns of winter wheat shape rhizosphere microbial communities and nitrogen cycling …
  22. Effects of planting dates on the crude protein and nutrient uptake of two varieties of Millet (Pennisetum typhoides)(Burm. f.) Stapf & Hubbard} in a forest-savanna …
  23. Evaluation of Nutrient Requirements of Sweet Lupine in Bread Wheat-Sweet Lupine under Additive Design Intercropping System in Northwest Ethiopia
  24. Divergent belowground carbon allocation patterns of winter wheat shape rhizosphere microbial communities and nitrogen cycling activities
  25. Irrigation and nitrogen fertilization alter soil bacterial communities, soil enzyme activities, and nutrient availability in maize crop
  26. Effect of integrated nutrient management on mungbean (Vigna radiata) under custard apple (Annona squamosa) based agri-horti system in Vindhyan region …
  27. Soil labile carbon and nitrogen fractions after eleven years of manure and mineral fertilizer applications
  28. Investigation on the Capability of GreenSeeker Sensor in Predicting Nitrogen Status and Fractional Vegetation Cover of Spinach Crop
  29. Integrated management of Striga gesnerioides in cowpea using resistant varieties, improved crop nutrition and rhizobium inoculants
  30. Influence of Different Nutrient Management Practices and Cropping Systems on Organic Carbon Pools in Typic Ustochrept Soil of Indo-Gangetic Plains in India
  31. A Bibliometric Analysis of Management Bioenergy Research Using Vosviewer Application
  32. Mandatory information-based policy tools facilitate California farmers’ learning about nitrogen management
  33. Different Organic Fertilisation Systems Modify Tomato Quality: An Opportunity for Circular Fertilisation in Intensive Horticulture
  34. Sustainability of Fertigation in Agricultural Crop Production by IoT System: A Review
  35. Typology of rice-based cropping systems for improved soil carbon management: Capturing smallholder farming opportunities and constraints in Dinajpur, Bangladesh
  36. A review on integrated nutrient management and its effect on mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek)
  37. 16S rRNA Gene-Based Metagenomic Analysis of Rhizosphere Soil Bacteria in Arkansas Rice Crop Fields
  38. Structural Change in Rice-Wheat Crop Yield in India: A Multiple Breakpoint Analysis
  39. The Extension of Vegetable Production to High Altitudes Increases the Environmental Cost and Decreases Economic Benefits in Subtropical Regions
  40. Conservation agriculture based integrated crop management sustains productivity and economic profitability along with soil properties of the maize-wheat …
  41. Leaf colour chart based nitrogen management in wheat under zero till condition of West Bengal
  42. Global variation in soil carbon sequestration potential through improved cropland management
  43. Soil Nutrient Balance and Stock on Smallholder Farms at Agew Mariam Watershed in Northern Ethiopia
  44. Optimization of seed rate and nutrient management levels can reduce lodging damage and improve yield, quality and energetics of subtropical flax
  45. Bioextractive aquaculture as an alternative nutrient management strategy for water resource recovery facilities
  46. Crop management: Wheat yield prediction and disease detection using an intelligent predictive algorithms and metrological parameters
  47. Sensor-Based Monitoring of Soil and Crop Health for Enhancing Input Use Efficiency
  48. Synergy between compost and cover crops in a Mediterranean row crop system leads to increased subsoil carbon storage
  49. An agronomic‐economic approach to connect manure nutrients back to grain producing regions
  50. Benaragama, DIDS Suriyagoda, LDB Egodawatta, WCP (2022). The Effect of Nutrient Management and Crop Rotation on Weed Dynamics in Rice under Dry …
  51. Strengthening the policy framework to resolve lax implementation of the Baltic Sea Action Plan for agriculture
  52. Nutrient analysis and sensory qualities of black, red, and white rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars grown under different nutrient management in strongly alkaline soil
  53. Ample room for reducing agrochemical inputs without productivity loss: The case of vegetable production in Uruguay
  54. Evaluation of temporal variability on tissue nutrient concentrations of canola
  55. Effect of planting methods and nutrient management on economics of kharif soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill)
  56. Challenges and opportunities for manureshed management across US dairy systems: Case studies from four regions
  57. Evaluating maize yield response to fertilizer and soil in Mexico using ground and satellite approaches
  58. Soil properties and fertility management with respect to Capsicum (Capsicum annuum L.) production in Nairobi Peri-urban Counties
  59. Nitrogen and phosphorus emission to water in agricultural crop-animal systems and driving forces in Hainan Island, China
  60. Young and century-old biochars strongly affect nutrient cycling in a temperate agroecosystem
  61. Soil Nutrient Assessment and Crop Estimation with Machine Learning Method: A Survey
  62. Effect of fertility levels, organic sources and bio-inoculants on nutrient content and uptake of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
  63. … Anal-ysis of Rice and Weeds and Their Nutrient Partitioning under Various Establishment Methods and Weed Management Practices in Temperate …
  64. Exploring Overwintered Cover Crops as a Soil Management Tool in Upper-midwest High Tunnels
  65. Organic Farming for Sustainable Soil Use, Management, Food Production and Climate Change Mitigation
  66. Temporal and spatial variations in nitrogen use efficiency of crop production in China
  67. Impact of long term inorganic and integrated nutrient management practices on growth and yield of rice in rice (Oryza sativa L.): Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) …
  68. Nutritional values of forages in the maize-oats cropping sequence under various nutrient management practices
  69. Salt and irrigation management of soil-grown Mediterranean greenhouse tomato crops drip-irrigated with moderately saline water
  70. Mitigating magnesium deficiency for sustainable citrus production: A case study in Southwest China
  71. Impact of mulching and nutrients on soil water balance and actual evapotranspiration of irrigated winter cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)
  72. Winter cover crops favor cereal crop in N competition against creeping thistle Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop
  73. Developing an IoT-Based Data Analytics System for Predicting Soil Nutrient Degradation Level
  74. Nitrogen Management for Improving Water, Energy, and Food Security
  75. Cereal production trends, nutrient use efficiency and its management practices in agriculture: A review
  76. NPK in treated wastewater irrigation: Regional scale indices to minimize environmental pollution and optimize crop nutritional supply
  77. Impact of Safe Rock® Minerals, Mineral Fertilizers, and Manure on the Quantity and Quality of the Wheat Yield in the Rice–Wheat Cropping System
  78. Orychophragmus violaceus-maize rotation increases maize productivity by improving soil chemical properties and plant nutrient uptake
  79. The effect of different fertigation strategies on salinity and nutrient dynamics of cherry tomato grown in a gutter subirrigation system
  80. Soil-Smart Practices: Integrated Soil Fertility Management
  81. Conservation agriculture practices drive maize yield by regulating soil nutrient availability, arbuscular mycorrhizas, and plant nutrient uptake
  82. Effect of tillage and nitrogen management on yields, profitability and nitrogen balance of baby corn (Zea mays)
  83. Effect of fertility levels, biofertilizers and organic manure on nutrient uptake by sorghum fodder and its residual effect on barley
  85. Estimating Nutrient Uptake Requirements for Melon Based on the QUEFTS Model
  86. Study on the Nutrient Optimal Management Strategy of High and Stable Annual Yield in the Rice–Wheat System: A 10-Year Term Experiment
  87. Agronomic practices in soil water management for sustainable crop production under rain fed agriculture of Drylands in Sub-Sahara Africa
  88. Appraising water and nutrient recovery for perennial crops irrigated with reclaimed water in Mediterranean areas through an index-based approach
  89. Integrated use of biofertilizer, FYM with inorganic fertilizer on yield, nutrient content and quality of wheat
  90. Improving wheat yield by optimizing seeding and fertilizer rates based on precipitation in the summer fallow season in drylands of the Loess Plateau
  91. Exploring the environmental impact of crop production in China using a comprehensive footprint approach
  92. Integrated Nutrient Management Improves Productivity and Quality of Sugarcane (Saccharum Officinarum L.)
  93. Whole-plant phenotypic engineering: moving beyond ratios for multi-objective optimization of nutrient use efficiency
  94. crop health: Future challenges and opportunities
  95. Nitrogen losses from food production in the North China Plain: A case study for Quzhou
  96. Indian Research Journal of Extension Education
  97. Do post‐harvest crop residues in no‐till systems provide for nitrogen needs of following crops?
  98. Future Research Perspectives
  99. Nutrient Use Efficiency and Productivity of Field Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Influenced by Combined Nitrogen and Sulphur Application
  100. Integrated Nutrient Management Improves the Productivity and Nutrient Use Efficiency of Lens culinaris Medik.
  101. Quantifying regional effects of best management practices on nutrient losses from agricultural lands
  102. Nutrient Flows and Balances in Mixed Farming Systems in Madagascar
  103. Climate change vulnerability and adaptation of crop producers in sub-Saharan Africa: a review on concepts, approaches and methods
  104. Evaluating Impacts of 4R Nutrient Stewardship
  105. Data set showing the development of a hyperspectral imaging technique using LA-ICP-MS to determine the spatial distribution of nutrients in soil cores
  106. Growth analysis and grain yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties under green manure based integrated nutrient management
  107. Tillage and nutrient management influence net global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity in soybean-wheat cropping system
  108. Effect of Azotobacter and Nitrogen on Yield and Nutrient Uptake by Wheat
  109. Impacts of Different Water Management Technologies on Water Productivity, Partial Nutrient Balance and Yield of Bread Wheat at Koga Irrigation Scheme
  110. Greenhouse gas emissions from the wheat-maize cropping system under different tillage and crop residue management practices in the North China Plain
  112. Nutrient Management Effects on Wine Grape Tissue Nutrient Content
  113. Cover Crop Effects on Cash Crops in Northern Great Plains No-till Systems Are Annually Variable and Possibly Delayed
  114. Micronutrients availability in soil–plant system as influenced by long-term integrated nutrient management under rice–wheat cropping
  115. Impacts of tillage and nutrient management on soil porosity trends in dryland agriculture
  116. Nitrogen management for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) intercropped with variable aged poplar (Populus deltoides Bartr.) plantations in North-Western India
  117. Management Strategies for Critical Erosion-Prone Areas of Small Agricultural Watershed Based on Sediment and Nutrient Yield
  118. Improvements in grain yield and nutrient utilization efficiency of japonica inbred rice released since the 1980s in eastern China
  119. The Influence of Soil Organic Carbon and Climate Variability on Crop Yields in Kongwa District, Tanzania
  120. Nutrient Budget in Indian Agriculture During 1970–2018: Assessing Inputs and Outputs of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium
  121. Agri-environmental implications of N-and P-based manure application to perennial and annual cropping systems
  122. Evaluation of the DNDC Model to Estimate Soil Parameters, Crop Yield and Nitrous Oxide Emissions for Alternative Long-Term Multi-Cropping Systems in the North …
  123. Calculation of spatially explicit amounts and intervals of agricultural lime applications at county-level in China
  124. Ensuring future agricultural sustainability in China utilizing an observationally validated nutrient recommendation approach
  125. Effect of Irrigation Scheduling and Sowing Windows on Yield and Yield Attributes of Wheat
  126. Reducing the environmental risks related to phosphorus surplus resulting from greenhouse cucumber production in China
  127. Impact of crop rotation with chemical and organic fertilization on weed seed density, species diversity, and community structure after 13 years
  128. Long-term yield of rice–rice system with different nutrient management in eastern India: effect of air temperature variability in dry season
  129. Addressing Nutrient Imbalance in Animal Agriculture Systems
  130. Narrowing crop yield gaps in Ethiopia under current and future climate: A model-based exploration of intensification options and their trade-offs with the water …
  131. Frontiers in Crop Improvement
  132. Additive and synergistic effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, insect pollination and nutrient availability in a perennial fruit crop
  133. Influence of Integrated Nutrient Management on Yield of Coconut (Cocos Nucifera) on Sandy Soils
  134. Response of moth bean (Vigna aconitifolia L.) to FYM and phosphorus with and without biofertilizers and their effect on growth, yield attributes and yield
  135. Effect of sowing dates and varieties on the nutrient uptake and economics of Wheat crop (Triticum aestivum L.) under changing climate
  136. A review of the influences of organic farming on soil quality, crop productivity and produce quality
  137. Spectral and Smartphone-Based Tools to Monitor Plant and Soil Nitrogen Status for Site-Specific Nitrogen Management in Crop Plants
  138. Production potential, quality and soil health of newly introduced baby corn as influenced by best management practices in eastern Himalayas
  139. Identifying crop yield gaps with site-and season-specific data-driven models of yield potential
  140. Actinobacteria-enhanced plant growth, nutrient acquisition, and crop protection: Advances in soil, plant, and microbial multifactorial interactions
  141. Effect of Land Configuration and Nutrient Management Methods on Growth and Yield of Blackgram (Vigna mungo).
  142. Improving Onion Productivity Through Soil Macro Nutrient Optimization at Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia
  143. Studies on effect of organic and inorganic nutrients on growth and yield of capsicum (Capsicum annuum L. var. Grossum)
  144. Effect of nutrient management and time of vine cutting on orange and white-fleshed sweetpotato varieties in Southern Nigeria
  145. Nutrient use efficiency indices of N, P, and K under rice-wheat cropping system in LTFE after 34th crop cycle
  146. Impact of agricultural management practices on soil carbon sequestration and its monitoring through simulation models and remote sensing techniques: A review
  147. A comparison of obfuscation methods used for privacy protection: Exploring the challenges of polygon data in agricultural research
  148. Seedling quality and growth of sandalwood in response to integrated nutrient management
  149. Alfalfa green manure amendment improved P use efficiency and reduced P losses from paddy fields
  150. Strategies to Improve Crop-Water Productivity
  151. Morphological & physiological basis of submergence tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
  152. Cover crop and phosphorus fertilizer management impacts on surface water quality from a no-till corn-soybean rotation
  153. Effect of integrated nutrient management on productivity and profitability of mustard (Brassica juncea L.)
  154. The impact of integrated crop-livestock systems: A review of the components and barriers of the classic farming approach
  155. Promise and performance of agricultural nutrient management policy: Lessons from the Baltic Sea
  156. Effect of crop residues on productivity, profitability and oil quality of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.)
  157. Biofertilizers: The Role in Sustainable Agriculture
  158. The impact of NPK fertilizer on growth and nutrient accumulation in juniper (Juniperus procera) trees grown on fire-damaged and intact soils
  159. Correlation of Soil Characteristics and Citrus Leaf Nutrients Contents in Current Scenario of Layyah District
  160. Growth and yield performance of fodder oats (Avena sativa) grown under different nutrient management practices
  161. Anaerobic digestate management, environmental impacts, and techno-economic challenges
  162. An assessment of irrigated rice cultivation with different crop establishment practices in Vietnam
  163. Nutrient use efficiency (NUE) of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as affected by NPK fertilization
  164. Nutrient uptake, soil nutrient status and water use efficiency as influenced by drip fertigation in broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica)
  165. Understanding changes in cassava root dry matter yield by different planting dates, crop ages at harvest, fertilizer application and varieties
  166. 1 Integrated nematode management and crop health: Future challenges and opportunities
  167. Sources of nitrogen for crop growth: Pakistan’s case
  168. Long-term effects of FYM and nitrogen application on weeds, nutrient uptake, and crop productivity of wheat in subtropical north-western India
  169. Agronomic evaluation of different Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) varieties under organic management system in Bundelkhand
  170. Microbial Indices to Assess Soil Health under Different Tillage and Fertilization in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Crop
  171. Spatial Distribution and Regulating Factors of Soil Nutrient Stocks in Afforested Dump of Pingshuo Opencast Coalmine, China
  172. Nano-biofertilizers for enhanced nutrient use efficiency
  173. Cereal grain composition under changing climate
  174. Phosphorus management strategies to increase lowland rice yields in sub-Saharan Africa: A review
  175. Biochar as a means to improve soil fertility and crop productivity: a review
  176. Cover crops and no-tillage reduce crop production costs and soil loss, compensating for lack of short-term soil quality improvement in a maize and soybean production …
  177. Leaf and Fruit Nutrient Concentration in Rojo Brillante Persimmon Grown under Conventional and Organic Management, and Its Correlation with Fruit Quality …
  178. Developing Climate Resilient Integrated Soil–Crop Management (Criscm) System for Sustainable Wheat Production in Salt–Affected Agroecosystems: Bridging Yield …
  179. Leaf litter species affects decomposition rate and nutrient release in a cocoa plantation
  180. Biofortification of major crop plants with iron and zinc-achievements and future directions
  181. Bottom-up forces in agroecosystems and their potential impact on arthropod pest management
  182. Complementary effect of zoo compost with mineral nitrogen fertilisation increases wheat yield and nutrition in a low-nutrient soil
  183. Vermicomposting: an eco-friendly approach for waste management and nutrient enhancement
  184. Microbial Contributions for Rice Production: From Conventional Crop Management to the Use of ‘Omics’ Technologies
  185. Six-spotted mite and its predators on sprayed and unsprayed ‘Hass’ avocado trees
  186. Biochar and Compost-Based Integrated Nutrient Management: Potential for Carbon and Microbial Enrichment in Degraded Acidic and Charland Soils
  187. Combined use of crop yield statistics and remotely sensed products for enhanced simulations of evapotranspiration within an agricultural watershed
  188. Comparative Analysis of Rice and Weeds and Their Nutrient Partitioning under Various Establishment Methods and Weed Management Practices in Temperate …
  189. Plant Nutrition under Climate Change and Soil Carbon Sequestration
  190. Spatial characteristics of nutrient budget on town scale in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China
  191. Reduction of Synthetic Nitrogen Fertilizer Using Tithonia-based Liquid Organic Fertilizer for Sweet Corn Production in Ultisols
  192. Growing Season Harvests of Shrub Willow Have Higher Nutrient Removals and Lower Yields Compared to Dormant Season Harvests
  193. Nitrogen and the future of agriculture: 20 years on
  194. Nitrogen fertilisation impacts greenhouse gas emissions, carbon footprint, and agronomic responses of beet intercropped with arugula
  195. Long-Term Effects of Animal Manures on Nutrient Recovery and Soil Quality in Acid Typic Hapludalf under No-Till Conditions
  196. Insect pests under changing climate and climate-smart pest management
  197. Drought Stress in Brassica napus: Effects, Tolerance Mechanisms, and Management Strategies
  198. Localized nutrient supply can facilitate root proliferation and increase nitrogen-use efficiency in compacted soil
  199. Nitrogen use efficiency trends for sustainable crop productivity in Lake Victoria basin: smallholder farmers’ perspectives on nitrogen cycling
  200. Yield Variability in Oil Palm Plantations in Tropical India Is Influenced by Surface and Sub-Surface Soil Fertility and Leaf Mineral Nutrient Contents
  201. Micro and macroalgae: A potential biostimulant for abiotic stress management and crop production
  202. An Insight into GreenSeeker Technology: A Vital Tool for Precision Nutrient Management
  203. … dissolved inorganic nitrogen in runoff from sugarcane informs development of a modelling algorithm to prioritise organic and inorganic nutrient management
  204. Response of Organic and Inorganic Nutrient Sources on Soil Nutrient Status of Cucumber Production under Protected Cultivation
  205. Enhancing farm productivity and profitability by technological interventions through farmers’ participatory approach in Hisar district
  206. Region Based Crop Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network
  207. Using Liquid Manure in Nursery for Stimulating Growth & Reducing Mortality in Forestry Plantations
  208. The farm coaching experience to support the transition to integrated crop–livestock systems: From gaming to action
  209. Implication of imposing fertilizer limitations on energy, agriculture, and land systems
  210. Evaluation of Fodder Maize (Zea mays L.) Cv. African Tall and its Response to Different Rates of FYM and Biofertilizers under Cold arid Conditions of Kargil
  211. Drought Demonstrates Value of Fall Soil Nitrate‐Nitrogen Testing in the Northern Great Plains
  212. Biochar and its twin benefits: Crop residue management and climate change mitigation in India
  213. Agroecological management with intra-and interspecific diversification as an alternative to conventional soil nutrient management in family maize farming
  214. Effect of Integrated nutrient management on growth and yield of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
  215. Enhanced nutrient uptake in rice-wheat cropping system through the use of microbial inoculations and zinc fertilization
  216. Effect of organic nutrient sources on growth, yield attributes and yield of wheat under rice (Oryza sativa L.) wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping system
  217. Performance of mustard variety NRCHB-101 through cluster frontline demonstration in Malda, West Bengal
  218. Multi-micronutrient foliar fertilization in eggplant under diverse fertility scenarios: Effects on productivity, nutrient biofortification and soil microbial activity
  219. Effect of nitrogen and sulphur levels on growth, yield and quality of maize (Zea mays L.)
  220. … Minimum Tillage on Crop Yields and Sustainable Yield Index of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) and Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) and Nutrient …
  221. Minimum dataset and metadata guidelines for soil‐test correlation and calibration research
  222. Does straw return increase crop yield in the wheat-maize cropping system in China? A meta-analysis
  223. Residual effect of integrated nutrient management in rice on growth and yield of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
  224. Reduced Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates Maintained Raspberry Growth in an Established Field
  225. Data-driven, early-season forecasts of block sugarcane yield for precision agriculture
  226. Response of cabbage to soil test-based fertilization coupled with different levels of drip irrigation in an inceptisol
  227. Nano-fertilizer: Role in Sustainable Agriculture
  228. Spatial Patterns of Fertilizer Use and Imbalances: Evidence from Rice Cultivation in India
  229. Establishing long-term nitrogen response of global cereals to assess sustainable fertilizer rates
  230. Nitrogen use efficiency in crop production: issues and challenges in South Asia
  231. An Integrated Yield-Based Methodology for Improving Soil Nutrient Management at a Regional Scale
  232. Nutrient expert system optimizes fertilizer management to improve potato productivity and tuber quality
  233. QUEFTS Model-based Estimation of the Nutrient Requirements and Fertilizer Recommendation for Chinese Onion
  234. Seeding density and nutrient management practice influence yield; quality and nutrient use efficiency of flax grown under sub-tropical humid Himalayan tarai
  235. The state of play of copper, mineral oil, external nutrient input, anthelmintics, antibiotics and vitamin usage and available reduction strategies in organic farming across …
  236. Effect of information-driven irrigation scheduling on water use efficiency, nutrient leaching, greenhouse gas emission, and plant growth in South Florida
  237. Integrated Nutrient Management Improves the Growth and Yield of Rice and Greengram in a Rice—Greengram Cropping System under the Coastal Plain Agro …
  238. Improving crop modeling to better simulate maize yield variability under different irrigation managements
  239. Integrated Nutrient Management for Rice Yield, Soil Fertility, and Carbon Sequestration
  240. Applications of Waste Decomposer in Plant Health Protection, Crop Productivity and Soil Health Management
  241. Modeling and assessing water and nutrient balances in a tile-drained agricultural watershed in the US Corn Belt
  242. Influence of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield and economics of okra
  243. Socio-psychological factors influencing intent to adopt conservation practices in the Minnesota River Basin
  244. Economic evaluation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under the influence of fertilizer placement and nutrient management
  245. Crop nitrogen use efficiency for sustainable food security and climate change mitigation
  246. Impact of different nutrient sources on yield, nutrient uptake and quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum)
  247. Crop Management Using Machine Learning
  248. Viable Nutrient Management Options for Sustaining Small Farm Agriculture
  249. Phosphorus Forms under Crop Residue Retention and Phosphorus Fertilization in Maize–Wheat Rotation
  250. Growth and yield performance of late sown Toria (Brassica rapa subsp. Toria) under integrated nutrient management practices in Assam
  251. Crop Yield and Soil Quality Are Partners in a Sustainable Agricultural System
  252. Root system architectural and growth responses of crop plants to mineral nutrition under moisture stress and its implications in drought tolerance
  253. Nitrogen and phosphorus management in cropland soils along with greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation for nutrient management
  254. Nitrogen and phosphorus leaching and vegetative growth of maize as affected by organic manure application
  255. Growth and development of paddy due to deferent amendments and nutrient management practices in sodic soil
  256. Mapping of Soil Nutrient Variability and Delineating Site-Specific Management Zones Using Fuzzy Clustering Analysis in Eastern Coastal Region, India
  257. Input Use Efficiency for Food and Environmental Security
  258. Farm factors influencing soil fertility management patterns in Upper Eastern Kenya
  259. Nutrient Solution for Hydroponics
  260. Effects of Tillage and Cropping Sequences On Crop Production And Environmental Benefits in the North China Plain
  261. Using SWAT‐MEA to determine optimal placement of crop management systems under no‐till
  262. Evaluation of nitrate leaching, fatty acids, physiological traits and yield of rapeseed (Brassica napus) in response to tillage, irrigation and fertilizer management
  263. Soil microbial communities following 20 years of fertilization and crop rotation practices in the Czech Republic
  264. Impact of long term integrated nutrient management (INM) practice on aluminium dynamics and nutritional quality of rice under acidic Inceptisol
  265. Nutrient Response Functions of Sorghum for Miesso District Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia


Research Topics Biology
