Physics Multiple Choices Questions
1. Which of the following can be measured by an Odometer?
A. Distance
B. Height
C. Pressure
D. Velocity
E. None of these
3. Which one of the following is a mass?
A. Proton
B. Photon
C. Neutron
D. Electron
E. None of these
4. One mile is equal to …
A. 1699m
B. 1609m
C. 180m
D. 1799m
E. None of these
5. Rotatory motion is of two kinds. One is Spin motion and another one is?
A. Orbital motion.
B. Translatory motion.
C. Vibrational motion.
D. Circular motion.
E. None of these
6. Counter …… clockwise rotation is taken as?
A. Zero
B. Neutral
C. Positive
D. Negative
E. None of these
7. A particle having the mass of an electron and the charge of a proton is called …
A. Antiproton
B. Positron
C. Betatron
D. Photons
E. None of these
8. Guess the distance traveled by a Red color car during the time when it was moving to New York at a steady speed?
A. 200 m
B. 10 m
C. 100 m
D. 400 m
E. None of these
9. what is the normal temperature of the human being on a Kelvin scale?
A. 310
B. 333
C. 290
D. 320
E. None of these
10. On which of the following, the Inertia of an object depends?
A. Bulk
B. Size
C. Mass
D. Shape
E. None of these
1. Which among the following is the SI physical unit of dynamic viscosity?
A. Pascal-second
B. Poise
C. Newton-second
D. Poise-second
E. None of these