Analytical Chemistry MCQs
Analytical Chemistry MCQs
1. Which of the following aqua regia is.
A. 1 part conc. HCl and 3 parts conc. HNO
B. 3 part conc. HCl and 1 part conc. HNO
C. 2 parts conc. HCl and 1 part conc. HNO
D. 3 parts conc. HCl and 2 parts conc. HNO2
2. In a qualitative inorganic analysis of basic radicals, HCl is preferred to HNO, for preparing a solution of given substance. This is because
A. Nitrates are not decomposed to sulphides
B. Nitric acid contains nitrogen
C. Hydrochloric acid is not an oxidizing agent
D. Chlorides are easily converted to sulphides
3. On heating a mixture of NaCl potassium dichromate with conc. sulphuric acid, the compound formed is ____.
A. Chromic chloride
B. Chromyl chloride
C. Chlorine dioxide
D. Chromic acid
4. Mark the compound which turn black with Ammonium Hydroxide.
A. Lead chloride
B. Mercurous chloride
C. Mercuric chloride
D. Silver chloride
5. Silver Halide which is least soluble in Ammonium Hydroxide is.
A. AgBr
B. AgF
C. AgCl
D. Agl
6. How many ml. of 1 M H SO solution is required to neutralize 10ml. of 1M NaOH solution?
A. 2.5 ml
B. 5.0 ml
C. 10 ml
D. 20 ml
7. Which of the following sulphides is not soluble in hot dil Nitric acid ?
A. CuS
B. ZnS
C. NiS
D. CdS
8. Which one of the following sulphide is yellow?
A. ZnS
B. CdS
C. NiS
D. PbS
9. II B sub-group of basic radicals consists of
A. As, Cd and Hg
B. Zn, Cd and Hg
C. Cu, Hg and Au
D. As, Sb and Sn
10. In which mode of expression the concentration of a solution remains independent of temperature
A. Molarity
B. Normality
C. Formality
D. Molality
11. The compound whose 0.1 M solution is basic is
A. Sodium acetate
B. Ammonium chloride
C. Ammonium sulphate
D. Ammonium acetate
12. Aniline is separated from a mixture by
A. Fractional crystallization
B. Fractional distillation
C. Steam distillation
D. Vacuum distillation