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Algorithmic Game Theory Research Topics Ideas

List of Research Topics and Ideas of Algorithmic Game Theory for MS and Ph.D. Thesis.

  1. Transactive energy for flexible prosumers using algorithmic game theory
  2. Comparing the Impact of Learning in Bidding Decision-Making Processes Using Algorithmic Game Theory
  3. Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself When Thou Playest: Altruism in Game Theory
  4. Negotiating Change Orders with Suppliers during New Product Development using MCDM and Bayesian Game Theory
  5. Cohort Shapley value for algorithmic fairness
  6. Best variable identification by means of data-mining and cooperative game theory
  7. An algorithmic framework for fairness elicitation
  8. Game theory to enhance stock management of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during the COVID-19 outbreak
  9. The Dark Triad and strategic resource control in a competitive computer game
  10. Supply chain game theory network modeling under labor constraints: Applications to the Covid-19 pandemic
  11. Frontiers: Algorithmic Collusion: Supra-competitive Prices via Independent Algorithms
  13. An investigation into the application of genetic programming to combinatorial game theory
  14. Algorithmic monoculture and social welfare
  15. Remedies for algorithmic tacit collusion
  16. Proof of game (PoG): a proof of work (PoW)’s extended consensus algorithm for healthcare application
  17. Learning in Matrix Games can be Arbitrarily Complex
  18. Distributed cooperative control algorithm for optimal power sharing for AC microgrids using Cournot game theory
  19. Bridging Machine Learning and Mechanism Design towards Algorithmic Fairness
  20. Equilibrium Learning in Combinatorial Auctions: Computing Approximate Bayesian Nash Equilibria via Pseudogradient Dynamics
  21. A Game-Theoretic Approach for Hierarchical Policy-Making
  22. Tracking Truth by Weighting Proxies in Liquid Democracy
  23. A game-theoretical model of the landscape theory
  24. Using Simulation to Understand and Respond to Real World and Cyber Crises
  25. Explainable AI and Adoption of Algorithmic Advisors: an Experimental Study
  26. Liquid democracy: An algorithmic perspective
  27. Trusted Cooperative E-Learning Service Deployment Model in Multi-Cloud Environment
  28. Textual machine learning: An application to computational economics research
  29. Pure nash equilibria and best-response dynamics in random games
  30. Sizing of electric vehicle charging stations with smart charging capabilities and quality of service requirements
  31. Lane and speed allocation mechanism for autonomous vehicle agents on a multi-lane highway
  32. The Notion of Fair Division in Negotiations
  33. Tractable finite approximation of continuous noncooperative games on a product of linear strategy functional spaces
  34. Pricing policy on a dual competitive channel for a green product under fuzzy conditions
  35. Average-case approximation ratio of scheduling without payments
  36. Aiming for Half Gets You to the Top: Winning PowerTAC 2020
  37. Towards foundations of categorical cybernetics
  38. Ranking institutions within a discipline: The steep mountain of academic excellence
  39. Planning for 5G: A Network Perspective on Quality of Experience
  40. An evolutionary game approach to IoT task offloading in fog-cloud computing
  41. Equilibrium Inefficiency and Computation in Cost-Sharing Games in Real-Time Scheduling Systems
  42. Preserving Privacy of Smart Meter Data in a Smart Grid Environment
  43. A Bayesian Monte Carlo method for computing the Shapley value: Application to weighted voting and bin packing games
  44. Searching with Opponent-Awareness
  45. Price Discrimination-Driven Algorithmic Collusion: Platforms for Durable Cartels
  46. Nash social welfare approximation for strategic agents
  47. Differential evolution particle swarm optimization algorithm based on good point set for computing Nash equilibrium of finite noncooperative game [J]
  48. Optimal supervisory control with mean payoff objectives and under partial observation
  49. Mechanism design
  50. A multilinear sampling algorithm to estimate shapley values
  51. Algorithmic collusion with imperfect monitoring
  52. Budget-Management Strategies in Repeated Auctions
  53. A literature review and statistical analysis of photovoltaic-wind hybrid renewable system research by considering the most relevant 550 articles: An upgradable matrix …
  54. Reaching consensus under a deadline
  55. Magnitude of inefficiency
  56. On Nash Equilibria in Non-Cooperative All-Optical Networks
  57. Network pricing: How to induce optimal flows under strategic link operators
  58. On Computational Hardness of Multidimensional Subtraction Games
  59. ICT’s Wide Web: a System-Level Analysis of ICT’s Industrial Diffusion with Algorithmic Links
  60. Worker Collaborative group estimation in spatial crowdsourcing
  61. Bounded risk-sensitive markov games: Forward policy design and inverse reward learning with iterative reasoning and cumulative prospect theory
  62. Investigating Bi-Level Optimization for Learning and Vision from a Unified Perspective: A Survey and Beyond
  63. Globally Emergent Behavioral Patterns, as a Result of Local Interactions in Strongly Interrelated Individuals
  64. Fairness Considerations for Enhanced Team Collaboration
  65. The minimum tollbooth problem in atomic network congestion games with unsplittable flows
  66. Tight efficiency lower bounds for strategy-proof mechanisms in two-opposite-facility location game
  67. From Learning with Partial Information to Bandits: Only Strict Nash Equilibria are Stable
  68. The fair division of hereditary set systems
  69. Algorithmic conservation in a changing climate
  70. Game Design Tactics for Teaching Technical Communication in Online Courses
  71. “Stay nearby or get checked”: A Covid-19 control strategy
  72. Efficient computation and analysis of distributional Shapley values
  73. Explainable AI Models of Stock Crashes: A Machine-Learning Explanation of the Covid March 2020 Equity Meltdown
  74. The sample complexity of up-to-e multi-dimensional revenue maximization
  75. Nash Equilibria in Finite-Horizon Multiagent Concurrent Games
  76. To live in their utopia: Why algorithmic systems create absurd outcomes
  77. Blockchain incentivized data forwarding in MANETs: Strategies and challenges
  78. Joint Content Sharing and Incentive Mechanism for Cache-Enabled Device-to-Device Networks
  79. A trustworthy human–machine framework for collective decision making in food–energy–water management: The role of trust sensitivity
  80. The biography of an algorithm: Performing algorithmic technologies in organizations
  81. Full surplus extraction from samples
  82. Who is pulling the strings in the platform economy? Accounting for the dark and unexpected sides of algorithmic control
  83. A Price-Based Iterative Double Auction for Charger Sharing Markets
  84. Scaling up Mean Field Games with Online Mirror Descent
  85. Shapley flow: A graph-based approach to interpreting model predictions
  86. A consensus mechanism based on multi-round concession negotiation
  87. A biological perspective on evolutionary computation
  88. Boltzmann Distributed Replicator Dynamics: Population Games in a Microgrid Context
  89. Gerrymandering on graphs: Computational complexity and parameterized algorithms
  90. Welfare guarantees in Schelling segregation
  91. A Decentralized Cluster Formation Containment Framework for Multirobot Systems
  92. On Evaluating Correctness of Explainable AI Algorithms: an Empirical Study on Local Explanations for Classification
  93. Multiple-source adaptation theory and algorithms
  94. Serious Game Top Eleven as an Educational Tool in Sports Economics
  95. Catch-Up and Convergence: Mechanism Design for Economic Development
  96. Multi-issue negotiation with deep reinforcement learning
  97. Swarm intelligence and cyber-physical systems: concepts, challenges and future trends
  98. Space Object Tracking Uncertainty Analysis with the URREF Ontology
  99. The demand query model for bipartite matching
  100. Contracting for Algorithmic Accountability
  101. A survey on autonomous vehicle control in the era of mixed-autonomy: From physics-based to AI-guided driving policy learning
  102. Strategyproof mechanisms for 2-facility location games with minimax envy
  103. Swarm intelligence for self-organized clustering
  104. Fixed point networks: Implicit depth models with jacobian-free backprop
  105. Minimax Group Fairness: Algorithms and Experiments
  106. Invariant policy optimization: Towards stronger generalization in reinforcement learning
  107. Mechanism design for fair and efficient dso flexibility markets
  108. Neighborhood-level coordination and negotiation techniques for managing demand-side flexibility in residential microgrids
  109. Evolution Strategies for Approximate Solution of Bayesian Games
  110. Dispersion for Intervals: A Geometric Approach*
  111. Secure Artificial Intelligence of Things for Implicit Group Recommendations
  112. Last-Iterate Convergence Rates for Min-Max Optimization: Convergence of Hamiltonian Gradient Descent and Consensus Optimization
  113. Stochastic Dynamic Games in Belief Space
  114. Bridging the user equilibrium and the system optimum in static traffic assignment: how the cooperation among drivers can solve the congestion problem in city …
  115. A truthful budget feasible mechanism for IoT-based participatory sensing with incremental arrival of budget
  116. CGA: A new feature selection model for visual human action recognition
  117. The moral economy of the algorithmic crowd: Possessive collectivisim and techno-economic rentiership
  118. Shapley values for feature selection: the good, the bad, and the axioms
  119. An incentive-compatible rational secret sharing scheme using blockchain and smart contract
  120. Egalitarian Judgment Aggregation
  121. Individual Explanations in Machine Learning Models: A Survey for Practitioners
  122. Epistemic values in feature importance methods: Lessons from feminist epistemology
  123. Counterfactuals and Causability in Explainable Artificial Intelligence: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
  124. Exact asymptotic characterisation of running time for approximate gradient descent on random graphs
  125. Survey on blockchain based smart contracts: Technical aspects and future research
  126. Multilevel approaches for the critical node problem
  127. Smart voting
  128. Learning competitive equilibria in noisy combinatorial markets
  129. Reward Is Enough
  130. Competition for medical supplies under stochastic demand in the Covid-19 pandemic: A Generalized Nash Equilibrium framework
  131. A Brief Survey of Associations Between Meta-Learning and General AI
  132. Bribery as a measure of candidate success: Complexity results for approval-based multiwinner rules
  133. Integrating media selection and media effects using decision theory
  134. Hourly performance forecast of a dew point cooler using explainable Artificial Intelligence and evolutionary optimisations by 2050
  135. Growing algorithmic governmentality: Interrogating the social construction of trust in precision agriculture
  136. A cost-beneficial area-partition-involved collaborative patrolling game in a large-scale chemical cluster
  137. Bid Prediction in Repeated Auctions with Learning
  138. Deterring Algorithmic Manipulation
  139. Algorithmic Bias in Education
  140. On the convexity of independent set games
  141. On the influence maximization problem and the percolation phase transition
  142. Robust power management via learning and game design
  143. Contextualized mobile game-based learning application for computing education
  144. Cryptocurrencies
  145. Modified schelling games
  146. When is a Monotone Function Cyclically Monotone?
  147. Limit Theorems for Default Contagion and Systemic Risk
  148. Algorithmic surveillance in the gig economy: The organization of work through Lefebvrian conceived space
  149. Fairness Perceptions of Algorithmic Decision-Making: A Systematic Review of the Empirical Literature
  150. Developing a kindergarten computational thinking assessment using evidence-centered design: the case of algorithmic thinking
  151. Efficient black-box reductions for separable cost sharing
  152. Platform playbook: a typology of consumer strategies against algorithmic control in digital platforms
  153. Ready Or Not, Here I Come!
  154. Simple and efficient budget feasible mechanisms for monotone submodular valuations
  155. The ethics of algorithms: key problems and solutions
  156. Continuous decisions
  157. Using Inverse Optimization to Learn Cost Functions in Generalized Nash Games
  158. The Smoothed Possibility of Social Choice
  159. Survey on multi-access edge computing security and privacy
  160. On the tractability of shap explanations
  161. Strategic Defense against Stealthy Link Flooding Attacks: A Signaling Game Approach
  162. Algorithmic stability for adaptive data analysis
  163. Numerical linear algebra and optimization
  164. Reliable traffic monitoring mechanisms based on blockchain in vehicular networks
  165. The price of defense
  166. Speculating on steam: consumption in the gamblified platform ecosystem
  167. The labour of visual authenticity on social media: Exploring producers’ and audiences’ perceptions on Instagram
  168. Probabilistic Inference of Winners in Elections by Independent Random Voters
  169. Aggregating multiple ordinal rankings in engineering design: the best model according to the Kendall’s coefficient of concordance
  170. The complexity of computing a (quasi-) perfect equilibrium for an n-player extensive form game
  171. Nash equilibria on (un) stable networks
  172. Ordinal approximation for social choice, matching, and facility location problems given candidate positions
  173. Caching efficiency maximization for device-to-device communication networks: A recommend to cache approach
  174. Domination games played on graphs
  175. FairMM: A Fast and Frontrunning-Resistant Crypto Market-Maker
  176. Beyond submodular maximization via one-sided smoothness
  177. Dpos: decentralized, privacy-preserving, and low-complexity online slicing for multi-tenant networks
  178. Coordination of autonomous vehicles: taxonomy and survey
  179. A survey on mixed-integer programming techniques in bilevel optimization
  180. Efficient estimation of Pauli observables by derandomization
  181. Best-of-Both-Worlds Fair-Share Allocations
  182. Competitive equilibrium with indivisible goods and generic budgets
  183. AucSwap: A Vickrey auction modeled decentralized cross-blockchain asset transfer protocol
  184. Value of information in bayesian routing games
  185. Long-Term Behavior of Dynamic Equilibria in Fluid Queuing Networks
  186. A European Emissions Trading System Powered by Distributed Ledger Technology: An Evaluation Framework
  187. Markets for public decision-making
  188. Scientific and methodological support for teachers in the context of gamification in mathematics study in the Russian system of additional education
  189. Explainable Artificial Intelligence Approaches: A Survey
  190. Online Learning Algorithms
  191. A Preliminary Exploration of Principles of General Social Science
  192. From data to actions in intelligent transportation systems: A prescription of functional requirements for model actionability
  193. From gaming to computational thinking: An adaptive educational computer game-based learning approach
  194. Integrating Machine Learning, Radio Frequency Identification, and Consignment Policy for Reducing Unreliability in Smart Supply Chain Management
  195. Platform Precarity: surviving algorithmic insecurity in the gig economy
  196. CGP: Cluster-based gossip protocol for dynamic resource environment in cloud
  197. Partizan Subtraction Games
  198. Algorithmic Approaches to Inventory Management Optimization
  199. Equilibria in multi-player multi-outcome infinite sequential games
  200. The norms of algorithmic credit scoring
  201. Looking for Trouble: Analyzing Classifier Behavior via Pattern Divergence
  202. Did social interactions shape the reflective mind?
  203. Nash equilibria for information diffusion games on weighted cycles and paths
  204. Disaster City Digital Twin: A vision for integrating artificial and human intelligence for disaster management
  205. Bridging marketing theory and big data analytics: The taxonomy of marketing attribution
  206. The complexity of contracts
  207. Acyclic Mechanism Design for Freight Consolidation
  208. Algorithmic leadership and algorithmic management: a systematic literature review
  209. Covert Embodied Choice: Decision-Making and the Limits of Privacy Under Biometric Surveillance
  210. Online Combinatorial Auctions
  211. An asynchronous distributed and scalable generalized Nash equilibrium seeking algorithm for strongly monotone games
  212. Supplier selection: comparison of DEA models with additive and reciprocal data
  213. Algorithms for Persuasion with Limited Communication
  214. Bayesian Persuasion in Sequential Decision-Making
  215. Optimal Enterprise: Structures, Processes and Mathematics of Knowledge, Technology and Human Capital
  216. An efficient chemical reaction algorithm for multi-objective combinatorial bi-level optimization
  217. Two distinct and separable processes underlie individual differences in algorithm adherence: Differences in predictions and differences in trust thresholds
  218. Computation of higher order Lie derivatives on the Infinity Computer
  219. An overview of deep reinforcement learning for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks
  220. The promise and peril of automated negotiators
  221. D2D Mobile Relaying Meets NOMA—Part II: A Reinforcement Learning Perspective
  222. Pareto efficient combinatorial auctions: dichotomous preferences without quasilinearity
  223. Co-op split screen game with Unity 3d and Cinemachine plugin
  224. Working in the digitized economy: HRM theory & practice
  225. Generalization bounds for stochastic saddle point problems
  226. Categorical foundations of gradient-based learning
  227. Improving the prediction accuracy of low back pain using machine learning through data pre-processing techniques
  228. Fair multi-cake cutting
  229. Interpretable Machine Learning Model for Locoregional Relapse Prediction in Oropharyngeal Cancers
  230. Natural Oligopoly Responses, Repeated Games, and Coordinated Effects in Merger Analysis: A Perspective and Research Agenda
  231. Semiautomatic construction of video game design prototypes with MaruGen
  232. A novel enhanced naïve bayes posterior probability (ENBPP) using machine learning: Cyber threat analysis
  233. DNN2: A hyper-parameter reinforcement learning game for self-design of neural network based elasto-plastic constitutive descriptions
  234. Nash-equilibrium algorithm and incentive protocol for a decentralized decision and scheduling problem in sustainable electroplating plants
  235. Blockchain, Bitcoin, and ICOs: a review and research agenda
  236. Artificial Intelligence and Pricing: The Impact of Algorithm Design
  237. Efficient methods for structured nonconvex-nonconcave min-max optimization
  238. A review of different techniques in cloud computing
  239. A unified framework for multistage and multilevel mixed integer linear optimization
  240. Towards an algorithmic synthesis of thermofluid systems
  241. Mapping Internet celebrity on TikTok: Exploring attention economies and visibility labours
  242. Participatory budgeting: Models and approaches
  243. Collaboration of Visual Intelligence Between Human and Machinic Actors in Design Processes
  244. Mitigating Negative Side Effects via Environment Shaping
  245. Cooperative games on simplicial complexes
  246. Extragradient and Extrapolation Methods with Generalized Bregman Distances for Saddle Point Problems
  247. A parameterized perspective on protecting elections
  248. Contracting in the Age of Smart Contracts
  249. Computing approximate Nash equilibria in network congestion games with polynomially decreasing cost functions
  250. Polarization and Persuasion as Opposite Integration Strategies in Collective Models
  251. An Auction Algorithm for Bipartite Matching in Streaming and Massively Parallel Computation Models
  252. iEnhancer-XG: interpretable sequence-based enhancers and their strength predictor
  253. A Nature-Inspired Solution to Managing Activities in the Cloud with Equal Time by Using Machine Learning Approach
  254. The effect of strategic noise in linear regression
  255. The value of randomized solutions in mixed-integer distributionally robust optimization problems
  256. Morality in the age of artificially intelligent algorithms
  257. Lightweight network interface selection for reliable communications in multi-technologies wireless sensor networks
  258. Bernoulli Factories and Black-box Reductions in Mechanism Design
  259. A Practical Guide to Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning and Planning
  260. Management of cloud resources and social change in a multi-tier environment: A novel finite automata using ant colony optimization with spanning tree
  261. An Agent-Based Cloud Service Negotiation in Hybrid Cloud Computing
  262. A unified analysis of first-order methods for smooth games via integral quadratic constraints
  263. Optimal and quantized mechanism design for fresh data acquisition
  264. Computability, Complexity, Consistency and Controllability: A Four C’s Framework for cross-disciplinary Ethical Algorithm Research
  265. Computational Antitrust: An Introduction and Research Agenda
  266. Coalition-based Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing
  267. A Valid and Reliable Scale for Developing Programming-Oriented Computational Thinking
  268. The importance of memory for price discovery in decentralized markets
  269. Approachability with constraints
  270. Sok: Decentralized finance (defi)
  271. Information theory inspired optimization algorithm for efficient service orchestration in distributed systems
  272. Intermediation and price volatility
  273. A Near-Optimal Algorithm for Stochastic Bilevel Optimization via Double-Momentum
  274. The price of fairness for indivisible goods
  275. Imperial play
  276. Meta-heuristic algorithms for resource Management in Crisis Based on OWA approach
  277. Pathfinding and Navigation
  278. A Differentially Private Incentive Design for Traffic Offload to Public Transportation
  279. A Survey of Deep RL and IL for Autonomous Driving Policy Learning
  280. Digital-Twin-Enabled 6G: Vision, Architectural Trends, and Future Directions
  281. Causality-Based Game Solving
  282. Communication consumes 35 times more energy than computation in the human cortex, but both costs are needed to predict synapse number
  283. On evolutionary game of dynamic devices in NOMA-based IoT networks
  284. Small one-dimensional Euclidean preference profiles
  285. On Incentive Compatibility in Dynamic Mechanism Design With Exit Option in a Markovian Environment
  286. Emergent actors in world politics
  287. Facility’s Perspective to Fair Facility Location Problems
  288. The simulation manifesto: The limits of brute-force empiricism in geopolitical forecasting
  289. Supply chain disruptions and resilience: a major review and future research agenda
  290. Fast Convergence of Fictitious Play for Diagonal Payoff Matrices
  291. A systematic mapping study on agent mining
  292. Preference elicitation for participatory budgeting
  293. Improving performance of deep learning models with axiomatic attribution priors and expected gradients
  294. Walrasian equilibria from an optimization perspective: A guide to the literature
  295. The role of visuospatial thinking in students’ predictions of molecular geometry
  296. A single-timescale stochastic bilevel optimization method
  297. Towards the successful game-based learning: Detection and feedback to misconceptions is the key
  298. Matching and pricing in ride-sharing: Optimality, stability, and financial sustainability
  299. The Gauss–Seidel method for generalized Nash equilibrium problems of polynomials
  300. Family firms are indeed better places to work than non-family firms! Socioemotional wealth and employees’ perceived organizational caring
  301. Fixed point strategies in data science
  302. Confounding complexity of machine action: a hobbesian account of machine responsibility
  303. Uniform orderings for generalized coloring numbers
  304. Dummy players and the quota in weighted voting games
  305. Preference learning along multiple criteria: A game-theoretic perspective
  306. TODIM dynamic emergency decision-making method based on hybrid weighted distance under probabilistic hesitant fuzzy information
  307. A Simple Mechanism for a Budget-Constrained Buyer
  308. Popular matchings in complete graphs
  309. Charting the design and analytics agenda of learnersourcing systems
  310. Optimization on data offloading ratio of designed caching in heterogeneous mobile wireless networks
  311. A Coxeter spectral classification of positive edge-bipartite graphs II. Dynkin type Dn
  312. Identifying molecules as biosignatures with assembly theory and mass spectrometry
  313. Efficient, fair, and incentive-compatible healthcare rationing
  314. A novel centralized cloud information accountability integrity with ensemble neural network based attack detection approach for cloud data
  315. CoachNet: An Adversarial Sampling Approach for Reinforcement Learning
  316. On the possibilities of a political theory of algorithms
  317. Opt-ACM: An Optimized load balancing based Admission Control Mechanism for Software Defined Hybrid Wireless based IoT (SDHW-IoT) network
  318. The Black Box on Trial: The Impact of Algorithmic Opacity on Fair Trial Rights in Criminal Proceedings
  319. Energy and cost trade-off for computational tasks offloading in mobile multi-tenant clouds
  320. Automata-based Controller Synthesis for Stochastic Systems: A Game Framework via Approximate Probabilistic Relations
  321. The natural language for artificial intelligence
  322. Electric demand response and bounded rationality: mean-field control for large populations of heterogeneous bounded-rational agents
  323. An incentive mechanism for federated learning in wireless cellular network: An auction approach
  324. Artificial intelligence versus Maya Angelou: Experimental evidence that people cannot differentiate AI-generated from human-written poetry
  325. Stable Matching based Resource Allocation for Service Provider’s Revenue Maximization in 5G Networks
  326. Influence maximization on social networks: a study
  327. The Tractability of SHAP-Score-Based Explanations over Deterministic and Decomposable Boolean Circuits
  328. Scalable optimal online auctions
  329. Exponential lower bounds for planning in mdps with linearly-realizable optimal action-value functions
  330. The computational complexity of understanding binary classifier decisions
  331. A review on resource allocation techniques in D2D communication for 5G and B5G technology
  332. The Biggest Bluff: How I Learned to Pay Attention, Master Myself, and Win
  333. Acceptable solutions and backward errors for tensor complementarity problems
  334. Fast algorithms for rank-1 bimatrix games
  335. Editorial (15.4): Human interaction dynamics (HID)
  336. The Sharing Economy: Rhetoric and Reality
  337. Optimizing Multiple Performance Metrics with Deep GSP Auctions for E-commerce Advertising
  338. Interpretable Machine Learning with Python: Learn to build interpretable high-performance models with hands-on real-world examples
  339. Toward an End-to-End Sociology of 21st-Century Machine Learning
  340. Larger Corner-Free Sets from Better NOF Exactly- Protocols
  341. ALICIA: Applied Intelligence in blockchain based VANET: Accident Validation as a Case Study
  342. Fair division of mixed divisible and indivisible goods
  343. Communication-efficient and distributed learning over wireless networks: Principles and applications
  344. Dynamic clustering analysis for driving styles identification
  345. Analysing the restricted assignment problem of the group draw in sports tournaments
  346. Optimization of battery swapping infrastructure for e-commerce drone delivery
  347. On the validity of machine learning-based Next Generation Science Assessments: A validity inferential network
  348. Fine-grained view on bribery for group identification
  349. Dynamic decision making under ambiguity: An experimental investigation
  350. Placement Optimization in Refugee Resettlement
  351. Equilibrium modelling
  352. The Shadowban Cycle: an autoethnography of pole dancing, nudity and censorship on Instagram
  353. Guidelines for Responding to COVID-19 Pandemic: Best Practices, Impacts, and Future Research Directions
  354. Mathematical optimization in classification and regression trees
  355. A Near-Optimal Bidding Strategy for Real-Time Display Advertising Auctions
  356. Proof of the theory-to-practice gap in deep learning via sampling complexity bounds for neural network approximation spaces
  357. Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles—A Brief Review of Current Topologies and Energy Management Strategies
  358. Coalitional predictive control: Consensus-based coalition forming with robust regulation
  359. Did the Cold War Produce Development Clusters in Africa?
  360. Digital Image Noise Estimation Using DWT Coefficients
  361. Public Value and the Digital Economy
  362. A theory of multiple-source adaptation with limited target labeled data
  363. Local and Global Uniform Convexity Conditions
  364. Conclusion: Theorizing from Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Design of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Systems (Part 2)
  365. Order, experience, and critique: The phenomenological method in political and legal theory
  366. MPResiSDN: Multipath resilient routing scheme for SDN-enabled smart cities networks
  367. Statistical guarantees for generative models without domination
  368. Evaluating economic opportunities for product recycling via the Sherwood principle and machine learning
  369. Sdss-v algorithms: Fast, collision-free trajectory planning for heavily overlapping robotic fiber positioners
  370. Foundations and Applications of Complexity Economics
  371. Postdigital humans: Transitions, transformations and transcendence
  372. Toward a generalized theory comprising digital, neuromorphic, and unconventional computing
  373. Core Challenges of Social Robot Navigation: A Survey
  374. Modeling of unforced demand response programs
  375. Compositional abstraction-based synthesis for interconnected systems: An approximate composition approach
  376. Towards federated learning in uav-enabled internet of vehicles: A multi-dimensional contract-matching approach
  377. The minerl 2020 competition on sample efficient reinforcement learning using human priors
  378. Optimal Signaling with Mismatch in Priors of an Encoder and Decoder
  379. Towards a utility theory of privacy and information sharing and the introduction of hyper-hyperbolic discounting in the digital big data age
  380. Optimal Pricing for MHR and ?-regular Distributions
  381. Two-facility location games with minimum distance requirement
  382. A Novel Framework for Threat Analysis of Machine Learning-based Smart Healthcare Systems
  383. Hunger games search: Visions, conception, implementation, deep analysis, perspectives, and towards performance shifts
  384. Operationalizing Human-Centered Perspectives in Explainable AI
  385. On Satisficing in Quantitative Games
  386. The CARE theory of dignity amid personal data digitalization
  387. Rhetoric and frame analysis of ExxonMobil’s climate change communications
  388. Making sense of algorithms: Relational perception of contact tracing and risk assessment during COVID-19
  389. A Framework for Generalized Benders’ Decomposition and Its Application to Multilevel Optimization
  390. SoK: Oracles from the Ground Truth to Market Manipulation
  391. Future Networks: Overview of Optimization Problems in Decision-Making Procedures
  392. When Children Program Intelligent Environments: Lessons Learned from a Serious AR Game
  393. Precise Minimax Regret for Logistic Regression with Categorical Feature Values
  394. Analysis and application of vehicular ad hoc network as intelligent transportation system
  395. Optimal multipath routing for video transmission in VANETs
  396. International human migration networks under regulations
  397. DMRO: A Deep Meta Reinforcement Learning-based Task Offloading Framework for Edge-Cloud Computing
  398. Learning-Based Distributed Random Access for Multi-Cell IoT Networks with NOMA
  399. Combinatorial assortment optimization
  400. Is digital diplomacy an effective foreign policy tool? Evaluating India’s digital diplomacy through agenda-building in South Asia
  401. A conversation-based perspective for shaping ethical human–machine interactions: The particular challenge of chatbots
  402. Practical Efficient Regional Land-Use Planning Using Constrained Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Optimization
  403. Global solution of constrained min-max problems with inflationary differential evolution
  404. Toward a Theoretical Framework of Relational Maintenance in Computer-Mediated Communication
  405. Randomized algorithms for scientific computing (RASC)
  406. Metaheuristics: a comprehensive overview and classification along with bibliometric analysis
  407. Inequity-averse stochastic decision processes
  408. Revenue maximization in stackelberg pricing games: beyond the combinatorial setting
  409. The Effectiveness of Subsidies and Tolls in Congestion Games
  410. Convergence of Finite Memory Q-Learning for POMDPs and Near Optimality of Learned Policies under Filter Stability
  411. Are we preparing for a good AI society? A bibliometric review and research agenda
  412. Online learning via offline greedy algorithms: Applications in market design and optimization
  413. From machine ethics to computational ethics
  414. Group decision-making approach under multi (Q, N)-soft multi granulation rough model
  415. Online Learning of Facility Locations
  416. Arbeitsergebnisse und Konferenzteilnahmen
  417. A Federated Learning Framework for Nonconvex-PL Minimax Problems
  418. Information diffusion modeling and analysis for socially interacting networks
  419. Rational Rules: Towards a Theory of Moral Learning
  420. Beneficial and harmful explanatory machine learning
  421. Benders decomposition for competitive influence maximization in (social) networks
  422. [PS][PS] A Simple Model for the Motion of Frog Sperm
  423. Popular branchings and their dual certificates
  424. Utility-efficient differentially private K-means clustering based on cluster merging
  425. Blockchain and institutional complexity: an extended institutional approach
  426. Applying Learning Analytics to Detect Sequences of Actions and Common Errors in a Geometry Game
  427. Cognitive radio networks for green wireless communications: an overview
  428. Security as Socio-Technical Practice: Predictive Policing and (Non-) Automation
  429. Replaying Colonialism: Indigenous National Sovereignty and Its Limits in Strategic Videogames
  430. Kernel-based ANOVA decomposition and Shapley effects–Application to global sensitivity analysis
  431. Adversarial laws of large numbers and optimal regret in online classification
  432. Ethical Quantum Computing: A Roadmap
  433. Automated Mechanism Design for Classification with Partial Verification
  434. A survey of inverse reinforcement learning: Challenges, methods and progress
  435. The Oxford Handbook of Transnational Law
  436. Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles—A Brief Review of Current Topologies and Energy Management Strategies. Energies 2021, 14, 252
  437. Analyzing Urban Play through Wayfinder Live
  438. Privacy-preserving blockchain-based federated learning for traffic flow prediction
  439. Routing in wireless sensor networks using machine learning techniques: Challenges and opportunities
  440. Beating Greedy For Approximating Reserve Prices in Multi-Unit VCG Auctions
  441. Best influential spreaders identification using network global structural properties
  442. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) Challenges, Solutions, and Future Directions
  443. A kernel-based approach to non-stationary reinforcement learning in metric spaces
  444. Artificially intelligent government: A review and agenda
  445. A survey on analog models of computation
  446. Leafy automata for higher-order concurrency.
  447. A simple and approximately optimal mechanism for a buyer with complements
  448. Social gamers’ everyday (in) visibility tactics: playing within programmed constraints
  449. A Remarkable Equivalence between Non-Stationary Precise and Stationary Imprecise Uncertainty Models in Computable Randomness
  450. On interpretability of artificial neural networks: A survey
  451. Artificial intelligence governance under change: Foundations, facets, frameworks
  452. Progresses and Challenges in Link Prediction
  453. Towards intelligent virtual resource allocation in UAVs-assisted 5G networks
  454. Coevolution in Economic Systems
  455. The basics of machine learning: strategies and techniques
  456. The auditing imperative for automated hiring
  457. On the Stackelberg knapsack game
  458. Steganographic visual story with mutual-perceived joint attention
  459. Gathering Self-Report Data in Games Through NPC Dialogues: Effects on Data Quality, Data Quantity, Player Experience, and Information Intimacy
  460. A review of applications of animal-inspired evolutionary algorithms in reservoir operation modelling
  461. Artificial Intelligence as an Anti-Corruption Tool (AI-ACT)–Potentials and Pitfalls for Top-down and Bottom-up Approaches
  462. Mapping Seasonal Agricultural Land Use Types Using Deep Learning on Sentinel-2 Image Time Series
  463. Fifty years of information management research: A conceptual structure analysis using structural topic modeling
  464. EXplainable Neural-Symbolic Learning (X-NeSyL) methodology to fuse deep learning representations with expert knowledge graphs: the MonuMAI cultural heritage …
  465. Popularity, mixed matchings, and self-duality
  466. Equilibrium strategies for multiple interdictors on a common network
  467. Lecture notes on descriptional complexity and randomness
  468. Artificial intelligence in sustainable energy industry: Status Quo, challenges and opportunities
  469. Age of information: An introduction and survey
  470. Quantifying the importance of firms by means of reputation and network control
  471. Brain Activation Imaging in Emotional Decision Making and Mental Health: A Review—Part 2
  472. Hybrid gravitational search algorithm based model for optimizing coverage and connectivity in wireless sensor networks
  473. Computational Hardness of Collective Coin-Tossing Protocols
  474. One Backward from Ten Forward, Subsampling for Large-Scale Deep Learning
  475. Explainable AI for tailored electricity consumption feedback–An experimental evaluation of visualizations
  476. Effective link prediction in multiplex networks: A TOPSIS method
  477. Conceptualizing the Experiential Affordances of Watching Online TV
  478. The effect of computational thinking skill program design developed according to interest driven creator theory on prospective teachers
  479. Ownership competence
  480. Cognitive Predictors of Precautionary Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  481. Opening-Welcome and Instructions
  482. Planetary Intelligence
  483. Unpacking the Expressed Consequences of AI Research in Broader Impact Statements
  484. Serious Game as Support for the Development of Computational Thinking for Children with Hearing Impairment
  485. Scoring run-off rules, single-peaked preferences and paradoxes of variable electorate
  486. FACTS-IR: fairness, accountability, confidentiality, transparency, and safety in information retrieval
  487. Telling stories in science: Feyerabend and thought experiments
  488. A survey of human judgement and quantitative forecasting methods
  489. Increasing fault tolerance ability and network lifetime with clustered pollination in wireless sensor networks
  490. A survey of consensus algorithms in public blockchain systems for crypto-currencies
  491. Augmenting organizational decision-making with deep learning algorithms: Principles, promises, and challenges
  492. Polyhedral value iteration for discounted games and energy games
  493. MDA for random forests: inconsistency, and a practical solution via the Sobol-MDA
  494. Halma: Humanlike abstraction learning meets affordance in rapid problem solving
  495. Ordinal citizenship
  496. Entropic causal inference: Identifiability and finite sample results
  497. Requirements Identification for Real-Time Anomaly Detection in Industrie 4.0 Machine Groups: A Structured Literature Review
  498. Modular politics: Toward a governance layer for online communities
  499. Complexity of finding Pareto-efficient allocations of highest welfare
  500. Games with Strategic Substitutes
  501. Advancements in technology and digital media in tourism
  502. When the machine hails you, do you turn? Media orientations and the constitution of digital space
  503. The Noosphere
  504. Recent advances in fully dynamic graph algorithms
  505. Palindromes in finite groups and the Explorer-Director game
  506. Alcohol marketing in the era of digital media platforms
  507. For You, or For” You”? Everyday LGBTQ+ Encounters with TikTok
  508. Algorithms as mechanisms: the price of anarchy of relax and round
  509. Online Family Dispute Resolution: Evidence for Creating the Ideal People and Technology Interface
  510. A survey of data center consolidation in cloud computing systems
  511. System optimal routing of traffic flows with user constraints using linear programming
  512. I/O lower bounds for auto-tuning of convolutions in CNNs
  513. Maximizing positive influence in competitive social networks: A trust-based solution
  514. Complexity of Infinite-Domain Constraint Satisfaction
  515. Artificial Intelligence: A Child’s Play
  516. Mathematics and Dramaturgy in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries
  517. Telecommunications network design: Technology impacts and future directions
  518. Differentially private double auction with reliability-aware in mobile crowd sensing
  519. A survey on the explainability of supervised machine learning
  520. Learning Convex Partitions and Computing Game-theoretic Equilibria from Best-response Queries
  521. Interpreting a recurrent neural network’s predictions of ICU mortality risk
  522. Persona 4.0
  523. “Dividing and conquering” and “caching” in molecular modeling
  524. Online Family Dispute Resolution
  525. An ethical decision-making framework with serious gaming: a smart water case study on flooding
  526. Postquantum common-cause channels: the resource theory of local operations and shared entanglement
  527. Improved MPC algorithms for edit distance and Ulam distance
  528. It takes two to tango: Statistical modeling and machine learning
  529. The Complexity of Pacing for Second-Price Auctions
  530. Do Abstractions Have Politics? Towards a More Critical Algorithm Analysis
  531. “Everyone wants to do the model work, not the data work”: Data Cascades in High-Stakes AI
  532. Access strategies for network caching
  533. Islands of (in) security in the Anthropocene
  534. Finite-sample analysis for decentralized batch multi-agent reinforcement learning with networked agents
  535. Subgame-perfect Equilibria in Mean-payoff Games
  536. Futures of artificial intelligence through technology readiness levels
  537. The Theory of Hash Functions and Random Oracles: An Approach to Modern Cryptography
  538. Non-stationary online learning with memory and non-stochastic control
  539. Multilinear polynomial systems: Root isolation and bit complexity
  540. Machinic Encounters: A Relational Approach to the Sociology of AI
  541. Provably Efficient Algorithms for Multi-Objective Competitive RL
  542. Philosophy of Education in a New Key: exploring new ways of teaching and doing ethics in education in the 21st century
  543. An Action-Oriented AI Policy Toolkit for Technology Audits by Community Advocates and Activists
  544. Unsupervised Learning Methods for Molecular Simulation Data
  545. Why is AI hard and Physics simple?
  546. Levels of biological plausibility
  547. Analyzing the Effect of Deceiving Agents in a System of Self-Driving Cars at an intersection-a computational model
  548. SecRET: Secure range-based localization with evidence theory for underwater sensor networks
  549. City intelligence for enhancing urban performance value: a conceptual study on data decomposition in smart cities
  550. The digital revolution of Earth-system science
  551. CEPRAN-cooperative energy efficient and priority based reliable routing protocol with network coding for WBAN
  552. Cyber-physical energy systems security: Threat modeling, risk assessment, resources, metrics, and case studies
  553. Rolling backwards can move you forward: on embedding problems in sparse expanders
  554. A survey on the explainability of supervised machine learning
  555. Incentivizing routing choices for safe and efficient transportation in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic
  556. Deep reinforcement learning for autonomous driving: A survey
  557. Nonuniform SINR+ Voronoi diagrams are effectively uniform
  558. Model-Free Deep Reinforcement Learning—Algorithms and Applications
  559. Discrete mathematics, Computer science, Logic, Proof 1, and their relationships
  560. Reduced demand uncertainty and the sustainability of collusion: How AI could affect competition
  561. ULPT: A User-Centric Location Privacy Trading Framework for Mobile Crowd Sensing
  562. The Computational Origin of Representation
  563. Towards a Robust and Trustworthy Machine Learning System Development
  564. Opaque updates
  565. Post-Human Futures: Human Enhancement, Artificial Intelligence and Social Theory
  566. Shapley–Snow Kernels, Multiparameter Eigenvalue Problems, and Stochastic Games
  568. A guided tour of ab initio nuclear many-body theory
  569. The world computer: Derivative conditions of racial capitalism
  570. Experimental design for regret minimization in linear bandits
  571. A polyhedral approach to bisubmodular function minimization
  572. Platform studies
  573. Therapeutics Data Commons: Machine Learning Datasets and Tasks for Therapeutics
  574. Fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making: An entropy-based approach to assess tourism sustainability
  575. The Laplacian spectrum of large graphs sampled from graphons
  576. Approximability of all finite CSPs in the dynamic streaming setting
  577. Grouped Feature Importance and Combined Features Effect Plot
  578. The complexity of computational problems about Nash equilibria in symmetric win-lose games
  579. Electing a committee with dominance constraints
  580. Amortized Generation of Sequential Counterfactual Explanations for Black-box Models
  581. Uncertainty, risk and the use of algorithms in policy decisions: a case study on criminal justice in the USA
  582. On standard quadratic programs with exact and inexact doubly nonnegative relaxations
  583. Development of the Sci-math Sensemaking Framework: categorizing sensemaking of mathematical equations in science
  584. Machine learning in materials science: From explainable predictions to autonomous design
  585. Artificial intelligence and management: The automation–augmentation paradox
  586. Three ways to solve partial differential equations with neural networks—A review
  587. PoseBlocks: A Toolkit for Creating (and Dancing) with AI
  588. Learning programming by creating games through the use of structured activities in secondary education in Greece
  589. Artistoo, a library to build, share, and explore simulations of cells and tissues in the web browser
  590. Deceitful media: Artificial intelligence and social life after the Turing test
  591. The impact of transparent money flows: Effects of stablecoin transfers on the returns and trading volume of Bitcoin
  592. The computational thinking scale for computer literacy education
  593. Vector-based pedestrian navigation in cities
  594. Stochastic variance reduction for variational inequality methods
  595. Descriptive complexity, computational tractability, and the logical and cognitive foundations of mathematics
  596. Trust Your Data or Not—StQP Remains StQP: Community Detection via Robust Standard Quadratic Optimization
  597. Blockchain Governance: De Facto (x) or Designed?
  598. On the truth-convergence of open-minded Bayesianism
  599. Memory as a Computational Resource
  600. Platform mergers and antitrust
  601. Agent-Based Semiology: Optimizing Office Occupation Patterns with Agent-Based Simulations
  602. Digital labour: an empty signifier?
  603. Computational Approaches for De Novo Drug Design: Past, Present, and Future
  604. An evolutionary approach for generating software models: The case of Kromaia in Game Software Engineering
  605. The consequences of robotics programming education on computational thinking skills: An intervention of the Young Engineer’s Workshop (YEW)
  606. Two-Population Coevolutionary Algorithm with Dynamic Learning Strategy for Many-Objective Optimization
  607. A review of using machine learning approaches for precision education
  608. Fair Refinement for Asynchronous Session Types.
  609. Formative Potential of the Development and Assessment of an Educational Escape Room Designed to Integrate Music-Mathematical Knowledge
  610. Provable Model-based Nonlinear Bandit and Reinforcement Learning: Shelve Optimism, Embrace Virtual Curvature
  611. Maximising the circular economy and sustainability outcomes: An end-of-life tyre recycling outlets selection model
  612. Rethinking delusions: A selective review of delusion research through a computational lens
  613. Chemist Ex Machina: Advanced Synthesis Planning by Computers
  614. All-Addition Hyperspectral Compressed Sensing for Metasurface-Driven Miniaturized Satellite
  615. The Fine Line between Persuasion and Digital Addiction
  616. Developing Future Wearable Interfaces for Human-Drone Teams through a Virtual Drone Search Game
  617. Building the Second Mind: 1956 and the Origins of Artificial Intelligence Computing
  618. Antagonism beyond employment: how the ‘subordinated agency’of labour platforms generates conflict in the remote gig economy
  619. Human motion image detection and tracking method based on Gaussian mixture model and CAMSHIFT
  620. Postdigital: A Term That Sucks but Is Useful
  621. Choice modelling in the age of machine learning
  622. Evaluating the sunk cost effect
  623. Postdigital research measurement
  624. Continuous-time mean field games with finite state space and common noise
  625. Breathing biofeedback for police officers in a stressful virtual environment: challenges and opportunities
  626. Meta-learning in natural and artificial intelligence
  627. A Q-learning agent for automated trading in equity stock markets
  628. Learning to generate music with sentiment
  629. No-go Theorem for Acceleration in the Hyperbolic Plane
  630. Media technologies and virtual practices in creative approaches to educational training of a social worker
  631. Twenty years of continuous multiobjective optimization in the twenty-first century
  632. Lessons from online dispute resolution for dispute system design
  633. A survey on multi-task learning
  634. Platform governance and the rural–urban divide: Sellers’ responses to design change
  635. Radical restorative remedies for digital markets
  636. How much liquidity would a liquidity-saving mechanism save if a liquidity-saving mechanism could save liquidity? A simulation approach for Canada’s large-value …
  637. The Future of Sensitivity Analysis: An essential discipline for systems modeling and policy support
  638. Approximation Algorithms and Hardness for Strong Unique Games
  639. Autonomous driving ethics: From Trolley problem to ethics of risk
  640. Approximation algorithms for the dynamic k-level facility location problems
  641. Generating Fake Documents using Probabilistic Logic Graphs
  642. Orienting Esports
  643. Understanding the implications of artificial intelligence on field service operations: a case study of BT
  644. Data Fiduciary in Order to Alleviate Principal–Agent Problems in the Artificial Big Data Age
  645. Advances in core computer science-based technologies
  646. Heteroscedastic exponomial choice
  647. Shared decision-making and maternity care in the deep learning age: Acknowledging and overcoming inherited defeaters
  648. Countering misinformation and fake news through inoculation and prebunking
  649. The evolution of patterning during movement in a large-scale citizen science game
  650. A Machine Learning-Based System for Predicting Service-Level Failures in Supply Chains

Computer Science Research Topics – MS PhD

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