What is the purpose of the MOVE command in AutoCAD?
A) To change the shape of an object
B) To relocate an object to a new position
C) To resize an object
D) To delete an object
Answer: B
How do you use the COPY command in AutoCAD?
A) Select the object, specify the base point, and then the second point
B) Type “COPY” and press Enter
C) Select the object and drag it
D) Use the “MOVE” command to duplicate
Answer: A
What does the ROTATE command do in AutoCAD?
A) Changes the size of an object
B) Moves an object in a circular path
C) Turns an object around a specified base point
D) Deletes an object
Answer: C
Which command allows you to stretch objects in AutoCAD?
Answer: A
How can you use the TRIM command?
A) To extend an object
B) To cut off a part of an object
C) To move an object
D) To mirror an object
Answer: B
What is the primary function of the EXTEND command?
A) To lengthen objects to meet another object
B) To shorten objects
C) To copy objects
D) To rotate objects
Answer: A
How do you invoke the MIRROR command?
A) Select the object and define a mirror line
B) Type “MIRROR” and press Enter
C) Use the “SCALE” command
D) All of the above
Answer: A
What does the SCALE command do in AutoCAD?
A) Changes the color of an object
B) Resizes an object proportionally
C) Moves an object to a new location
D) Rotates an object
Answer: B
How can you access the REVERSE command?
A) By selecting an object and right-clicking
B) By typing “REVERSE” in the command line
C) It cannot be accessed directly
D) Through the Properties panel
Answer: B
What is the function of the FILLET command?
A) To create a rounded corner between two lines
B) To change the width of an object
C) To delete an object
D) To create a linear dimension
Answer: A
What does the CHAMFER command do?
A) Deletes corners of an object
B) Creates a beveled edge between two lines
C) Changes the color of an object
D) Duplicates an object
Answer: B
How do you use the OFFSET command?
A) To create a parallel copy of an object at a specified distance
B) To move an object to a new position
C) To stretch an object
D) To rotate an object
Answer: A
What is the purpose of the ARRAY command?
A) To create multiple copies of an object in a specified pattern
B) To change the scale of an object
C) To move an object
D) To delete an object
Answer: A
How does the BREAK command work in AutoCAD?
A) It separates an object into two parts
B) It rotates an object
C) It changes an object’s properties
D) It duplicates an object
Answer: A
Which command would you use to combine multiple objects into one?
Answer: A
What does the EXPLODE command do?
A) Combines multiple objects
B) Breaks a compound object into its individual components
C) Changes an object’s properties
D) Deletes an object
Answer: B
What is the effect of the HATCH command in AutoCAD?
A) It adds color to an object
B) It fills an enclosed area with a pattern
C) It moves an object
D) It stretches an object
Answer: B
How can you use the REGEN command effectively?
A) To refresh the drawing display
B) To create a new layer
C) To copy objects
D) To change the scale of the drawing
Answer: A
What does the LENGTHEN command do?
A) Changes the color of an object
B) Adjusts the length of an object
C) Rotates an object
D) Mirrors an object
Answer: B
How do you access the MATCHPROP command?
A) By typing “MATCHPROP” in the command line
B) By right-clicking on the object
C) Through the Properties panel
D) All of the above
Answer: A
What is the primary function of the MOVE command with the “Base Point” option?
A) To move an object without changing its orientation
B) To rotate an object
C) To stretch an object
D) To change the color of an object
Answer: A
How do you use the PEDIT command?
A) To modify polyline properties
B) To change line colors
C) To stretch an object
D) To move an object
Answer: A
What does the SKEW command allow you to do?
A) Stretch an object at an angle
B) Change an object’s properties
C) Rotate an object
D) Move an object
Answer: A
What is the function of the LENGTHEN command in terms of modifying geometry?
A) It alters the height of an object
B) It allows you to lengthen or shorten an object
C) It rotates an object
D) It moves an object
Answer: B
Which command helps you create a fillet with a specific radius?
Answer: B
What does the TRIM command require to function effectively?
A) Selection of the object to be trimmed
B) Specification of the cutting edge
C) Definition of the area to be trimmed
D) Both A and B
Answer: D
How does the EXTEND command differ from the TRIM command?
A) EXTEND lengthens objects, TRIM shortens them
B) EXTEND deletes objects, TRIM creates new ones
C) Both commands perform the same function
D) EXTEND modifies layers, TRIM changes colors
Answer: A
What is the purpose of the INSERT command?
A) To add text to the drawing
B) To insert blocks, drawings, or objects into the current drawing
C) To move an object
D) To change the properties of an object
Answer: B
How do you create a mirror image of an object using the MIRROR command?
A) By selecting the object and defining a mirror line
B) By dragging the object to the opposite side
C) By copying the object
D) By rotating the object
Answer: A
Which command allows you to modify the properties of an existing object quickly?
Answer: A
What is the effect of using the REVERSE command on a polyline?
A) It changes the polyline’s color
B) It reverses the direction of the vertices in the polyline
C) It deletes part of the polyline
D) It resizes the polyline
Answer: B
Which command can be used to delete unwanted portions of an object?
Answer: A
How can you use the SPLINE command effectively in modifying commands?
A) To create straight lines
B) To add curves and smooth transitions to your drawing
C) To stretch objects
D) To rotate objects
Answer: B
What does the BOUNDARY command do?
A) Creates a new layer
B) Establishes a closed boundary around an area
C) Deletes existing boundaries
D) Modifies the properties of existing objects
Answer: B
How can you adjust the width of a polyline using the PEDIT command?
A) By changing the color
B) By specifying the width option in PEDIT
C) By stretching the polyline
D) By using the SCALE command
Answer: B
What does the OFFSET command require to function?
A) Selection of the object and the offset distance
B) A specified angle
C) A selected layer
D) An object color
Answer: A
Which command is used to stretch an object from one end only?
Answer: A
What does the ARRAY command allow you to create?
A) A single object
B) Multiple copies of an object in rows or columns
C) A unique pattern
D) None of the above
Answer: B
How do you delete an object in AutoCAD?
A) Use the DELETE key
B) Select the object and press the Enter key
C) Use the ERASE command
D) All of the above
Answer: D
What is the effect of using the EXPLODE command on a block?
A) It moves the block to a new location
B) It breaks the block into its component objects
C) It scales the block
D) It changes the block’s color
Answer: B
How can you create a compound shape using the UNION command?
A) By selecting multiple objects and combining them into one
B) By mirroring shapes
C) By stretching shapes
D) By rotating shapes
Answer: A
What does the INSERT command primarily do?
A) It modifies the drawing’s properties
B) It adds blocks, images, or drawings to the current drawing
C) It trims objects
D) It creates layers
Answer: B
How does the SCALE command change the size of an object?
A) By rotating it
B) By duplicating it
C) By resizing it relative to a base point
D) By moving it
Answer: C
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