Which of the following is a functional requirement?

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Question: Which one of the following is a functional requirement?
(a) Admin can upload photos
(b) Admin can search book
(c) Librarian can delete student
(d) The system delivers the search items within 2 seconds
(e) a b, c
Answer: e

Question: Which one of the following is not a functional requirement?
(a) The user can set the picture as private or public.
(b) The user can create Facebook Groups
(c) The user can block a friend
(d) The system delivers the search items within 2 seconds
(e) None of these
Answer: d

ParametersFunctional RequirementNon-Functional Requirement
Documentation Describewhat the product doeshow the product works
Helps to verify thethe functionality of the software.performance of the software.
Representationwith the use case.with quality attributes.
catchEasy to catchHard to catch
Focus onuser requirementuser’s expectation.
When is Test Execution done?before non-functional testing.After the functional testing
Type of TestingFunctional Testing

For example, Integration testing, System testing,  API testing, and End to End testing, etc.

Non-Functional Testing

For example, Security testing, Performance testing, Usability testing, Stress testing, etc.

OutcomeProduct featureProduct properties
Importancenecessarynon- necessary

Examples of Functional requirements

  1. Admin can upload documents.
  2. Admin can search CV.
  3. A librarian can add students.
  4. Admin can share photos.
  5. The user can search for a friend.
  6. The system must show mutual friends list.
  7. Admin can delete the user.
  8. Admin can delete messages.
  9. The clerk must be able to delete patients.
  10. Librarians can add books to the database.
  11. Librarians can view books.
  12. The user can log in to the system.
  13. The user can log out of the system.
  14. The registrar can add students.
  15. Admin can add a new user.
  16. Admin can search an employee.
  17. Admin can search a student.
  18. Admin can delete an employee.
  19. Admin can edit passwords.
  20. The registrar can search students.
  21. The user can signup.
  22. Students must be able to give tests.
  23. Students must be able to communicate with the teacher.
  24. The teacher must be able to log in.
  25. Teachers must be able to communicate with admin, students, and parents.
  26. The teacher must be able to assign assignments to the student.
  27. The teacher must be able to collect assignments for his student.
  28. Teachers must be able to take tests online.
  29. Teachers must be able to mark attendance online.
  30. Parents must be able to log in through their child’s id.
  31. The user can update the password.
  32. The clerk must be able to update the patient.
  33. The clerk must be able to view patient
  34. Librarians can delete books.
  35. The registrar can delete students.
  36. The registrar can update students.
  37. The clerk must be able to add patients.
  38. The doctor must be able to view patients.
  39. The doctor can add his schedule for the appointment.

Detailed Tutorial: How to Write Functional Requirements?

how to get functional and non requirements from a case study
how to get functional and non functional requirements from a case study
Common mistakes of students while writing functional requirements
Common mistakes of students while writing functional requirements

Read case studies and extract functional requirements


Write the following functional requirements in a correct way;

  1. Track Student Performance
  2. Schedule Timetable
  3. Fee Collection
  4. Effortless Communication

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