Trim and Extend AutoCAD MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: September 24, 2024

What is the primary function of the TRIM command in AutoCAD?
A) To delete objects
B) To shorten or cut objects
C) To extend objects
D) To mirror objects
Answer: B

How do you initiate the TRIM command?
A) Type “TRIM” in the command line
B) Right-click and select TRIM
C) Select the object and press Enter
D) All of the above
Answer: A

Which key do you press to activate the TRIM command after selecting cutting edges?
A) Enter
B) Esc
C) Spacebar
D) Shift
Answer: A

What happens when you select an object as a cutting edge in the TRIM command?
A) The object is deleted
B) The object is extended
C) The object is used to trim other objects
D) The object becomes a new layer
Answer: C

Which of the following is NOT a method to use the TRIM command?
A) Select all
B) Select cutting edges
C) Use a fence
D) Use a polyline
Answer: D

What is the result of using the TRIM command on an object with no cutting edges selected?
A) The command fails
B) The object is deleted
C) The object is extended
D) The object remains unchanged
Answer: D

How can you extend an object to meet another object in AutoCAD?
A) Use the TRIM command
B) Use the EXTEND command
C) Use the MOVE command
D) Use the OFFSET command
Answer: B

What does the EXTEND command do in AutoCAD?
A) It shortens an object
B) It mirrors an object
C) It lengthens an object to meet another object
D) It scales an object
Answer: C

Which of the following actions can you perform after initiating the TRIM command?
A) Selecting objects to trim
B) Specifying a new cutting edge
C) Undoing the command
D) Both A and B
Answer: D

What is the first step when using the EXTEND command?
A) Selecting the object to be extended
B) Specifying the boundary edges
C) Typing the command
D) Pressing the Enter key
Answer: C

What happens if you attempt to extend an object to a line that is not intersecting?
A) The object will be extended to the endpoint
B) The command fails
C) The object will not change
D) The object is deleted
Answer: C

Which command would you use to remove parts of a line that are beyond a specified length?
Answer: A

How can you specify multiple cutting edges in the TRIM command?
A) Select each edge individually
B) Use a fence selection
C) Type “M” for multiple
D) All of the above
Answer: D

Which key do you press to activate the TRIM command using a fence selection?
A) Spacebar
B) Enter
C) Esc
D) Shift
Answer: A

What does the “F” option do when using the TRIM command?
A) It specifies a fence selection
B) It allows for multiple trims
C) It deletes selected objects
D) It exits the command
Answer: A

How do you extend a line to another line using the EXTEND command?
A) Select the line to be extended first
B) Select the boundary edge first
C) Use the TRIM command
D) Move the line manually
Answer: B

Which option can you use to trim multiple objects simultaneously?
A) Hold down the Ctrl key
B) Select all objects before executing TRIM
C) Use the “M” option in TRIM
D) Both B and C
Answer: D

What is the purpose of the TRIM command’s “Cutting Edge” selection?
A) To specify the object to be trimmed
B) To define where the trim should occur
C) To delete the original object
D) To extend the object
Answer: B

What happens when you extend an object to a non-intersecting boundary?
A) The object is deleted
B) The object remains unchanged
C) The command fails
D) The object is trimmed
Answer: B

Which command can be used to create a new intersection between two objects?
Answer: A

How can you cancel the TRIM command during operation?
A) Press the Esc key
B) Type “CANCEL”
C) Right-click and select Cancel
D) Both A and C
Answer: D

What type of selection is required for the EXTEND command?
A) Crossing selection
B) Window selection
C) Boundary selection
D) Freehand selection
Answer: C

Which key can be used to switch between the TRIM and EXTEND commands during operation?
A) Ctrl
B) Shift
C) Enter
D) Spacebar
Answer: B

What command would you use to remove extra segments from a polyline?
Answer: A

What happens when you select a closed polyline as a cutting edge in the TRIM command?
A) The entire polyline is deleted
B) The line segments outside the polyline are trimmed
C) The command fails
D) The polyline is converted to a line
Answer: B

What option should you select if you want to extend a line to the nearest object?
Answer: B

How do you cancel the EXTEND command?
A) Press the Esc key
B) Right-click and select Cancel
C) Type “CANCEL”
D) Both A and B
Answer: D

Which command can trim a circle to a line?
Answer: B

What happens if you select an object and then use the TRIM command without defining cutting edges?
A) The object is deleted
B) The command completes with no action
C) The object is extended
D) The command fails
Answer: B

How does the TRIM command differ from the EXTEND command?
A) TRIM shortens objects, while EXTEND lengthens them
B) TRIM is for lines only, EXTEND is for all objects
C) TRIM does not require cutting edges, EXTEND does
D) Both A and B
Answer: D

Which command would you use to create a clean intersection between two overlapping lines?
Answer: A

What happens when you try to extend an object beyond its original length using the EXTEND command?
A) The object is stretched indefinitely
B) The command fails
C) The object remains unchanged
D) The object is extended to meet the boundary
Answer: D

Which option allows you to select multiple edges for extending?
A) Use the “M” option
B) Hold the Shift key
C) Use a fence selection
D) Both A and C
Answer: D

What is the effect of using the TRIM command on an arc?
A) The arc is deleted
B) The arc is extended
C) Portions of the arc can be removed based on the cutting edge
D) The arc becomes a line
Answer: C

How do you ensure accuracy when using the TRIM command?
A) Zoom in on the objects
B) Use grid snap
C) Specify exact points for cutting edges
D) All of the above
Answer: D

What can you do if the TRIM command does not produce the expected results?
A) Undo the command
B) Check the selected cutting edges
C) Repeat the command
D) All of the above
Answer: D

Which command should be used when you need to tidy up a drawing by removing unnecessary lines?
Answer: A

What happens to an object if you try to extend it beyond an endpoint?
A) It is deleted
B) It will not extend
C) It is shortened
D) It is stretched
Answer: B

What should you do if you want to trim only a section of a line?
A) Use the TRIM command with the entire line selected
B) Specify the cutting edge carefully
C) Use the OFFSET command
D) Move the line instead
Answer: B

Which option allows you to extend multiple lines at once?
A) Use a selection window
B) Select each line individually
C) Hold the Ctrl key while selecting
D) Both A and C
Answer: D

What is the result of using the TRIM command on a group of lines?
A) Only the outer lines are affected
B) All lines will be trimmed based on selected edges
C) The command will fail
D) Only the first selected line will be trimmed
Answer: B

How can you extend an object to meet the end of another object without specifying a point?
A) Use the TRIM command
B) Use the EXTEND command
C) Use the MOVE command
D) Use the OFFSET command
Answer: B

In the TRIM command, what does the term “cutting edge” refer to?
A) The object to be trimmed
B) The boundary used for trimming
C) The point of intersection
D) The starting point of the command
Answer: B

What is the benefit of using the EXTEND command?
A) It allows for easier object management
B) It creates intersections automatically
C) It can help to maintain drawing accuracy
D) All of the above
Answer: D

When using the TRIM command, what happens if you select a circle as a cutting edge?
A) The circle will be deleted
B) Lines that intersect with the circle will be trimmed
C) The circle becomes a line
D) The command fails
Answer: B

What is the best practice when using the EXTEND command to ensure accuracy?
A) Use the “Undo” command
B) Zoom into the area
C) Select multiple boundaries
D) Both B and C
Answer: D

What can you do if you accidentally trim too much with the TRIM command?
A) Redo the command
B) Use the “Undo” option
C) Manually recreate the objects
D) Both B and C
Answer: D

Which command can help in creating precise architectural drawings by removing extra lines?
Answer: A

In the context of the TRIM command, what does the term “fence” refer to?
A) A type of boundary line
B) A selection method to trim multiple objects
C) A command for creating boundaries
D) A tool for measuring distance
Answer: B

What can be done if the EXTEND command does not seem to work?
A) Check if the boundaries are selected correctly
B) Restart AutoCAD
C) Use the TRIM command
D) All of the above
Answer: A

What is the main purpose of the TRIM command in CAD applications?
A) To enhance visual appeal
B) To organize layers
C) To simplify and refine drawings
D) To create new objects
Answer: C

Which command would be more appropriate if you need to remove segments of a line but keep others intact?
Answer: A

What must be done before you can use the TRIM command effectively?
A) Prepare the workspace
B) Select the objects to trim
C) Define the cutting edges
D) Set up layers
Answer: C

How do you use the TRIM command to remove parts of multiple overlapping objects?
A) Select all and execute TRIM
B) Choose cutting edges and then select objects
C) Execute TRIM and select each object manually
D) Use the EXTEND command instead
Answer: B

What should you check if the EXTEND command does not yield the desired result?
A) The selected object
B) The boundary edge
C) The command options
D) All of the above
Answer: D

Which command is essential for cleaning up a drawing after modifications?
Answer: A

What should you do to ensure a successful execution of the EXTEND command?
A) Have clear boundaries for extension
B) Select the object before specifying boundaries
C) Use the TRIM command afterwards
D) Both A and B
Answer: D