What does MPI stand for in the context of Parallel and Distributed Computing?
a. Multiple Processor Interface
b. Message Passing Interface
c. Multi-Threaded Processing Interface
d. Modular Parallel Integration
Answer: b
In MPI, which function is commonly used to send a message from one process to another?
a. MPI_Receive
b. MPI_Send
c. MPI_Comm_rank
d. MPI_Bcast
Answer: b
What is the purpose of MPI_Comm_size function in MPI?
a. To initialize MPI communication
b. To get the rank of the process
c. To determine the size of the communicator
d. To finalize MPI communication
Answer: c
Which MPI function is used to initialize the MPI environment?
a. MPI_Initialize
b. MPI_Init
c. MPI_Comm_init
d. MPI_Start
Answer: b
In MPI, what does the term “rank” refer to?
a. The size of the communicator
b. The process identifier
c. The message size
d. The type of data being sent
Answer: b
What MPI function is used to obtain the rank of the calling process within a communicator?
a. MPI_Rank
b. MPI_Get_rank
c. MPI_Comm_rank
d. MPI_Process_rank
Answer: c
In MPI, which function is used for collective communication to broadcast data from one process to all others?
a. MPI_Scatter
b. MPI_Gather
c. MPI_Bcast
d. MPI_Reduce
Answer: c
What is the purpose of MPI_Finalize function?
a. To close MPI communication channels
b. To signal the end of the MPI program
c. To synchronize MPI processes
d. To free up memory allocated for MPI communication
Answer: b
Which MPI function is used for blocking point-to-point communication to receive a message?
a. MPI_Recv
b. MPI_Send
c. MPI_Irecv
d. MPI_Isend
Answer: a
In MPI, what is the purpose of MPI_Barrier function?
a. To initialize MPI communication
b. To synchronize processes within a communicator
c. To broadcast data from one process to all others
d. To reduce data across all processes
Answer: b
What MPI function is used for non-blocking point-to-point communication to send a message?
a. MPI_Recv
b. MPI_Send
c. MPI_Irecv
d. MPI_Isend
Answer: d
In MPI, what is the purpose of MPI_Reduce function?
a. To initialize MPI communication
b. To synchronize processes within a communicator
c. To reduce data across all processes
d. To broadcast data from one process to all others
Answer: c
Which MPI function is used for gathering data from all processes within a communicator?
a. MPI_Scatter
b. MPI_Gather
c. MPI_Bcast
d. MPI_Reduce
Answer: b
In MPI, what does the term “communicator” refer to?
a. The message size
b. The process identifier
c. A group of processes that can communicate with each other
d. The size of the communicator
Answer: c
What is the purpose of MPI_Sendrecv function in MPI?
a. To send and receive messages concurrently
b. To synchronize processes within a communicator
c. To broadcast data from one process to all others
d. To reduce data across all processes
Answer: a
In MPI, what is the primary purpose of MPI_Scatter function?
a. To initialize MPI communication
b. To synchronize processes within a communicator
c. To scatter data from one process to all others
d. To broadcast data from one process to all others
Answer: c
What MPI function is used for non-blocking point-to-point communication to receive a message?
a. MPI_Recv
b. MPI_Send
c. MPI_Irecv
d. MPI_Isend
Answer: c
In MPI, which function is used to create a new communicator?
a. MPI_Comm_split
b. MPI_Comm_rank
c. MPI_Comm_create
d. MPI_Comm_dup
Answer: a
What is the purpose of MPI_Gather function in MPI?
a. To scatter data from one process to all others
b. To gather data from all processes within a communicator
c. To broadcast data from one process to all others
d. To reduce data across all processes
Answer: b
In MPI, what is the purpose of MPI_Comm_rank function?
a. To get the rank of the process
b. To determine the size of the communicator
c. To initialize MPI communication
d. To finalize MPI communication
Answer: a
Which MPI function is used for collective communication to scatter data from one process to all others?
a. MPI_Scatter
b. MPI_Gather
c. MPI_Bcast
d. MPI_Reduce
Answer: a
In MPI, what does the term “blocking communication” mean?
a. Processes are not allowed to communicate
b. Processes can only communicate within a communicator
c. Processes are synchronized until the communication completes
d. Processes can communicate concurrently without synchronization
Answer: c
What is the purpose of MPI_Comm_dup function in MPI?
a. To create a new communicator
b. To duplicate an existing communicator
c. To synchronize processes within a communicator
d. To finalize MPI communication
Answer: b
In MPI, what does the term “non-blocking communication” mean?
a. Processes are not allowed to communicate
b. Processes can only communicate within a communicator
c. Processes can communicate concurrently without synchronization
d. Processes are synchronized until the communication completes
Answer: c
Which MPI function is used for point-to-point communication to determine the status of a non-blocking operation?
a. MPI_Test
b. MPI_Wait
c. MPI_Cancel
d. MPI_Request
Answer: a
In MPI, what is the purpose of MPI_Comm_free function?
a. To create a new communicator
b. To free up memory allocated for MPI communication
c. To synchronize processes within a communicator
d. To finalize MPI communication
Answer: b
What MPI function is commonly used for creating sub-communicators?
a. MPI_Comm_split
b. MPI_Comm_rank
c. MPI_Comm_create
d. MPI_Comm_dup
Answer: a
In MPI, what is the purpose of MPI_Wait function?
a. To get the rank of the process
b. To determine the size of the communicator
c. To synchronize processes within a communicator
d. To wait for the completion of a non-blocking operation
Answer: d
What is the purpose of MPI_Cancel function in MPI?
a. To cancel a blocking communication operation
b. To cancel a non-blocking communication operation
c. To create a new communicator
d. To synchronize processes within a communicator
Answer: b
In MPI, what is the purpose of MPI_Comm_split function?
a. To create a new communicator
b. To free up memory allocated for MPI communication
c. To synchronize processes within a communicator
d. To split an existing communicator into sub-communicators
Answer: d
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