Total order and causal order multicast MCQs
1.What is the primary goal of total order multicast in distributed systems?
a. Efficient load balancing
b. Minimizing fault tolerance
c. Ensuring that all processes receive messages in the same order
d. Achieving leader election
Answer: c
2.Which algorithm is commonly used for total order multicast in distributed systems?
a. Vector-Clock algorithm
b. Two-Phase Commit
c. Paxos algorithm
d. Token-Ring algorithm
Answer: a
3.In total order multicast, what does the term “total order” refer to?
a. The global state of the distributed system
b. The order in which processes enter the critical section
c. A consistent and agreed-upon order of messages
d. The highest priority assigned to a process
Answer: c
4.What is the primary advantage of total order multicast in distributed systems?
a. Simplicity and ease of implementation
b. Efficient load balancing
c. Ensuring a consistent order of received messages
d. Minimizing fault tolerance
Answer: c
5.In total order multicast, how are processes coordinated to achieve a consistent order of messages?
a. Through a global coordinator process
b. Using a centralized server
c. Through the use of vector clocks or similar mechanisms
d. Randomly
Answer: c
6.Which algorithm is known for its use of “sequence numbers” for total order multicast?
a. Vector-Clock algorithm
b. Two-Phase Commit
c. Lamport’s algorithm
d. Paxos algorithm
Answer: c
7.In total order multicast, what is the role of the “sequence number” assigned to each message?
a. Identifying the source process of the message
b. Determining the priority of the message
c. Establishing a consistent order of received messages
d. Minimizing fault tolerance
Answer: c
8.What is the primary challenge addressed by total order multicast algorithms in distributed systems?
a. Efficient load balancing
b. Detecting and recovering from deadlocks
c. Achieving a consistent order of received messages
d. Maximizing fault tolerance
Answer: c
9.Which algorithm is commonly used for total order multicast and is based on sending acknowledgment messages?
a. Vector-Clock algorithm
b. Two-Phase Commit
c. Token-Ring algorithm
d. Reliable Multicast algorithm
Answer: d
10.In total order multicast, what is the purpose of acknowledgment messages?
a. Identifying the source process of the message
b. Establishing a consistent order of received messages
c. Minimizing fault tolerance
d. Notifying the sender about the successful delivery of the message
Answer: d
11.Which algorithm ensures total order multicast by sending messages to all processes and using acknowledgments?
a. Vector-Clock algorithm
b. Two-Phase Commit
c. Reliable Multicast algorithm
d. Token-Ring algorithm
Answer: c
12.What is the primary disadvantage of total order multicast algorithms based on acknowledgment messages?
a. Simplicity and ease of implementation
b. Inefficient load balancing
c. High communication overhead
d. Minimizing fault tolerance
Answer: c
13.In total order multicast, what is the role of the “sender process”?
a. The process with the highest fault tolerance
b. The process responsible for deadlock detection
c. The process initiating the total order multicast
d. The elected leader or head of the group
Answer: c
14.Which algorithm ensures total order multicast by using a “virtual coordinator”?
a. Vector-Clock algorithm
b. Virtual-Coordinator algorithm
c. Reliable Multicast algorithm
d. Token-Ring algorithm
Answer: b
15.What is the primary advantage of total order multicast algorithms based on a “virtual coordinator”?
a. Simplicity and ease of implementation
b. Inefficient load balancing
c. Low communication overhead
d. Minimizing fault tolerance
Answer: c
16.What is the primary goal of causal order multicast in distributed systems?
a. Efficient load balancing
b. Ensuring that all processes receive messages in the same order
c. Minimizing fault tolerance
d. Preserving the causal relationship between messages
Answer: d
17.Which algorithm is commonly used for causal order multicast in distributed systems?
a. Vector-Clock algorithm
b. Two-Phase Commit
c. Lamport’s algorithm
d. Paxos algorithm
Answer: a
18.In causal order multicast, what does the term “causal order” refer to?
a. The global state of the distributed system
b. The order in which processes enter the critical section
c. A consistent and agreed-upon order of messages
d. The causal relationship between events
Answer: d
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