Fillet and Chamfer AutoCAD MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: September 24, 2024

1. What is the purpose of the Fillet command in AutoCAD?
A) To create a rounded corner between two objects
B) To trim objects
C) To extend objects
D) To split objects
Answer: A

2. Which of the following commands creates a beveled edge in AutoCAD?
A) Fillet
B) Chamfer
C) Trim
D) Extend
Answer: B

3. What does the Fillet command primarily do in AutoCAD?
A) Joins two objects
B) Cuts an object
C) Creates a rounded corner between two lines
D) Offsets an object
Answer: C

4. When using the Fillet command, what option should you choose to remove the fillet radius?
A) Radius
B) Distance
C) Zero
D) Trim
Answer: C

5. How can you specify the radius of a fillet in AutoCAD?
A) By selecting the Radius option after activating the Fillet command
B) By entering the radius in the command line
C) Both A and B
D) None of the above
Answer: C

6. What happens if you use the Fillet command with a radius of 0?
A) The two lines will be trimmed at a sharp corner
B) The command will be invalid
C) A rounded corner will be formed
D) The objects will remain unchanged
Answer: A

7. In AutoCAD, what does the Trim option in the Fillet command do?
A) Removes excess lines
B) Extends the lines
C) Keeps the lines as they are
D) Creates a fillet without trimming the lines
Answer: A

8. How can you access the Chamfer command in AutoCAD?
A) By typing CHAMFER in the command line
B) Through the Modify toolbar
C) Both A and B
D) None of the above
Answer: C

9. What is the primary difference between a Chamfer and a Fillet in AutoCAD?
A) Chamfer creates a straight beveled edge, while Fillet creates a rounded edge
B) Chamfer only works on 3D objects
C) Fillet is for trimming, Chamfer is for extending
D) There is no difference
Answer: A

10. Which AutoCAD command allows you to specify two distances for a beveled corner?
A) Fillet
B) Trim
C) Chamfer
D) Offset
Answer: C

11. What does the ‘Distance’ option in the Chamfer command allow you to do?
A) Set the distances for the chamfer on both sides of the corner
B) Set the radius of the chamfer
C) Create a rounded corner
D) Join two objects
Answer: A

12. Can the Chamfer command be used to create equal distances on both sides of a corner?
A) Yes, by using the Distance option
B) No, Chamfer always requires different distances
C) Yes, by using the Equal Distance option
D) None of the above
Answer: A

13. In AutoCAD, what does the ‘Angle’ option in the Chamfer command allow you to specify?
A) The angle of the beveled edge
B) The radius of the fillet
C) The distance of the chamfer
D) The sharpness of the edge
Answer: A

14. What is the result of using the Chamfer command with two different distances?
A) A beveled edge with different lengths on each side
B) A rounded corner with different radii
C) A sharp intersection of lines
D) No change will occur
Answer: A

15. Can you apply both Fillet and Chamfer commands to the same set of lines?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Only if the lines are parallel
D) Only if the lines are perpendicular
Answer: A

16. What does the Fillet command do when applied to a polyline?
A) Rounds all sharp corners in the polyline
B) Cuts the polyline in half
C) Offsets the polyline
D) Joins the polyline with another object
Answer: A

17. What happens when the Fillet radius is set to zero in AutoCAD?
A) A sharp corner is created between two lines
B) A rounded corner is created
C) The Fillet command is canceled
D) The lines are trimmed but not joined
Answer: A

18. Can the Fillet command be used between arcs and lines in AutoCAD?
A) Yes, a fillet can be applied between arcs and lines
B) No, Fillet only works between straight lines
C) Only if the arc is closed
D) Only in 3D mode
Answer: A

19. What option in the Fillet command allows you to apply the same radius multiple times without re-entering the radius?
A) Multiple
B) Repeat
C) Radius Lock
D) Continuous
Answer: A

20. In the Chamfer command, how do you reset the distances to zero?
A) Enter zero for both distance options
B) Use the Radius option
C) It cannot be reset
D) Use the Undo command
Answer: A

21. What is the main difference between the Radius and Trim options in the Fillet command?
A) Radius sets the curve size; Trim determines if lines are trimmed
B) Trim sets the curve size; Radius determines if lines are trimmed
C) Both options do the same thing
D) Radius and Trim cannot be used together
Answer: A

22. In AutoCAD, can you use Fillet on closed objects like circles or ellipses?
A) Yes, but only on ellipses
B) Yes, but only on circles
C) No, Fillet cannot be applied to closed objects
D) Yes, Fillet works on both circles and ellipses
Answer: D

23. How can you remove a previously created Fillet in AutoCAD?
A) Use the Undo command
B) Set the Fillet radius to 0 and reapply
C) Both A and B
D) Fillets cannot be removed
Answer: C

24. What does the ‘Trim’ option control in the Chamfer command?
A) Whether the original lines are trimmed or left in place
B) The angle of the chamfer
C) The length of the chamfer
D) The radius of the chamfer
Answer: A

25. In AutoCAD, what happens if you input equal distances for a chamfer?
A) You create a 45-degree bevel
B) You create a rounded corner
C) The chamfer command will fail
D) Nothing will happen
Answer: A

26. Which command should you use to create a rounded corner at the intersection of two lines?
A) Fillet
B) Chamfer
C) Trim
D) Offset
Answer: A

27. What command allows you to create a straight beveled edge instead of a rounded corner?
A) Chamfer
B) Fillet
C) Offset
D) Trim
Answer: A

28. Can you adjust the angle of the bevel in the Chamfer command?
A) Yes, using the Angle option
B) No, Chamfer always creates a 45-degree angle
C) Only in 3D mode
D) The angle cannot be adjusted
Answer: A

29. In AutoCAD, what does the ‘Polyline’ option in the Fillet command do?
A) Applies the fillet to all corners of a polyline
B) Converts a line to a polyline
C) Trims the polyline
D) Joins two polylines together
Answer: A

30. Which of the following commands cannot create a rounded corner in AutoCAD?
A) Chamfer
B) Fillet
C) Both can create rounded corners
D) None of the above
Answer: A

31. How can you specify the radius of a fillet between two arcs in AutoCAD?
A) Use the Radius option after selecting the arcs
B) You cannot apply a fillet between arcs
C) Use the Distance option
D) Use the Trim option
Answer: A

32. What command is typically used to round sharp corners in AutoCAD?
A) Fillet
B) Chamfer
C) Offset
D) Split
Answer: A

33. Can the Fillet command be used on 3D objects in AutoCAD?
A) Yes, but only for specific objects
B) No, Fillet only works in 2D
C) Yes, it works on all 3D objects
D) Fillet cannot be used in 3D
Answer: A

34. What is the default trim behavior of the Chamfer command in AutoCAD?
A) Trims the selected lines
B) Leaves the lines untrimmed
C) Automatically extends the lines
D) Deletes the lines
Answer: A

35. In the Fillet command, what does the ‘No Trim’ option do?
A) It leaves the original lines untrimmed
B) It cancels the Fillet command
C) It trims both lines automatically
D) It allows you to delete the fillet
Answer: A

36. What command would you use to create a beveled edge between two non-parallel lines?
A) Chamfer
B) Fillet
C) Offset
D) Extend
Answer: A

37. Can you specify different distances for each side of a chamfer in AutoCAD?
A) Yes, by setting different distances in the Distance option
B) No, the distances must always be equal
C) Only in 3D
D) Chamfer always uses the same distance
Answer: A

38. In AutoCAD, what will happen if you set the radius for a fillet to a value greater than the distance between two objects?
A) AutoCAD will create a larger fillet
B) The command will fail
C) AutoCAD will trim the objects to fit the fillet
D) The objects will remain unchanged
Answer: C

39. What is the outcome when using the Fillet command between two perpendicular lines with a radius of 0?
A) A sharp corner is created
B) The lines are extended
C) The lines are joined with a rounded corner
D) The command fails
Answer: A

40. What effect does the ‘Multiple’ option have in the Fillet command?
A) It allows you to apply fillets to multiple sets of objects without reselecting the command
B) It increases the fillet radius
C) It applies multiple fillets to the same pair of objects
D) It rounds both objects multiple times
Answer: A

41. How do you access the Chamfer command through the AutoCAD toolbar?
A) From the Modify panel
B) From the Draw panel
C) From the Home panel
D) It is not available in the toolbar
Answer: A

42. Can the Chamfer command be applied between an arc and a line?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Only in 3D
D) Only if the objects are parallel
Answer: A

43. What does the ‘Length’ option in the Chamfer command control?
A) The length of the beveled edges
B) The radius of the chamfer
C) The angle of the bevel
D) The length of the lines being chamfered
Answer: A

44. In AutoCAD, what happens when you use the Fillet command on parallel lines?
A) The lines remain unchanged
B) AutoCAD joins the lines with a fillet
C) The command fails
D) The lines are extended until they meet
Answer: D

45. What will occur if the Chamfer distances are set to 0 in AutoCAD?
A) No chamfer will be created, and the lines will intersect
B) A rounded corner will be formed
C) A sharp intersection will be created
D) AutoCAD will display an error
Answer: A

46. How can you specify two distances for a chamfer in AutoCAD?
A) By entering two distance values in the Chamfer command
B) By using the Trim option
C) By entering a radius
D) Chamfer always requires equal distances
Answer: A

47. Can you use the Fillet command between a line and a spline in AutoCAD?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Only if the spline is closed
D) Only in 3D mode
Answer: A

48. What effect does setting the Fillet radius to a very large value have on the two lines?
A) It forces AutoCAD to extend the lines until they meet
B) The command will fail
C) It creates a very large arc between the two lines
D) AutoCAD trims the lines to match the radius
Answer: C

49. What does the Chamfer command’s ‘Angle’ option allow you to do?
A) Specify the angle of the beveled edge
B) Set the length of the chamfer
C) Trim the original lines
D) Create a fillet instead of a chamfer
Answer: A

50. In AutoCAD, can you undo a Chamfer after applying it?
A) Yes, by using the Undo command
B) No, it cannot be undone
C) Only by setting the chamfer distances to 0
D) Only in 3D mode
Answer: A