AutoCAD Layers and Object Properties MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: September 24, 2024

1. What is the primary purpose of layers in AutoCAD?
A) To organize objects for easier management
B) To scale objects
C) To rotate objects
D) To draw objects in 3D
Answer: A

2. What property can be assigned to layers in AutoCAD?
A) Color
B) Line type
C) Lineweight
D) All of the above
Answer: D

3. How can you make a layer invisible in AutoCAD?
A) Freeze the layer
B) Lock the layer
C) Set the layer’s color to white
D) Explode the layer
Answer: A

4. What is the function of the Layer Properties Manager in AutoCAD?
A) It manages the creation, modification, and control of layers
B) It rotates objects
C) It trims objects
D) It scales objects
Answer: A

5. What does the ‘ByLayer’ option mean in AutoCAD?
A) Object properties are controlled by the layer’s settings
B) The object is copied to a new layer
C) The object is removed from the layer
D) The object is set to default properties
Answer: A

6. What happens when a layer is locked in AutoCAD?
A) Objects on the layer cannot be edited but are still visible
B) The objects are deleted
C) The layer becomes invisible
D) Objects on the layer can be edited but not selected
Answer: A

7. Can you assign a different color to individual objects in AutoCAD, even if they are on the same layer?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Only if the object is 3D
D) Only if the layer is locked
Answer: A

8. How can you delete a layer in AutoCAD?
A) Using the Layer Properties Manager and selecting “Delete Layer”
B) By using the Erase command
C) By freezing the layer
D) By trimming the objects on the layer
Answer: A

9. What is the default layer in AutoCAD called?
A) Layer 0
B) Defpoints
C) Default Layer
D) Current Layer
Answer: A

10. What is the purpose of the ‘Current Layer’ in AutoCAD?
A) It is the layer on which new objects are drawn
B) It is the layer that is locked
C) It is the layer that is invisible
D) It is the layer that has the most objects
Answer: A

11. What does the term ‘Lineweight’ refer to in AutoCAD?
A) The thickness of lines
B) The color of lines
C) The type of lines
D) The length of lines
Answer: A

12. Can the lineweight of an object be different from the layer’s lineweight in AutoCAD?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Only for 3D objects
D) Only if the object is a block
Answer: A

13. What happens when you freeze a layer in AutoCAD?
A) The objects on the layer are hidden and cannot be modified
B) The objects become locked but visible
C) The objects are deleted
D) The objects are highlighted
Answer: A

14. Can you create layers with different line types in AutoCAD?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Only in 3D mode
D) Only in layout space
Answer: A

15. How do you change the current layer in AutoCAD?
A) By selecting a layer from the Layer Properties Manager
B) By using the Trim command
C) By locking the current layer
D) By freezing the layer
Answer: A

16. What does it mean when a layer is set to ‘No Plot’ in AutoCAD?
A) Objects on that layer will not be printed
B) The layer is locked
C) The layer is hidden
D) The layer cannot be edited
Answer: A

17. Can you move objects from one layer to another in AutoCAD?
A) Yes, by selecting the object and changing its layer in the Properties palette
B) No
C) Only by using the Trim command
D) Only in 3D mode
Answer: A

18. How can you isolate a specific layer in AutoCAD?
A) By using the Layer Isolate command
B) By freezing all other layers
C) By using the Offset command
D) By locking all other layers
Answer: A

19. What is the use of the ‘Layer States Manager’ in AutoCAD?
A) It saves and restores the visibility, color, and properties of layers
B) It rotates objects
C) It scales objects
D) It deletes objects from a layer
Answer: A

20. What does the ‘Defpoints’ layer represent in AutoCAD?
A) A special layer for non-plotting reference points
B) The default layer for 3D objects
C) The current layer for all objects
D) A layer used for hidden lines
Answer: A

21. Can you assign transparency to layers in AutoCAD?
A) Yes, using the Layer Properties Manager
B) No, transparency is not available in AutoCAD
C) Only in 3D objects
D) Only for specific object types
Answer: A

22. What happens when you turn off a layer in AutoCAD?
A) The objects on the layer become invisible but remain in the drawing
B) The objects are deleted
C) The objects become locked
D) The objects are highlighted
Answer: A

23. How do you access the Layer Properties Manager in AutoCAD?
A) By clicking on the ‘Layer’ panel in the ribbon
B) By typing “OFFSET” in the command line
C) By selecting the objects
D) By using the Trim command
Answer: A

24. Can an object’s color override the layer’s color setting in AutoCAD?
A) Yes, by setting the object’s color to a specific value
B) No, the layer’s color always controls the object
C) Only for blocks
D) Only in 3D mode
Answer: A

25. What is the function of the ‘VP Freeze’ option in AutoCAD?
A) It freezes layers in a specific viewport
B) It freezes all layers in the drawing
C) It freezes layers in model space
D) It hides objects in a viewport
Answer: A

26. How do you change the color of a layer in AutoCAD?
A) By selecting the layer in the Layer Properties Manager and choosing a new color
B) By using the Trim command
C) By using the Explode command
D) By rotating the layer
Answer: A

27. What happens if the ‘Layer 0’ is the current layer and you create a block in AutoCAD?
A) The block will inherit the properties of the layer it is inserted on
B) The block will only take on Layer 0’s properties
C) The block will be invisible
D) The block will not be created
Answer: A

28. Can you hide objects on the same layer without turning off the entire layer in AutoCAD?
A) Yes, by using the Hide command
B) No
C) Only in layout space
D) Only with specific object types
Answer: A

29. What is the primary purpose of object properties in AutoCAD?
A) To control the appearance and behavior of objects
B) To scale objects
C) To rotate objects
D) To trim objects
Answer: A

30. How can you change the linetype of a specific object in AutoCAD?
A) By selecting the object and modifying its linetype in the Properties palette
B) By using the Trim command
C) By using the Offset command
D) By rotating the object
Answer: A

31. What does ‘Layer Match’ do in AutoCAD?
A) It allows you to match the properties of one layer to another
B) It creates a new layer
C) It deletes a layer
D) It rotates the objects on the layer
Answer: A

32. Can you use different lineweights on objects in the same layer in AutoCAD?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Only for 3D objects
D) Only in model space
Answer: A

33. How do you set a specific object to be plotted differently from its layer’s settings in AutoCAD?
A) By modifying the object’s properties in the Properties palette
B) By locking the object
C) By freezing the object
D) By using the Trim command
Answer: A

34. What is the function of the ‘Layer Freeze’ option in AutoCAD?
A) It makes layers invisible and prevents them from regenerating
B) It locks objects on the layer
C) It deletes the layer
D) It scales objects on the layer
Answer: A

35. Can the color of objects in AutoCAD affect how they are printed?
A) Yes, depending on the plot style settings
B) No, color only affects the screen display
C) Only for 3D objects
D) Only in layout space
Answer: A

36. What is the difference between ‘Layer Off’ and ‘Freeze’ in AutoCAD?
A) Layer Off turns off visibility, while Freeze stops regeneration and visibility
B) Layer Off locks the layer, while Freeze deletes the layer
C) Layer Off hides objects, while Freeze scales objects
D) Layer Off freezes objects, while Freeze locks objects
Answer: A

37. How do you unlock a layer in AutoCAD?
A) By selecting the layer in the Layer Properties Manager and unchecking the lock icon
B) By using the Offset command
C) By trimming the layer
D) By using the Erase command
Answer: A

38. Can you set different properties for the same layer in different viewports in AutoCAD?
A) Yes, by using the VP Freeze option
B) No, layer properties are global
C) Only in 3D objects
D) Only in layout mode
Answer: A

39. What happens when you double-click an object in AutoCAD?
A) The object’s properties appear in the Properties palette
B) The object is exploded
C) The object is trimmed
D) The object is rotated
Answer: A

40. Can layers in AutoCAD be set to a specific transparency level?
A) Yes, in the Layer Properties Manager
B) No, transparency is not a feature in AutoCAD
C) Only for blocks
D) Only in layout space
Answer: A

41. How do you move objects to a different layer in AutoCAD?
A) By selecting the object and choosing the new layer in the Properties palette
B) By using the Offset command
C) By freezing the layer
D) By using the Trim command
Answer: A

42. Can you change the visibility of individual objects without affecting the entire layer in AutoCAD?
A) Yes, by using the Hide command
B) No, the layer controls visibility
C) Only for blocks
D) Only for 3D objects
Answer: A

43. What is the function of the ‘Layer Walk’ tool in AutoCAD?
A) It allows you to view the contents of each layer individually
B) It moves objects from one layer to another
C) It locks objects on a layer
D) It explodes the objects on a layer
Answer: A

44. Can you rename a layer in AutoCAD after objects have been drawn on it?
A) Yes, by selecting the layer in the Layer Properties Manager
B) No, once a layer is named, it cannot be changed
C) Only in 3D mode
D) Only in layout space
Answer: A

45. What happens when you explode a block that was created on Layer 0?
A) The objects inherit the properties of the layer they are placed on
B) The objects remain on Layer 0
C) The objects are deleted
D) The objects become invisible
Answer: A

46. How can you prevent specific layers from being printed in AutoCAD?
A) By setting the layer to ‘No Plot’ in the Layer Properties Manager
B) By freezing the layer
C) By locking the layer
D) By scaling the objects on the layer
Answer: A

47. What does the ‘Quick Properties’ palette display in AutoCAD?
A) Key properties of the selected object
B) All layers in the drawing
C) Only color and linetype
D) All commands used in the drawing
Answer: A

48. How do you change the linetype scale of objects in AutoCAD?
A) By adjusting the Linetype Scale property in the Properties palette
B) By using the Trim command
C) By using the Offset command
D) By rotating the object
Answer: A

49. Can you set different lineweights for objects in the same layer in AutoCAD?
A) Yes, by changing the object’s properties in the Properties palette
B) No, lineweights are fixed for each layer
C) Only in layout space
D) Only for 3D objects
Answer: A

50. How do you control the visibility of layers in AutoCAD in different viewports?
A) By using the VP Freeze option
B) By locking the layer
C) By using the Explode command
D) By freezing the entire layer
Answer: A