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Which of the following is an open source operating system?

(A). Unix
(B). DOS
(C). Both A and B
(D). Linux
MCQ Correct Answer: (D). Linux

Which of the following is not an open-source operating system?

(A). Microsoft Windows

(B). iOS

(C). Both A and B
(D). Redox

MCQ Correct Answer: (D). Redox

Examples of Closed Source Operating Systems

  1. Microsoft Windows
  2. Solaris UNIX
  3. OS X
  4. iOS

Examples of Open Source Operating Systems


  1. SOS
  2. skiftOS
  3. Redox
  4. AquilaOS
  5. ReactOS
  6. Xv6
  7. MINIX
  8. Linux
  9. Essence
  10. Barrelfish
  11. House
  12. Kerla
  13. Minoca OS
  14. HelenOS
  15. Mezzano
  16. FreeDOS
  17. Subgraph OS
  18. Sculpt
  19. Biscuit
  20. OpenBSD
  21. ToaruOS
  22. Qubes OS
  23. Serenity
  24. GNU Hurd
  25. Dragonfly BSD
  26. Interim OS
  27. FreeBSD
  29. Haiku
  30. illumos
  31. Essence
  32. PowerNex
  33. Plan 9
  34. GeckOS/A65 V2.0
  35. RISC OS
  36. NetBSD
  37. Harvey
  38. Tock
  40. AROS

Difference  between Open Source Operating Systems and Closed Source Operating Systems

The source code is public in Open Source Operating System. The source code is protected in a closed-source Operating System.
All end users can access and use the source code of the Open source Operating System. The general public or End users can’t access and use the source code of closed-source Operating systems.
There is a more chance of failure of Open source Operating Systems. There is less chance of failure of the Closed source Operating System.
Open Closed Operating System can be installed by anyone on any computer. The end user required a license before installation of the Closed source Operating System into any computer.
The price is very less. The price is high.
Open Source Operating System can be purchased with its source code. Closed Source Operating System can’t be purchased with its source code.
Anyone can modify the code of the Open Source Operating System. Only programmers or allowed persons can only modify the code of closed-source Operating systems.
No one is responsible if anything happened to the Open source Operating System. The Operating System house is responsible if anything happened to the closed-source Operating System.
There are not so many limitations on users based on usability and modification of the Operating System. There are so many limitations on users based on usability and modification of the Operating System.

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