Which of the following chatbots is often credited as the first to claim a victory in a Turing test contest?

Question:   Which of the following chatbots is often credited as the first to claim a victory in a Turing test contest?

A   Siri

B   Cleverbot

C  Eugene Goostman

D    ChatGPT

Answer:    Eugene Goostman


Aspect Description
Name of Chatbot Eugene Goostman
Year of victory 2014
Turing test event A contest marking the 60th anniversary of Alan Turing’s death
Judges’ decision 33% of the event’s judges believed Eugene Goostman was human.
Organizer’s claim The event’s organizer, Kevin Warwick, declared it had passed the Turing test based on Turing’s 1950 paper’s prediction that by the year 2000, machines would be capable of fooling 30% of human judges after five minutes of questioning.
Portrayal Eugene Goostman is portrayed as a 13-year-old Ukrainian boy with characteristics designed to induce forgiveness for grammatical errors and a lack of general knowledge.
Controversy The claim of passing the Turing test by Eugene Goostman has been met with controversy and criticism, as many argue that its success in the test was more due to cleverly designed personality traits and humor rather than demonstrating true human-level intelligence.