Which of the following is false regarding First Come First Serve (FCFS)?

Question:  Which of the following is false regarding First Come First Serve (FCFS)?

  1. FCFS performance is high
    B. average wait time is high.
    C. Its implementation is based on FIFO queue.
    D. FCFS is easy to understand and implement.

Answer:   FCFS performance is high


Aspect Description
Full Name First Come First Serve (FCFS)
Scheduling Basis Once a process starts, it runs to completion
Algorithm Type Process scheduling algorithm
Principle Processes are executed in the order they arrive in the ready queue.
Queue Structure FIFO (First-In-First-Out) queue
Performance Poor in performance
Implementation Relatively simple and easy to understand and implement.
Starvation Can lead to starvation, where some processes may never get a chance to execute if long processes frequently arrive.
Real-World Application Less common in modern operating systems due to its limitations.
Notable Characteristics Lacks prioritization and does not consider the process’s burst time or priority.