General Knowledge MCQs Homepage
1. The bridge in Istanbul, Turkey that connects Asia and Europe is called?
A. Golden Gate Bridge
B. Akashi Kaikyo Bridge
C. Royal Gorge Bridge
D. Bosphorus Bridge
2. The Atomic Bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima on?
A. 6 August 1945
B. 3 August 1945
C. 9 August 1945
D. 12 August 1945
3. Saliva in man is?
A. acidic
B. neutral
C. salicylate
D. none of above
4. Where is Alexandria city?
A. Turkey
B. Egypt
C. Jordan
D. Greece
5. Ross Island in the Ross Sea is located near?
A. continent of Antarctica
B. Norway
C. continent of Australia
D. Greenland
6. Which one of the following helps in Nitrogen fixations?
A. red algae
B. green algae
C. blue-green algae
D. brown algae
7. About ______% of Antarctica is covered by ice?
A. 97
B. 98
C. 99
D. 100
8. The World Wide Web was invented by?
A. Tim Berners-Lee
B. Bob Kahn
C. Steve Jobs
D. Bill Gates
9. Protein content in wheat is approximate?
A. 6%
B. 8%
C. 12%
D. 16%
10. The first European to reach India by sea was?
A. Christopher Columbus
B. Marco Polo
C. John Cabot
D. Vasco da Gama
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