computer general knowledge MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: May 29, 2024

1.Select the database object that hold data
(A). Tables
(B). Reports
(C). Queries
(D). Forms
(E). None of these

Answer (A). Tables

2.Select the button on the tool box display data from a related table

(A). More controls
(B). Relationships
(C). Select objects
(D). Sub form sub report
(E). None of these

3.Answer(D). Sub form sub report
The expression builder is an access tool that controls an expression and for entering an expression is?
(A). Box
(B). Table
(C). Cell
(D). Palette
(E). None of these

Answer (A). Box
4.Select the tool that enables you to view data from a table based on a specific criterion

(A). Form
(B). Macro
(C). Query
(D). Report
(E). None of these

Answer (C). Query
5.Select the database object produces the final result to present?

(A). Forms
(B). Queries
(C). Reports
(D). Tables
(E). None of these

Answer (C). Reports
6.Select the default and maximum size of text field in Access

(A). 266 characters & 64000 characters
(B). 8 and 1 GB
(C). 50 and 255 Characters
(D). All of these
(E). None of these

Answer (C). 50 and 255 Characters
7.The Cascade update option used for what?

(A). means change all the related records in child tables if the record in parent table
(B). is changed means do not change the value in the primary key field if that record has related records in another table
(C). Both of above
(D). all of these
(E) None of above

Answer (C). Both of above
8.How can set a controls border type to make the border invisible in MS Access.

(A). Do not display
(C). Transparent
(D). No border
(E). None of these

Answer (A). Do not display
9.Which database language that allows you to access or maintain data in a database

(A). DML
(B). DCL
(C). DDL
(D). both a and c
(E). None of these

Answer (A). DML
10.The term Referential integrity means

(A). Do not enter a value in the foreign key field of a parent table if that value does not exist in the primary key of the child table
(B). Do not enter a value in the primary key field of child table if that value does not exist in the primary key of the parent table
(C). Do not enter a value in the foreign key field of a child table if that value does not exist in the primary key of the parent table
(D). All of above
(E). None of these

Answer (C).
11.Do not enter a value in the foreign key field of a child table if that value does not exist in the primary key of the parent table
Which name must be unique within a database in MS Access

(A). Record
(B). Field
(C). Table
(D). Character
(E). None of these
Answer (C). Table
12.Select the association build between common fields of two tables.

(A). relationship
(B). line
(C). primary key
(D). records
(E). None of these.

Answer (A). relationship
13.Select from the folllowing is not a field type in Access

(A). Lookup Wizard
(B). Hyperlink
(D). OLE Object
(D). Memo
(E). None of these

Answer (A). Lookup Wizard
14.50 When entering field name, how many characters you can type in maximum
(A). 64
(B). 60
(C). 68
(D). Any number of character
(E). None of these

Answer (A). 64
15.Select the database object to view, change, and analyze data in different ways

(A). report
(B). form
(C). query
(D). None of the above
(E). None of these

Answer (C). query
16.Select from the following which is used to creates a drop down list of values to choose from a list?

(A). OLE Object
(B). Lookup Wizard
(C). Memo
(D). Hyperlink
(E). None of these

Answer (B). Lookup Wizard

17.Select the search value can be an exact value or it can be______?

(A). Wild card character
(B). Relationship
(C). Logical Operator
(D). Comparison operation
(E). None of these

Answer (A). Wild card character

18.The columns in a Microsoft Access table known as

(A). Columns
(B). Records
(C). Fields
(D). Rows
(E). None of these

Answer (A). Columns
19.define the form in MS Access?

(A). It is an input screen designed to make the viewing and entering data easier
(B). It is a printed page where users will write their data to fill it up
(C). This is an important part of database used by analysts to draw conclusions
(D). All of these
(E). None of these

20.How you can automatically insert all of the field in a table in a query by___

(A). Double clicking
(B). Right clicking
(C). Clicking
(D). All of the above
(E). None of these
Answer (A). Double clicking

21.Select the symbol that specifies, operator, and values that used to produce a result

(A). expression
(B). query
(C). operator
(D). None of the above
(E). None of these

Answer (C). operator

22.How can we remove a relationship defined between two tables in MS Access

(A). Select the relationship line and press Delete
(B). From Edit menu choose Delete Relationship
(C). Choose Delete option from Relationship menu
(D). All of above
(E). None of these

Answer (A). Select the relationship line and press Delete
23 Which can store up to maximum of 65, 535 characters Unlike text data type,

(A). number
(B). data/time
(C). memo
(D). All of above
(E). None of these
Answer (C). memo
24. Select the from the following operator will used to select the record when only if two or more conditions are satisfied

(A). And
(B). If or
(C). Range
(D). Or
(E). None of these
Answer (A). And
25. Select the field type that can can store photos?

(A). Hyperlink
(B). Access tables can’t store photos
(C). Both of these can be used
(D). OLE
(E). None of these
Answer (D). OLE
26. The Queries in Access can be used as________?

(A). a source of records for forms and reports
(B). view, change and analyze data in different ways
(C). Only a
(D). Both a and b
(E). None of these

Answer (D). Both a and b

27.When we Design a relationship, as we drag a field of a field to drop into another table the mouse pointer to be a________?

(A). outline rectangle
(B). thin + sign
(C). a doctor’s sign
(D). All of the above
(E). None of these
Answer (A). outline rectangle

28.Select the method to create a new table in MS Access?

(A). Create table in Design View
(B). Create Table by Entering data
(C). Create Table using wizard
(D). All of above
(E). None of these

Answer (D). All of above
29.Select the most common type of query , that used to retrieves records from one or more tablesand also display them

(A). Select
(B). Parameter
(C). crosstab
(D). All of above
(E). None of these

Answer (A). Select

30.Choose the statement that differniate between ‘Open’ and ‘Open Exclusively’.

(A). Open statement opens access database files and Open Exclusively opens database files of other program like Oracle
(B). Both Open and Open Exclusively are same
(C). Open Exclusive locks whole database so that no one can access it whereas Open locks only the record that is being accessed
(D). Open Exclusive command does not exist in MS Access
(E). None of these

Answer (C).
31.Open Exclusive locks whole database so that no one can access it whereas Open locks only the record that is being accessed
Select the statement which is true

(A). Queries can include calculated fields that do not exist in table
(B). Queries can be printed in well formatted manner and presented as the information
(C). Reports can be used to retrieve data from tables and calculate
(D). Reports and forms are similar but forms are use to print but reports to display on screen only
(E). None of these

Answer (A). Queries can include calculated fields that do not exist in table
32.Select the query that when run show its own dialog box prompting you for information like?

(A). Select
(B). Parameter
(C). crosstab
(D). Append
(E). None of these

Answer (B). Parameter
33.Which of the following is used to calculate and restructure data for easier analysis of your data,It used to calculates the sum,

(A). crosstab
(B). Select
(C). Parameter
(D). Append
(E). None of these

Answer (A). crosstab

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