Basic general knowledge Questions Answers

Basic general knowledge Questions Answers

What is the Study of the Universe called?

(A). Cosmology

(B). Sociology

(C). Universology

(D).  Pathology

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: A

What does Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) do?

(A). helps line up cell proteins

(B). aids in oxidation of glucose

(C). is often needed as a catalyst

(D).  is poisonous to tissues

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: D

____ is a mammal

(A). Ostrich

(B). Crocodile

(C). Duck

(D).  Platypus

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: D

For how much time, a man can survive without food?

(A). 3 month

(B). 2 month

(C). 1 month

(D).  4 month

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: C

The Places that are experiencing the equal impact of an earthquake are known as ____

(A). Seismic waves

(B). Seismic built

(C). Seismic plates

(D).  Seismic lines

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: D

What is The point which lies directly above the source of an earthquake called?

(A). Earthquake Center

(B). Gravitational Center

(C). Epicenter

(D).  Geological Center

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: C

World’s largest mangrove forest is _____

(A). Changa Manga Forest

(B). Sundarbans Forest

(C). Amazon Forest

(D).  None of the above

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: B


What is The part of the eye in which the pigment lies that decides the color of the eyes of a person called?

(A). Retina

(B). Pupal

(C). Cornea

(D).  Iris

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: D

The color of human skin is produced by ____

(A). Insulin

(B). Vitamin K

(C). DNA

(D).  Melanin

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: D

____ is synthesized by the Liver

(A). Vitamin B6

(B). Vitamin B12

(C). Vitamin E

(D).  Vitamin K

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: D

The main purpose of dams is ___

(A). Storage of water in a large reservoir

(B). Generation of electricity

(C). Control of floods

(D).  All of the above

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: D

How do we classify the Ice mass, which is covering more than fifty-thousand square kilometers of land area?

(A). ice field

(B). ice sheet

(C). glacier erosions

(D).  ice cap

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: B

What is the Pedosphere is the sum of?

(A). Air

(B). Soil and water

(C). Organisms

(D).  All of above

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: D

How do we classify the Sum of all ecosystems?

(A). Aero sphere

(B). Biosphere

(C). Ionosphere

(D).  Ozonosphere

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: B

What is the average salinity of salt per kilogram of water in the ocean?

(A). 32 grams

(B). 55 grams

(C). 35 grams

(D).  42 grams

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: C

What is the Evaporation from ice and snow called?

(A). sublimation

(B). evaporation

(C). hydrogenation

(D).  insolation

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: A

What is the percentage of protein content in wheat?

(A). 9%

(B). 12%

(C). 15%

(D).  19%

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: C

How the Alzheimer’s disease in human beings is characterized?

(A).  By the degeneration of Kidney cells

(B).  By the degeneration of Spleen cells

(C).  By the degeneration of Liver cells

(D).   By the degeneration of Nerve cells

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: D

Where is Vitamin A found?

(A). white vegetables

(B). Green vegetables

(C). Yellow vegetables

(D).  Red vegetables

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: B

What does the X-ray kill, On passing in the food stuff?

(A). Fungus

(B). Bacteria

(C). Virus

(D).  insects

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: B

What is the Intrinsic Semiconductor called??

(A). Impure-Conductor

(B). Simple Conductor

(C). Pure-Conductor

(D).  None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: C

What is the Diameter of Sun?

(A). 17 Lakh KMS

(B). 13 Lakh KMS

(C). 11 Lakh KMS

(D).  14 Lakh KMS

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: D

What is the percentage of the protein content of an edible portion of egg?

(A). 13.3%

(B). 11 %

(C). 10 %

(D).  14%

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: A

The correct order of solar system that is starting from the Sun is ___

(A). Order is Mercury–> Venus–> Earth–> Mars–> Jupiter–> Saturn–> Neptune–> Uranus
(B). Order is Mercury–> Venus–> Earth–> Mars–> Jupiter–> Saturn–> Uranus–> Neptune
(C). Order is Mercury–> Venus–> Mars–> Earth–> Jupiter–> Saturn–> Neptune–> Uranus
(D). Order is Mercury–> Venus–> Earth–> Jupiter–> Mars–> Saturn–> Uranus–> Neptune

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: B

Big Bang explosion occurred…….years ago?

(A). 15 Billion years ago

(B). 10 Billion years ago

(C). 20 Billion years ago

(D).  25 Billion years ago

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: A

What does the Big Bang theory explain?

(A). Laws of physics

(B). Origin of Sun

(C). Origin of Universe

(D).  None of above

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: C

How many Galaxies are there in the world?

(A). 1 Billion Galaxies

(B). 10 Billion Galaxies

(C). 100 Billion Galaxies

(D).  1000 Billion Galaxies

(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: C

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