Edge-triggered vs. level-triggered devices MCQ

What is the primary difference between edge-triggered and level-triggered devices?

A) Edge-triggered devices respond to signal transitions, while level-triggered devices respond to signal levels.
B) Edge-triggered devices respond to signal levels, while level-triggered devices respond to signal transitions.
C) Edge-triggered devices are faster than level-triggered devices.
D) Level-triggered devices are more complex than edge-triggered devices.
Answer: A
Which type of device responds to changes in the input signal at specific edges?

A) Edge-triggered
B) Level-triggered
C) Both
D) Neither
Answer: A
Which type of device continuously monitors the input signal for a specific logic level?

A) Edge-triggered
B) Level-triggered
C) Both
D) Neither
Answer: B
What is the triggering condition for an edge-triggered device?

A) Change in signal level
B) Sustained signal level
C) Change at a specific edge (rising or falling)
D) No specific triggering condition
Answer: C
What is the triggering condition for a level-triggered device?

A) Change in signal level
B) Sustained signal level
C) Change at a specific edge (rising or falling)
D) No specific triggering condition
Answer: B
Which type of device is commonly used in clocked circuits?

A) Edge-triggered
B) Level-triggered
C) Both
D) Neither
Answer: A
In an edge-triggered flip-flop, when does the output change occur?

A) When the input signal level is stable
B) When the input signal changes at a specific edge
C) When the input signal is at a certain logic level
D) When the clock signal changes
Answer: B
In a level-triggered device, when does the output change occur?

A) When the input signal level is stable
B) When the input signal changes at a specific edge
C) When the input signal is at a certain logic level
D) When the clock signal changes
Answer: A
Which type of device is more susceptible to glitches?

A) Edge-triggered
B) Level-triggered
C) Both equally
D) Neither
Answer: B
Which type of device is more immune to noise in the input signal?

A) Edge-triggered
B) Level-triggered
C) Both equally
D) Neither
Answer: A
Which type of device is commonly used in synchronous systems?

A) Edge-triggered
B) Level-triggered
C) Both
D) Neither
Answer: A
Which type of device is commonly used in asynchronous systems?

A) Edge-triggered
B) Level-triggered
C) Both
D) Neither
Answer: B
Which type of device is more suitable for capturing specific instants in time?

A) Edge-triggered
B) Level-triggered
C) Both equally
D) Neither
Answer: A
Which type of device is more suitable for continuous monitoring of signals?

A) Edge-triggered
B) Level-triggered
C) Both equally
D) Neither
Answer: B
In an edge-triggered device, how many transitions are needed to trigger a change?

A) One
B) Two
C) Three
D) Depends on the device
Answer: A
In a level-triggered device, how long does the input signal need to remain at the triggering level?

A) Only at the moment of triggering
B) For a specified duration
C) Until the next clock cycle
D) Indefinitely
Answer: B
Which type of device is more commonly used in digital communication systems?

A) Edge-triggered
B) Level-triggered
C) Both equally
D) Neither
Answer: B
Which type of device is more commonly used in signal processing circuits?

A) Edge-triggered
B) Level-triggered
C) Both equally
D) Neither
Answer: A

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