Data Redundancy Questions Answers MCQs
Data Redundancy Questions Answers are covering the database MCQs. In past papers, its observed that most of the time one MCQs always comes from Data Redundancy MCQs.
Question: Data redundancy ensures that the data contained in the database is accurate and reliable.
(a). True
(b). False
(E). None of these
Answer: (b). False
Question: What is data redundancy meaning?
(a). when the same piece of data exists in one place
(b). when the same piece of data exists in two placesplaces
(c). when the same piece of data exists in many places
(d). when the different piece of data exists in many places
(E). None of these
Answer: (d). when the same piece of data exists in many places
Question: One of the consequences of data redundancy is?
(a). Consistant data
(b). Data inconsistancy
(c). Storing data at one place
(d). A and D
(E). None of these
Answer: (b). Data inconsistancy
Question: Which raid type provides increased speed and data storage capability, but lacks redundancy?
(a). Raid one
(b). Raid Zero
(c). Raid Zero+one
(d). Raid 3
(E). None of these
Answer: (b). Raid Zero
Question: Which of the following features enables a DBMS to reduce data redundancy and inconsistency?
(a). storing same data in multiple files
(b). maximizes isolated files with repeated data
(c). minimizes isolated files with repeated data
(d). None of these
(E). None of these
Answer: (d). minimizes isolated files with repeated data
Question: Data redundancy produces ____.
(a). data inconsistency
(b). data integrity problems
(c). Data backup
(d). a and b
(E). None of these
Answer: (e). a and b
Question: Data redundancy wastes space because you are storing different types of data in the same place.
(a). True
(b). False
(c). None of these
Answer: (b). False
Question: Data redundancy is eliminated or minimized in a flat file system.
(a). True
(b). False
(c). None of these
Answer: (b). False
Question: Increased data redundancy is one of the primary advantages of using a database.
(a). True
(b). False
(c). None of these
Answer: (b). False
Question: Redundant data is eliminated by a process called.
(a). Data smoothing
(b). Data normalization
(c). Data binning
(d). Data backup
(E). None of these
Answer: (b). Data normalization
Question: Increased data redundancy is one of the primary advantages of using a database.
(a). True
(b). False
(c). None of these
Answer: (b). False
Question: Data redundancy produces data anomalies.
(a). True
(b). False
(c). no effect of redundancy on anomalies
(d). None of these
Answer: (a). True
Question: Data redundancy decreases the chance of errors
(a). True
(b). False
(c). None of these
Answer: (b). False
Question: The logical model is subjected to normalization, which can eliminate data redundancy.
(a). True
(b). False
(c). None of these
Answer: (b). False
Which of the following enables a DBMS to reduce data redundancy and inconsistency?
(a). Database security
(b). Database normalization
(c). Master data is a single common source
(d). b and c
(E). None of these
Answer: (d). b and c