Queues MCQs Questions Answers – Data Structures

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: September 20, 2024

Queues MCQs Questions Answers –

Data Structures

  1. Which deletion can be insertion take place only at the other end(rear) and done from one end (front)?
    a) linked list
    b) Stack
    c) Tree
    d) queue
    e)both a&c

Answer: d

  1. For Breadth-First Traversal on a graph is the data structure required?
    a) Stack
    b) queue
    c) array
    d) Tree
  2. e) Both a&b

Answer: b

  1. Queue follows __________
    a) FIFO (First In First Out) principle
    b) LIFO (Last In First Out) principle
    c) Linear tree
    d) Ordered array
  2. e) all of these

Answer: a

  1. Circular Queue is also called ________
    a) Square Buffer
    b) Ring Buffer
    c) Rectangle Buffer
    d) Curve Buffer
  2. e) None of these

Answer: b


  1. In what order will they be removed If the elements “A”, “B”, “C” and “D” are placed in a queue and are deleted one at a time
    a) ABCD
    b) DCAB
    c) DCBA
    d) ABDC
  2. e) All of the above

Answer: a

  1. Which elements not in middle but can be inserted or deleted at/from both the ends?
    a) Circular queue
    b) Priority queue
    c) Queue
    d) DE queue
  2. e) All of these

Answer: d

  1. if implemented using an array of size MAX_SIZE, gets full when
    a) Front = (rear + 1)mod MAX_SIZE
    b) Front = rear + 1
    c) Rear = MAX_SIZE – 1
    d) Rear = front
  2. e) None of above

Answer: c

  1. Major role of queue server in ______________
    a) Simulation of heapsort
    b) Simulation of arbitrary linked list
    c) Simulation of limited resource allocation
    d) Simulation of recursion
  2. e) Both a&b

Answer: c

  1. Which is not the type of queue?
    a) Single ended queue
    b) Ordinary queue
    c) Circular queue
    d) Priority queue
  2. e) Both c&d

Answer: a

  1. ……… form of access is used to add and remove nodes from a queue.
    a) LIFO, Last In First Out
    b) FIFO, First In First Out
    c) Both a and b
    d) None of these
  2. e) INFO

Answer: b

  1. Which fields holds the elements of the stack.
    a) INFO
    b) TOP
    c) LINK
    d) NULL
  2. e) None

Answer: a

  1. Which form of access is used to add remove nodes from a stack?
    a) LIFO
    b) FIFO
    c) Both A and B
    d) None of these
  2. e) INFO

Answer: a

  1. Which pointer behaves as the top pointer variable of the stack.
    a) Stop pointer
    b) Begin pointer
    c) avail pointer
    d) start pointer
  2. e) Both b&c

Answer: c

  1. ……… of the queue added a new nodes
    a) Front
    b) middle
    c) back
    d) Both A and B
  2. e) None

Answer: c

  1. A null pointer of the last node in the list signals ……….
    a) Beginning of the stack
    b) Bottom of the stack
    c) Middle of the stack
    d) In between some value
  2. e) Both a&b

Answer: b

  1. The queue is a ………
    a) FIFO
    b) LIFO
    c) LOFI
    d) FILO
  2. e) All of these

Answer: a

  1. Which name does not relate to stacks?
    a) FIFO lists
    b) LIFO lists
    c) Push down lists
    d) Piles
  2. e) both a&b

Answer: a

  1. operation retrieval of items in a stack is ……………
    a) access
    b) pop
    c) retrieval
    d) push
  2. e) none

Answer: d

Data Structures MCQs

Basic Concepts

  1. Introduction to Data Structures
  2. Complexity Analysis MCQs

Linear Data Structures MCQs

  1. Arrays MCQs
  2. Linked Lists MCQs
  3. Stacks MCQs
  4. Queues MCQs

Non-Linear Data Structures MCQs

  1. Trees MCQs
  2. Heaps MCQs
  3. Graphs MCQs

Hashing MCQs MCQs

  1. Hash Tables

Sorting and Searching Algorithms MCQs 

  1. Sorting Algorithms MCQs
  2. Searching Algorithms MCQs


  1. Memory Management in data structures MCQs
  2. String Manipulation Algorithms MCQs
  1. Data Structures MCQs 1
  2. Data Structures MCQs 2
  3. Data Structures MCQs 3
  4. Data Structures MCQs 4
  5. Data Structures MCQs 5
  6. Stacks Solved MCQs
  7. Queues MCQs
  8. pointer mcqs
  9. Array MCQs


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