Carbohydrate MCQs

Set of Important MCQs on Chemistry of Carbohydrate for the preparation of test for chemistry and biology. 

What are the constituents of the structure of ‘Agar’, the common culture medium for microbes in the laboratory?

  1. D-Glucose derivative and L-Galactose
  2. D-Mannose derivative and D- Galactose
  3. D-Galactose and an L-Galactose derivative
  4. An L-Mannose derivative and D-Galactose

Question’s Answer: D-Galactose and an L-Galactose derivative

Treatment of sucrose with conc. HNO3 provides which of the following?

  1. Oxalic acid
  2. Glucose + Fructose
  3. Nitrosucrose
  4. Laevulinic acid

Question’s Answer: Nitrosucrose

Glucose and fructose react with which reagent to give similar product?

  1. Tollen’s reagent
  2. Hydroxyl amine
  3. Phenyl hydrazine
  4. All of these

Question’s Answer: Phenyl hydrazine

Epimers are compounds that vary in

  1. Functional group
  2. Configuration at any carbon
  3. Ring size
  4. Configuration at a-carbon

Question’s Answer: Configuration at a-carbon

Method used to ascent the series of aldoses is called

  1. Weerman’s reaction
  2. Ruff’s method
  3. Kilian synthesis
  4. Wohl’s synthesis

Question’s Answer: Kilian synthesis

Mutarotation is exhibited by

  1. All carbohydrates
  2. All disaccharides
  3. All polysaccharides
  4. All monosaccharides

Question’s Answer: All monosaccharides

In ______ a freshly prepared solution of glucose has a specific rotation of +110° but on keeping for some time it changes to +52.7°.

  1. Mutarotation
  2. Alternation
  3. Epimerization
  4. None of these

Question’s Answer: Mutarotation

Though fructose is laevorotatory yet its name is written as D-fructose. This ‘D’. prefix indicate which of the following?

  1. Specific rotation
  2. Generic relationship with d-glyceraldehydes
  3. Generic relationship with d-glucose
  4. Mutarotation

Question’s Answer: Generic relationship with d-glyceraldehydes

Configuration of carbohydrates relative to glyceraldehydes was suggested by which of the following?

  1. Rosanoff
  2. Hirst
  3. Howarth
  4. Fischer

Question’s Answer: Hirst

A specific diagnostic test for carbohydrates is

  1. Molisch’s test
  2. Tollen’s test
  3. Fehling’s test
  4. Osazune formation

Question’s Answer: Molisch’s test

Glucose and mannose may be obtained by Kiliani synthesis from which of the following?

  1. D-ribose
  2. D-xylose
  3. D-arabinose
  4. D-lyxose

Question’s Answer: D-arabinose

Acetylation of fructose yields a

  1. Pentacetyl derivative
  2. Diacetyl derivative
  3. Tetraethyl derivative
  4. Monodactyl derivative

Question’s Answer: Pentacetyl derivative

Although glucose has an aldehydic group it does not restore pink colour of Schiff’s reagent. It is because

  1. There is steric hindrance
  2. -I effect of hydroxyl groups
  3. Aldehydic group is involved in hemiacetal formation
  4. There is no aldehydic group in glucose

Question’s Answer: Aldehydic group is involved in hemiacetal formation

In _______ Isomers differing in configuration at the asymmetric carbon produced due to hemiacetal ring formation in carbohydrates.

  1. Epimers
  2. Anomers
  3. Conformers
  4. Tautomers

Question’s Answer: Anomers

The ring structure of glucose does not explain  _______.

  1. Stereochemistry of glucose
  2. Mutarotation phenomenon
  3. Existence of two forms of glucose
  4. No reaction with Schiff’s reagent

Question’s Answer: Stereochemistry of glucose

Hydrolysis of methyl glucoside tetramethyl-D followed by oxidation provides which of the following?

  1. Arabinotrimethoxy glutaric acid
  2. Ribotrimethoxy glutaric acid
  3. Xylotrimethoxy glutaric acid
  4. Dimethoxy succinic acid

Question’s Answer: Xylotrimethoxy glutaric acid

Which of the polysaccharide on hydrolysis provides only fructose?

  1. Cellulose
  2. Amylopectin
  3. Inulin
  4. Amylose

Question’s Answer: Inulin

Which of the following is the test that may be used to distinguish between glucose and fructose?

  1. Schiff’s reagent test
  2. Selivenoff’s test
  3. Tollen’s reagent test
  4. Fehling’s solution test

Question’s Answer: Selivenoff’s test

Which is not a method for determining ring size in carbohydrates?

  1. Haworth and Hirst method
  2. Lactone formation method
  3. Molisch method
  4. Periodic acid oxidation method

Question’s Answer: Molisch method

Nucleoside adenosine on hydrolysis which of the following?

  1. Purine base + Deoxyribose
  2. Purine base + Ribose
  3. Pyrimidine base + Ribose
  4. Pyrimidine base + Deoxyribose

Question’s Answer: Purine base + Ribose

Which reaction is shown by sucrose?

  1. Osazone formation
  2. Molisch’s test
  3. Oxime formation
  4. Tollen’s test

Question’s Answer: Molisch’s test

Cellulose is made up of molecules of which of the following?

  1. Fructose
  2. Glucose
  3. B-Fructose
  4. B-glucose

Question’s Answer: B-glucose

Methylation of sucrose yields which of the following?

  1. Monomethyl derivative
  2. Octamethyl derivative
  3. Tetramethyl derivative
  4. Dimethyl derivative

Question’s Answer: Octamethyl derivative

Inverted sugar is

  1. Sucrose
  2. Any mixture of glucose and fructose
  3. Mixture of glucose and fructose obtained on hydrolysis of sucrose
  4. Hydrolysis of insulin

Question’s Answer: Mixture of glucose and fructose obtained on hydrolysis of sucrose

Which disaccharide is a non-reducing sugar?

  1. Lactose
  2. Maltose
  3. Sucrose
  4. Maltase

Question’s Answer: Sucrose

Hydrolysis of D-lactose provides

  1. Glucose + Galactose
  2. Galactose + Fructose
  3. Glucose + Fructose
  4. It is not hydrolysed

Question’s Answer: Glucose + Galactose

Which is a disaccharide which on hydrolysis provides only one specific monosaccharide?

  1. Sucrose
  2. Maltose
  3. Lactose
  4. None of these

Question’s Answer: None of these

Identify a trisaccharide

  1. Raffinose
  2. Lactose
  3. Amylose
  4. Gentiobiose

Question’s Answer: Raffinose

Which is characteristic of amylase?

  1. It consists of a-D-glucopyranose units
  2. It is a reducing carbohydrate
  3. It has 1,4-a-glycosidic linkages
  4. It is linear polymer

Question’s Answer: It is a reducing carbohydrate

Which is not a form of cellulose?

  1. Jute
  2. Cotton
  3. Silk
  4. Hemp

Question’s Answer: Silk

What is the main difference in the structure of constituting units of starch and cellulose?

  1. In starch a-D-glucopyranose units are present but in cellulose these are ẞ-D-glucopyranose units
  2. In starch a-D-glucofuranose units are present but in cellulose these are ẞ-D-glucofuranose units
  3. In starch B-D-glucopyranose units are present but in cellulose these are a-D- glucopyranose units
  4. In starch B-D-glucofuranose units are present but in cellulose these are a-D- glucofuranose units

Question’s Answer: In starch a-D-glucopyranose units are present but in cellulose these are ẞ-D-glucopyranose units

Which of the following is the reagent which may be used to distinguish between starch and cellulose?

  1. Tollen’s reagent
  2. Acetic anhydride
  3. Iodine solution
  4. Fehling’s solution

Question’s Answer: Iodine solution

Synthetic silk called viscose rayon is _____ .

  1. Regenerated cellulose
  2. Regenerated starch
  3. Cellulose nitrate
  4. None of these

Question’s Answer: Regenerated cellulose

Collodion or pyroxlin is

  1. Cellulose trinitrate
  2. Mixture of cellulose mono-and dinitrates
  3. Cellulose triacetate
  4. Mixture of cellulose mono- and diacetates

Question’s Answer: Mixture of cellulose mono-and dinitrates

Which one of the following is non-reducing disaccharide?

  1. Lactose
  2. Maltose
  3. Cellobiose
  4. None of these

Question’s Answer: None of these

Hydrolysis of starch with enzyme amylase produceswhich of the following?

  1. Glucose
  2. Maltose
  3. Dextrins
  4. All of these

Question’s Answer: Dextrins

Carbohydrates are characterized by the presence of which of the following?

  1. Asymmetric carbon
  2. Carbonyl group
  3. Hydroxyl group
  4. All of these

Question’s Answer: All of these

Which is not a polysaccharide?

  1. Insulin
  2. Cellulose
  3. Cellobiose
  4. Amylase

Question’s Answer: Cellobiose

Which interactions is not a stabilizing factor in the 3-D structure of polysaccharides?

  1. Hydrophobic interactions
  2. Disulphide bonds
  3. Hydrogen bonding
  4. Electrostatic interactions

Question’s Answer: Disulphide bonds

Which is an epimer of glucose?

  1. A Fructose
  2. Ribose
  3. Galactose
  4. Maltose

Question’s Answer: Galactose

Which is true regarding open chain structure of Glucose?

  1. There are four asymmetric carbons
  2. There are five asymmetric carbons
  3. There are six asymmetric carbons
  4. There are three asymmetric carbons

Question’s Answer: There are four asymmetric carbons

Which disaccharides to contains a-1-1-glycosidic linkage?

  1. Sucrose
  2. Lactose
  3. Trehalose
  4. Maltose

Question’s Answer: Trehalose

Honey is rich in the hydrolytic product of which of the following?

  1. Inulin
  2. Maltose
  3. Lactose
  4. Starch

Question’s Answer: Inulin

Which of the following is a polymeric unit of starch which has branched structure?

  1. Chitin
  2. Amylose.
  3. Glycogen
  4. Amylopectin

Question’s Answer: Amylopectin

Which disaccharides is not a plant product?

  1. Maltose
  2. Lactose
  3. Sucrose
  4. None

Question’s Answer: Lactose

Which is true about the structure of cellulose?

  1. The main back bone of a-1-4-linkages and branches with 8-1-6-linkages
  2. The main back bone of 8-1-4-linkages and no branches
  3. The main back bone of 8-1-6-linkages and branches with 8-1-4-linkages
  4. The main back bone of a -1-4-linkages and no branches

Question’s Answer: The main back bone of 8-1-4-linkages and no branches

What is the general formula for the polysaccharides?

  1. (CH2O)n
  2. (CH12O)n
  3. (C&H₁Os)n
  4. (C6H10O6)n

Question’s Answer: (C&H₁Os)n

Which is the distinguishing test between monosaccharides and disaccharides?

  1. Barfoed’s Test
  2. Bial’s Test
  3. Seliwanoff’s Test
  4. Hydrolysis Test

Question’s Answer: Barfoed’s Test

The copper in Barfoed’s Solution is not reduced by which of the following?

  1. Glucose
  2. Sucrose
  3. Mannose
  4. Ribose

Question’s Answer: Sucrose

Iodine solution provides no colour with which of the following

  1. Glycogen
  2. Starch
  3. Dextrin
  4. Cellulose

Question’s Answer: Cellulose

Which is not a polymer of D-Glucose?

  1. Inulin
  2. Amylose
  3. Starch
  4. Glycogen

Question’s Answer: Inulin

What is the reason for the selection of furanose (Riboses) rather than pyranose (Glucoes) for nucleic acids?:

  1. Furanose ring is more stable than Pyranose.
  2. Furanose ring is more flexible than Pyranose.
  3. It is sterically difficult to incorporate a Pyranose ring in the double helix.
  4. Furanose phosphodiesters are easier to form.

Question’s Answer: Furanose ring is more flexible than Pyranose

Which has been isolated from human heart muscles?

  1. D-Arabinose
  2. D-Ribose
  3. D-Lyxose
  4. D-xylose

Question’s Answer: D-Lyxose

Benedict’s test is likely to give weakly positive results with concentrated due to the action of

  1. Uric acid
  2. Ammonium salts
  3. Urea
  4. Phosphates

Question’s Answer: Uric acid

Dextran is a polymer of glucose units. What type of linkages is predominant in its structure?

  1. a-1, 6-Glycosidic linkages
  2. 8-1, 4-Glycosidic linkages
  3. 6-1, 2 and 8-1, 3 Glycosidic linkages
  4. All of these

Question’s Answer: a-1, 6-Glycosidic linkages

Which carbohydrates makes the terminal residue in ‘O’ substance (H-antigen) – the mother antigen of ‘ABO’ Blood group substances?

  1. N-AcGlu
  2. Fucose
  3. Gal
  4. Xylose

Question’s Answer: Fucose

Chitin that forms the exoskeleton of crustaceans consists of:

  1. 8-1-4-linkages between glucose residues
  2. a-1-4-linkages between N-acetyl-glucosamine residues
  3. 8-1-4-linkages between N-acetyl-glucosamine and the glucose residues
  4. 8-1-4-linkages between N-acetyl- glucosamine residues

Question’s Answer: 8-1-4-linkages between N-acetyl- glucosamine residues

Which is considered as the most abundant organic compound in the biosphere?

  1. Starch
  2. Chitin
  3. Hyaluronidase
  4. Cellulose

Question’s Answer: Cellulose

Whichcarbohydrates is polymerized through 8-1, 4 glycosidic linkages?

  1. Amylose.
  2. Lactose
  3. Sucrose
  4. Maltose

Question’s Answer: Lactose

8-Amylase of malt hydrolyses starch by:

  1. Hydrolyzing the internal-glycosidic linkages
  2. Removing the glucose molecules from the reducing end
  3. Removing maltose units from the non-reducing end
  4. Hydrolyzing-glycosidic linkages

Question’s Answer: Removing maltose units from the non-reducing end

Phosphorylation of the carbohydrates makes the molecule anionic’, what could be the purpose of this ionization?

  1. The negative charge results in better interaction with the active site of enzymes
  2. It prevents the sugars from leaking out of the plasma membranes
  3. It creates reactive intermediates for the formation of N- and O-glycosidic linkages
  4. All of these

Question’s Answer: All of these

What is the systematic name of sucrose?

  1. 1-a-D-glucopyranosyl-2-B-D- fructofuranoside
  2. 1-a-D-glucopyranosyl-2-B-D-fructopyranoside
  3. 1-B-D-glucofuranosyl-2-a-D- fructopyranoside
  4. 1-8-D-glucofuranosyl-2-a-D-fructofuranoside

Question’s Answer: 1-a-D-glucopyranosyl-2-B-D-fructopyranoside

Which oligosaccharides mediates in the binding of H.Pylori to the gastric mucosa?

  1. Oligosaccharide that is part of Blood Group ‘O’ substance
  2. Oligosaccharide that is part of Blood Group ‘A’ substance
  3. Oligosaccharide that is part of Blood Group ‘B’ substance
  4. Oligosaccharide of ganglioside GM1

Question’s Answer: Oligosaccharide that is part of Blood Group ‘O’ substance

In patients with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, Which about metabolic changes is true?

  1. Impaired uptake of glucose
  2. Increased rate of fatty acid oxidation
  3. Impaired synthesis of fatty acids
  4. All of these

Question’s Answer: All of these

During the synthesis of Sucrose, glucose is activated to Which moieties?

  1. UDP-Glucose
  2. Glucose-1-Phosphate
  3. Phospho-Glucosy 1-Phospho-Pyrophosphate
  4. Glucose-6-phosphate

Question’s Answer: UDP-Glucose

In the presence of dilute alkali, monosaccharides undergo reversible isomerisation. The reaction called ______.

  1. Kiliani reaction
  2. Weermann rearrangement
  3. Lobry de Bruyn van Ekenstein rearrangement
  4. Mutarotation

Question’s Answer: Lobry de Bruyn van Ekenstein rearrangement

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