Which of the following is not a database management software?

(A). Oracle
(B). Sybase
(D). MySQL
MCQs Correct Answer: (C). COBOL
DBMS stands for database management software. DBMS is used to create, add, delete, update, view, and store data with the help of database queries.

Which of the following is a DBMS?

(A). Oracle
(B). Sybase
(C). MySQL
(D). All of these
MCQs Correct Answer: (D). All of these

Examples of DBMS

    DbVisualizer     Informix     MariaDB
    Oracle RDBMS     Microsoft SQL Server     MySQL
    Cloudera     AmazonRDS     OrientDB
    Redis     Hadoop HDFS     Neo4j
    FileMaker     PostgresSQL     SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer
    ADABAS     SAP Sybase ASE     4D (4th Dimension)
    CouchDB     Robomongo     Couchbase
    MongoDB     Informix Dynamic Server     MariaDB
    Seqel PRO     SQL Developer     SQLite
    Toad     IBM DB2     Altibase
    Teradata     Microsoft Access     phpMyAdmin

Examples of database languages


4 Categories of database languages

  1. Data definition language (DDL)
  2. Data manipulation language (DML)
  3. Data control language (DCL)
  4. Transaction control language (TCL)