Lime Washing Soda Method MCQs
Lime soda process is_____costly.
(A). Moderate
(B). High
(C). Very high
(D). Less
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: Less
For the turbid water____can be used.
(A). Soap titration process
(B). Lime soda process
(C). Ion exchange process
(D). Zeolite process
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: Lime soda process
In lime soda process hardness of water is reduced to about______
(A). 10-15ppm
(B). 35-40ppm
(C). 30-35ppm
(D). 15-30ppm
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: 15-30ppm
In lime soda process the total dissolved solids are_______
(A). Remains same
(B). Not reduced
(C). Reduced
(D). Slightly reduced
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: Reduced
The reaction is carried out at______temperature for avoiding the reduction of the residual hardness, incomplete precipitation, and slow reaction.
(A). 30-40oC
(B). 40-50oC
(C). 60-70oC
(D). 50-60oC
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: 50-60oC
_______are removed from the water by lime-soda process.
(A). Minerals
(B). Mineral complexes
(C). Mineral alkaline
(D). Mineral acids
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: Mineral acids
The only function of the batch process is to remove the hardness of the water on ______
(A). Large scale
(B). Small scale
(C). Industrial purposes
(D). Irrigation purposes
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: Small scale
In ____ amount, the coagulate is added in the hot lime sode process if needed.
(A). High
(B). Very low
(C). Very high
(D). Low
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: Very low
The remaining final hardness of water is about______ after treating by the hot lime-soda process.
(A). 10-15ppm
(B). 20-25ppm
(C). 15-20ppm
(D). 25-30ppm
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: 20-25ppm
____is reduced because of heating at high temperature in the hot lime-soda process.
(A). Time for treating
(B). Energy
(C). Cost
(D). Corrosion of boiler
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: Corrosion of boiler
There are not steps in the lime-soda process.
(A). False
(B). True
(C). Partially True
Multiple Choice Question Answer: False
Due to _____ bacteria in the water is reduced to a minimum in hot lime-soda process.
(A). Slow reactions
(B). Faster reactions
(C). High temperature
(D). Low temperature
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: High temperature
When the tank gets filled then it indicates that ____, in batch process.
(A). To stir more
(B). To add the lime
(C). To add the catalyst
(D). Softening is completed
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: Softening is completed
_____is the reagent used in the lime-soda process.
(A). Not regenerated
(B). Regenerated
(C). Regenerated depending on the hardness
(D). Regenerated some times
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: Not regenerated
The change in hardness of water needs____, in the lime-soda process.
(A). Change in dose of lime
(B). Change in dose of soda
(C). Change in dose either lime or soda
(D). Change in dose of lime and soda
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: Change in dose of lime and soda
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