Fuel Technologies Problems MCQs
Fullerenes and their Properties
The application area of Mega tubes is _______
(A). Transport
(B). Chemical industries
(C). Laboratories
(D). Preparation of compounds
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a
Under the _____ the chain,three dimensional and two dimensional polymers are formed.
(A). Vacuum
(B). High pressure
(C). Low pressure
(D). No pressure
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b
______ is named because of structure of C60.
(A). Isohedron
(B). Truncated isohedron
(C). Trigonal
(D). Trigonal bipyramidal
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b
______ is diameter of C60 vander-waals.
(A). 1.1nm
(B). 1.2nm
(C). 1.3nm
(D). 1.4nm
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a
_______is a fullerene which is a molecule entirely composed of carbon not in form of a hollow.
(A). Sphere
(B). Tube
(C). Ellipsoid
(D). Cuboid
Multiple Choice Question Answer: d
_______ are the spherical particles and their base is multiple layers surrounding a buck ball core.
(A). Nano onions
(B). Nano particles
(C). Nano clusters
(D). Nano materials
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a
_______ is the smallest bucky ball cluster.
(A). C6
(B). C8
(C). C10
(D). C20
Multiple Choice Question Answer: d
In ______ the first molecule was prepared.
(A). 1988
(B). 1985
(C). 1996
(D). 1982
Multiple Choice Question Answer: c
The graphene sheets are linked with _______in fullerenes.
(A). Hexagonal rings
(B). Octagonal rings
(C). Trigonal rings
(D). Decagonal rings
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a
__________ are named due to their smaller dimensions in hollow tube types.
(A). Mega tubes
(B). Carbon nano tubes
(C). Bucky ball clusters
(D). Polymers
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b
The fullerenes are made up with _______
(A). Graphene sheets
(B). Graphite
(C). Lead
(D). Other carbon materials
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a
_________ are the fullerenes that are larger in diameter than nano tubes and having walls of different thickness.
(A). Mega tubes
(B). Carbon nano tubes
(C). Bucky ball clusters
(D). Polymers
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a
The naturally occurring element found in ______ is buckminister fullerene.
(A). Earth
(B). Soot
(C). Smoke
(D). Fog
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b
_______ are called Spherical fullerenes.
(A). Bucky balls
(B). Soccer balls
(C). Cricket balls
(D). Tennis balls
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a
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