Green Synthesis MCQs

Green Synthesis Solved MCQs

Find out the percentage of atom economy for the reaction C2H4 +1/2 O2 → C2H4O(Ethylene oxide) and this reaction will take place under the presence of a catalyst.
(A). 25%
(B). 100%
(C). 75%
(D). 50%
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: 100%

____ is also known as self thermoregulated systems.
(A). Green concepts
(B). Green synthesis
(C). Green principles
(D). Green methodologies
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: Green methodologies
Which of the following is the percentage of atom utilization?
(A). (mole weight of desired product*100)/[mole wt of (total product+desired product)]
(B). (mole weight of desired product*100)/mole wt of [(by product+desired product)]
(C). (mole weight of desired product*100)/mole wt of (desired product+used product)
(D). (mole weight of desired product*100)/mole wt of (desired product)
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: (mole weight of desired product*100)/mole wt of [(by product+desired product)]

Which of the following reactions involves reorganization of the atoms of the molecules?
(A). Addition reactions
(B). Elimination reactions
(C). Reorganised reactions
(D). Rearrangement reactions
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: Rearrangement reactions
Which product is obtained first in the petrochemical industry, both in conventional and green synthesis method?
(A). 2-ethyl benzene
(B). 2-methyl propyl benzene
(C). Methyl methacrylate
(D). Ethanol
(E). None of these
Answer of Question: 2-methyl propyl benzene
A fundamental advantage of the sono chemistry in organic synthesis without solvents is ______
(A). High wastes
(B). High energy requirements
(C). Use of solvents
(D). High yields
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: High yields
___is the range in which the atom economy obtained for green synthesis.
(A). 62-70%
(B). 40-50%
(C). 72-82%
(D). 90-100%
(E). None of these
Answer of Question: 72-82%

_____will be minimized by the microfluid reactor.
(A). Number of molecules
(B). Efficiency
(C). Solvent waste
(D). Number of collisions
(E). None of these
Answer of Question: Solvent waste

By the conventional method, the green synthesis method is____
(A). More costlier
(B). Less efficient
(C). Slower
(D). More efficient
(E). None of these
Answer of Question: More efficient

___is used in the conventional method.
(A). Nacl
(B). H2SO4
(C). Na2SO4
(D). Alcl3
(E). None of these
Answer of Question: Alcl3
As compare to the conventional methods, ____ are greener.
(A). Radio waves
(B). Electromagnetic waves
(C). Ultra violet waves
(D). Micro waves
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: Micro waves
In _____, the di-basic acid is used.
(A). Impure form
(B). Liquid form
(C). Solid state
(D). Pure form
(E). None of these
Answer of Question: Pure form

_____is known as green chemistry.
(A). Sustainable chemistry
(B). Environmental chemistry
(C). Organic chemistry
(D). Life chemistry
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: Sustainable chemistry

______is starting material for nylon 6-6.
(A). Acetic anhydride
(B). 2-methyl propyl benzene
(C). Nitric acid
(D). Adipic acid
(E). None of these
Answer of Question: Adipic acid

_____is a catalyst used in green synthesis by avoiding harmful products.
(A). Adipic acid
(B). Benzene
(C). Cyclo hexane
(D). Tungsten
(E). None of these
Answer of Question: Tungsten
_____, green synthesis methods should have.
(A). Low energy requirements
(B). High harmful by products
(C). Low efficiency
(D). Low atom efficiency
(E). None of these
Answer of Question: Low energy requirements

_______can be facilitated by an ideal solvent.
(A). Titration
(B). Dissolving property
(C). Combustion
(D). Mass transfer
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: Mass transfer

How should a desirable green solvent be?
(A). Costly
(B). Readily available
(C). Toxic
(D). Synthetic
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: Readily available
The high-quality product with no___ is produced in green synthesis methods.
(A). Good products
(B). Contamination
(C). Reaction
(D). Catalyst
(E). None of these
Answer of Question: Contamination

____ of an atom can be maximized by the green solvent.
(A). Efficiency
(B). Electronic configuration
(C). Velocity
(D). Molecular weight
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: Efficiency

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