Consumer Behavior and green marketing Research Topics Ideas
Research area interest and ideas: Consumer Behavior and green marketing for MS PhD Thesis
- Green marketing and its impact on consumer buying behavior.
- Green marketing and Ajzen’s theory of planned behaviour: a cross‐market examination
- Investigation of green marketing tools’ effect on consumers’ purchase behavior
- A Study on Consumer Behaviour on Green Marketing with reference to Organic Food Products in Tiruchirappalli District
- An introduction to green marketing
- Opportunities for green marketing: young consumers
- To green or not to green: The influence of green marketing on consumer behaviour in the hotel industry
- Green marketing
- Green marketing: A study of consumers’ attitude towards environment friendly products
- Characteristics of research on green marketing
- Consumers’ purchase behaviour and green marketing: A synthesis, review and agenda
- Green marketing
- Analysing the impact of green marketing strategies on consumer purchasing patterns in Mauritius
- Green marketing and its impact on consumer buying behavior
- Green marketing and consumer behavior: The case of gasoline products
- Towards sustainability: the third age of green marketing
- Transformative green marketing: Impediments and opportunities
- Green marketing: legend, myth, farce or prophesy?
- Impact of green marketing on consumer purchase intention
- Effect of green marketing on consumer purchase behavior
- The influence of green marketing on consumer purchase behavior
- Beyond ecolabels: what green marketing can learn from conventional marketing
- Influence of green marketing on consumer behavior: a realistic study on Bangladesh
- Consumer behaviour and environmental sustainability
- Green marketing consumer-level theory review: A compendium of applied theories and further research directions
- Green Marketing Approaches and Their Impact on Consumer Behavior towards the Environment—A Study from the UAE
- Effect of Green Marketing on Consumer Behaviour–A Study with Particular Reference to West Bengal (India)
- A new model for testing green consumer behaviour
- “Green Marketing”: an analysis of definitions, strategy steps, and tools through a systematic review of the literature
- Green marketing philosophy: a study of Spanish firms with ecolabels
- Impact of Green Marketing Strategies on Consumer Purchase Behaviour.
- Consumer attitude towards green marketing: an exploratory study
- Re‐evaluating green marketing strategy: a stakeholder perspective
- Green marketing, public policy and managerial strategies
- Framing green consumer behaviour research: opportunities and challenges
- Consumer attitude towards green marketing in India.
- Green marketing and sustainable development challenges and opportunities
- Expression of green marketing developing the conception of corporate social responsibility
- Green value added
- Green branding and eco-innovations for evolving a sustainable green marketing strategy
- Green marketing in India: Emerging opportunities and challenges
- Using strategic alliances to develop credible green marketing
- International green marketing: A comparative study of British and Romanian firms
- Green marketing and consumerism as social change in China: Analyzing the literature
- AStudy on the Consumer Behaviour towards Green Marketing Practices-With Special Reference to Coimbatore City
- The concept of green marketing and green product development on consumer buying approach
- Integrating environmental values and emotion in green marketing communications inducing sustainable consumer behaviour
- Application of GREEN scale to understanding US consumer response to green marketing communications
- Green marketing: policies and practices for sustainable development
- Online environmental citizenship: Blogs, green marketing and consumer sentiment in the 21st Century
- Social normalisation: Using marketing to make green normal
- B2B green marketing and innovation theory for competitive advantage
- Green marketing: An attitudinal and behavioural analysis of Indian consumers
- Green marketing of consumer electronics. II
- Exploring consumer attitude and behaviour towards green practices in the lodging industry in India
- Can green marketing be used as a tool for sustainable growth?: A study performed on consumers in India-An emerging economy
- Green marketing-emerging dimensions
- Green marketing: A study of consumers’ buying behavior in relation to green products
- Green marketing and the concern over the environment: measuring environmental consciousness of Jordanian consumers
- Development of a green consumer behaviour model
- Green marketing effects on the consumer
- Green marketing: a study of consumer purchase behaviour for green homes
- Green marketing’functions in building corporate image in the retail setting
- Towards a new model for green consumer behaviour: A self‐determination theory perspective
- Understanding consumer behaviour towards green cosmetics
- Consumer green behaviour toward green products and green purchase decision
- Green marketing in emerging Asia: antecedents of green consumer behavior among younger millennials
- Awareness of eco-label in Malaysia’s green marketing initiative
- Green marketing: Impact of green advertising on consumer purchase intention
- Green consumer behavior and its implications on brand marketing strategy
- An analysis of consumer behaviour of green marketing
- A Study on Consumer Awareness Towards Green Marketing with Special Reference to Indore Region
- Facing the backlash: green marketing and strategic reorientation in the 1990s
- Green marketing: Gap analysis in the decision making process of a green consumer
- Green marketing
- Green marketing intervention strategies and sustainable development: A conceptual paper
- Golden goose or wild goose? The hunt for the green consumer
- Green marketing messages and consumers’ purchase intentions: Promoting personal versus environmental benefits
- Social normalisation and consumer behaviour: using marketing to make green normal
- The study of consumer green education via the internet of things with green marketing
- Choosing the right green marketing strategy
- Consumer behavior in green marketing for luxury brand: A cross-cultural study of US, Japan and Korea
- On green marketing: consumer behaviour in response to marketing renewable energy usage
- Evaluation of effectiveness of green marketing mix on consumer satisfasction and loyalty:(case study: the East Azarbaijan Pegah Dairy Company in Tabriz, Iran).
- Impacts of corporate social responsibility on the links between green marketing awareness and consumer purchase intentions
- How green marketing, perceived motives and incentives influence behavioral intentions
- Green products: an exploratory study on the consumer behaviour in emerging economies of the East
- Green marketing and its impacts on consumer behavior in sports shops
- Green marketing: The case of Greece in certified and sustainably managed timber products
- Green marketing and Indian consumer
- Green marketing: A theoretical perspective
- Review of literature on green consumer behaviour over 25 years (1994-2018)
- The impact of green marketing and perceived innovation on purchase intention for green products
- A study of the impact of green marketing on consumer purchasing patterns and decision making in Telangana, India
- How green marketing works: Practices, materialities, and images
- Environmental segmentation alternatives: a look at green consumer behavior in the new millennium
- Green marketing: a study of consumer attitude & environmental concern
- Green marketing orientation: Conceptualization, scale development and validation
- Reevaluating green marketing: a strategic approach
- Green marketing and green places: A taxonomy for the destination marketer
- State of green marketing research over 25 years (1990-2014): Literature survey and classification
- Green power in perspective: Lessons from green marketing of consumer goods
- Consumer Preferences change when it comes to green Marketing
- Social costs of environmental justice associated with the practice of green marketing
- Identifying the green consumer: A segmentation study
- Re‐examining green purchase behaviour and the green consumer profile: new evidences
- Green marketing strategies: how do they influence consumer-based brand equity?
- Determining the characteristics to profile the” green” consumer: an exploratory approach
- Managing green marketing: Hong Kong hotel managers’ perspective
- Impact of Green Marketing on Consumer Behaviour: A Case Study on the Furniture Industry
- Green consumer behaviour: an experimental analysis of willingness to pay for remanufactured products
- The green consumer behavior
- Factors influencing buying behaviour of green energy consumer
- Green Marketing: An Indian Perspective.
- A Theoretical Framework for the Influence of Green Marketing Communication on Consumer Behaviour in Emerging Economies
- Green marketing and consumer satisfaction
- Profiling green consumer characteristics: an eternal quandary
- Awareness of green marketing and its influence on consumer perception: An exploratory study
- The Impact of Green Marketing on Green Consumer Behaviour in Jordan
- Green marketing: Consumers Attitude towards Eco-friendly Products and Purchase Intention in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector
- Exploring the effect of Starbucks’ green marketing on consumers’ purchase decisions from consumers’ perspective
- Enhancing the green purchase intention based on green marketing: an empirical study from Pakistan
- The consumer behaviour context of ecolabelling
- A Study on the Impact of Green Marketing on Consumer Buying Behavior in Automobile Industry
- Consumer purchase behaviour for green products
- Green consumer market segmentation: empirical findings from Portugal
- A quantitative analysis of consumer behaviour in relation to electronic cars resulting in a new green marketing approach for the German car industry
- Green marketing in India: a study of consumer behaviour in Punjab
- Analysis of green marketing as environment protection tool: a study of consumer of dehradun
- The influence of cultural values and environmental attitudes on green consumer behaviour
- Identifying the green consumer: A segmentation study
- Green Consumer Behaviour
- Green marketing strategies in the dairy sector: Consumer‐stated preferences for carbon footprint labels
- A green segmentation: Identifying the green consumer demographic profiles in Sri Lanka
- The impact of green marketing on customer satisfaction and environmental safety
- A study about life style characteristics of green consumer
- Buyer characteristics of the green consumer and their implications for advertising strategy
- Perceived greenwashing: the effects of green marketing on environmental and product perceptions
- The new rules of green marketing: Strategies, tools, and inspiration for sustainable branding
- Correlations between awareness of green marketing, corporate social responsibility, product image, corporate reputation, and consumer purchase intention
- Green marketing: the roles of appeal type and price level
- Consumer Attitude towards Green Marketing in Bangladesh.
- Signaling green: Investigating signals of expertise and prosocial orientation to enhance consumer trust
- Green marketing initiatives and sustainable issues in hotel industry
- The determinants of hotels’ marketing managers’ green marketing behaviour
- Green consumer behavior and environmental sustainability
- What’s in it for the customers? Successfully marketing green clothes
- Towards green product consumption: effect of green marketing stimuli and perceived environmental knowledge in Indian consumer market
- Consumer perceptions of green marketing claims: An examination of the relationships with type of claim and corporate credibility
- Green Marketing and its Impact on Consumer Buying Behavior
- Determining the characteristics to profile the “green” consumer: an exploratory approach
- Green marketing and perceived corporate image: A study of fast moving consumer goods in Lagos state Nigeria
- A paradigm shift in consumer behaviour towards green cosmetics: An empirical study
- Green Marketing Communication and Consumer Response in Emerging Markets
- Green consumer behavior: The case of Czech consumers of generation Y
- Environmentally conscious consumer behavior and green marketing: an analytical study of the Indian market
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- Green consumer behavior in the cosmetics market
- Consumer adoption of green products: Modeling the enablers
- The green side of the automotive industry: A consumer-based analysis
- Influence of Green Marketing Practice on Consumer Buying Behavior: Moderating Persuasion of Environmental Awareness.
- The impact of consumer green behaviour on green loyalty among retail formats
- An analysis of the wealth effects of green marketing strategies
- Antecedents of green consumer behaviour: a study of consumers in a developing country like India
- Changing Consumer Behaviour with Green Marketing
- Effect of green marketing on consumer purchase intentions with regard to the company’s image as a mediator in the retail setting case study: The customers of …
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- The effect of green marketing of plastic bag ban policy in modern retail stores on consumer green behavior in Bogor city
- The impact of green marketing on consumer buying behaviour in major supermarkets in Nairobi County
- Green product and consumer behavior: An analytical study
- Initiating consumer education is important for green marketing to be flourished: A preliminary research
- The Effect of Green Marketing on Brand Image and Purchase Decision (Study on Consumer of Starbucks Café Ubud, Gianyar Bali)
- Green marketing strategy and the firm’s performance: the moderating role of environmental culture
- An exploratory study of the impact of green brand awareness on consumer purchase decisions in Ghana
- Investigating the types of value and cost of green brands: Proposition of a conceptual framework
- Role of pro-environmental post-purchase behaviour in green consumer behaviour
- Understanding the influence of green marketing strategies on consumer perception and decision–making
- The effect of green marketing of plastic bag ban policy in modern retail stores on consumer green behavior in Bogor city
- The impact of green marketing on consumer buying behaviour in major supermarkets in Nairobi County
- Green product and consumer behavior: An analytical study
- Initiating consumer education is important for green marketing to be flourished: A preliminary research
- The Effect of Green Marketing on Brand Image and Purchase Decision (Study on Consumer of Starbucks Café Ubud, Gianyar Bali)
- Green marketing strategy and the firm’s performance: the moderating role of environmental culture
- An exploratory study of the impact of green brand awareness on consumer purchase decisions in Ghana
- Investigating the types of value and cost of green brands: Proposition of a conceptual framework
- Role of pro-environmental post-purchase behaviour in green consumer behaviour
- Understanding the influence of green marketing strategies on consumer perception and decision–making
- Analysis of the effect of green marketing on consumer purchasing decisions on The Body Shop Gorontalo product
- Green marketing and EMS: assessing potential consumer influence on EMS development in fresh food chains: a report for the Rural Industries Research and …
- Attitudes and purchase behaviour of green products among generation Y consumers in South Africa
- Investigation of green consumer profile: a case of Lithuanian market of eco-friendly food products
- Conceptualisation, development and validation of green marketing orientation (GMO) of SMEs in India: A case of electric sector
- Green product awareness has the potential to promote green consumer behaviour: Evidence from Kuala-Lumpur
- “Green” segmentation: an application to the Portuguese consumer market
- Impact of Green Marketing Tools on Consumer Buying Behaviour
- Factors Affecting Consumer Purchasing Behavior: A Green Marketing Perspective in Vietnam
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- Green marketing of cosmetics and toiletries in Thailand
- A study on consumer behaviour towards purchase of eco friendly products in Coimbatore
- Consumer perception towards effectiveness of green communication strategies: an exploratory study
- Types of value and cost in consumer–green brands relationship and loyalty behaviour
- … influence of green marketing, shariah compliance, customer’s environmental awareness and customer’s satisfaction towards muslim consumer purchasing behavior …
- Green marketing: A study of consumer perception on using eco-friendly products
- Consumer attitude toward using eco-friendly plastic bags: A green marketing approach
- Green Marketing & Ethical Consumerism: shaping consumer behaviour
- Pengaruh program green marketing di hotel Shangri-la Jakarta terhadap green consumer behavior
- The role of green marketing in developing consumer behaviour towards green products
- Willingness to act and environmentally conscious consumer behaviour: can prosocial status perceptions help overcome the gap?
- Towards Sustainable Consumption: Analyzing Green Consumer Behaviour
- Green marketing today–a mix of trust, consumer participation and life cycle thinking
- Pengaruh green marketing, pengetahuan dan minat membeli terhadap keputusan pembelian
- Green marketing strategies: an examination of stakeholders and the opportunities they present
- Is social psychological model sufficient: empirical research gaps for understanding green consumer attitudinal behavior
- Exploratory results on the antecedents and consequences of green marketing
- Consumer green behaviour: An approach towards environmental sustainability
- The impact of green marketing practices on consumer buying decision
- Consumer Buying Behaviour and Green Marketing: Influence of Green Marketing on Buying Behaviour: Consumer Insights
- Green Marketing Strategies, Diffusion of Innovation, and Global Consumer Values for Sustainability.
- Green purchase behavior of undergraduate students in Hong Kong
- The research analysis of the green label’s impact on the consumer purchase behavior
- Consumer preferences and marketing strategies for “green shares”: Specifics of the Austrian market
- Impact of Marketing Mix on Consumer Attitude and Purchase intention towards’ Green’Products
- Green Consumer Behaviour: Integration of Theory of Planned Behaviour and Technology Acceptance Model
- Analysis of Green Marketing Tools towards Consumer Purchase Intention in Kathmandu
- Green purchasing behaviour: A conceptual framework and empirical investigation of Indian consumers
- Green marketing variables and their effect on consumer buying behaviour
- Impact of Green Marketing on Green Consumer Behaviour
- Green Marketing and Consumer Scepticism in Emerging Economies
- Is it easy to go green? Consumer perception and green concept
- Green marketing in B2B organisations: an empirical analysis from the natural‐resource‐based view of the firm
- An analysis of the green consumer domain within sustainability research: 1975 to 2014
- Green Marketing and the Green Consumer: Integrating Environmental Marketing into the Firm’s Overall Business Strategy
- Green Marketing–What Drives Consumer Purchase Intention
- The greening of consumer culture
- The Effect of Green Marketing Mix On Green Consumer Behavior and Green Purchasing Decision
- Green Marketing and Consumer Behavior towards Green Brands
- Green marketing concept and consumer purchasing intention with special reference to consumer goods
- Relation between Sustainable Green Marketing and Consumer Behaviour
- Green Marketing: Consumer Buying Behaviour To Procure Eco-friendly Products
- Research on mechanism of consumer innovativeness influencing green consumption behavior
- Key issues and challenges of green consumer in consuming green product an Insight from the emerging country: Malaysia
- Green Marketing–Concept, Awareness and Linkage with Consumer Purchase Decision
- Artificial neural networks: a tool for understanding green consumer behavior
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