Consumer Behavior and green marketing Research Topics Ideas

Research area interest and ideas: Consumer Behavior and green marketing for MS PhD Thesis


  1. Green marketing and its impact on consumer buying behavior.
  2. Green marketing and Ajzen’s theory of planned behaviour: a cross‐market examination
  3. Investigation of green marketing tools’ effect on consumers’ purchase behavior
  4. A Study on Consumer Behaviour on Green Marketing with reference to Organic Food Products in Tiruchirappalli District
  5. An introduction to green marketing
  6. Opportunities for green marketing: young consumers
  7. To green or not to green: The influence of green marketing on consumer behaviour in the hotel industry
  8. Green marketing
  9. Green marketing: A study of consumers’ attitude towards environment friendly products
  10. Characteristics of research on green marketing
  11. Consumers’ purchase behaviour and green marketing: A synthesis, review and agenda
  12. Green marketing
  13. Analysing the impact of green marketing strategies on consumer purchasing patterns in Mauritius
  14. Green marketing and its impact on consumer buying behavior
  15. Green marketing and consumer behavior: The case of gasoline products
  16. Towards sustainability: the third age of green marketing
  17. Transformative green marketing: Impediments and opportunities
  18. Green marketing: legend, myth, farce or prophesy?
  19. Impact of green marketing on consumer purchase intention
  20. Effect of green marketing on consumer purchase behavior
  21. The influence of green marketing on consumer purchase behavior
  22. Beyond ecolabels: what green marketing can learn from conventional marketing
  23. Influence of green marketing on consumer behavior: a realistic study on Bangladesh
  24. Consumer behaviour and environmental sustainability
  25. Green marketing consumer-level theory review: A compendium of applied theories and further research directions
  26. Green Marketing Approaches and Their Impact on Consumer Behavior towards the Environment—A Study from the UAE
  27. Effect of Green Marketing on Consumer Behaviour–A Study with Particular Reference to West Bengal (India)
  28. A new model for testing green consumer behaviour
  29. “Green Marketing”: an analysis of definitions, strategy steps, and tools through a systematic review of the literature
  30. Green marketing philosophy: a study of Spanish firms with ecolabels
  31. Impact of Green Marketing Strategies on Consumer Purchase Behaviour.
  33. Consumer attitude towards green marketing: an exploratory study
  34. Re‐evaluating green marketing strategy: a stakeholder perspective
  35. Green marketing, public policy and managerial strategies
  36. Framing green consumer behaviour research: opportunities and challenges
  37. Consumer attitude towards green marketing in India.
  38. Green marketing and sustainable development challenges and opportunities
  39. Expression of green marketing developing the conception of corporate social responsibility
  40. Green value added
  41. Green branding and eco-innovations for evolving a sustainable green marketing strategy
  42. Green marketing in India: Emerging opportunities and challenges
  43. Using strategic alliances to develop credible green marketing
  44. International green marketing: A comparative study of British and Romanian firms
  45. Green marketing and consumerism as social change in China: Analyzing the literature
  46. AStudy on the Consumer Behaviour towards Green Marketing Practices-With Special Reference to Coimbatore City
  47. The concept of green marketing and green product development on consumer buying approach
  48. Integrating environmental values and emotion in green marketing communications inducing sustainable consumer behaviour
  49. Application of GREEN scale to understanding US consumer response to green marketing communications
  50. Green marketing: policies and practices for sustainable development
  51. Online environmental citizenship: Blogs, green marketing and consumer sentiment in the 21st Century
  52. Social normalisation: Using marketing to make green normal
  53. B2B green marketing and innovation theory for competitive advantage
  54. Green marketing: An attitudinal and behavioural analysis of Indian consumers
  55. Green marketing of consumer electronics. II
  56. Exploring consumer attitude and behaviour towards green practices in the lodging industry in India
  57. Can green marketing be used as a tool for sustainable growth?: A study performed on consumers in India-An emerging economy
  58. Green marketing-emerging dimensions
  59. Green marketing: A study of consumers’ buying behavior in relation to green products
  60. Green marketing and the concern over the environment: measuring environmental consciousness of Jordanian consumers
  61. Development of a green consumer behaviour model
  62. Green marketing effects on the consumer
  63. Green marketing: a study of consumer purchase behaviour for green homes
  64. Green marketing’functions in building corporate image in the retail setting
  65. Towards a new model for green consumer behaviour: A self‐determination theory perspective
  66. Understanding consumer behaviour towards green cosmetics
  67. Consumer green behaviour toward green products and green purchase decision
  68. Green marketing in emerging Asia: antecedents of green consumer behavior among younger millennials
  69. Awareness of eco-label in Malaysia’s green marketing initiative
  70. Green marketing: Impact of green advertising on consumer purchase intention
  71. Green consumer behavior and its implications on brand marketing strategy
  72. An analysis of consumer behaviour of green marketing
  73. A Study on Consumer Awareness Towards Green Marketing with Special Reference to Indore Region
  74. Facing the backlash: green marketing and strategic reorientation in the 1990s
  75. Green marketing: Gap analysis in the decision making process of a green consumer
  76. Green marketing
  77. Green marketing intervention strategies and sustainable development: A conceptual paper
  78. Golden goose or wild goose? The hunt for the green consumer
  79. Green marketing messages and consumers’ purchase intentions: Promoting personal versus environmental benefits
  80. Social normalisation and consumer behaviour: using marketing to make green normal
  81. The study of consumer green education via the internet of things with green marketing
  82. Choosing the right green marketing strategy
  83. Consumer behavior in green marketing for luxury brand: A cross-cultural study of US, Japan and Korea
  84. On green marketing: consumer behaviour in response to marketing renewable energy usage
  85. Evaluation of effectiveness of green marketing mix on consumer satisfasction and loyalty:(case study: the East Azarbaijan Pegah Dairy Company in Tabriz, Iran).
  86. Impacts of corporate social responsibility on the links between green marketing awareness and consumer purchase intentions
  87. How green marketing, perceived motives and incentives influence behavioral intentions
  88. Green products: an exploratory study on the consumer behaviour in emerging economies of the East
  89. Green marketing and its impacts on consumer behavior in sports shops
  90. Green marketing: The case of Greece in certified and sustainably managed timber products
  91. Green marketing and Indian consumer
  92. Green marketing: A theoretical perspective
  93. Review of literature on green consumer behaviour over 25 years (1994-2018)
  94. The impact of green marketing and perceived innovation on purchase intention for green products
  95. A study of the impact of green marketing on consumer purchasing patterns and decision making in Telangana, India
  96. How green marketing works: Practices, materialities, and images
  97. Environmental segmentation alternatives: a look at green consumer behavior in the new millennium
  98. Green marketing: a study of consumer attitude & environmental concern
  99. Green marketing orientation: Conceptualization, scale development and validation
  100. Reevaluating green marketing: a strategic approach
  101. Green marketing and green places: A taxonomy for the destination marketer
  102. State of green marketing research over 25 years (1990-2014): Literature survey and classification
  103. Green power in perspective: Lessons from green marketing of consumer goods
  104. Consumer Preferences change when it comes to green Marketing
  105. Social costs of environmental justice associated with the practice of green marketing
  106. Identifying the green consumer: A segmentation study
  107. Re‐examining green purchase behaviour and the green consumer profile: new evidences
  108. Green marketing strategies: how do they influence consumer-based brand equity?
  109. Determining the characteristics to profile the” green” consumer: an exploratory approach
  110. Managing green marketing: Hong Kong hotel managers’ perspective
  111. Impact of Green Marketing on Consumer Behaviour: A Case Study on the Furniture Industry
  112. Green consumer behaviour: an experimental analysis of willingness to pay for remanufactured products
  113. The green consumer behavior
  114. Factors influencing buying behaviour of green energy consumer
  115. Green Marketing: An Indian Perspective.
  116. A Theoretical Framework for the Influence of Green Marketing Communication on Consumer Behaviour in Emerging Economies
  117. Green marketing and consumer satisfaction
  118. Profiling green consumer characteristics: an eternal quandary
  119. Awareness of green marketing and its influence on consumer perception: An exploratory study
  120. The Impact of Green Marketing on Green Consumer Behaviour in Jordan
  121. Green marketing: Consumers Attitude towards Eco-friendly Products and Purchase Intention in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector
  122. Exploring the effect of Starbucks’ green marketing on consumers’ purchase decisions from consumers’ perspective
  123. Enhancing the green purchase intention based on green marketing: an empirical study from Pakistan
  124. The consumer behaviour context of ecolabelling
  125. A Study on the Impact of Green Marketing on Consumer Buying Behavior in Automobile Industry
  126. Consumer purchase behaviour for green products
  127. Green consumer market segmentation: empirical findings from Portugal
  128. A quantitative analysis of consumer behaviour in relation to electronic cars resulting in a new green marketing approach for the German car industry
  129. Green marketing in India: a study of consumer behaviour in Punjab
  130. Analysis of green marketing as environment protection tool: a study of consumer of dehradun
  131. The influence of cultural values and environmental attitudes on green consumer behaviour
  132. Identifying the green consumer: A segmentation study
  133. Green Consumer Behaviour
  134. Green marketing strategies in the dairy sector: Consumer‐stated preferences for carbon footprint labels
  136. A green segmentation: Identifying the green consumer demographic profiles in Sri Lanka
  137. The impact of green marketing on customer satisfaction and environmental safety
  138. A study about life style characteristics of green consumer
  139. Buyer characteristics of the green consumer and their implications for advertising strategy
  140. Perceived greenwashing: the effects of green marketing on environmental and product perceptions
  141. The new rules of green marketing: Strategies, tools, and inspiration for sustainable branding
  142. Correlations between awareness of green marketing, corporate social responsibility, product image, corporate reputation, and consumer purchase intention
  143. Green marketing: the roles of appeal type and price level
  144. Consumer Attitude towards Green Marketing in Bangladesh.
  145. Signaling green: Investigating signals of expertise and prosocial orientation to enhance consumer trust
  147. Green marketing initiatives and sustainable issues in hotel industry
  148. The determinants of hotels’ marketing managers’ green marketing behaviour
  149. Green consumer behavior and environmental sustainability
  150. What’s in it for the customers? Successfully marketing green clothes
  151. Towards green product consumption: effect of green marketing stimuli and perceived environmental knowledge in Indian consumer market
  152. Consumer perceptions of green marketing claims: An examination of the relationships with type of claim and corporate credibility
  154. Green Marketing and its Impact on Consumer Buying Behavior
  155. Determining the characteristics to profile the “green” consumer: an exploratory approach
  156. Green marketing and perceived corporate image: A study of fast moving consumer goods in Lagos state Nigeria
  157. A paradigm shift in consumer behaviour towards green cosmetics: An empirical study
  158. Green Marketing Communication and Consumer Response in Emerging Markets
  159. Green consumer behavior: The case of Czech consumers of generation Y
  160. Environmentally conscious consumer behavior and green marketing: an analytical study of the Indian market
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  162. Green consumer behavior in the cosmetics market
  163. Consumer adoption of green products: Modeling the enablers
  164. The green side of the automotive industry: A consumer-based analysis
  165. Influence of Green Marketing Practice on Consumer Buying Behavior: Moderating Persuasion of Environmental Awareness.
  167. The impact of consumer green behaviour on green loyalty among retail formats
  168. An analysis of the wealth effects of green marketing strategies
  169. Antecedents of green consumer behaviour: a study of consumers in a developing country like India
  170. Changing Consumer Behaviour with Green Marketing
  171. Effect of green marketing on consumer purchase intentions with regard to the company’s image as a mediator in the retail setting case study: The customers of …
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  173. The effect of green marketing of plastic bag ban policy in modern retail stores on consumer green behavior in Bogor city
  174. The impact of green marketing on consumer buying behaviour in major supermarkets in Nairobi County
  175. Green product and consumer behavior: An analytical study
  176. Initiating consumer education is important for green marketing to be flourished: A preliminary research
  177. The Effect of Green Marketing on Brand Image and Purchase Decision (Study on Consumer of Starbucks Café Ubud, Gianyar Bali)
  178. Green marketing strategy and the firm’s performance: the moderating role of environmental culture
  179. An exploratory study of the impact of green brand awareness on consumer purchase decisions in Ghana
  180. Investigating the types of value and cost of green brands: Proposition of a conceptual framework
  181. Role of pro-environmental post-purchase behaviour in green consumer behaviour
  182. Understanding the influence of green marketing strategies on consumer perception and decision–making
  183. The effect of green marketing of plastic bag ban policy in modern retail stores on consumer green behavior in Bogor city
  184. The impact of green marketing on consumer buying behaviour in major supermarkets in Nairobi County
  185. Green product and consumer behavior: An analytical study
  186. Initiating consumer education is important for green marketing to be flourished: A preliminary research
  187. The Effect of Green Marketing on Brand Image and Purchase Decision (Study on Consumer of Starbucks Café Ubud, Gianyar Bali)
  188. Green marketing strategy and the firm’s performance: the moderating role of environmental culture
  189. An exploratory study of the impact of green brand awareness on consumer purchase decisions in Ghana
  190. Investigating the types of value and cost of green brands: Proposition of a conceptual framework
  191. Role of pro-environmental post-purchase behaviour in green consumer behaviour
  192. Understanding the influence of green marketing strategies on consumer perception and decision–making
  193. Analysis of the effect of green marketing on consumer purchasing decisions on The Body Shop Gorontalo product
  194. Green marketing and EMS: assessing potential consumer influence on EMS development in fresh food chains: a report for the Rural Industries Research and …
  195. Attitudes and purchase behaviour of green products among generation Y consumers in South Africa
  197. Investigation of green consumer profile: a case of Lithuanian market of eco-friendly food products
  198. Conceptualisation, development and validation of green marketing orientation (GMO) of SMEs in India: A case of electric sector
  199. Green product awareness has the potential to promote green consumer behaviour: Evidence from Kuala-Lumpur
  200. “Green” segmentation: an application to the Portuguese consumer market
  201. Impact of Green Marketing Tools on Consumer Buying Behaviour
  202. Factors Affecting Consumer Purchasing Behavior: A Green Marketing Perspective in Vietnam


  1. Saved to My library
  2. Green marketing of cosmetics and toiletries in Thailand
  3. A study on consumer behaviour towards purchase of eco friendly products in Coimbatore
  4. Consumer perception towards effectiveness of green communication strategies: an exploratory study
  5. Types of value and cost in consumer–green brands relationship and loyalty behaviour
  6. … influence of green marketing, shariah compliance, customer’s environmental awareness and customer’s satisfaction towards muslim consumer purchasing behavior …
  7. Green marketing: A study of consumer perception on using eco-friendly products
  8. Consumer attitude toward using eco-friendly plastic bags: A green marketing approach
  9. Green Marketing & Ethical Consumerism: shaping consumer behaviour
  10. Pengaruh program green marketing di hotel Shangri-la Jakarta terhadap green consumer behavior
  11. The role of green marketing in developing consumer behaviour towards green products
  12. Willingness to act and environmentally conscious consumer behaviour: can prosocial status perceptions help overcome the gap?
  14. Towards Sustainable Consumption: Analyzing Green Consumer Behaviour
  15. Green marketing today–a mix of trust, consumer participation and life cycle thinking
  16. Pengaruh green marketing, pengetahuan dan minat membeli terhadap keputusan pembelian
  17. Green marketing strategies: an examination of stakeholders and the opportunities they present
  18. Is social psychological model sufficient: empirical research gaps for understanding green consumer attitudinal behavior
  19. Exploratory results on the antecedents and consequences of green marketing
  20. Consumer green behaviour: An approach towards environmental sustainability
  21. The impact of green marketing practices on consumer buying decision
  22. Consumer Buying Behaviour and Green Marketing: Influence of Green Marketing on Buying Behaviour: Consumer Insights
  23. Green Marketing Strategies, Diffusion of Innovation, and Global Consumer Values for Sustainability.
  24. Green purchase behavior of undergraduate students in Hong Kong
  25. The research analysis of the green label’s impact on the consumer purchase behavior
  26. Consumer preferences and marketing strategies for “green shares”: Specifics of the Austrian market
  27. Impact of Marketing Mix on Consumer Attitude and Purchase intention towards’ Green’Products
  28. Green Consumer Behaviour: Integration of Theory of Planned Behaviour and Technology Acceptance Model
  29. Analysis of Green Marketing Tools towards Consumer Purchase Intention in Kathmandu
  30. Green purchasing behaviour: A conceptual framework and empirical investigation of Indian consumers
  31. Green marketing variables and their effect on consumer buying behaviour
  32. Impact of Green Marketing on Green Consumer Behaviour
  33. Green Marketing and Consumer Scepticism in Emerging Economies
  34. Is it easy to go green? Consumer perception and green concept
  35. Green marketing in B2B organisations: an empirical analysis from the natural‐resource‐based view of the firm
  36. An analysis of the green consumer domain within sustainability research: 1975 to 2014
  37. Green Marketing and the Green Consumer: Integrating Environmental Marketing into the Firm’s Overall Business Strategy
  38. Green Marketing–What Drives Consumer Purchase Intention
  39. The greening of consumer culture
  40. The Effect of Green Marketing Mix On Green Consumer Behavior and Green Purchasing Decision
  41. Green Marketing and Consumer Behavior towards Green Brands
  42. Green marketing concept and consumer purchasing intention with special reference to consumer goods
  43. Relation between Sustainable Green Marketing and Consumer Behaviour
  44. Green Marketing: Consumer Buying Behaviour To Procure Eco-friendly Products
  45. Research on mechanism of consumer innovativeness influencing green consumption behavior
  46. Key issues and challenges of green consumer in consuming green product an Insight from the emerging country: Malaysia
  47. Green Marketing–Concept, Awareness and Linkage with Consumer Purchase Decision
  48. Artificial neural networks: a tool for understanding green consumer behavior

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