Essay Writing MCQs

Important Essay Writing MCQs.
All of these are types of essays, except?
(A). Narrative essay
(B). Personal essay
(C). Argumentative essay
(D). Descriptive essay
(E). None of these
Answer: b
The introductory paragraph of an essay requires the topic, thesis and
(A). main ideas
(B). supporting details
(C). both a and b
(D). a and b
(E). None of these
Answer: a
An essay is a
(A). song with a novel or a story
(B). poem that has multiple stanzas
(C). some kind of writing that has organized paragraphs
(D). some kind of writing that requires research
(E). None of these
Answer: c
Which of the following essays describes a subject?
(A). Narrative essays
(B). Reflective essays
(C). Argumentative essays
(D). Expository essays
(E). None of these
Answer: d
A good essay has the characteristics except?
(A). Fakeness
(B). Dignified style
(C). Brevity
(D). Personal touch
(E). None of these
Answer: a
Which of the following is the essay that uses to increase the imagery of the setting? The five senses means the sense of taste, sound, touch, smell, and sight.
(A). Narrative essays
(B). Expository essays
(C). Descriptive essays
(D). Argumentative essays
(E). None of these
Answer: c
Which of the following essay tells a Story?
(A). Argumentative essay
(B). Descriptive essay
(C). Reflective essay
(D). Narrative essay
(E). None of these
Answer: d
We can write a short or long essay.
(A). True
(B). False
(E). None of these
Answer: a
Which of the followings essays are a set of one’s thoughts.
(A). Reflective
(B). Expository
(C). Argumentative
(D). Narrative
(E). None of these
Answer: a
A good write must avoid in a good essay?
(A). Brevity
(B). Dignified words
(C). Slang
(D). Unity
(E). None of these
Answer: c
Descriptive essays explains a person or a place.
(A). True
(B). False
(E). None of these
Answer: a
The writer concludes by logical reasoning in ____ essays.
(A). Narrative essays
(B). Reflective essays
(C). Argumentative essays
(D). Descriptive essays
(E). None of these
Answer: c

Narrative Essay MCQs

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