Common Mistakes in Every Final Year Projects – Most students have done

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: March 3, 2022

Common Mistakes in Every Final Year Project (FYP)– Most students have done

  1. The problem in “Table of Contents” 

Most students put the table of contents but actual contents are not on the mentioned page number. For example in the table of contents, the introduction is mentioned on page 5 but actually, in reality, you start the introduction on page 6 or on some other page.

2.Plagiarism IN FYP

Most of the time when I evaluate the of the project, then contents in SRS found to be plagiarised. You need to avoid plagiarism.

3. Grammar Mistakes

It is a common issue in all the SRS I ever evaluate. You need to review the grammar mistakes manually by yourself or some English experts. I recommend you to use the Grammarly tool to avoid grammatical mistakes.

4. Number of Use cases, Functional requirements and sequence diagram

Most students put a different number of use cases, functional requirements and sequence diagrams. It is not recommended. I recommend you that if your functional requirements are 15, then you write 15 use cases and also draw 15 sequence diagrams.

5. Sequence and activity diagrams- Why both

The main purpose of the activity and sequence diagram is the same. So never think to draw them both. Chose only one of them.

6. Mismatch of the database schema and actual implementation

If you have not built any relationship with your tables, then don’t need to show the fake relationship of tables in the diagram.

7.  Ambiguous functional requirements

Most of the students write the functional requirements in an ambiguous way like manage teacher, manage student, etc.

Keep in mind that you are writing SRS for developers. Everything in your SRS must be 100% understandable to the developers. If you say manage teacher then what a developer can understand?

You want to say that managed teacher means to add, delete, view and update the teacher record but a developer can understand as following;

  • To add the teacher
  • To view the teacher
  • To delete the teacher
  • To search the teacher
  • To pay the teacher and etc.

so you must make clear use cases and write the clear functional requirements. So avoid to write manage teacher but write exactly as the followings;

FR 1: Admin can add the teacher

FR 2: Admin can delete the teacher

8. References are fake and not well structured

Always use the exact and correct references in your SRS.

9. Incorrect use cases names

Use cases names must be started with a verb.

10. Incorrect use cases relationship

Be careful while u making the relationships of use cases. You must be aware of  Include, Extend and an inheritance relationship among use cases.

At Last; Common Mistake in Every Final Year Projects (FYP)– Most students have done

11. Not prepare for the viva

Mostly viva is of the things you cover in your project. So you must be clear about all the things.

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