Comparison Between .AU VS .Com Domain in SEO
If we want to launch a new site on globally, then we have to choose between .com and .au. That all things are up to us and is our choice or according to our requirements that we only want the traffic on our site from Australia or all over the world means .com that it’s globally searching but we are in more detail. For the easy traffic, we have some options and differences between .com and .au.

The .au is important when our business is in Australia and we want to search those people who search only from Australia and business is the only web-based and e-commerce site or online store only caters to Australian residents. So our business is primarily Australian, then .au address will help us to ensure our site appears when Australian customers search for our products or services. This is not always guaranteed, but it does to make more specific in the Australian marking because .au is a specific code of a country is Australia. This domain is developed in 1999 and .au is affiliated with the Australian Government.
The use and registration of the .au address are expensive more than .com Depending on who we purchase through, Australian domain is too much expensive than a regular domain like .com because of first purchase .com and after that purchase .au that’s why it is expensive because it pays a double fee.
There is another side of that case is, if we want our business to trade globally on the web then a .com address may be our best bet. Being the best and powerful domain and have a very high rank in search to take place in heart of consumers see the site as more suitable or better, but this is a very subjective thing and certain audiences will react to domain differently. On the behalf of our product if it is sold worldwide, then .com domain may be the better option but if we want visibility when people are searching for local suppliers, a domain may be better suited.
Better Choice for me
The best and suitable for me is .com domain because it is globally and .au is not suitable for me because it only gives us Australian traffic that is not suitable for because if I have website so this is worldwide not for only a specific country because I don’t have any store or site for the specific so accordingly to me .com is the best site for me. If I search for something on the internet and the thing which I am searching it is not available in Australia so I would fail to search so .com is best for me because it searches for me to overall all worldwide. For example, if I am searching for anything in then it means I am searching all over the world that I have too many choices in the t4tutorials site and if I search (only for example) it means that I am searching only in the Australian suppliers who are sold goods from Australia.
The main difference between .com and .au is that our domain is as an Australian market. This is a large number of advantages if and only if we are focus only on Australian web traffic. The server analyzes the worldwide location of internet user’s location and makes then that if the searcher is located in Australia, then the Australian user is highest ranked and powerful searches and more user is from Australia than globally .com counterparts. There is another problem occurs when registering to .au Australian business. Anyone can register .com without any verification. This makes trust in the Australian market and the user knows well that they are visiting the site of a recognized local Australian market.
There is a large amount of market user’s in the world so .au is only to specifies the URLs to minimum numbers in the .au, Actually .au is also a part of .com but .au has specified the country that actually which country I want to search for it and another reason is that .com is a global search whereas .au is the local search for those people who are living in Australia. Searching from another country or outside from Australia that not local search those it is specific for those, .au is also that there is a large number of sites or same names or huge URL’s in the world if we use .au after .com then its mean that we are only searching from Australia.