Microsoft Office Excel shortcut keys
Short Key | Description |
Alt+Enter | Next line |
Shift+F3 | Open the formula window. |
Shift+F5 | Show search box. |
Ctrl+Shift+; | Current time. |
Ctrl+; | Curernt date. |
Alt+Shift+F1 | Insert New Worksheet. |
F2 | Edit the cell as selected. |
F4 | Repeat the last action. |
F5 | Move to a specific cell. |
F7 | Spelling checking |
F11 | Create chart from the selected data. |
Ctrl+1 | Show Format Cells window. |
Ctrl+A | Select all full contents |
Ctrl+B | Bold the text |
Ctrl+I | Italic the text |
Ctrl+K | Insert the link. |
Ctrl+S | To save |
Ctrl+U | Underlining the text. |
Ctrl+D | Fill down. |
Ctrl+R | Fills the cell to the right with the contents of the selected cell. |
Ctrl+1 | Change the format of selected cells. |
Ctrl+5 | Strikethrough the text |
Ctrl+P | To print |
Ctrl+Z | Undo the last action. |
Ctrl+F9 | Minimize the current window. |
Ctrl+F10 | Maximize currently selected window. |
Ctrl+F6 | Switch between windows or open workbooks. |
Ctrl+Shift+1 | Format the number in comma format. |
Ctrl+Shift+4 | Format the number in currency format. |
Ctrl+Shift+3 | Format the number in date format. |
Ctrl+Shift+5 | Format the number in a percentage format. |
Ctrl+Shift+6 | Format the number in scientific format. |
Ctrl+Shift+2 | Format the number in time format. |
Ctrl+Tab | Move between 2 or more open Excel files. |
Alt+= | Create a formula to sum all of the above cells. |
Ctrl+’ | Insert the value of the above cell into the cell currently selected. |
Ctrl+Arrow key | Move to next section of text. |
Shift+Space | Select entire row. |
Ctrl+Home | Move to cell A1. |
Ctrl+~ | Switch between showing Excel formulas or their values in cells. |
Ctrl+- | Delete the selected column or row. |
Ctrl+Shift+= | Insert a new column or row. |
Ctrl+~ | Switch between showing Excel formulas or their values in cells. |
Ctrl+Home | Move to cell A1. |
Ctrl+Space | Select entire column. |
Ctrl+Page up | Move between worksheets in the same document. |
Ctrl+Page down | Move between worksheets in the same document. |
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