Microsoft Office Excel shortcut keys

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 17, 2024

Microsoft Office Excel shortcut keys

Short KeyDescription
Alt+EnterNext line
Shift+F3Open the formula window.
Shift+F5Show search box.
Ctrl+Shift+;Current time.
Ctrl+;Curernt date.
Alt+Shift+F1Insert New Worksheet.
F2Edit the cell as selected.
F4Repeat the last action.
F5Move to a specific cell. 
F7Spelling checking
F11Create chart from the selected data.
Ctrl+1Show Format Cells window.
Ctrl+ASelect all full contents
Ctrl+BBold the text
Ctrl+IItalic the text
Ctrl+KInsert the link.
Ctrl+STo save
Ctrl+UUnderlining the text.
Ctrl+DFill down.
Ctrl+RFills the cell to the right with the contents of the selected cell.
Ctrl+1Change the format of selected cells.
Ctrl+5Strikethrough the  text
Ctrl+PTo print
Ctrl+ZUndo the last action.
Ctrl+F9Minimize the current window.
Ctrl+F10Maximize currently selected window.
Ctrl+F6Switch between windows or open workbooks.
Ctrl+Shift+1Format the number in comma format.
Ctrl+Shift+4Format the number in currency format.
Ctrl+Shift+3Format the number in date format.
Ctrl+Shift+5Format the number in a percentage format.
Ctrl+Shift+6Format the number in scientific format.
Ctrl+Shift+2Format the number in time format.
Ctrl+TabMove between 2 or more open Excel files.
Alt+=Create a formula to sum all of the above cells.
Ctrl+’Insert the value of the above cell into the cell currently selected.
Ctrl+Arrow keyMove to next section of text.
Select entire row.
Ctrl+HomeMove to cell A1.
Ctrl+~Switch between showing Excel formulas or their values in cells.
Ctrl+-Delete the selected column or row.
Ctrl+Shift+=Insert a new column or row.
Ctrl+~Switch between showing Excel formulas or their values in cells.
Ctrl+HomeMove to cell A1.
Ctrl+SpaceSelect entire column.
Ctrl+Page upMove between worksheets in the same document.
Ctrl+Page downMove between worksheets in the same document.

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