Semi Hybrid Pipeline Model (SHPM)for Web-based applications

Semi Hybrid Pipeline Model (SHPM)for Web-based applications

Semi Hybrid Pipeline Model (SHPM)for Web-based applications is a research publication published in “International Journal Of Software, Technology & Science” Volume 2, 2019.


Time is a key issue in the development of any kind of system. Web engineering mainly focuses on how to save web development time. Web-based systems mostly need modification and maintenance from time to time. This research focuses on a vital and important issue in web engineering. It is related to the web development process model.


Fazal Rehman Shamil
University Of Shamil, Mianwali, Pakistan,
[email protected]

Semi Hybrid Pipeline Model (SHPM)for Web-based applications

The main objective of this research is to facilitate the web developers and web engineers by saving their time through activities pipelines. Different web development models are the spiral model, waterfall model, incremental and agile model, etc[5][9]. But these models are time-consuming. If we follow these models a lot of time is wasted.

The present research proposed a web engineering model, ”Semi Hybrid Web Development Life Cycle With Activities Pipelines”. The model has combines features of both waterfall and agile model. This model can be implanted for any web-based application. Pipelining can save the time of the web team.


Waterfall, agile, hybrid, SPHM, Semi Hybrid Pipeline Model.


Both agile and waterfall model have positive and negative impacts. There is a need for a model that can solve the problems arise during both models. The hybrid model can solve this problem [16]. But there is no pipelining concept in a hybrid model.

Proposed Solution

Semi Hybrid pipeline model (SHPM)

Semi Hybrid model with pipelining support the web team to develop the web-based system within a short time. This model supports the modularity concept. We put different modules of the system in the pipeline. When some modules are in one phase, at the same time other modules in other phases are in pipeline.
In Figure, When we are Maintaining the system Module 1(M1) and Module 2 (M2), Within the same time we are Implementing the Module (M3) and Module (M4).
When we are Implementing the Module (M3) and Module (M4), within the same time we are testing Module 5(M5) and Module 6 (M6).
When we are testing Module 5(M5) and Module 6 (M6). Within the same time, we are developing the Module 7 (M7), Module 8(M8) and Mn(many other modules).

Phases/Activities of Semi Hybrid pipeline model (SHPM)

Collecting the functional and non functional requirements [13].
Contains planning of different activities according to budget, time, resources and expertise of the development team. Language and tool selection is important in the planning of the web-based system [10].
Plan your website according to server support.
Optimize the web pages according to your server speed.
Planning should be carefully done because moving from the planning phase to the analysis phase is strongly supporting waterfall properties in SHPM.
It means that the complete planning phase becomes input for analysis.

When requirements are gathered and planned, then analyze the requirements and the system that it is possible to implement within the available resources or not[11]?
Analysis should be carefully done because moving from analysis phase to the design phase is strongly supporting waterfall properties in SHPM.
It means that complete analysis phase becomes input for design.

Design includes the web page structure, web page navigation, interface designing and content placement
etc [3].
Design the system with care because moving from design phase to development phase is strongly supported waterfall properties in SHPM.
It means that complete design phase becomes input for development phase.

Begin with a language and suitable tools for development of web based system [4]. Pipelining is established. Some of the modules under development phase are developed and as completed becomes input for next phase and under-developing modules remain in development phase till completion.
Development also supports agile model. Development phase can be input for design phase and design phase can be used as input for development phase.

Test the web pages responsiveness and apply different kind of web optimization tools and procedure to test the web pages[1].
Some of the modules under testing phase are tested and as completed becomes input for next phase and under-testing modules remain in testing phase till completion.
Testing also supports agile model. Testing phase can be input for Implementation phase and Implementation phase can be used as input for Testing phase.

Implementing the system initially on local host and after successful implementation, implement the system on online servers.
Some of the modules under Implementation phase are implemented and as completed becomes input for next phase and under-implementation modules remain in Implementation phase till completion.
Implementation also supports agile model. Implementation phase can be input for Maintenance phase and Maintenance phase can be used as input for Implementation phase.

Maintenance involves debugging and maintenance of full system [2]. Maintenance of web based system is a continuous process and it never stops [6].


SHPM supports web development team to complete their task within short time by parallel performing of activities in phases. So this model is ideal for projects when there is a lack of time to complete the project within prescribed time frame.
Future Work
SHPM supports web development team to complete their task within short time by parallel performing of activities in phases. There is a need to further introducing the pipelining technique by combining the properties of different models. This can leads to improvement in rapid development of web based applications in short time.


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