What is the primary purpose of AJAX in ASP.NET applications?
A. To allow asynchronous data exchange between the client and server without refreshing the page
B. To handle form validation
C. To manage user authentication
D. To perform server-side rendering
Answer: A

Which control in ASP.NET is commonly used to enable AJAX functionality?
A. UpdatePanel
B. TextBox
C. Button
D. GridView
Answer: A

What does the UpdatePanel control do in ASP.NET AJAX?
A. It allows partial page updates by refreshing only the content within the panel
B. It validates user input
C. It handles session management
D. It manages database connections
Answer: A

How can you trigger a partial page update with the UpdatePanel control?
A. By using the AsyncPostBackTrigger or PostBackTrigger
B. By performing a full page reload
C. By using JavaScript to modify the DOM
D. By calling a server-side method directly
Answer: A

What property of the UpdatePanel control specifies which controls will trigger an update?
A. Triggers
B. ContentTemplate
C. UpdateMode
D. ChildrenAsTriggers
Answer: A

What is the purpose of the ScriptManager control in ASP.NET AJAX?
A. To manage and control the AJAX requests and scripts on the page
B. To handle form submissions
C. To provide authentication services
D. To manage database connections
Answer: A

Which method can be used to update the content of an UpdatePanel programmatically?
A. Update()
B. Refresh()
C. Rebind()
D. RefreshContent()
Answer: A

What is a common use case for the UpdatePanel control in ASP.NET applications?
A. To create a dynamic, interactive user interface with partial page updates
B. To handle large file uploads
C. To perform server-side data validation
D. To manage user authentication
Answer: A

What does the UpdateMode property of the UpdatePanel control determine?
A. When the UpdatePanel control is updated (always or only when triggered)
B. The style of the panel
C. The visibility of the panel
D. The layout of the panel
Answer: A

How can you prevent the entire page from reloading when using AJAX in ASP.NET?
A. By using UpdatePanel controls to handle partial page updates
B. By submitting the form using a different HTTP method
C. By configuring server-side session state
D. By using the Response.Redirect() method
Answer: A

What is the role of the AsyncPostBackTrigger in an UpdatePanel?
A. To specify which control causes the UpdatePanel to update asynchronously
B. To define the update interval for the UpdatePanel
C. To handle server-side events
D. To manage client-side scripts
Answer: A

Which event is triggered when an UpdatePanel control completes an asynchronous postback?
A. EndRequest
B. PreRender
C. Load
D. Init
Answer: A

How can you handle client-side scripting with AJAX in ASP.NET?
A. By using JavaScript or jQuery to interact with the AJAX requests
B. By using server-side code only
C. By configuring web.config settings
D. By using ASP.NET controls only
Answer: A

What is the purpose of the ScriptManager control’s EnablePageMethods property?
A. To enable static methods of a page to be called from client-side script
B. To manage server-side authentication
C. To handle page lifecycle events
D. To control database connections
Answer: A

How can you enable AJAX functionality for controls other than UpdatePanel?
A. By using the ScriptManager control and UpdateProgress control
B. By using standard ASP.NET controls only
C. By configuring custom HTTP handlers
D. By using session state management
Answer: A

What does the UpdateProgress control do in ASP.NET AJAX?
A. It provides visual feedback during partial page updates
B. It manages form validation
C. It handles authentication
D. It performs data binding
Answer: A

What is the role of the PageMethods feature in ASP.NET AJAX?
A. To allow calling static methods on the page from client-side scripts
B. To manage user sessions
C. To handle file uploads
D. To perform server-side authentication
Answer: A

How can you pass parameters to a Web Method in ASP.NET AJAX?
A. By including parameters in the client-side JavaScript call
B. By using HTTP headers
C. By modifying server-side configuration
D. By using session variables
Answer: A

What is the purpose of the EnableViewState property in an UpdatePanel?
A. To determine whether the view state of controls within the panel should be preserved
B. To control the visibility of the panel
C. To manage client-side scripts
D. To handle database transactions
Answer: A

How can you ensure that an UpdatePanel does not trigger updates for every postback?
A. By using the ChildrenAsTriggers property
B. By setting the UpdateMode property to Conditional
C. By using a different update panel for each control
D. By disabling client-side scripts
Answer: A

What is the benefit of using UpdatePanel with ScriptManager?
A. To enable partial page updates and manage AJAX scripts efficiently
B. To handle file uploads
C. To perform server-side rendering
D. To manage authentication and authorization
Answer: A

How does the ScriptManager control support AJAX functionality in an ASP.NET application?
A. By providing necessary scripts and handling AJAX requests
B. By managing database connections
C. By performing server-side validation
D. By handling user input
Answer: A

What happens if the UpdatePanel control’s UpdateMode property is set to Conditional?
A. The UpdatePanel updates only when explicitly triggered
B. The UpdatePanel updates automatically with every postback
C. The UpdatePanel never updates
D. The UpdatePanel updates on a time interval
Answer: A

What is the purpose of the Triggers property in the UpdatePanel control?
A. To define which controls trigger the UpdatePanel update
B. To manage panel visibility
C. To handle client-side scripts
D. To perform server-side validation
Answer: A

How can you perform an asynchronous operation in AJAX without using UpdatePanel?
A. By using the XMLHttpRequest object or fetch API in JavaScript
B. By using server-side scripting only
C. By using standard HTML forms
D. By configuring web.config settings
Answer: A

What does the OnRequest event of the ScriptManager control handle?
A. The start of an AJAX request
B. The end of an AJAX request
C. The initialization of the page
D. The completion of server-side processing
Answer: A

What is the PartialRendering property used for in UpdatePanel control?
A. To control whether partial page rendering is enabled
B. To specify the rendering mode of the panel
C. To handle client-side events
D. To manage server-side data
Answer: A

How can you dynamically update a control within an UpdatePanel without refreshing the whole page?
A. By using AJAX to send and receive data and updating the control’s content
B. By performing a full page reload
C. By using server-side redirects
D. By managing sessions on the server
Answer: A

What is the AsyncPostBackTrigger used for in an UpdatePanel?
A. To specify controls that will cause asynchronous postbacks
B. To handle synchronous postbacks
C. To control panel visibility
D. To manage page lifecycle events
Answer: A

How can you handle errors that occur during an AJAX request in ASP.NET?
A. By using JavaScript error handling and server-side exception handling
B. By configuring the web.config file
C. By using UpdatePanel triggers
D. By setting up server-side logging
Answer: A

What does the EnablePageMethods property of ScriptManager allow you to do?
A. Call static methods on the page from client-side code
B. Manage AJAX scripts
C. Control UpdatePanel updates
D. Handle server-side requests
Answer: A

How can you ensure that AJAX requests are sent only when necessary in an ASP.NET application?
A. By using UpdatePanel and setting appropriate triggers and conditions
B. By disabling AJAX functionality entirely
C. By using server-side redirects
D. By limiting the number of controls on the page
Answer: A

What is the function of the PageMethods feature in ASP.NET AJAX?
A. To call static methods on the page from client-side JavaScript
B. To manage form submissions
C. To perform server-side data binding
D. To handle session state
Answer: A

Which control provides feedback to the user during an AJAX request?
A. UpdateProgress
B. UpdatePanel
C. ScriptManager
D. Label
Answer: A

How can you execute server-side code asynchronously with AJAX in ASP.NET?
A. By using WebMethod attributes and client-side AJAX calls
B. By performing synchronous postbacks
C. By using server-side Timer controls
D. By configuring HTTP handlers
Answer: A

What does the ClientIDMode property do in ASP.NET AJAX?
A. It specifies how the client ID of a control is generated
B. It controls the visibility of the control
C. It handles client-side events
D. It manages server-side data
Answer: A

How can you update specific parts of a page without using UpdatePanel?
A. By using client-side AJAX with JavaScript or jQuery to manipulate the DOM
B. By performing full page reloads
C. By using server-side includes
D. By configuring server-side event handlers
Answer: A

What is the purpose of the ScriptManagerProxy control in ASP.NET AJAX?
A. To enable AJAX functionality on pages that do not contain a ScriptManager control
B. To handle server-side data processing
C. To manage form validation
D. To perform server-side file uploads
Answer: A

How does the UpdatePanel control improve the user experience in web applications?
A. By enabling partial page updates and reducing the need for full page reloads
B. By increasing server-side processing time
C. By handling file uploads more efficiently
D. By managing user authentication
Answer: A

How can you configure the ScriptManager to handle multiple UpdatePanel controls?
A. By adding multiple UpdatePanel controls to the page and using a single ScriptManager
B. By creating separate ScriptManager controls for each UpdatePanel
C. By using standard HTML controls
D. By configuring web.config settings
Answer: A

What is the purpose of the UpdateMode property when set to Always in an UpdatePanel?
A. To ensure the UpdatePanel updates with every postback
B. To prevent the UpdatePanel from updating
C. To update the UpdatePanel only when triggered
D. To configure the panel’s visibility
Answer: A

How does UpdateProgress enhance the user experience during AJAX requests?
A. By providing visual feedback and indicating that an update is in progress
B. By handling server-side errors
C. By managing data binding
D. By performing file uploads
Answer: A

What feature of AJAX allows calling server-side methods from client-side JavaScript?
A. WebMethod attribute and ScriptManager
B. UpdatePanel control
C. PageMethods feature
D. UpdateProgress control
Answer: A

Which control in ASP.NET AJAX is used to handle updates and loading indicators for AJAX requests?
A. UpdateProgress
B. UpdatePanel
C. ScriptManager
D. Timer
Answer: A

How can you prevent an UpdatePanel from updating when a specific control triggers it?
A. By using the ChildrenAsTriggers property set to false
B. By configuring the UpdateMode property to Conditional
C. By using the AsyncPostBackTrigger
D. By handling server-side events
Answer: A

What is the WebMethod attribute used for in ASP.NET AJAX?
A. To expose static methods on a page for client-side calls
B. To manage AJAX requests
C. To handle client-side scripts
D. To perform server-side validation
Answer: A

What is a common challenge when using AJAX in ASP.NET applications?
A. Managing state and maintaining consistency between client and server data
B. Handling large file uploads
C. Performing synchronous data processing
D. Configuring authentication
Answer: A

How does ASP.NET AJAX handle postbacks differently from traditional ASP.NET?
A. By performing partial page updates without a full page reload
B. By using server-side redirects
C. By increasing server response times
D. By requiring additional server configuration
Answer: A