Routing in ASP.NET MVC MCQs

What is the purpose of routing in ASP.NET MVC?
a. To map incoming requests to controller actions
b. To handle database connections
c. To define view templates
d. To manage user authentication

Answer: a. To map incoming requests to controller actions

What method is used to define routes in ASP.NET MVC?
a. RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes()
b. RouteManager.ConfigureRoutes()
c. RouteDefinition.AddRoutes()
d. RouteBuilder.BuildRoutes()

Answer: a. RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes()

How do you specify a route URL pattern in ASP.NET MVC?
a. By using the Route attribute
b. By configuring routes in RouteConfig
c. By setting URL patterns in web.config
d. By using the RouteBuilder class

Answer: b. By configuring routes in RouteConfig

What is the default route URL pattern in ASP.NET MVC?
a. “{controller}/{action}/{id}”
b. “{controller}/{id}/{action}”
c. “{action}/{controller}/{id}”
d. “{id}/{controller}/{action}”

Answer: a. “{controller}/{action}/{id}”

How do you specify default values for route parameters?
a. By using defaults in the Route method
b. By setting defaults in web.config
c. By defining parameters in the controller
d. By configuring default values in RouteData

Answer: a. By using defaults in the Route method

What attribute is used to define a route on an action method?
a. [Route]
b. [Url]
c. [Path]
d. [RouteTemplate]

Answer: a. [Route]

What is the purpose of route constraints?
a. To enforce rules on route parameters
b. To specify the order of routes
c. To define default values
d. To handle URL encoding

Answer: a. To enforce rules on route parameters

How do you define a custom route constraint in ASP.NET MVC?
a. By implementing the IRouteConstraint interface
b. By using the [Constraint] attribute
c. By configuring constraints in RouteConfig
d. By defining constraints in web.config

Answer: a. By implementing the IRouteConstraint interface

What method is used to add a new route to the routing table?
a. RouteCollection.Add()
b. RouteTable.MapRoute()
c. RouteManager.Add()
d. RouteDefinition.Add()

Answer: b. RouteTable.MapRoute()

How do you specify a route with optional parameters?
a. By using the question mark (?) in the URL pattern
b. By defining parameters in RouteConfig
c. By using the Route attribute
d. By setting optional parameters in the controller

Answer: a. By using the question mark (?) in the URL pattern

What is the role of the RouteData class in routing?
a. To hold route information for a request
b. To define route patterns
c. To configure default values
d. To manage route constraints

Answer: a. To hold route information for a request

How do you handle route parameters in an action method?
a. By including them as parameters in the action method
b. By using ViewBag to pass parameters
c. By setting them in RouteConfig
d. By defining them in the route pattern

Answer: a. By including them as parameters in the action method

What is a route prefix and how is it used?
a. A common URL pattern applied to all routes in a controller
b. A default value for route parameters
c. A constraint applied to route parameters
d. A method to define multiple routes

Answer: a. A common URL pattern applied to all routes in a controller

How do you specify a route constraint for a route parameter?
a. By using the constraints parameter in the MapRoute method
b. By setting constraints in the Route attribute
c. By defining constraints in RouteConfig
d. By using the RouteConstraint class

Answer: a. By using the constraints parameter in the MapRoute method

What is the purpose of the [RoutePrefix] attribute?
a. To define a common route prefix for all action methods in a controller
b. To set default values for route parameters
c. To specify the HTTP methods for a route
d. To handle route errors

Answer: a. To define a common route prefix for all action methods in a controller

How do you configure a route that handles a specific HTTP method?
a. By using the [HttpGet] or [HttpPost] attributes
b. By defining the HTTP method in RouteConfig
c. By specifying the method in the Route attribute
d. By setting HTTP methods in the controller

Answer: a. By using the [HttpGet] or [HttpPost] attributes

What is the role of the RouteCollection class in ASP.NET MVC routing?
a. To hold and manage a collection of routes
b. To define route patterns
c. To handle route constraints
d. To set default values for routes

Answer: a. To hold and manage a collection of routes

How do you redirect to a specific route from an action method?
a. By using RedirectToAction()
b. By using RedirectToRoute()
c. By using Redirect()
d. By using RouteRedirect()

Answer: b. By using RedirectToRoute()

What is a catch-all parameter in routing?
a. A parameter that matches any value in the route URL
b. A default parameter for all routes
c. A parameter that handles multiple types of data
d. A parameter that enforces route constraints

Answer: a. A parameter that matches any value in the route URL

How do you create a route that matches a specific pattern but ignores case?
a. By using the IgnoreCase constraint in RouteConfig
b. By defining the pattern in the Route attribute
c. By using a custom route constraint
d. By specifying the case-insensitive option in RouteConfig

Answer: a. By using the IgnoreCase constraint in RouteConfig

What is the role of the RouteValueDictionary class in routing?
a. To hold route values and parameters
b. To define route patterns
c. To manage route constraints
d. To set default values for routes

Answer: a. To hold route values and parameters

How do you specify a route constraint for a route parameter?
a. By using the constraints parameter in the MapRoute method
b. By using the [Constraint] attribute on the route
c. By setting constraints in the RouteConfig class
d. By defining constraints in the Route attribute

Answer: a. By using the constraints parameter in the MapRoute method

What is the purpose of the RouteDebug class in routing?
a. To help with debugging routing issues
b. To configure custom routes
c. To handle route constraints
d. To manage route values

Answer: a. To help with debugging routing issues

How do you configure custom route patterns in ASP.NET MVC?
a. By adding routes to RouteConfig
b. By defining patterns in the Route attribute
c. By using the RouteBuilder class
d. By configuring patterns in web.config

Answer: a. By adding routes to RouteConfig

What does the term “route precedence” refer to?
a. The order in which routes are matched
b. The priority of route constraints
c. The default values for routes
d. The URL pattern for routes

Answer: a. The order in which routes are matched

How do you handle multiple routes that could match a request?
a. By defining route precedence in RouteConfig
b. By using route constraints
c. By specifying route parameters
d. By creating separate route tables

Answer: a. By defining route precedence in RouteConfig

What method is used to map a route with a custom URL pattern?
a. RouteTable.MapRoute()
b. RouteManager.AddRoute()
c. RouteConfig.DefineRoute()
d. RouteCollection.Map()

Answer: a. RouteTable.MapRoute()

How do you specify that a route parameter is required?
a. By not including a default value in the route pattern
b. By using the [Required] attribute
c. By defining the parameter in RouteConfig
d. By setting the parameter in the Route attribute

Answer: a. By not including a default value in the route pattern

What does the [Route] attribute’s template parameter specify?
a. The URL pattern for the route
b. The default values for route parameters
c. The route constraints
d. The HTTP methods for the route

Answer: a. The URL pattern for the route

How do you define a route with multiple constraints?
a. By using a dictionary of constraints in the Route method
b. By chaining multiple [Route] attributes
c. By setting constraints in RouteConfig
d. By defining constraints in the Route attribute

Answer: a. By using a dictionary of constraints in the Route method

What is the role of the RouteData.Values collection?
a. To store values for route parameters
b. To define default values for routes
c. To manage route constraints
d. To hold URL patterns

Answer: a. To store values for route parameters

How do you configure routes that use attribute routing?
a. By using the [Route] attribute on controllers and actions
b. By defining routes in RouteConfig
c. By setting routes in web.config
d. By using the RouteBuilder class

Answer: a. By using the [Route] attribute on controllers and actions

What is a route handler in ASP.NET MVC?
a. A component that processes incoming requests and returns responses
b. A method that defines route patterns
c. A class that manages route constraints
d. A utility for debugging routes

Answer: a. A component that processes incoming requests and returns responses

How do you define a route that maps to an action method with multiple parameters?
a. By including multiple parameters in the URL pattern
b. By using the [Route] attribute with parameter placeholders
c. By defining parameters in RouteConfig
d. By specifying parameters in the action method

Answer: b. By using the [Route] attribute with parameter placeholders

What method is used to remove a route from the routing table?
a. RouteCollection.Remove()
b. RouteTable.RemoveRoute()
c. RouteManager.DeleteRoute()
d. RouteCollection.Clear()

Answer: a. RouteCollection.Remove()

How do you define a route that only matches when a parameter is present?
a. By using the optional parameter syntax in the route pattern
b. By setting the parameter in RouteConfig
c. By using the [Route] attribute with a default value
d. By defining the parameter in the controller

Answer: a. By using the optional parameter syntax in the route pattern

What is the purpose of the RouteTable class?
a. To manage and hold all routes for an application
b. To define custom route patterns
c. To handle route constraints
d. To configure default values for routes

Answer: a. To manage and hold all routes for an application

How do you define a route that maps to a specific HTTP verb?
a. By using the [HttpGet] or [HttpPost] attributes
b. By specifying the HTTP verb in RouteConfig
c. By defining the verb in the Route attribute
d. By configuring HTTP verbs in web.config

Answer: a. By using the [HttpGet] or [HttpPost] attributes

What does the RoutePrefix attribute do?
a. Defines a common route prefix for all actions in a controller
b. Sets default values for route parameters
c. Configures route constraints
d. Specifies the HTTP methods for a route

Answer: a. Defines a common route prefix for all actions in a controller

How do you create a route that supports localization?
a. By using localized URL patterns in RouteConfig
b. By defining route patterns in multiple languages
c. By using the [LocalizedRoute] attribute
d. By setting route constraints for localization

Answer: a. By using localized URL patterns in RouteConfig

What method is used to generate URLs based on routes?
a. Url.Action()
b. Url.Route()
c. Route.GenerateUrl()
d. Url.Generate()

Answer: a. Url.Action()

How do you set up a default route in RouteConfig?
a. By specifying the default values in the MapRoute method
b. By defining defaults in web.config
c. By using the DefaultRoute attribute
d. By configuring default routes in RouteTable

Answer: a. By specifying the default values in the MapRoute method

What is a named route in ASP.NET MVC?
a. A route that is given a unique name for easier reference
b. A route with default values specified
c. A route that handles specific HTTP verbs
d. A route with multiple constraints

Answer: a. A route that is given a unique name for easier reference

How do you define a route that maps to a specific controller and action?
a. By including the controller and action names in the route pattern
b. By using the [Route] attribute with controller and action parameters
c. By specifying controller and action in RouteConfig
d. By configuring routes in web.config

Answer: a. By including the controller and action names in the route pattern

What method is used to configure routes for an area in ASP.NET MVC?
a. AreaRegistration.RegisterRoutes()
b. AreaConfig.ConfigureRoutes()
c. RouteArea.Setup()
d. AreaRouting.Configure()

Answer: a. AreaRegistration.RegisterRoutes()

How do you handle route conflicts when multiple routes match the same request?
a. By defining route precedence in RouteConfig
b. By using route constraints
c. By specifying the order of routes in RouteTable
d. By creating separate route tables

Answer: a. By defining route precedence in RouteConfig

What does the term “route parameter” refer to?
a. A placeholder in the URL pattern that matches part of the request URL
b. A default value for a route
c. A constraint applied to a route
d. A setting in RouteConfig

Answer: a. A placeholder in the URL pattern that matches part of the request URL