Accounting Research Topics for thesis

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Research Area/ Research Interest: Accounting

Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication

  1. Causality redux: The evolution of empirical methods in accounting research and the growth of quasi-experiments
  2. Effect of accounting information system on financial performance of firms: A review of literature
  3.  The fate of accounting for public governance development
  4.  Financial accounting theory and analysis: text and cases
  5. Theory testing and process evidence in accounting experiments
  6.  Accounting information systems: controls and processes
  7.  Analysis of enterprise financial accounting information management from the perspective of big data
  8. Towards a design-based approach to accounting research
  9.  Accounting: What the numbers mean
  10. Lockdown accounting
  11. Accounting conservatism and bankruptcy risk
  12.  A critical accounting project for Latin America? Objects of knowledge or ways of knowing
  13. Evolution in value relevance of accounting information
  14. Accounting for intangible assets: suggested solutions
  15. Management accounting insight via a new perspective on risk management-companies’ profitability relationship
  16.  Impact of information technology on accounting and finance in the digital health sector
  17. High-resolution accounting of urban emissions in China
  18.  Financial accounting
  19.  On crisis and emergency: Is it time to rethink long-term environmental accounting?
  20.  Financial accounting: a managerial perspective
  21. Not Practicing What You Preach: How Is Accounting Higher Education Preparing the Future of Accounting
  22. Valuing the global mortality consequences of climate change accounting for adaptation costs and benefits
  23.  The Chinese accounting profession in the People’s Republic: A preliminary understanding from an oral history perspective
  24. Corporate carbon accounting: a literature review of carbon accounting research from the Kyoto Protocol to the Paris Agreement
  25.  Accounting for context in randomized trials after assignment
  26. A profession in peril? University corporatization, performance measurement and the sustainability of accounting academia
  27. Managing and accounting for corporate biodiversity contributions. Mapping the field
  28. Impact of social responsibility disclosure between implementation of green accounting and sustainable development: A study on heavily polluting companies in …
  29. Effect of high school students’ perception of accounting on their acceptance of using cloud accounting
  30. The Queering Accounting Manifesto
  31. Assessing Artificial Intelligence Technology Acceptance in Managerial Accounting
  32. Biodiversity accounting and reporting: A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis
  33. The effect of digital accounting systems on the decision-making quality in the banking industry sector: a mediated-moderated model
  34. Behavioral economics of accounting: A review of archival research on individual decision makers
  35.  Making the invisibles visible: Including animals in sustainability (and) accounting
  36. Water and productivity accounting using WA+ framework for sustainable water resources management: Case study of northwestern Iran
  37. Development of a framework of carbon accounting and management on the township level in China
  38. Why do accounting issues end up in the ‘too difficult’box?
  39. Crowdworksheets: Accounting for individual and collective identities underlying crowdsourced dataset annotation
  40. Subject, method and praxis–Conducting critical studies in accounting research
  41. Accounting policy of the organization and its connection with tax planning
  42. Digitalization, accounting and accountability: A literature review and reflections on future research in public services
  43.  Modeling water regulation ecosystem services: A review in the context of ecosystem accounting
  44. Evaluating the D&M IS Success Model in the Context of Accounting Information System and Sustainable Decision Making
  45. A review and synthesis of contemporary sustainability accounting research and the development of a research agenda
  46. Accounting Conservatism and Earnings Quality
  47. Accounting for the Nazi Aryanisation of German banks
  48. Emotions in accounting: A review to bridge the paradigmatic divide
  49. Assessing the Impact of AI Solutions’ Ethical Issues on Performance in Managerial Accounting
  50. Blockchain Technology as an Ecosystem: Trends and Perspectives in Accounting and Management
  51. Faster Privacy Accounting via Evolving Discretization
  52.  An Investigation of Environmental Accounting Measurement
  53. The Impact of a New Accounting Standard on Assets, Liabilities and Leverage of Companies: Evidence from Energy Industry
  54.  Exploring the “theory is king” thesis in accounting research: the case of actor-network theory
  55. Accounting standards: the ‘too difficult’box–the next big accounting issue?
  56. Optimal accounting of differential privacy via characteristic function
  57. Beyond shareholder value maximization: Accounting for financial/social trade-offs in dual-purpose companies
  58.  Accounting for the aircraft emissions of China’s domestic routes during 2014–2019
  59. Make greenhouse-gas accounting reliable—build interoperable systems
  60.  Improving acceptance of natural capital accounting in land use decision making: Barriers and opportunities
  61.  An ecological critique of accounting: The circular economy and COVID-19
  62.  Games in the classroom? Analysis of their effects on financial accounting marks in higher education
  63.  Managerial accounting: The cornerstone of business decision-making
  64.  Accounting for the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission double-counting in Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA)
  65. Out of control: The (over) use of controls in accounting research
  66. International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs): A systematic literature review and future research agenda
  67. Towards sustainable net-zero districts using the extended exergy accounting concept
  68.  Emission accounting and drivers in East African countries
  69. Accounting for environmental conditions in data-driven wind turbine power models
  70. Impact of mergers and acquisitions on accounting-based performance of acquiring firms in India
  71. Implementation of the international public sector accounting standards in Europe. Variations on a global theme
  72. A contemporary review of Islamic finance and accounting literature
  73. Green intellectual capital and environmental management accounting: Natural resource orchestration in favor of environmental performance
  74. The impacts of inventory in transfer pricing and net income: Differences between traditional accounting and throughput accounting
  75. Accounting for soil architecture and microbial dynamics in microscale models: Current practices in soil science and the path ahead
  76. Social impacts of a circular business model: An approach from a sustainability accounting and reporting perspective
  77. Inclusive capitalism as accounting ideology: The case of integrated reporting
  78. Accounting for socioeconomic constraints in sustainable irrigation expansion assessments
  79. High-dimensional reliability method accounting for important and unimportant input variables
  80. Quantification of waste heat potential in China: A top-down Societal Waste Heat Accounting Model
  81. Broadening the boundaries of accounting: a call for interdisciplinarity in the calculative era
  82. Accounting for the combined impacts of natural resources rent, income level, and energy consumption on environmental quality of G7 economies: a panel quantile …
  83. Research methods in accounting
  85. Learning Management System Sustainability for Accounting Student: The Existence of Self-Efficacy.
  86.  What exists in academia on work stress in accounting professionals: a bibliometric analysis
  87.  Cost Accounting For Dummies
  88. Public-sector financial management and E-government: The role played by accounting systems
  89. COVID-19 pandemic exposes the vulnerability of the sharing economy: a novel accounting framework
  90.  Mitigating emissions in India: accounting for the role of real income, renewable energy consumption and investment in energy
  91.  The impact of technological innovation on renewable energy production: accounting for the roles of economic and environmental factors using a method of …
  92. Accounting for institutional work: a critical review
  93. Differences between day and night pedestrian-injury severities: Accounting for temporal and unobserved effects in prediction
  94. Assessing environmental services and disservices of urban street trees. an application of the emergy accounting
  95. Accounting for errors in data improves divergence time estimates in single-cell cancer evolution
  96. Incorrect inferences when using generated regressors in accounting research
  97. Bayesian framework for reliability prediction of subsea processing systems accounting for influencing factors uncertainty
  98. Impact of uncertainty on regional carbon peak paths: An analysis based on carbon emissions accounting, modeling, and driving factors
  99. A Structural Stress Approach Accounting for Notch Effects on Fatigue Propagation Life: Part I Theory
  100. Is there a confidence interval for that? A critical examination of null outcome reporting in accounting research
  101. Linguistic tensions in a professional accounting field: English linguistic capital, hierarchy, prestige, and distinction among accountants
  102.  Inspiration For “New” Accounting: A Literature Review About Permaculture, Agricultural Accounting And Emancipatory Accounting
  103.  Accounting as a dehumanizing force in colonial rhetoric: quantifying native peoples in annual reports
  104. Advanced ensemble modeling method for space object state prediction accounting for uncertainty in atmospheric density
  105. Accounting for colonial complicities through Refusals in researching agency across borders
  106. Impediments and pressures to incorporate soft skills in Higher Education accounting studies
  107. Accounting for finance in electrification models for sub-Saharan Africa
  108.  Predicting suitable breeding areas for different locust species–A multi-scale approach accounting for environmental conditions and current land cover …
  109. Accounting for skewed or one-sided measurement error in the dependent variable
  110.  Computational modelling of structural batteries accounting for stress-assisted convection in the electrolyte
  111. An accounting-based asset pricing model and a fundamental factor
  112. Accounting for country-and time-specific values in the economic evaluation of health-related projects relevant to low-and middle-income countries
  113. Federated and Privacy-Preserving Learning of Accounting Data in Financial Statement Audits
  114. The Macroeconomic Impact of Covid‐19 In mozambique: A social accounting matrix approach
  115.  Cloud Statistics of Accounting Informatization Based on Statistics Mining
  116. Factors influencing the implementation of cloud accounting: evidence from small and medium enterprises in Oman
  117. Does random slope hierarchical modeling always outperform random intercept counterpart? Accounting for unobserved heterogeneity in a real-time empirical analysis …
  118. Accounting talk: developing conversation analysis in accounting research
  119.  Ecotourism, Agricultural Products, And Biological Assets In Accounting
  120. Accounting and first nations: a systematic literature review and directions for future research
  121. Bank Accounting and Audit
  122. Entrepreneurial Orientation, Market Orientation, Managerial Accounting and Manufacturing SMEs Satisfaction
  123. Accounting for Jewish ‘bare life’in the Fossoli Concentration Camp, 1943–44
  124. Accounting for uncertainty in real-time flood inundation mapping using HAND model: Iowa case study
  125. Replicating private equity with value investing, homemade leverage, and hold-to-maturity accounting
  126.  Erroneous Erratum to Accounting Fraud Article
  127. Through students’ eyes: case study of a critical pedagogy initiative in accounting education
  128.  Accounting frauds and main-bank monitoring in Japanese corporations
  129. Indigenous practices of accounting on the ground: a Bourdieusian perspective
  130. Neurocognitive Artificial Neural Network Models Are Superior to Linear Models at Accounting for Dimensional Psychopathology
  131. Systematic framework toward a highly reliable approach in metal accounting
  132.  Blockchain Technology, Inter-Organizational Relationships, and Management Accounting: A Synthesis and a Research Agenda
  133. From accounting to economics: the role of aggregate special items in gauging the state of the economy
  134. The impact of weekday, weekend, and holiday crashes on motorcyclist injury severities: Accounting for temporal influence with unobserved effect and insights from out …
  135. The effect of female presence on corporate boards of directors on the value relevance of accounting amounts: empirical evidence from the European Union
  136.  Critical race theory, counter-accounting, and the emancipatory potential of counter-stories
  137. Is neuroaccounting taking a place on the stage? A review of the influence of Neuroscience on accounting research
  138. Perceptions of Robotic Process Automation in Big 4 public accounting firms: Do firm leaders and lower-level employees agree?
  139. The impact of higher speed limits on the frequency and severity of freeway crashes: Accounting for temporal shifts and unobserved heterogeneity
  140. Study on the mesh stiffness and nonlinear dynamics accounting for centrifugal effect of high-speed spur gears
  141. Social movements, identity and disruption in organizational fields: Accounting for farm animal welfare
  142.  Financial and Management accounting
  143. Reversed accounting: Legal professionals, families and the gender wealth gap in France
  144. Forensic carbon accounting: Assessing the role of seaweeds for carbon sequestration
  145. Assessing the economic contribution of sports tourism events: A regional social accounting matrix analysis approach
  146.  Digitalization in small and medium enterprise: a parsimonious model of digitalization of accounting information for sustainable innovation ecosystem value …
  147. Accounting for local temperature effect substantially alters afforestation patterns
  148. Accounting as a technology of neoliberalism: the accountability role of IPSAS in Nigeria
  149. From recreation ecology to a recreation ecosystem: A framework accounting for social-ecological systems
  150. A Big Data-Based Commuting Carbon Emissions Accounting Method—A Case of Hangzhou
  151. A Preliminary Study on Auditors’ Performance Attributes–Perceptions from Accounting Firm Practitioners
  152.  Accounting as rhetorical devices during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from Australian universities
  153. Positioning of accounting research: Evidence from the Colombian universities
  154.  Blockchain applications in accounting and finance: qualitative Evidence from the banking sector
  155. Implementation The Law Of Repetition In Accounting
  156.  Accounting for environmental and fishery management factors when standardizing CPUE data from a scientific survey: A case study for Nephrops norvegicus …
  157. Culture, language, and accounting reform: a new perspective on IPSAS implementation
  158. Using historical institutional analysis of corporatism to understand the professionalization of accounting in Latin America
  159. Attracting accounting and finance graduate talent–beyond the Big Four
  160. Accounting for toxicity
  161. Modeled approaches to estimating blue carbon accumulation with mangrove restoration to support a blue carbon accounting method for Australia
  162. A carbon flow tracing and carbon accounting method for exploring CO2 emissions of the iron and steel industry: An integrated material–energy–carbon hub
  163. In Search of the Scientific Accounting of Spirit and God’s Spirit: Recent Critiques and New Inspirations
  164. Strategic Management Accounting in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Emerging Countries and Markets: A Case Study from China
  166.  The importance of intangible assets in regional economic growth: a growth accounting approach
  167. Big data and artificial intelligence in the fields of accounting and auditing: a bibliometric analysis
  168.  Decolonial studies, non-extractive methods, and participatory action research in Accounting
  169. Integrating Data Analytics into the Accounting Curriculum: Faculty Perceptions and Insights
  170. Accounting Firm Association Membership and Small Audit Firm Growth
  171. The Role of Internal Audit to Reduce the Effects of Creative Accounting on the Reliability of Financial Statements in the Jordanian Islamic Banks
  172.  Optimization and Analysis of Intelligent Accounting Information System Based on Deep Learning Model
  173. Accounting for Offensive Speech as a Practice of Resistance
  174.  Fundamentals of financial accounting
  175. Accounting and accountability for farm animals: Conceptual limits and the possibilities of caring
  176. Assessing the Effects of Innovative Management Accounting Tools on Performance and Sustainability
  178. International Accounting and Auditing Standards Adoption in Non-EU Eastern European Countries: Review of Regulations and Literature
  179.  Disclosure of environmental accounting information at business enterprises in the hotel sector: Case study in Vietnam
  180. The Impact of Corporate Governance on Accounting Conservatism in the Financial Statements of Justice Shareholders: https://doi. org/10.37178/ca-c. 23.1. 025
  181. Emergy-based environmental accounting of graphite anode material production
  182. Cash versus accrual accounting for the public sector—EPSAS
  183.  Management accounting and risk management—research and reflections
  184. Accounting and sustainability: an introduction
  185. Digital design of new products: accounting for output correlation via a novel algebraic formulation of the latent-variable model inversion problem
  186.  Accounting for foliar gradients in Vcmax and Jmax improves estimates of net CO2 exchange of forests
  187. Systemic Approaches for Emission Reduction in Industrial Plants Based on Physical Accounting: Example for an Aluminum Smelter
  188. Developing augmented reality-based learning media and users’ intention to use it for teaching accounting ethics
  189. The effects of accounting expertise of board committees on the short-and long-term consequences of financial restatements
  190. Understanding vocational accounting students’ attitudes towards sustainable development
  191. The hazard value: A quantitative network connectivity measure accounting for failures
  192. Accounting Student Perceptions From Internship That Trigger Adaptations in Training After the Pandemic
  193. On the role of similarity in mental accounting and hedonic editing.
  194. Can model parameterization accounting for hydrological non-stationarity improve robustness in future runoff projection?
  195. What Happens When Managers Are Informed? Effects of Critical Audit Matter Awareness and Auditor Relationship on Managers’ Accounting Estimates
  196.  Efficient management of transport company costs in the post covid period using management accounting tools
  197. Urban Greenhouse Gas Accounting for Net-Zero Carbon Cities
  198.  The Impact of Intelligent Accounting Information Management on Corporate Governance Information Transparency
  199. Accounting for scalar non-Gaussianity in secondary gravitational waves
  200. Professional judgement in accounting and Aristotelian practical wisdom
  201. The Evolution of Accounting Standards in Modern China as a Reflection of the Country’s Challenging Shift to a Market Economy
  202.  Accounting for variation in temperature and oxygen availability when quantifying marine ecosystem metabolism
  203. Using accounting earnings and aggregate economic indicators to estimate firm-level systematic risk
  204. Artificial Intelligence: Reshaping the Accounting Profession and the Disruption to Accounting Education
  205. Domain Analysis of Ethical, Social and Environmental Accounting Methods
  206. The effect of flood mitigation spending on flood damage: Accounting for dynamic feedback
  207. Social and environmental accounting research in vulnerable and exploitable less-developed countries: a theoretical extension
  208. The Effect of Accounting System Users on Customer Service
  209. The development of expected-loss methods of accounting for credit losses: A review with analysis of comment letters
  210. The role of remittance inflow and renewable and non-renewable energy consumption in the environment: Accounting ecological footprint indicator for top remittance …
  211.  Meteorological and climatic variables predict the phenology of Ixodes ricinus nymph activity in France, accounting for habitat heterogeneity
  212. =The determinants and consequences of big 4 lobbying positions on proposed financial accounting standards
  213. Introduction of Basic Accounting Concepts in Kalam Kudus Senior High School Pekanbaru
  214.  Regulatory accounting environment, cultural values and board efficacy in developing countries
  215.  Differences in awareness of positive and negative age-related changes accounting for variability in health outcomes
  216. Advancing accounting education using LEGO® Serious Play simulation technique
  217.  Cloud accounting adoption in Thai SMEs amid the COVID-19 pandemic: an explanatory case study
  218. Cultural Factors Affecting Tendency of Ethical Decision-Making by Accounting Students: An Empirical Study in Vietnam
  219.  Government R&D subsidies and firm innovation performance: The moderating role of accounting information quality
  220. Financial Report Readability and Accounting Conservatism
  221.  Digital transformation of accounting practices and behavior during COVID-19: MENA evidence
  222. Valuing knowledge: The political economy of human capital accounting
  223. Exposure to parental alcohol use is associated with adolescent drinking even when accounting for alcohol exposure of best friend and peers
  224. Approaches for the Accounting Profession-Based Development of Skills and Abilities for the Accountants Working in Accounting Offices in Southern Thailand: https …
  225. Geographic Influence Upon Noninfectious Diseases Accounting for Fever of Unknown Origin: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  226. Positive Accounting Theory: A Critical Evaluation
  227.  Anisotropic mesh adaptation for region-based segmentation accounting for image spatial information
  228. City-level carbon emissions accounting and differentiation integrated nighttime light and city attributes
  229. Perceptions of accounting quality in the new IFRS framework: an empirical study
  230. Capitalising or Expensing Development Costs?–Mixed Methods Evidence on the Determinants and Motives of the Accounting Policy in the context of UK Private …
  231. Crash risk and subjective risk perception during urban cycling: Accounting for cycling volume
  232. Accounting for value-based management of healthcare services: challenging neoliberal government from within?
  233.  … of Foreign Direct Investment-Led Growth Argument in South Africa Amidst Urbanization and Industrialization: Evidence from Innovation Accounting Tests
  234.  Income Inequality and the Accounting Period in New Zealand: evidence from administrative data
  235. Accounting of fixed assets according to ifrs-tasks and solutions for the organization of accounting by component parts
  236. Machine learning in management accounting research: literature review and pathways for the future
  237.  Automatically building financial sentiment lexicons while accounting for negation
  238. Hedging, hedge accounting, and earnings predictability
  239. Estimating and accounting for unobserved covariates in high-dimensional correlated data
  240. Giving Accounting a Second Chance: Factors Influencing Returning Students to Choose Accounting
  241. Capital market liberalization and auditors’ accounting adjustments: Evidence from a quasi‐experiment
  242. Accounting method for residual technological stresses in modeling the stress-deformed state of a railway wheel disk. Report 1
  243. Accounting for temporal change in multiple biodiversity patterns improves the inference of metacommunity processes
  244. Re-examining the effect of motivation on intentional and unintentional task-unrelated thought: accounting for thought constraint produces novel results
  245. Exploring the effectiveness of total quality management in accounting education: the case of Egypt
  246. A General Model to Calculate the Spin–Lattice Relaxation Rate (R1) of Blood, Accounting for Hematocrit, Oxygen Saturation, Oxygen Partial Pressure, and Magnetic …
  247. Multilevel influence of routine redesigning, legitimacy and functional affordance on sustainability accounting: Mediating role of organizational sense-making
  248. Accounting for precision uncertainty of toxicity testing: Methods to define borderline ranges and implications for hazard assessment of chemicals
  249. Accounting for the rarity of the disease when designing clinical trials with a focus on pediatric cancers
  250. Accounting for animal welfare: Addressing epistemic vices during live sheep export voyages
  251. The teaching hand in remote accounting education: bringing mirror neurons into the debate
  252. CEO overconfidence and forecast accuracy moderated by CEOs’ accounting-based attributes
  253. Averaging or multi-year accounting? Environmental integrity implications for using international carbon markets in the context of single-year targets
  254. Understanding adoption of accounting software in business sectors at Kathmandu valley: Evidence from structural equation modelling
  255. Threshold concepts and ESG performance: teaching accounting students reconceptualized fundamentals to drive future ESG advocacy
  256. Accounting for Soil Spatial Variability in Plate Anchor Design
  257. Challenges and Advantages of Accounting for Backbone Flexibility in Prediction of Protein–Protein Complexes
  258. Implementation Of Accounting Information Systems By Small And Medium Enterprises In Banyumas
  259. Analytical Rotor Thermal Modelling Accounting for Retaining Sleeve in High-speed PM Machines
  260. Why aren’t more minority accounting students choosing auditing? An examination of career choice and perceptions
  261.  AI in accounting: A value-focused thinking study
  262.  Simulations of a full sonoreactor accounting for cavitation.
  263.  Understanding the Intention to Adopt Cloud-based Accounting Information System in Jordanian SMEs
  264.  Digital transformation in Romanian accounting practice and education: Impact and perspectives
  265. Accounting for the Influence of Decorrelation in Microphone Phased Array Deconvolution Methods
  266. Improving Accounting and Management of Settlements with Foreign Suppliers in the Context of Global Digitalization on the Example of Agricultural Enterprise
  267. In the Pursuit of Environmental Sustainability: The Role of Environmental Accounting
  268. Winning the Australasian Reporting Awards: An analysis of accounting and economic outcomes
  269. A systematic review on forensic accounting and its contribution towards fraud detection and prevention
  270. Mediating effect of audit committee on board dynamic and creative accounting in Nigerian firms
  271. Accounting for molecular flexibility in photoionization: case of tert-butyl hydroperoxide
  272. You can’t get there from here: The influence of an audit partner’s prior non-public accounting experience on audit outcomes
  273.  Intolerance of Ambiguity in the Behavior of Using Accrual based Accounting Information
  274.  Corporate Governance, Financial Accounting Information and Control Mechanisms: A Way to Combat Corruption
  275. Individuating assets and liabilities in financial accounting
  276. Enhancing sustainability education in the accounting curriculum: an effective learning strategy
  277. Accounting for endogeneity in regression models using Copulas: A step-by-step guide for empirical studies
  278.  Examine the mediating role of environmental concern and perceived benefit on adoption of Green Accounting with the Emerging Economy Perspective
  279. Constructing a general model accounting for interstate rivalry termination
  280. Corporate Fraud and Accounting Firm Involvement: Evidence from China
  281. Influence of Big Data on Manufacturing Accounting Informatization
  282. Examining intersecting lives: Luca Pacioli, father of accounting, and his friend, Leonardo da Vinci
  283. The Impact of Financial Accounting in Decision Making Processes in Business
  284. Microfinance and the role of accounting in supporting family-resilience-based women’s empowerment
  285. The Effects of New Accounting Standards on Firm Value: The K-IFRS 1116 Lease
  286. Accounting for transactions costs of agricultural producers in the shadow economy
  287. Definitions and accounting of climate finance: between divergence and constructive ambiguity
  288. Accounting for consumers’ environmental concern in supply chain contracts
  289.  The effect of management accounting system on circular economic: using agile-adaptive balanced scorecard as mediator
  290. Accounting and auditing in the metaverse world from a virtual reality perspective: A future research
  291. Decomposition and decoupling research of Chinese power sector carbon emissions through the consumption accounting principle
  292. Disclosure of Fraud Through Forensic Accounting, Audit Investigation and Auditor Professionalism
  293. Engaging with the IPCC on Climate Finance: A Call to Action and Platform for Social and Environmental Accounting Scholars
  294. Accounting for multiple nonfatal strangulation in intimate partner violence risk assessment
  295. Accounting for cis-regulatory constraint prioritizes genes likely to affect species-specific traits
  296. Accounting and work in the charities: The case of an Italian institution in the nineteenth century
  297.  … class analysis to estimate the optimal cut-off for the MilA ELISA for the detection of Mycoplasma bovis antibodies in sera, accounting for repeated measures
  298. The role of financial-accounting information in the decision-making process
  299. Accounting measures of historical assets “Situs Watu Gong” Malang
  300. Consumer preference for pay-per-use service tariffs: the roles of mental accounting
  301. Revisiting International Public Sector Accounting Standards Adoption in Developing Countries
  302. Accounting, publicity and class conflict in Victorian Britain
  303. Does mandatory IFRS adoption affect large and small public firms’ accounting quality differently? Evidence from Canada
  304.  Sustainability Accounting and Reporting in the Post-COVID Times
  305. Market liberalization’s impact on management accounting: a case study focused on a regional trade unit of the Polish gas company
  306.  Accounting for unobservable preference heterogeneity and evaluating alternative anchoring approaches to estimate country-specific EQ-5D-Y value sets: a …
  307. Exergoeconomics as a Cost-Accounting Method in Thermal Grids with the Presence of Renewable Energy Producers
  308.  An energy system optimization model accounting for the interrelations of multiple stochastic energy prices
  309. Cost accounting and sharing of air pollution collaborative emission reduction: A case study of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in China
  310. Modern business development and financial reporting: exploring the effect of corporate governance on the value relevance of accounting information—evidence from …
  311.  Accounting for the slowdown in UK innovation and productivity
  312. In-depth analysis of hydroplaning phenomenon accounting for tire wear on smooth ground
  313. Are they taking action? Accounting undergraduates’ engagement with assessment criteria and self-regulation development
  314. Role of Service Quality, Price, and Firm Image on Customer Satisfaction in Philippine Accounting Firms
  315. Business sustainability for competitive advantage: identifying the role of green intellectual capital, environmental management accounting and energy efficiency
  316. Factors that influence employees’ acceptance of e-accounting: evidences from Jordanian SMEs
  317. Social cognitive career theory and rural high school learners’ intentions to pursue an accounting career
  318. Does accounting conservatism make good news forecasts more credible and bad news forecasts less alarming?
  319. Decision Facilitating Information and Induced Volatility: A Study of Tradeoffs in Accounting Disclosure
  320.  Research on Financial Accounting of GDP Index Based on Numerical Simulation
  321. Test-Wiseness and Multiple-Choice Accounting Questions: Implications for Instructors
  322. Responding to crises: rewilding accounting education for the Anthropocene
  323. Accounting for Carbon Emission Allowances: An Empirical Analysis in the EU ETS Phase 3
  324. Mixed logit approach to modeling the severity of pedestrian-injury in pedestrian-vehicle crashes in North Carolina: Accounting for unobserved heterogeneity
  325. Methodology for electromagnetic field exposure assessment of 5G massive MIMO antennas accounting for spatial variability of radiated power
  326. Counting on Indigenous accountants: collaborative curriculum development for an Indigenous pre-accounting enabling program
  327. Experimental investigations and damage growth modeling of EN‐AW 2024 aluminum alloy under LCF loading accounting creep pre‐deformation
  328. Accounting for structural transformation in the US
  329. Accounting performance goals in CEO compensation contracts and corporate risk taking
  330. Accounting for Enhanced Interrogation: Elite Perspectives
  331. Factors affecting the implementation of environmental management accounting: A case study in manufacturing enterprises in Danang City
  332. Electronic Accounting and Accounting Information System
  333. Digital accounting: innovative technologies cause a new paradigm
  334.  Market Endurance: A cost-accounting based metric for measuring value retention for the Circular Economy
  335. The Block Chain for Transformation of Financial Accounting Electric Algorithm
  336. Affective professional commitment and accounting ethics principles: examining the mediating role of the code of ethics
  337. Gender equity in public accounting: Evidence from single audit partner and director engagement leaders
  338. The adequacy of academic curricula for digital transformation in the accounting education
  339.  Robust multiscale optimization accounting for spatially-varying material uncertainties
  340. Professional financial statement users’ perceived value of carbon accounting disclosures and decision context
  341.  Blockchain adoption in accounting and auditing: a qualitative inquiry in Sri Lanka
  342. Accounting for geographic variation in species‐habitat associations during habitat suitability modeling
  343. Actualising Agenda 2030 through sustainability accounting: Evidence from the Nigerian manufacturing sector
  344.  Exploring Accounting Practice For Durian Producer Listed Companies In Malaysia
  345. Do directors have style? Board interlock and accounting properties
  346. The most important GHG accounting concept you may not have heard of: the attributional-consequential distinction
  347.  Public peers, accounting comparability, and value relevance of private firms’ financial reporting
  348. Microfoundations of intellectual capital. Evidence from Italian small accounting firms
  349. The system of environmental and economic accounting and the valuation problem: a review of the literature
  350.  An Assessment of Mass Balance Accounting Methods for Polymers Workshop Report
  351. Accounting for seasonality in extreme sea level estimation
  352. Basic Approaches to Formulation of Accounting Thoughts: Evidence from Financial Accounting Framework
  353.  Research on Enterprise Financial Accounting Information Security Model Based on Big Data
  354.  Accounting for quality in data integration systems: a completeness-aware integration approach
  355. Data analytics in Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business–accredited US university accounting programs: A quantitative research study
  356. Accounting for total variation and robustness in profiling health care providers
  357. Application of accurate software accounting information system for decision making in macro, small and medium enterprises
  358. Blended Learning Challenges During COVID-19: A Case of Cost Accounting 2 Students at a Selected South African Higher Education Institution
  359. SMEs Operational Efficiency and Adoption of Management Accounting Information: Evidence from Thailand
  360. The Effect of the University Library on Students in the Accounting Program’s Academic Success
  361. The determinant factors influencing accounting students’ interest in tax career
  362.  Towards fossil free cities–Emission assessment of food and resources consumption with the FEWprint carbon accounting platform
  363. Is Google Classroom, Zoom, and WhatsApp effective for accounting students during the COVID-19 pandemic?
  364. Value relevance and changes in accounting standards: A review of the IFRS adoption literature
  365. The Moderating Impact of the Audit Committee on Creative Accounting Determination and Financial Reporting Quality in Iraqi Commercial Banks
  366.  Transitions between cigarette, ENDS and dual use in adults in the PATH study (waves 1–4): multistate transition modelling accounting for complex survey …
  367. Simplified modelling and pushover analysis of infilled frame structures accounting for strut flexibility
  368. Exploration of the Implementation of PKL in Achieving MBKM Goals in Accounting Study Program
  369.  The mediation effect of carbon accounting in relation to carbon risk management and carbon performance of Malaysian Companies
  370. The impact of governmental accounting standards on public-sector pension funding
  371.  Spatial modelling approach and accounting method affects soil carbon estimates and derived farm-scale carbon payments
  372. Accounting for item-level variance in recognition memory: Comparing word frequency and contextual diversity
  373. Multi-Criteria Analysis and Sustainable Accounting. Defining Indices of Sustainability under Choquet’s Integral
  374. Organizational memory and bank accounting conservatism
  375. The entanglement of accounting goodwill: Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance”
  376.  Qualitative Characteristics of an Accounting Information System inside a Financial Corporation: A Case Study on Multi-Method Information at Haines Watts …
  377.  The Importance of Accounting for Heterogeneity in Economic Analysis and Best Practices for the US Setting
  378. Loneliness, social dislocation and invisibility experienced by older men who are single or living alone: accounting for differences across sexual identity and social …
  379. Accounting from below: activists confront outsourcing in a London borough
  380. Energy, economic, and environmental assessment of coriander seed production using material flow cost accounting and life cycle assessment
  381.  Angewandte empirische Methoden in Finance & Accounting: Umsetzung mit R
  382. Scale and scope economies in Korean accounting firms around Sarbanes-Oxley regulations
  383. Accounting for Sampling Weights in the Analysis of Spatial Distributions of Disease Using Health Survey Data, with an Application to Mapping Child Health in Malawi …
  384. The Impact of Physiopathy Natures on Acceptance of Fraud Behavior on Accounting with Financial Security as a Moderating Variable
  385. Q methodology to conduct a critical study in accounting: AQ study on accountants’ perspectives of social and environmental reporting
  386. Implementation of Village Apparatus Financial Accounting Applications: Challenges and Opportunities
  387. Accountability in distance learning: The effect of remote proctoring on performance in online accounting courses
  388.  Process-Aware Accounting Information System Based on Business Process Management
  389. Ethics instruction and cultural differences in an MBA management accounting course
  390. Making the Unaccountable Internet: The Changing Meaning of Accounting in the Design of the Early Internet
  391. Time’s Wounds: The Criminal Process’s Accounting for Past Wrongs
  392. Measuring technical and allocative efficiencies of public accounting firms in Taiwan
  393. Design of reinforced cohesive soil walls accounting for wall facing contribution to stability