Research Area/ Research Interest: Accounting
Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication
- Causality redux: The evolution of empirical methods in accounting research and the growth of quasi-experiments
- Effect of accounting information system on financial performance of firms: A review of literature
- The fate of accounting for public governance development
- Financial accounting theory and analysis: text and cases
- Theory testing and process evidence in accounting experiments
- Accounting information systems: controls and processes
- Analysis of enterprise financial accounting information management from the perspective of big data
- Towards a design-based approach to accounting research
- Accounting: What the numbers mean
- Lockdown accounting
- Accounting conservatism and bankruptcy risk
- A critical accounting project for Latin America? Objects of knowledge or ways of knowing
- Evolution in value relevance of accounting information
- Accounting for intangible assets: suggested solutions
- Management accounting insight via a new perspective on risk management-companies’ profitability relationship
- Impact of information technology on accounting and finance in the digital health sector
- High-resolution accounting of urban emissions in China
- Financial accounting
- On crisis and emergency: Is it time to rethink long-term environmental accounting?
- Financial accounting: a managerial perspective
- Not Practicing What You Preach: How Is Accounting Higher Education Preparing the Future of Accounting
- Valuing the global mortality consequences of climate change accounting for adaptation costs and benefits
- The Chinese accounting profession in the People’s Republic: A preliminary understanding from an oral history perspective
- Corporate carbon accounting: a literature review of carbon accounting research from the Kyoto Protocol to the Paris Agreement
- Accounting for context in randomized trials after assignment
- A profession in peril? University corporatization, performance measurement and the sustainability of accounting academia
- Managing and accounting for corporate biodiversity contributions. Mapping the field
- Impact of social responsibility disclosure between implementation of green accounting and sustainable development: A study on heavily polluting companies in …
- Effect of high school students’ perception of accounting on their acceptance of using cloud accounting
- The Queering Accounting Manifesto
- Assessing Artificial Intelligence Technology Acceptance in Managerial Accounting
- Biodiversity accounting and reporting: A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis
- The effect of digital accounting systems on the decision-making quality in the banking industry sector: a mediated-moderated model
- Behavioral economics of accounting: A review of archival research on individual decision makers
- Making the invisibles visible: Including animals in sustainability (and) accounting
- Water and productivity accounting using WA+ framework for sustainable water resources management: Case study of northwestern Iran
- Development of a framework of carbon accounting and management on the township level in China
- Why do accounting issues end up in the ‘too difficult’box?
- Crowdworksheets: Accounting for individual and collective identities underlying crowdsourced dataset annotation
- Subject, method and praxis–Conducting critical studies in accounting research
- Accounting policy of the organization and its connection with tax planning
- Digitalization, accounting and accountability: A literature review and reflections on future research in public services
- Modeling water regulation ecosystem services: A review in the context of ecosystem accounting
- Evaluating the D&M IS Success Model in the Context of Accounting Information System and Sustainable Decision Making
- A review and synthesis of contemporary sustainability accounting research and the development of a research agenda
- Accounting Conservatism and Earnings Quality
- Accounting for the Nazi Aryanisation of German banks
- Emotions in accounting: A review to bridge the paradigmatic divide
- Assessing the Impact of AI Solutions’ Ethical Issues on Performance in Managerial Accounting
- Blockchain Technology as an Ecosystem: Trends and Perspectives in Accounting and Management
- Faster Privacy Accounting via Evolving Discretization
- An Investigation of Environmental Accounting Measurement
- The Impact of a New Accounting Standard on Assets, Liabilities and Leverage of Companies: Evidence from Energy Industry
- Exploring the “theory is king” thesis in accounting research: the case of actor-network theory
- Accounting standards: the ‘too difficult’box–the next big accounting issue?
- Optimal accounting of differential privacy via characteristic function
- Beyond shareholder value maximization: Accounting for financial/social trade-offs in dual-purpose companies
- Accounting for the aircraft emissions of China’s domestic routes during 2014–2019
- Make greenhouse-gas accounting reliable—build interoperable systems
- Improving acceptance of natural capital accounting in land use decision making: Barriers and opportunities
- An ecological critique of accounting: The circular economy and COVID-19
- Games in the classroom? Analysis of their effects on financial accounting marks in higher education
- Managerial accounting: The cornerstone of business decision-making
- Accounting for the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission double-counting in Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA)
- Out of control: The (over) use of controls in accounting research
- International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs): A systematic literature review and future research agenda
- Towards sustainable net-zero districts using the extended exergy accounting concept
- Emission accounting and drivers in East African countries
- Accounting for environmental conditions in data-driven wind turbine power models
- Impact of mergers and acquisitions on accounting-based performance of acquiring firms in India
- Implementation of the international public sector accounting standards in Europe. Variations on a global theme
- A contemporary review of Islamic finance and accounting literature
- Green intellectual capital and environmental management accounting: Natural resource orchestration in favor of environmental performance
- The impacts of inventory in transfer pricing and net income: Differences between traditional accounting and throughput accounting
- Accounting for soil architecture and microbial dynamics in microscale models: Current practices in soil science and the path ahead
- Social impacts of a circular business model: An approach from a sustainability accounting and reporting perspective
- Inclusive capitalism as accounting ideology: The case of integrated reporting
- Accounting for socioeconomic constraints in sustainable irrigation expansion assessments
- High-dimensional reliability method accounting for important and unimportant input variables
- Quantification of waste heat potential in China: A top-down Societal Waste Heat Accounting Model
- Broadening the boundaries of accounting: a call for interdisciplinarity in the calculative era
- Accounting for the combined impacts of natural resources rent, income level, and energy consumption on environmental quality of G7 economies: a panel quantile …
- Research methods in accounting
- Learning Management System Sustainability for Accounting Student: The Existence of Self-Efficacy.
- What exists in academia on work stress in accounting professionals: a bibliometric analysis
- Cost Accounting For Dummies
- Public-sector financial management and E-government: The role played by accounting systems
- COVID-19 pandemic exposes the vulnerability of the sharing economy: a novel accounting framework
- Mitigating emissions in India: accounting for the role of real income, renewable energy consumption and investment in energy
- The impact of technological innovation on renewable energy production: accounting for the roles of economic and environmental factors using a method of …
- Accounting for institutional work: a critical review
- Differences between day and night pedestrian-injury severities: Accounting for temporal and unobserved effects in prediction
- Assessing environmental services and disservices of urban street trees. an application of the emergy accounting
- Accounting for errors in data improves divergence time estimates in single-cell cancer evolution
- Incorrect inferences when using generated regressors in accounting research
- Bayesian framework for reliability prediction of subsea processing systems accounting for influencing factors uncertainty
- Impact of uncertainty on regional carbon peak paths: An analysis based on carbon emissions accounting, modeling, and driving factors
- A Structural Stress Approach Accounting for Notch Effects on Fatigue Propagation Life: Part I Theory
- Is there a confidence interval for that? A critical examination of null outcome reporting in accounting research
- Linguistic tensions in a professional accounting field: English linguistic capital, hierarchy, prestige, and distinction among accountants
- Inspiration For “New” Accounting: A Literature Review About Permaculture, Agricultural Accounting And Emancipatory Accounting
- Accounting as a dehumanizing force in colonial rhetoric: quantifying native peoples in annual reports
- Advanced ensemble modeling method for space object state prediction accounting for uncertainty in atmospheric density
- Accounting for colonial complicities through Refusals in researching agency across borders
- Impediments and pressures to incorporate soft skills in Higher Education accounting studies
- Accounting for finance in electrification models for sub-Saharan Africa
- Predicting suitable breeding areas for different locust species–A multi-scale approach accounting for environmental conditions and current land cover …
- Accounting for skewed or one-sided measurement error in the dependent variable
- Computational modelling of structural batteries accounting for stress-assisted convection in the electrolyte
- An accounting-based asset pricing model and a fundamental factor
- Accounting for country-and time-specific values in the economic evaluation of health-related projects relevant to low-and middle-income countries
- Federated and Privacy-Preserving Learning of Accounting Data in Financial Statement Audits
- The Macroeconomic Impact of Covid‐19 In mozambique: A social accounting matrix approach
- Cloud Statistics of Accounting Informatization Based on Statistics Mining
- Factors influencing the implementation of cloud accounting: evidence from small and medium enterprises in Oman
- Does random slope hierarchical modeling always outperform random intercept counterpart? Accounting for unobserved heterogeneity in a real-time empirical analysis …
- Accounting talk: developing conversation analysis in accounting research
- Ecotourism, Agricultural Products, And Biological Assets In Accounting
- Accounting and first nations: a systematic literature review and directions for future research
- Bank Accounting and Audit
- Entrepreneurial Orientation, Market Orientation, Managerial Accounting and Manufacturing SMEs Satisfaction
- Accounting for Jewish ‘bare life’in the Fossoli Concentration Camp, 1943–44
- Accounting for uncertainty in real-time flood inundation mapping using HAND model: Iowa case study
- Replicating private equity with value investing, homemade leverage, and hold-to-maturity accounting
- Erroneous Erratum to Accounting Fraud Article
- Through students’ eyes: case study of a critical pedagogy initiative in accounting education
- Accounting frauds and main-bank monitoring in Japanese corporations
- Indigenous practices of accounting on the ground: a Bourdieusian perspective
- Neurocognitive Artificial Neural Network Models Are Superior to Linear Models at Accounting for Dimensional Psychopathology
- Systematic framework toward a highly reliable approach in metal accounting
- Blockchain Technology, Inter-Organizational Relationships, and Management Accounting: A Synthesis and a Research Agenda
- From accounting to economics: the role of aggregate special items in gauging the state of the economy
- The impact of weekday, weekend, and holiday crashes on motorcyclist injury severities: Accounting for temporal influence with unobserved effect and insights from out …
- The effect of female presence on corporate boards of directors on the value relevance of accounting amounts: empirical evidence from the European Union
- Critical race theory, counter-accounting, and the emancipatory potential of counter-stories
- Is neuroaccounting taking a place on the stage? A review of the influence of Neuroscience on accounting research
- Perceptions of Robotic Process Automation in Big 4 public accounting firms: Do firm leaders and lower-level employees agree?
- The impact of higher speed limits on the frequency and severity of freeway crashes: Accounting for temporal shifts and unobserved heterogeneity
- Study on the mesh stiffness and nonlinear dynamics accounting for centrifugal effect of high-speed spur gears
- Social movements, identity and disruption in organizational fields: Accounting for farm animal welfare
- Financial and Management accounting
- Reversed accounting: Legal professionals, families and the gender wealth gap in France
- Forensic carbon accounting: Assessing the role of seaweeds for carbon sequestration
- Assessing the economic contribution of sports tourism events: A regional social accounting matrix analysis approach
- Digitalization in small and medium enterprise: a parsimonious model of digitalization of accounting information for sustainable innovation ecosystem value …
- Accounting for local temperature effect substantially alters afforestation patterns
- Accounting as a technology of neoliberalism: the accountability role of IPSAS in Nigeria
- From recreation ecology to a recreation ecosystem: A framework accounting for social-ecological systems
- A Big Data-Based Commuting Carbon Emissions Accounting Method—A Case of Hangzhou
- A Preliminary Study on Auditors’ Performance Attributes–Perceptions from Accounting Firm Practitioners
- Accounting as rhetorical devices during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from Australian universities
- Positioning of accounting research: Evidence from the Colombian universities
- Blockchain applications in accounting and finance: qualitative Evidence from the banking sector
- Implementation The Law Of Repetition In Accounting
- Accounting for environmental and fishery management factors when standardizing CPUE data from a scientific survey: A case study for Nephrops norvegicus …
- Culture, language, and accounting reform: a new perspective on IPSAS implementation
- Using historical institutional analysis of corporatism to understand the professionalization of accounting in Latin America
- Attracting accounting and finance graduate talent–beyond the Big Four
- Accounting for toxicity
- Modeled approaches to estimating blue carbon accumulation with mangrove restoration to support a blue carbon accounting method for Australia
- A carbon flow tracing and carbon accounting method for exploring CO2 emissions of the iron and steel industry: An integrated material–energy–carbon hub
- In Search of the Scientific Accounting of Spirit and God’s Spirit: Recent Critiques and New Inspirations
- Strategic Management Accounting in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Emerging Countries and Markets: A Case Study from China
- The importance of intangible assets in regional economic growth: a growth accounting approach
- Big data and artificial intelligence in the fields of accounting and auditing: a bibliometric analysis
- Decolonial studies, non-extractive methods, and participatory action research in Accounting
- Integrating Data Analytics into the Accounting Curriculum: Faculty Perceptions and Insights
- Accounting Firm Association Membership and Small Audit Firm Growth
- The Role of Internal Audit to Reduce the Effects of Creative Accounting on the Reliability of Financial Statements in the Jordanian Islamic Banks
- Optimization and Analysis of Intelligent Accounting Information System Based on Deep Learning Model
- Accounting for Offensive Speech as a Practice of Resistance
- Fundamentals of financial accounting
- Accounting and accountability for farm animals: Conceptual limits and the possibilities of caring
- Assessing the Effects of Innovative Management Accounting Tools on Performance and Sustainability
- International Accounting and Auditing Standards Adoption in Non-EU Eastern European Countries: Review of Regulations and Literature
- Disclosure of environmental accounting information at business enterprises in the hotel sector: Case study in Vietnam
- The Impact of Corporate Governance on Accounting Conservatism in the Financial Statements of Justice Shareholders: https://doi. org/10.37178/ca-c. 23.1. 025
- Emergy-based environmental accounting of graphite anode material production
- Cash versus accrual accounting for the public sector—EPSAS
- Management accounting and risk management—research and reflections
- Accounting and sustainability: an introduction
- Digital design of new products: accounting for output correlation via a novel algebraic formulation of the latent-variable model inversion problem
- Accounting for foliar gradients in Vcmax and Jmax improves estimates of net CO2 exchange of forests
- Systemic Approaches for Emission Reduction in Industrial Plants Based on Physical Accounting: Example for an Aluminum Smelter
- Developing augmented reality-based learning media and users’ intention to use it for teaching accounting ethics
- The effects of accounting expertise of board committees on the short-and long-term consequences of financial restatements
- Understanding vocational accounting students’ attitudes towards sustainable development
- The hazard value: A quantitative network connectivity measure accounting for failures
- Accounting Student Perceptions From Internship That Trigger Adaptations in Training After the Pandemic
- On the role of similarity in mental accounting and hedonic editing.
- Can model parameterization accounting for hydrological non-stationarity improve robustness in future runoff projection?
- What Happens When Managers Are Informed? Effects of Critical Audit Matter Awareness and Auditor Relationship on Managers’ Accounting Estimates
- Efficient management of transport company costs in the post covid period using management accounting tools
- Urban Greenhouse Gas Accounting for Net-Zero Carbon Cities
- The Impact of Intelligent Accounting Information Management on Corporate Governance Information Transparency
- Accounting for scalar non-Gaussianity in secondary gravitational waves
- Professional judgement in accounting and Aristotelian practical wisdom
- The Evolution of Accounting Standards in Modern China as a Reflection of the Country’s Challenging Shift to a Market Economy
- Accounting for variation in temperature and oxygen availability when quantifying marine ecosystem metabolism
- Using accounting earnings and aggregate economic indicators to estimate firm-level systematic risk
- Artificial Intelligence: Reshaping the Accounting Profession and the Disruption to Accounting Education
- Domain Analysis of Ethical, Social and Environmental Accounting Methods
- The effect of flood mitigation spending on flood damage: Accounting for dynamic feedback
- Social and environmental accounting research in vulnerable and exploitable less-developed countries: a theoretical extension
- The Effect of Accounting System Users on Customer Service
- The development of expected-loss methods of accounting for credit losses: A review with analysis of comment letters
- The role of remittance inflow and renewable and non-renewable energy consumption in the environment: Accounting ecological footprint indicator for top remittance …
- Meteorological and climatic variables predict the phenology of Ixodes ricinus nymph activity in France, accounting for habitat heterogeneity
- =The determinants and consequences of big 4 lobbying positions on proposed financial accounting standards
- Introduction of Basic Accounting Concepts in Kalam Kudus Senior High School Pekanbaru
- Regulatory accounting environment, cultural values and board efficacy in developing countries
- Differences in awareness of positive and negative age-related changes accounting for variability in health outcomes
- Advancing accounting education using LEGO® Serious Play simulation technique
- Cloud accounting adoption in Thai SMEs amid the COVID-19 pandemic: an explanatory case study
- Cultural Factors Affecting Tendency of Ethical Decision-Making by Accounting Students: An Empirical Study in Vietnam
- Government R&D subsidies and firm innovation performance: The moderating role of accounting information quality
- Financial Report Readability and Accounting Conservatism
- Digital transformation of accounting practices and behavior during COVID-19: MENA evidence
- Valuing knowledge: The political economy of human capital accounting
- Exposure to parental alcohol use is associated with adolescent drinking even when accounting for alcohol exposure of best friend and peers
- Approaches for the Accounting Profession-Based Development of Skills and Abilities for the Accountants Working in Accounting Offices in Southern Thailand: https …
- Geographic Influence Upon Noninfectious Diseases Accounting for Fever of Unknown Origin: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Positive Accounting Theory: A Critical Evaluation
- Anisotropic mesh adaptation for region-based segmentation accounting for image spatial information
- City-level carbon emissions accounting and differentiation integrated nighttime light and city attributes
- Perceptions of accounting quality in the new IFRS framework: an empirical study
- Capitalising or Expensing Development Costs?–Mixed Methods Evidence on the Determinants and Motives of the Accounting Policy in the context of UK Private …
- Crash risk and subjective risk perception during urban cycling: Accounting for cycling volume
- Accounting for value-based management of healthcare services: challenging neoliberal government from within?
- … of Foreign Direct Investment-Led Growth Argument in South Africa Amidst Urbanization and Industrialization: Evidence from Innovation Accounting Tests
- Income Inequality and the Accounting Period in New Zealand: evidence from administrative data
- Accounting of fixed assets according to ifrs-tasks and solutions for the organization of accounting by component parts
- Machine learning in management accounting research: literature review and pathways for the future
- Automatically building financial sentiment lexicons while accounting for negation
- Hedging, hedge accounting, and earnings predictability
- Estimating and accounting for unobserved covariates in high-dimensional correlated data
- Giving Accounting a Second Chance: Factors Influencing Returning Students to Choose Accounting
- Capital market liberalization and auditors’ accounting adjustments: Evidence from a quasi‐experiment
- Accounting method for residual technological stresses in modeling the stress-deformed state of a railway wheel disk. Report 1
- Accounting for temporal change in multiple biodiversity patterns improves the inference of metacommunity processes
- Re-examining the effect of motivation on intentional and unintentional task-unrelated thought: accounting for thought constraint produces novel results
- Exploring the effectiveness of total quality management in accounting education: the case of Egypt
- A General Model to Calculate the Spin–Lattice Relaxation Rate (R1) of Blood, Accounting for Hematocrit, Oxygen Saturation, Oxygen Partial Pressure, and Magnetic …
- Multilevel influence of routine redesigning, legitimacy and functional affordance on sustainability accounting: Mediating role of organizational sense-making
- Accounting for precision uncertainty of toxicity testing: Methods to define borderline ranges and implications for hazard assessment of chemicals
- Accounting for the rarity of the disease when designing clinical trials with a focus on pediatric cancers
- Accounting for animal welfare: Addressing epistemic vices during live sheep export voyages
- The teaching hand in remote accounting education: bringing mirror neurons into the debate
- CEO overconfidence and forecast accuracy moderated by CEOs’ accounting-based attributes
- Averaging or multi-year accounting? Environmental integrity implications for using international carbon markets in the context of single-year targets
- Understanding adoption of accounting software in business sectors at Kathmandu valley: Evidence from structural equation modelling
- Threshold concepts and ESG performance: teaching accounting students reconceptualized fundamentals to drive future ESG advocacy
- Accounting for Soil Spatial Variability in Plate Anchor Design
- Challenges and Advantages of Accounting for Backbone Flexibility in Prediction of Protein–Protein Complexes
- Implementation Of Accounting Information Systems By Small And Medium Enterprises In Banyumas
- Analytical Rotor Thermal Modelling Accounting for Retaining Sleeve in High-speed PM Machines
- Why aren’t more minority accounting students choosing auditing? An examination of career choice and perceptions
- AI in accounting: A value-focused thinking study
- Simulations of a full sonoreactor accounting for cavitation.
- Understanding the Intention to Adopt Cloud-based Accounting Information System in Jordanian SMEs
- Digital transformation in Romanian accounting practice and education: Impact and perspectives
- Accounting for the Influence of Decorrelation in Microphone Phased Array Deconvolution Methods
- Improving Accounting and Management of Settlements with Foreign Suppliers in the Context of Global Digitalization on the Example of Agricultural Enterprise
- In the Pursuit of Environmental Sustainability: The Role of Environmental Accounting
- Winning the Australasian Reporting Awards: An analysis of accounting and economic outcomes
- A systematic review on forensic accounting and its contribution towards fraud detection and prevention
- Mediating effect of audit committee on board dynamic and creative accounting in Nigerian firms
- Accounting for molecular flexibility in photoionization: case of tert-butyl hydroperoxide
- You can’t get there from here: The influence of an audit partner’s prior non-public accounting experience on audit outcomes
- Intolerance of Ambiguity in the Behavior of Using Accrual based Accounting Information
- Corporate Governance, Financial Accounting Information and Control Mechanisms: A Way to Combat Corruption
- Individuating assets and liabilities in financial accounting
- Enhancing sustainability education in the accounting curriculum: an effective learning strategy
- Accounting for endogeneity in regression models using Copulas: A step-by-step guide for empirical studies
- Examine the mediating role of environmental concern and perceived benefit on adoption of Green Accounting with the Emerging Economy Perspective
- Constructing a general model accounting for interstate rivalry termination
- Corporate Fraud and Accounting Firm Involvement: Evidence from China
- Influence of Big Data on Manufacturing Accounting Informatization
- Examining intersecting lives: Luca Pacioli, father of accounting, and his friend, Leonardo da Vinci
- The Impact of Financial Accounting in Decision Making Processes in Business
- Microfinance and the role of accounting in supporting family-resilience-based women’s empowerment
- The Effects of New Accounting Standards on Firm Value: The K-IFRS 1116 Lease
- Accounting for transactions costs of agricultural producers in the shadow economy
- Definitions and accounting of climate finance: between divergence and constructive ambiguity
- Accounting for consumers’ environmental concern in supply chain contracts
- The effect of management accounting system on circular economic: using agile-adaptive balanced scorecard as mediator
- Accounting and auditing in the metaverse world from a virtual reality perspective: A future research
- Decomposition and decoupling research of Chinese power sector carbon emissions through the consumption accounting principle
- Disclosure of Fraud Through Forensic Accounting, Audit Investigation and Auditor Professionalism
- Engaging with the IPCC on Climate Finance: A Call to Action and Platform for Social and Environmental Accounting Scholars
- Accounting for multiple nonfatal strangulation in intimate partner violence risk assessment
- Accounting for cis-regulatory constraint prioritizes genes likely to affect species-specific traits
- Accounting and work in the charities: The case of an Italian institution in the nineteenth century
- … class analysis to estimate the optimal cut-off for the MilA ELISA for the detection of Mycoplasma bovis antibodies in sera, accounting for repeated measures
- The role of financial-accounting information in the decision-making process
- Accounting measures of historical assets “Situs Watu Gong” Malang
- Consumer preference for pay-per-use service tariffs: the roles of mental accounting
- Revisiting International Public Sector Accounting Standards Adoption in Developing Countries
- Accounting, publicity and class conflict in Victorian Britain
- Does mandatory IFRS adoption affect large and small public firms’ accounting quality differently? Evidence from Canada
- Sustainability Accounting and Reporting in the Post-COVID Times
- Market liberalization’s impact on management accounting: a case study focused on a regional trade unit of the Polish gas company
- Accounting for unobservable preference heterogeneity and evaluating alternative anchoring approaches to estimate country-specific EQ-5D-Y value sets: a …
- Exergoeconomics as a Cost-Accounting Method in Thermal Grids with the Presence of Renewable Energy Producers
- An energy system optimization model accounting for the interrelations of multiple stochastic energy prices
- Cost accounting and sharing of air pollution collaborative emission reduction: A case study of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in China
- Modern business development and financial reporting: exploring the effect of corporate governance on the value relevance of accounting information—evidence from …
- Accounting for the slowdown in UK innovation and productivity
- In-depth analysis of hydroplaning phenomenon accounting for tire wear on smooth ground
- Are they taking action? Accounting undergraduates’ engagement with assessment criteria and self-regulation development
- Role of Service Quality, Price, and Firm Image on Customer Satisfaction in Philippine Accounting Firms
- Business sustainability for competitive advantage: identifying the role of green intellectual capital, environmental management accounting and energy efficiency
- Factors that influence employees’ acceptance of e-accounting: evidences from Jordanian SMEs
- Social cognitive career theory and rural high school learners’ intentions to pursue an accounting career
- Does accounting conservatism make good news forecasts more credible and bad news forecasts less alarming?
- Decision Facilitating Information and Induced Volatility: A Study of Tradeoffs in Accounting Disclosure
- Research on Financial Accounting of GDP Index Based on Numerical Simulation
- Test-Wiseness and Multiple-Choice Accounting Questions: Implications for Instructors
- Responding to crises: rewilding accounting education for the Anthropocene
- Accounting for Carbon Emission Allowances: An Empirical Analysis in the EU ETS Phase 3
- Mixed logit approach to modeling the severity of pedestrian-injury in pedestrian-vehicle crashes in North Carolina: Accounting for unobserved heterogeneity
- Methodology for electromagnetic field exposure assessment of 5G massive MIMO antennas accounting for spatial variability of radiated power
- Counting on Indigenous accountants: collaborative curriculum development for an Indigenous pre-accounting enabling program
- Experimental investigations and damage growth modeling of EN‐AW 2024 aluminum alloy under LCF loading accounting creep pre‐deformation
- Accounting for structural transformation in the US
- Accounting performance goals in CEO compensation contracts and corporate risk taking
- Accounting for Enhanced Interrogation: Elite Perspectives
- Factors affecting the implementation of environmental management accounting: A case study in manufacturing enterprises in Danang City
- Electronic Accounting and Accounting Information System
- Digital accounting: innovative technologies cause a new paradigm
- Market Endurance: A cost-accounting based metric for measuring value retention for the Circular Economy
- The Block Chain for Transformation of Financial Accounting Electric Algorithm
- Affective professional commitment and accounting ethics principles: examining the mediating role of the code of ethics
- Gender equity in public accounting: Evidence from single audit partner and director engagement leaders
- The adequacy of academic curricula for digital transformation in the accounting education
- Robust multiscale optimization accounting for spatially-varying material uncertainties
- Professional financial statement users’ perceived value of carbon accounting disclosures and decision context
- Blockchain adoption in accounting and auditing: a qualitative inquiry in Sri Lanka
- Accounting for geographic variation in species‐habitat associations during habitat suitability modeling
- Actualising Agenda 2030 through sustainability accounting: Evidence from the Nigerian manufacturing sector
- Exploring Accounting Practice For Durian Producer Listed Companies In Malaysia
- Do directors have style? Board interlock and accounting properties
- The most important GHG accounting concept you may not have heard of: the attributional-consequential distinction
- Public peers, accounting comparability, and value relevance of private firms’ financial reporting
- Microfoundations of intellectual capital. Evidence from Italian small accounting firms
- The system of environmental and economic accounting and the valuation problem: a review of the literature
- An Assessment of Mass Balance Accounting Methods for Polymers Workshop Report
- Accounting for seasonality in extreme sea level estimation
- Basic Approaches to Formulation of Accounting Thoughts: Evidence from Financial Accounting Framework
- Research on Enterprise Financial Accounting Information Security Model Based on Big Data
- Accounting for quality in data integration systems: a completeness-aware integration approach
- Data analytics in Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business–accredited US university accounting programs: A quantitative research study
- Accounting for total variation and robustness in profiling health care providers
- Application of accurate software accounting information system for decision making in macro, small and medium enterprises
- Blended Learning Challenges During COVID-19: A Case of Cost Accounting 2 Students at a Selected South African Higher Education Institution
- SMEs Operational Efficiency and Adoption of Management Accounting Information: Evidence from Thailand
- The Effect of the University Library on Students in the Accounting Program’s Academic Success
- The determinant factors influencing accounting students’ interest in tax career
- Towards fossil free cities–Emission assessment of food and resources consumption with the FEWprint carbon accounting platform
- Is Google Classroom, Zoom, and WhatsApp effective for accounting students during the COVID-19 pandemic?
- Value relevance and changes in accounting standards: A review of the IFRS adoption literature
- The Moderating Impact of the Audit Committee on Creative Accounting Determination and Financial Reporting Quality in Iraqi Commercial Banks
- Transitions between cigarette, ENDS and dual use in adults in the PATH study (waves 1–4): multistate transition modelling accounting for complex survey …
- Simplified modelling and pushover analysis of infilled frame structures accounting for strut flexibility
- Exploration of the Implementation of PKL in Achieving MBKM Goals in Accounting Study Program
- The mediation effect of carbon accounting in relation to carbon risk management and carbon performance of Malaysian Companies
- The impact of governmental accounting standards on public-sector pension funding
- Spatial modelling approach and accounting method affects soil carbon estimates and derived farm-scale carbon payments
- Accounting for item-level variance in recognition memory: Comparing word frequency and contextual diversity
- Multi-Criteria Analysis and Sustainable Accounting. Defining Indices of Sustainability under Choquet’s Integral
- Organizational memory and bank accounting conservatism
- The entanglement of accounting goodwill: Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance”
- Qualitative Characteristics of an Accounting Information System inside a Financial Corporation: A Case Study on Multi-Method Information at Haines Watts …
- The Importance of Accounting for Heterogeneity in Economic Analysis and Best Practices for the US Setting
- Loneliness, social dislocation and invisibility experienced by older men who are single or living alone: accounting for differences across sexual identity and social …
- Accounting from below: activists confront outsourcing in a London borough
- Energy, economic, and environmental assessment of coriander seed production using material flow cost accounting and life cycle assessment
- Angewandte empirische Methoden in Finance & Accounting: Umsetzung mit R
- Scale and scope economies in Korean accounting firms around Sarbanes-Oxley regulations
- Accounting for Sampling Weights in the Analysis of Spatial Distributions of Disease Using Health Survey Data, with an Application to Mapping Child Health in Malawi …
- The Impact of Physiopathy Natures on Acceptance of Fraud Behavior on Accounting with Financial Security as a Moderating Variable
- Q methodology to conduct a critical study in accounting: AQ study on accountants’ perspectives of social and environmental reporting
- Implementation of Village Apparatus Financial Accounting Applications: Challenges and Opportunities
- Accountability in distance learning: The effect of remote proctoring on performance in online accounting courses
- Process-Aware Accounting Information System Based on Business Process Management
- Ethics instruction and cultural differences in an MBA management accounting course
- Making the Unaccountable Internet: The Changing Meaning of Accounting in the Design of the Early Internet
- Time’s Wounds: The Criminal Process’s Accounting for Past Wrongs
- Measuring technical and allocative efficiencies of public accounting firms in Taiwan
- Design of reinforced cohesive soil walls accounting for wall facing contribution to stability