Research Area/ Research Interest: Human Resource Management
Research Paper Topics on Cost & Management Accounting for Masters and PhD Thesis and publication
- Artificial intelligence, robotics, advanced technologies and human resource management: a systematic review
- Human resource management
- Human resource management in sport and recreation
- Methodological threat or myth? Evaluating the current state of evidence on common method variance in human resource management research
- The practice of human resource management
- Human resource management in Africa: current research and future directions–evidence from South Africa and across the continent
- The (ir) relevance of human resource management in independent work: Challenging assumptions
- Fuzzy assisted human resource management for supply chain management issues
- … green commitment and green intellectual capital as enablers of hotel environmental performance: The mediating role of green human resource management
- Do green human resource management and self-efficacy facilitate green creativity? A study of luxury hotels and resorts
- Strategy and human resource management
- The impacts of socially responsible human resources management on organizational legitimacy
- Strategic human resource management
- Analysis of strategic human resource management practices in small and medium enterprises of South Asia
- The effect of electronic human resources management on organizational health of telecommuni-cations companies in Jordan
- High-performance human resource management practices and readiness for change: An integrative model including affective commitment, employees’ …
- Human resources management and open innovation: the role of open innovation mindset
- Multilevel examination of how and when socially responsible human resource management improves the well-being of employees
- Human resource managers advancing the careers of women in Saudi Arabia: caught between a rock and a hard place
- Creating a New Identity and High-Performance Culture at Novartis: The Role of Leadership and Human Resource Management
- Contextualizing employee perceptions of human resource management: a review of china-based literature and future directions
- The Impact of Electronic Human Resource Management (E-HRM) Strategies on Organizational Innovation by Knowledge Repository as Mediating Role
- Human resources analytics: A systematization of research topics and directions for future research
- Research on human resource allocation model based on SOM neural network
- Green ambidexterity and environmental performance: The role of green human resources
- Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices And Employees’ Adaptive Performance: The Moderating Role Of Transformational Leadership
- Effect of job satisfaction, employee loyalty and employee commitment on leadership style (human resource literature study)
- Strategic sustainable development of Industry 4.0 through the lens of social responsibility: The role of human resource practices
- Английский язык в управлении персоналом. English for human resource managers 2-е изд., пер. и доп. Учебник и практикум для академического …
- University stakeholders’ perceptions of the impact and benefits of, and barriers to, human resource information systems in Spanish universities
- Foundations of human resource development
- Dynamic modelling of human resource allocation in construction projects
- Leveraging green HRM for firm performance: The joint effects of CEO environmental belief and external pollution severity and the mediating role of employee …
- Environmental strategies and human resource development consistency: Research in the manufacturing industry
- Digitalization of human resources: E-HR
- How workplace support for the COVID-19 pandemic and personality traits affect changes in employees’ affective commitment to the organization and job-related well …
- Digital human resource development: where are we? Where should we go and how do we go there?
- The Role of Human Resources, Hardware, and Databases in Mass Media Companies
- Exploring the pandemic’s potential effects on workers’ collectivist values, prosocial behaviors, and attitudes toward mistreatment
- Does pay for individual performance truly undermine employee creativity? The different moderating roles of vertical and horizontal collectivist orientations
- Machine learning in human resource system of intelligent manufacturing industry
- Prediction in HRM research–a gap between rhetoric and reality
- Can HR adapt to the paradoxes of artificial intelligence?
- Beyond management consultation: Partnering with human resources for organizational effectiveness
- Into the void: A conceptual model and research agenda for the design and use of asynchronous video interviews
- Regional human resource development: The case of Southeast Asia and ASEAN
- The adoption of artificial intelligence in employee recruitment: The influence of contextual factors
- Designing and implementing high-performance work systems: Insights from consulting practice for academic researchers
- Preferring the devil you know: Potential applicant reactions to artificial intelligence evaluation of interviews
- May the bots be with you! Delivering HR cost-effectiveness and individualised employee experiences in an MNE
- Linking high-performance work systems and employee well-being: A multilevel examination of the roles of organisation-based self-esteem and departmental …
- Rebooting employees: Upskilling for artificial intelligence in multinational corporations
- Performance management and teacher performance: The role of affective organizational commitment and exhaustion
- Employee engagement: Do practitioners care what academics have to say–And should they?
- Humanoid robot adoption and labour productivity: a perspective on ambidextrous product innovation routines
- Navigating ecological transformation: Resist–accept–direct as a path to a new resource management paradigm
- Does telework status affect the behavior and perception of supervisors? Examining task behavior and perception in the telework context
- A science agenda to inform natural resource management decisions in an era of ecological transformation
- Work climate drivers and employee heterogeneity
- We need a hero: HR and the ‘next normal’workplace
- Closing the academic-practitioner gap: Research must answer the “SO WHAT” question
- The practitioner-academic gap: A view from the middle
- Entrepreneurial intentions and high-status seeking in career expectations: a portrait of talents in emerging countries
- High performance work practices and their associations with health, happiness and relational well-being: are there any tradeoffs?
- Work antecedents and consequences of work-life balance: A two sample study within New Zealand
- Formalizing the HRM and firm performance link: the S-curve hypothesis
- Work-life interface: experiences of Indian IT women repatriates
- Do workers respond differently to learning from supervisors and colleagues? A study of job resources, learning sources and employee wellbeing in China
- Case 1: To Cyber-Vet or Not to Cyber-Vet: An Ethics Question for HRM
- Developing strategic human resource theory and making a difference: An action science perspective
- Smart HR Competencies and Their Applications in Industry 4.0
- Path Analysis Between Job Satisfaction And Loyalty With Work Environment And Culture As Explanatory Variables
- Communicating change following an acquisition
- Negative Work Psychology Perspective and Work Environment on Performance
- Perceived organisational support and performance: The case of expatriate development volunteers in complex multi-stakeholder employment relationships
- Developmental idiosyncratic i-deals and its influence on promotability decisions: the joint roles of proactive personality and developmental challenge
- Do global talent management programs help to retain talent? A career-related framework
- Impacts of job control on overtime and stress: Cases in the United States and South Korea
- Personal and social resources in coping with long hours of the Chinese work condition: the dual roles of detachment and social motivation
- Identifying HRM practices for improving information security performance: an importance-performance map analysis
- The influence of empowering leadership on repatriate knowledge transfer: understanding mechanisms and boundary conditions
- High-performance work practices, employee well-being, and supportive leadership: spillover mechanisms and boundary conditions between HRM and leadership …
- Effects of empowering leadership on followers’ work–family interface
- Unethical employee behaviour: a review and typology
- Work Design and HR Planning: A Strategic Perspective
- EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE: The Effect Of Motivation And Job Satisfaction
- How does shared leadership affect creativity in teams? A multilevel motivational investigation in the Chinese context
- Organisational justice, organisational identification and job involvement: the mediating role of psychological need satisfaction and the moderating role of person …
- A teams approach towards job insecurity, perceived organisational support and cooperative norms: a moderated-mediation study of individual wellbeing
- Job characteristics and perceived cultural novelty: exploring the consequences for expatriate academics’ job satisfaction
- Engaging leadership and work engagement as moderated by “diuwongke”: an Indonesian study
- The effects of subordinates’ use of upward influence tactics on their supervisors’ job performance evaluations in Saudi Arabia: the significance of loyalty
- Ageing academics do not retire-they just give up their administration and fly away: a study of continuing employment of older academic international business …
- When embeddedness hurts: the moderating effects of job embeddedness on the relationships between work-to-family conflict and voluntary turnover, emotional …
- Human capital development strategy for a sustainable economy
- The Influence of HRIS Usage on Employee Performance and Mediating Effects of Employee Engagement in Five Stars Hotels in Jordan
- Examining the relationship between recruitment & selection practices and business growth: An exploratory study
- Employee resilience: considering both the social side and the economic side of leader-follower exchanges in conjunction with the dark side of followers’ personality
- Supporting and retaining employees with rheumatoid arthritis: The importance of workplace social support
- Transformative transition coaching: a framework to facilitate transformative learning during career transitions
- Operationalizing integrated water resource management in Latin America: insights from application of the Freshwater Health Index
- Social support for expatriates through virtual platforms: Exploring the role of online and offline participation
- Employee exit and constructive voice as behavioral responses to psychological contract breach in Finland and Russia: a within-and between-culture examination
- Towards a framework of catchment classification for hydrologic predictions and water resources management in the ungauged basin of the Congo River: An a priori …
- Does job crafting always lead to employee well-being and performance? Meta-analytical evidence on the moderating role of societal culture
- Green HRM, environmental awareness and green behaviors: The moderating role of servant leadership
- Entrepreneurial finance and HRM practices in small firms
- Influences of developmental job experience and learning goal orientation on employee creativity: mediating role of psychological empowerment
- Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
- The Strategic Resources and Competitive Performance of Family-Owned and Non-Family-Owned Firms in the Retail Business of Los Angeles
- Moderating role of psychological empowerment on the relationship between green HRM practices and millennial employee retention in the hotel industry of …
- The Organization
- Tracking employee voice: developing the concept of voice pathways
- The unique and common effects of emotional intelligence dimensions on job satisfaction and facets of job performance: an exploratory study in three countries
- Determinants of Pro-Environmental Behaviour in the Workplace
- Revolutionizing school HR strategies and practices to reflect talent centered education leadership
- Stakeholder engagement, Csr development and Sdgs compliance: A systematic review from 2015 to 2021
- PERFORMANCE: Self, Management, and Organizational Social Perspectives
- What challenges will organisations face transitioning for the first time to the new normal of remote working?
- The impacts of cultural intelligence and emotional labor on the job satisfaction of luxury hotel employees
- Toward pro-environmental performance in the hospitality industry: empirical evidence on the mediating and interaction analysis
- Middle Managers, Personnel Turnover, and Performance: A Long-Term Field Experiment in a Retail Chain
- Characterizing big data management
- Why people enter and stay in public service careers: the role of parental socialization and an interest in politics
- Investigation of potential human health risks from fluoride and nitrate via water consumption in Sabzevar, Iran
- The dark sides of people analytics: Reviewing the perils for organisations and employees
- Mediating role of job satisfaction on turnover intentions and job mismatch among millennial employees in Bengaluru
- A multilevel analysis of work–life balance practices
- Current workplace issues and behaviours in tourism and hospitality: moderating role of empowering leadership
- Green technology progress and total factor productivity of resource-based enterprises: A perspective of technical compensation of environmental regulation
- Hospital’s preparedness in road traffic injuries with mass casualties: Exploring a valid and reliable checklist
- Modelling of Talent Management on Construction Companies’ Performance: A Model of Business Analytics in Bangkok
- Role of fear of COVID-19 in the relationship of problematic internet use and stress: A retrospective cohort study among Gen X, Y and Z
- Low-touch attempts to improve time management among traditional and online college students
- The influence of team members’ motivation and leaders’ behaviour on scientific knowledge sharing in universities
- Board gender diversity, critical masses, and organizational problems of non-profit sport clubs
- The positive face of human capital, psychological capital, and well-being
- Building a Literacy Culture Based on Local Wisdom through Women’s Leadership
- cTMvSDN: improving resource management using combination of Markov-process and TDMA in software-defined networking
- Assessing the effect of financial literacy among managers on the performance of small-scale enterprises
- Business strategy of Vietnamese real estate developers: the use of CPM matrix for analysis
- Geographical information systems in sustainable rural tourism and local community empowerment: A natural resources management appraisal for Musina Municipality …
- ” Employee Compensation Management at Vani Organic Pvt Ltd Bidar
- Situated engagement: a critique of wildlife management and post-colonial discourse
- The Homeschooling Head Performance: How The Role of Transformational Leadership, Motivation, and Self-Efficacy?
- The business model cube
- Manpower development framework for Ethiopian construction industry
- Fostering Creativity in Business: Empowering Strong Transformational Leaders
- Robotic Process Automation in purchasing and supply management: A multiple case study on potentials, barriers, and implementation
- Corporate venture capital and CSR performance: An extended resource based view’s perspective
- In charge of safeguarding the public interest: the role of goal clarity in shaping public service motivation and the acceptance of unethical behaviours
- Resilience in public sector managers
- Job crafting and intent to leave: the mediating role of meaningful work and engagement
- Comparative analysis of business strategy of Vietnamese real estate developers: the use of Hoffer matrix
- ISO 9004 maturity model for quality in industry 4.0
- Serving to help and helping to serve: using servant leadership to influence beyond supervisory relationships
- The Role Of Empowerment Of The Cooperative And MSME Office In The Development Of Small And Medium Micro Enterprises In Medan City
- How we can bring IO psychology science and evidence-based practices to the public
- Green intellectual capital and environmental management accounting: Natural resource orchestration in favor of environmental performance
- Using text mining and crowdsourcing platforms to build employer brand in the US banking industry
- Managing human-mediated range shifts: understanding spatial, temporal and genetic variation in marine non-native species
- Optimizing Islamic Education Towards the Golden Era of Indonesia
- AI-enabled enterprise information systems for manufacturing
- Lessons Learned From the Resilience of Chinese Hospitals to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Scoping Review
- Management commitment to the ecological environment, green work engagement and their effects on hotel employees’ green work outcomes
- Attaining circular economy through business sustainability approach: An integrative review and research agenda
- How to prevent and combat employee burnout and create healthier workplaces during crises and beyond
- National enterprise policy dimensions and sustainability of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs)
- Analysis of business strategy of real estate developers in Vietnam: the application of QSPM matrix.“
- Labor Monopsony and the Limits of the Law
- Antecedents and consequences of knowledge hiding: The roles of HR practices, organizational support for creativity, creativity, innovative work behavior, and task …
- How workplace ostracism influences interpersonal deviance: The mediating role of defensive silence and emotional exhaustion
- PERFORMANCE MODEL: Satisfaction, Commitment and Reward Based
- Role of Leadership in Enhancing Employees Performance: A Case Of Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Peshawar
- COVID-19: impact on quality of work life in real estate sector
- Implementing industry 4.0 real-time performance management systems: the case of Schneider Electric
- Change the way of working. Ways into self-organization with the use of Holacracy: An empirical investigation
- Elementary School Teachers Performance: How The Role of Transformational Leadership, Competency, and Self-Efficacy?
- Allying with AI? Reactions toward human-based, AI/ML-based, and augmented hiring processes
- A system dynamics model to simulate the water-energy-food nexus of resource-based regions: A case study in Daqing City, China
- The global health pandemic and its impact on the motivation of employees in micro and small enterprises: a case study in the Slovak Republic
- Financial Inclusion, Shocks, and Poverty Evidence from the Expansion of Mobile Money in Tanzania
- Work-related social media use: The mediating role of social media communication self-efficacy
- New kids on the block? A bibliometric analysis of emerging COVID-19—trends in leadership research
- Introduction. Biodiversity Islands: strategies for conservation in human-dominated environments
- Knowledge hiding in organizational crisis: The moderating role of leadership
- The Management Innovation of Kuliah Kerja Praktek (KKP)
- Sexual harassment, sexual violence and CSR: Radical feminist theory and a human rights perspective
- Data intelligence and analytics: A bibliometric analysis of human–Artificial intelligence in public sector decision-making effectiveness
- Ecological integrity is both real and valuable
- Theory and evidence on employer collusion in the franchise sector
- Can lean management change the managerial culture in higher education?
- Evaluation of soil and water conservation performance under promotion incentive based on stochastic frontier function model
- The concept of creative economy development-strengthening post covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia: Strategy and public policy management study
- Do workers discriminate against female bosses?
- Conceptualizing smart city applications: Requirements, architecture, security issues, and emerging trends
- Labor market concentration
- Do nonfamily managers enhance family firm performance?
- Policies and actions to reduce maternal mortality in Nepal: perspectives of key informants
- Does pollution drive achievement? The effect of traffic pollution on academic performance
- Intranet performance management
- Incentives can’t buy me knowledge: the missing effects of appreciation and aligned performance appraisals on knowledge sharing of public employees
- Strong Employers and Weak Employees How Does Employer Concentration Affect Wages?
- Affective commitment through further training: the roles of firm provision and employee participation
- Gaining strategic insights into Logistics 4.0: expectations and impacts
- Lean production, work intensification and employee wellbeing: Can line-manager support make a difference?
- Internal Quality Assurance System Of Education In Financing Standards and Assessment Standards
- Quality of working life and organizational commitment of Iranian pre-hospital paramedic employees during the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak
- Executive compensation
- Antecedents of absorptive capacity in the development of circular economy business models of small and medium enterprises
- Integration of green and lean practices for sustainable business management
- Extending organizational socialization theory: Empirical evidence from volunteer work for refugees in France and Australia
- Job satisfaction as affected by types of leadership: A case study of Greek tourism sector
- Labor market concentration, earnings, and inequality
- OM Forum—Pandemics/Epidemics: Challenges and Opportunities for Operations Management Research
- Implementation of collaboration planning and budget performance information for special allocation fund in budget planning in the regional development planning …
- Hot Temperature and High-Stakes Performance
- Human-computer interaction with big data analytics
- Manifesto for a new Quality of Working Life
- Oceans and society: feedbacks between ocean and human health
- Locked in? The enforceability of covenants not to compete and the careers of high-tech workers
- Leadership and business ethics
- Effective interdisciplinary teams
- How can progressive vouchers help the poor benefit from school choice? Evidence from the Chilean voucher system
- Resource allocation through logistic regression and multicriteria decision making method in IoT fog computing
- Educator incentives and educational triage in rural primary schools
- Assessment of Teacher Performance in SMK Informatika Bina Generasi using Electronic-Based Rating Scale and Weighted Product Methods to Determine the Best …
- RAD adaptive management for transforming ecosystems
- Integrated approach for the evaluation of groundwater quality through hydro geochemistry and human health risk from Shivganga river basin, Pune, Maharashtra …
- Technological innovation, sustainable green practices and SMEs sustainable performance in times of crisis (COVID-19 pandemic)
- High sex ratios and household portfolio choice in China
- Responding to Deaths of Faculty, Staff and Students at UC, Berkeley–An Integrated Approach
- Organizational resources, industry velocity, attention focus and firm’s performance: A review of literature
- Management of Technology in the Higher Education Sector in Aceh Adoption and Measurement during the Pandemic Covid-19
- The Emergence of Fintech in Higher Education Curriculum
- Universal Access to Free School Meals and Student Achievement Evidence from the Community Eligibility Provision
- English Grammar & Composition
- Mobile Picking Robots: A First Study of the Effects of Human-Robot Interactions in Conventional Order Picking Systems
- Responding to ecological transformation: mental models, external constraints, and manager decision-making
- Influence of internal corporate social responsibility on employee retention with special reference to the apparel industry in Sri Lanka
- Is the bottom line reached? An exploration of supervisor bottom-line mentality, team performance avoidance goal orientation and team performance
- Where you search determines what you find: the effects of bibliographic databases on systematic reviews
- Why are low-wage workers signing noncompete agreements?
- Prioritising COVID-19 recovery solutions for tourism small and medium-sized enterprises: A rough best-worst method approach
- Can empowered employees go the extra mile?
- The Development of a Nonstationary Standardised Streamflow Index Using Climate and Reservoir Indices as Covariates
- Formation as an organizing framework for the processes of lifelong learning
- Daily microbreaks in a self-regulatory resources lens: Perceived health climate as a contextual moderator via microbreak autonomy.
- Supervisor-subordinate guanxi and emotional exhaustion: the moderating effect of supervisor job autonomy and workload levels in organizations
- Knowledge management and digital transformation for Industry 4.0: a structured literature review
- The Influence of Transformational Leadership and work Discipline on the Work Performance of Education Service Employees
- Corporate foresight: A new frontier for strategy and management
- Labor Market Polarization, Job Tasks, and Monopsony Power
- Impact of technical and social lean practices on SMEs’ performance in automobile industry: A structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis
- Labor market frictions and moving costs of the employed and unemployed
- International labour law
- The knowledge based view and global strategy: Past impact and future potential
- Global marketing management
- The learning organisation approaches in the Jihad-e Agriculture Organisation, Iran
- What do professional drivers think about their profession? An examination of factors contributing to the driver shortage
- Federated learning in vehicular networks
- The Effectivity Of Public Services Based On Smart Goverment In Bukit Raya Distric Pekanbaru City
- Circular economy adoption by SMEs in emerging markets: Towards a multilevel conceptual framework
- Motivating employees through career paths
- 5G standards for the Industry 4.0 enabled communication systems using artificial intelligence: Perspective of smart healthcare system
- Research data management in Kenya’s agricultural research institutes
- Racialised professionals’ experiences of selective incivility in organisations: A multi-level analysis of subtle racism
- Addressing the elephant in the room: Global migration and its implications for business school teaching
- What is strategic leadership? Developing a framework for future research
- He aronga takirua: Cultural double-shift of Māori scientists
- Moving to Economic Opportunity The Migration Response to the Fracking Boom
- Potentials of big data for corporate environmental management: A case study from the German automotive industry
- R.. 2016
- Knocking on Parents’ Doors Regulation and Intergenerational Mobility
- Is Vietnam ready to welcome tourists back? Assessing COVID-19’s economic impact and the Vietnamese tourism industry’s response to the pandemic
- Tourism management and marketing in transformation: preface
- The Silver Lining
- Work engagement, organizational embeddedness, and life satisfaction among frontline employees of star-rated hotels in Ghana
- Global business
- A study of barriers for adoption and growth of food banks in India using hybrid DEMATEL and Analytic Network Process
- Festival and special event management
- Influence of workforce agility on crisis management: Role of job characteristics and higher administrative support in public administration
- The Effect of Mandatory-Access Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs on Foster Care Admissions
- COVID-19, frontline hotel employees’ perceived job insecurity and emotional exhaustion: Does trade union support matter?
- DMPTY–A wizard for generating data management plans
- The impact of opioids on the labor market: Evidence from drug rescheduling
- Management of mothers and neonates in low resources setting during covid-19 pandemia
- Micro Financial Sharia Non-bank Strategic Analysis: a Study at BMT Beringharjo, Yogyakarta
- EMPLOYEE PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS: Communication, Self Esteem, and Self Efficacy
- How training and development practices contribute to research productivity: a moderated mediation model
- No family left behind: Flexibility i-deals for employees with stigmatized family identities
- The impact of sustainable development strategy on sustainable supply chain firm performance in the digital transformation era
- Emotional Intelligence & ICTs for Women and Equality
- Effects of characteristics of in-store retail technology on customer citizenship behavior
- Exploring the Association Among Just in Time, Total Quality and Supply Chain Management Influence on Firm Performance: Evidence from Indonesia
- Internal marketing cybersecurity-conscious culture
- The Effect Of Job Satisfaction And Organizational Commitment On Turnover Intention With Person Organization Fit As Moderator Variable
- Breaking language and cultural barriers: A key to improve stakeholder relationships of SMEs
- An approach to employees’ job performance through work environmental variables and leadership behaviours
- Labor market competition and employment adjustment over the business cycle
- Connecting integrated management system with corporate sustainability and firm performance: from the Malaysian real estate and construction industry perspective
- Strategi pengembangan sarana dan prasarana pembelajaran di pondok pesantren rasyidiyah khalidiyah (Rakha) amuntai
- Organizational Performance in Environmental Uncertainty on the Indonesian Healthcare Industry: A Path Analysis
- Satisfied as professionals, but also exhausted and worried!!: The role of job demands, resources and emotional experiences of Spanish nursing home workers during …
- Operations management
- The Impact of Low-Ability Peers on Cognitive and Noncognitive Outcomes Random Assignment Evidence on the Effects and Operating Channels
- The mixed blessing of cyberloafing on innovation performance during the COVID-19 pandemic
- How other-and self-compassion reduce burnout through resource replenishment
- Linking knowledge enabling factors to organizational performance: Empirical study of project-based firms
- Venture capital winners: A configurational approach to high Venture capital-backed firm growth
- Multilevel influence of routine redesigning, legitimacy and functional affordance on sustainability accounting: Mediating role of organizational sense-making
- Individual ambidexterity in SMEs: Towards a typology aligning the concept, antecedents and outcomes
- Shared perceptions of supervisor support: What processes make supervisors and employees see eye to eye?
- Does EFQM enhance learning and innovation?
- Profesional Guru Dalam Menghadapi Tantangan Perkembangan Teknologi Pendidikan
- A systematic literature review on employee relations with CSR: State of art and future research agenda
- Towards agility in international high-tech SMEs: Exploring key drivers and main outcomes of dynamic capabilities
- Pre-and post-birth components of intergenerational persistence in health and longevity lessons from a large sample of adoptees
- Impacts of State Aid for Nontraditional Students on Educational and Labor Market Outcomes
- Change, evolution and adaptation of an university EAP: Process and outcome at the University of Saskatchewan
- Knowledge sharing opportunities for Industry 4.0 firms
- Managing global production networks: Towards social responsibility via inter-organizational reliability?
- The role of implementing BIM applications in enhancing project management knowledge areas in Egypt
- Founder-CEOs: Succession planning for the success, growth, and legacy of family firms
- A comparison of core competencies of women and men leaders in the manufacturing industry
- A hybrid multiple-criteria decision portfolio with the resource constraints model of a smart healthcare management system for public medical centers
- Does workforce diversity matter on corporate venturing?
- Managing quality: Integrating the supply chain
- Accounting for the effects of entrepreneurial orientation on SMEs’ job creation capabilities: A social capital and self-determination perspective
- How do peers impact learning? an experimental investigation of peer-to-peer teaching and ability tracking
- Thriving at work but insomniac at home: Understanding the relationship between supervisor bottom-line mentality and employee functioning
- The potential of historical ecology to aid understanding of human–ocean interactions throughout the Anthropocene
- Developing future human-centered smart cities: Critical analysis of smart city security, Data management, and Ethical challenges
- Agricultural waste management strategies for environmental sustainability
- Underemploying highly skilled migrants: An organizational logic protecting corporate ‘normality’
- Theory and techniques for “intellicise” wireless networks
- Phenomenography—an avant-garde approach to extend the psychology methodological repertoire
- Marketing capabilities for b2b firms
- Automation, algorithms, and beyond: Why work design matters more than ever in a digital world
- Industry 5.0: A survey on enabling technologies and potential applications
- A proposal of project management practices in public institutions through a comparative analyses of critical path method and critical chain
- The fourth industrial revolution
- Strategic responses to COVID-19: The case of tour operators in Vietnam
- Operational and organisational stressors in community correctional work: Insights from probation and parole officers in Ontario, Canada
- The Effect of Training, Organizational Culture, Incentives and Work Environment on Employee Performance
- The adoption of sustainable supply chain management and the role of organisational culture: a Chinese perspective
- Green Supply Chain Management; with Dematel MCDM Analysis
- A framework for climate resilient community-based adaptation
- Barriers to innovation and innovation performance: the mediating role of external knowledge search in emerging economies
- Hassles and Environmental Health Screenings: Evidence from Lead Tests in Illinois
- Challenges to open innovation in traditional SMEs: an analysis of pre-competitive projects in university-industry-government collaboration
- Management without morals: Construct development and initial testing of amoral management
- The hegemonic ambiguity of big concepts in organization studies
- Pharmaceutical Business Competition in Indonesia: A Review
- Are social media good or bad for employees? It depends on when they use them
- Improving management with individual and group-based consulting: Results from a randomized experiment in colombia
- Organisational Behaviour
- Perception, reaction, and future development of the influence of COVID-19 on the hospitality and tourism industry in China
- Business research methods
- Political capital and MNE responses to institutional voids: The case of Chinese state-owned enterprises in Africa
- SWOT-FAHP-TOWS analysis for adaptation strategies development among small-scale farmers in drought conditions
- PADRES: Tool for PrivAcy, Data REgulation and Security
- Validity and fairness of utilising student evaluation of teaching (SET) as a primary performance measure
- Leadership and organizational culture
- Developing core competencies for pharmacy graduates: The Lebanese Experience
- The Effect of Competence and Quality of Work Life on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) with Organizational Commitment Mediation
- Understanding resistance in lean implementation in healthcare environments: an institutional logics perspective
- Information leakage in the football transfer market
- Public sector reform in emerging economies: Does privatisation matter?
- E-learning? Never again! On the unintended consequences of COVID-19 forced e-learning on academic teacher motivational job characteristics
- The role of women in community resilience to climate change: A case study of an Indigenous Fijian community
- Cloud-Based E-learning: Scaffolding the Environment for Adaptive E-learning Ecosystem Based on Cloud Computing Infrastructure
- Organizational learning, resilience and psychological empowerment as antecedents of work engagement during COVID-19
- Exploring the role of organizational support, and critical success factors on renewable energy projects of Pakistan
- Survey of mathematics tutoring centres in the USA
- Stakeholder pressure, green innovation, and performance in small and medium-sized enterprises: The role of green dynamic capabilities
- Substituting human decision-making with machine learning: Implications for organizational learning
- Do hotel employees really care for corporate social responsibility (CSR): A happiness approach to employee innovativeness
- A responsiveness view of logistics and supply chain management
- Community action on natural flood management and the governance of a catchment-based approach in the UK
- Leveraging artificial intelligence in business: Implications, applications and methods
- Smart environments and techno-centric and human-centric innovations for Industry and Society 5.0: A quintuple helix innovation system view towards smart …
- Project and program risk management a guide to managing project risks and opportunities
- Teacher pension plan incentives, retirement decisions, and workforce quality
- Safety and health for engineers
- Family business research in Asia: review and future directions
- The development of a pervasive Web application to alert patients based on business intelligence clinical indicators: a case study in a health institution
- How does intelligent manufacturing affects enterprise innovation? The mediating role of organisational learning
- Orchestrating big data analytics capability for sustainability: A study of air pollution management in China
- Campaign-style crisis regime: how China responded to the shock of COVID-19
- Status, characterization, and quantification of municipal solid waste as a measure towards effective solid waste management: The case of Dilla Town, Southern …
- Blockchain-based supply chain management: understanding the determinants of adoption in the context of organizations
- Assessing the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education in the universities of Tehran province based on an entrepreneurial intention model
- Climate change 2022: Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability