Human Resource Management Research Topics

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Research Area/ Research Interest: Human Resource Management

Research Paper Topics on Cost & Management Accounting for Masters and PhD Thesis and publication

  1. Artificial intelligence, robotics, advanced technologies and human resource management: a systematic review
  2. Human resource management
  3.  Human resource management in sport and recreation
  4. Methodological threat or myth? Evaluating the current state of evidence on common method variance in human resource management research
  5.  The practice of human resource management
  6. Human resource management in Africa: current research and future directions–evidence from South Africa and across the continent
  7. The (ir) relevance of human resource management in independent work: Challenging assumptions
  8. Fuzzy assisted human resource management for supply chain management issues
  9. … green commitment and green intellectual capital as enablers of hotel environmental performance: The mediating role of green human resource management
  10. Do green human resource management and self-efficacy facilitate green creativity? A study of luxury hotels and resorts
  11.  Strategy and human resource management
  12.  The impacts of socially responsible human resources management on organizational legitimacy
  13. Strategic human resource management
  14. Analysis of strategic human resource management practices in small and medium enterprises of South Asia
  15. The effect of electronic human resources management on organizational health of telecommuni-cations companies in Jordan
  16.  High-performance human resource management practices and readiness for change: An integrative model including affective commitment, employees’ …
  17. Human resources management and open innovation: the role of open innovation mindset
  18. Multilevel examination of how and when socially responsible human resource management improves the well-being of employees
  19. Human resource managers advancing the careers of women in Saudi Arabia: caught between a rock and a hard place
  20. Creating a New Identity and High-Performance Culture at Novartis: The Role of Leadership and Human Resource Management
  21. Contextualizing employee perceptions of human resource management: a review of china-based literature and future directions
  22. The Impact of Electronic Human Resource Management (E-HRM) Strategies on Organizational Innovation by Knowledge Repository as Mediating Role
  23. Human resources analytics: A systematization of research topics and directions for future research
  24. Research on human resource allocation model based on SOM neural network
  25. Green ambidexterity and environmental performance: The role of green human resources
  26.  Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices And Employees’ Adaptive Performance: The Moderating Role Of Transformational Leadership
  27. Effect of job satisfaction, employee loyalty and employee commitment on leadership style (human resource literature study)
  28. Strategic sustainable development of Industry 4.0 through the lens of social responsibility: The role of human resource practices
  29.  Английский язык в управлении персоналом. English for human resource managers 2-е изд., пер. и доп. Учебник и практикум для академического …
  31. University stakeholders’ perceptions of the impact and benefits of, and barriers to, human resource information systems in Spanish universities
  32.  Foundations of human resource development
  33. Dynamic modelling of human resource allocation in construction projects
  34. Leveraging green HRM for firm performance: The joint effects of CEO environmental belief and external pollution severity and the mediating role of employee …
  35.  Environmental strategies and human resource development consistency: Research in the manufacturing industry
  36. Digitalization of human resources: E-HR
  37. How workplace support for the COVID-19 pandemic and personality traits affect changes in employees’ affective commitment to the organization and job-related well …
  38. Digital human resource development: where are we? Where should we go and how do we go there?
  39. The Role of Human Resources, Hardware, and Databases in Mass Media Companies
  40. Exploring the pandemic’s potential effects on workers’ collectivist values, prosocial behaviors, and attitudes toward mistreatment
  41. Does pay for individual performance truly undermine employee creativity? The different moderating roles of vertical and horizontal collectivist orientations
  42. Machine learning in human resource system of intelligent manufacturing industry
  43. Prediction in HRM research–a gap between rhetoric and reality
  44. Can HR adapt to the paradoxes of artificial intelligence?
  45. Beyond management consultation: Partnering with human resources for organizational effectiveness
  46. Into the void: A conceptual model and research agenda for the design and use of asynchronous video interviews
  47. Regional human resource development: The case of Southeast Asia and ASEAN
  48. The adoption of artificial intelligence in employee recruitment: The influence of contextual factors
  49. Designing and implementing high-performance work systems: Insights from consulting practice for academic researchers
  50. Preferring the devil you know: Potential applicant reactions to artificial intelligence evaluation of interviews
  51. May the bots be with you! Delivering HR cost-effectiveness and individualised employee experiences in an MNE
  52. Linking high-performance work systems and employee well-being: A multilevel examination of the roles of organisation-based self-esteem and departmental …
  53. Rebooting employees: Upskilling for artificial intelligence in multinational corporations
  54. Performance management and teacher performance: The role of affective organizational commitment and exhaustion
  55. Employee engagement: Do practitioners care what academics have to say–And should they?
  56. Humanoid robot adoption and labour productivity: a perspective on ambidextrous product innovation routines
  57. Navigating ecological transformation: Resist–accept–direct as a path to a new resource management paradigm
  58. Does telework status affect the behavior and perception of supervisors? Examining task behavior and perception in the telework context
  59. A science agenda to inform natural resource management decisions in an era of ecological transformation
  60. Work climate drivers and employee heterogeneity
  61. We need a hero: HR and the ‘next normal’workplace
  62. Closing the academic-practitioner gap: Research must answer the “SO WHAT” question
  63. The practitioner-academic gap: A view from the middle
  64. Entrepreneurial intentions and high-status seeking in career expectations: a portrait of talents in emerging countries
  65. High performance work practices and their associations with health, happiness and relational well-being: are there any tradeoffs?
  66. Work antecedents and consequences of work-life balance: A two sample study within New Zealand
  67. Formalizing the HRM and firm performance link: the S-curve hypothesis
  68. Work-life interface: experiences of Indian IT women repatriates
  69. Do workers respond differently to learning from supervisors and colleagues? A study of job resources, learning sources and employee wellbeing in China
  70. Case 1: To Cyber-Vet or Not to Cyber-Vet: An Ethics Question for HRM
  71.  Developing strategic human resource theory and making a difference: An action science perspective
  72. Smart HR Competencies and Their Applications in Industry 4.0
  73. Path Analysis Between Job Satisfaction And Loyalty With Work Environment And Culture As Explanatory Variables
  74. Communicating change following an acquisition
  75. Negative Work Psychology Perspective and Work Environment on Performance
  76. Perceived organisational support and performance: The case of expatriate development volunteers in complex multi-stakeholder employment relationships
  77. Developmental idiosyncratic i-deals and its influence on promotability decisions: the joint roles of proactive personality and developmental challenge
  78. Do global talent management programs help to retain talent? A career-related framework
  79. Impacts of job control on overtime and stress: Cases in the United States and South Korea
  80. Personal and social resources in coping with long hours of the Chinese work condition: the dual roles of detachment and social motivation
  81. Identifying HRM practices for improving information security performance: an importance-performance map analysis
  82. The influence of empowering leadership on repatriate knowledge transfer: understanding mechanisms and boundary conditions
  83. High-performance work practices, employee well-being, and supportive leadership: spillover mechanisms and boundary conditions between HRM and leadership …
  84. Effects of empowering leadership on followers’ work–family interface
  85. Unethical employee behaviour: a review and typology
  86. Work Design and HR Planning: A Strategic Perspective
  87. EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE: The Effect Of Motivation And Job Satisfaction
  88. How does shared leadership affect creativity in teams? A multilevel motivational investigation in the Chinese context
  89. Organisational justice, organisational identification and job involvement: the mediating role of psychological need satisfaction and the moderating role of person …
  90. A teams approach towards job insecurity, perceived organisational support and cooperative norms: a moderated-mediation study of individual wellbeing
  91. Job characteristics and perceived cultural novelty: exploring the consequences for expatriate academics’ job satisfaction
  92. Engaging leadership and work engagement as moderated by “diuwongke”: an Indonesian study
  93. The effects of subordinates’ use of upward influence tactics on their supervisors’ job performance evaluations in Saudi Arabia: the significance of loyalty
  94. Ageing academics do not retire-they just give up their administration and fly away: a study of continuing employment of older academic international business …
  95. When embeddedness hurts: the moderating effects of job embeddedness on the relationships between work-to-family conflict and voluntary turnover, emotional …
  96. Human capital development strategy for a sustainable economy
  97. The Influence of HRIS Usage on Employee Performance and Mediating Effects of Employee Engagement in Five Stars Hotels in Jordan
  98. Examining the relationship between recruitment & selection practices and business growth: An exploratory study
  99. Employee resilience: considering both the social side and the economic side of leader-follower exchanges in conjunction with the dark side of followers’ personality
  100. Supporting and retaining employees with rheumatoid arthritis: The importance of workplace social support
  101. Transformative transition coaching: a framework to facilitate transformative learning during career transitions
  102.  Operationalizing integrated water resource management in Latin America: insights from application of the Freshwater Health Index
  103. Social support for expatriates through virtual platforms: Exploring the role of online and offline participation
  104. Employee exit and constructive voice as behavioral responses to psychological contract breach in Finland and Russia: a within-and between-culture examination
  105. Towards a framework of catchment classification for hydrologic predictions and water resources management in the ungauged basin of the Congo River: An a priori …
  106. Does job crafting always lead to employee well-being and performance? Meta-analytical evidence on the moderating role of societal culture
  107. Green HRM, environmental awareness and green behaviors: The moderating role of servant leadership
  108. Entrepreneurial finance and HRM practices in small firms
  109. Influences of developmental job experience and learning goal orientation on employee creativity: mediating role of psychological empowerment
  110.  Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
  111. The Strategic Resources and Competitive Performance of Family-Owned and Non-Family-Owned Firms in the Retail Business of Los Angeles
  112. Moderating role of psychological empowerment on the relationship between green HRM practices and millennial employee retention in the hotel industry of …
  113.  The Organization
  114. Tracking employee voice: developing the concept of voice pathways
  115. The unique and common effects of emotional intelligence dimensions on job satisfaction and facets of job performance: an exploratory study in three countries
  116. Determinants of Pro-Environmental Behaviour in the Workplace
  117. DETERMINANTS OF SERVICE QUALITY: Efficiency and Workspace
  118. Revolutionizing school HR strategies and practices to reflect talent centered education leadership
  119. Stakeholder engagement, Csr development and Sdgs compliance: A systematic review from 2015 to 2021
  120. PERFORMANCE: Self, Management, and Organizational Social Perspectives
  121. What challenges will organisations face transitioning for the first time to the new normal of remote working?
  122. The impacts of cultural intelligence and emotional labor on the job satisfaction of luxury hotel employees
  123. Toward pro-environmental performance in the hospitality industry: empirical evidence on the mediating and interaction analysis
  124. Middle Managers, Personnel Turnover, and Performance: A Long-Term Field Experiment in a Retail Chain
  125. Characterizing big data management
  126. Why people enter and stay in public service careers: the role of parental socialization and an interest in politics
  127. Investigation of potential human health risks from fluoride and nitrate via water consumption in Sabzevar, Iran
  128. The dark sides of people analytics: Reviewing the perils for organisations and employees
  129. Mediating role of job satisfaction on turnover intentions and job mismatch among millennial employees in Bengaluru
  130. A multilevel analysis of work–life balance practices
  131. Current workplace issues and behaviours in tourism and hospitality: moderating role of empowering leadership
  132. Green technology progress and total factor productivity of resource-based enterprises: A perspective of technical compensation of environmental regulation
  133. Hospital’s preparedness in road traffic injuries with mass casualties: Exploring a valid and reliable checklist
  135. Modelling of Talent Management on Construction Companies’ Performance: A Model of Business Analytics in Bangkok
  136.  Role of fear of COVID-19 in the relationship of problematic internet use and stress: A retrospective cohort study among Gen X, Y and Z
  137. Low-touch attempts to improve time management among traditional and online college students
  138. The influence of team members’ motivation and leaders’ behaviour on scientific knowledge sharing in universities
  139. Board gender diversity, critical masses, and organizational problems of non-profit sport clubs
  140. The positive face of human capital, psychological capital, and well-being
  141.  Building a Literacy Culture Based on Local Wisdom through Women’s Leadership
  142. cTMvSDN: improving resource management using combination of Markov-process and TDMA in software-defined networking
  143. Assessing the effect of financial literacy among managers on the performance of small-scale enterprises
  144.  Business strategy of Vietnamese real estate developers: the use of CPM matrix for analysis
  145. Geographical information systems in sustainable rural tourism and local community empowerment: A natural resources management appraisal for Musina Municipality …
  146.  ” Employee Compensation Management at Vani Organic Pvt Ltd Bidar
  147. Situated engagement: a critique of wildlife management and post-colonial discourse
  148. The Homeschooling Head Performance: How The Role of Transformational Leadership, Motivation, and Self-Efficacy?
  149. The business model cube
  150. Manpower development framework for Ethiopian construction industry
  151. Fostering Creativity in Business: Empowering Strong Transformational Leaders
  152.  Robotic Process Automation in purchasing and supply management: A multiple case study on potentials, barriers, and implementation
  153. Corporate venture capital and CSR performance: An extended resource based view’s perspective
  154. In charge of safeguarding the public interest: the role of goal clarity in shaping public service motivation and the acceptance of unethical behaviours
  155. Resilience in public sector managers
  156. Job crafting and intent to leave: the mediating role of meaningful work and engagement
  157.  Comparative analysis of business strategy of Vietnamese real estate developers: the use of Hoffer matrix
  158. ISO 9004 maturity model for quality in industry 4.0
  159. Serving to help and helping to serve: using servant leadership to influence beyond supervisory relationships
  160. The Role Of Empowerment Of The Cooperative And MSME Office In The Development Of Small And Medium Micro Enterprises In Medan City
  161. How we can bring IO psychology science and evidence-based practices to the public
  162. Green intellectual capital and environmental management accounting: Natural resource orchestration in favor of environmental performance
  163. Using text mining and crowdsourcing platforms to build employer brand in the US banking industry
  164. Managing human-mediated range shifts: understanding spatial, temporal and genetic variation in marine non-native species
  165. Optimizing Islamic Education Towards the Golden Era of Indonesia
  166. AI-enabled enterprise information systems for manufacturing
  167.  Lessons Learned From the Resilience of Chinese Hospitals to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Scoping Review
  168. Management commitment to the ecological environment, green work engagement and their effects on hotel employees’ green work outcomes
  169. Attaining circular economy through business sustainability approach: An integrative review and research agenda
  170.  How to prevent and combat employee burnout and create healthier workplaces during crises and beyond
  171. National enterprise policy dimensions and sustainability of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs)
  172.  Analysis of business strategy of real estate developers in Vietnam: the application of QSPM matrix.“
  173. Labor Monopsony and the Limits of the Law
  174. Antecedents and consequences of knowledge hiding: The roles of HR practices, organizational support for creativity, creativity, innovative work behavior, and task …
  175. How workplace ostracism influences interpersonal deviance: The mediating role of defensive silence and emotional exhaustion
  176. PERFORMANCE MODEL: Satisfaction, Commitment and Reward Based
  177.  Role of Leadership in Enhancing Employees Performance: A Case Of Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Peshawar
  178.  COVID-19: impact on quality of work life in real estate sector
  179. Implementing industry 4.0 real-time performance management systems: the case of Schneider Electric
  180. Change the way of working. Ways into self-organization with the use of Holacracy: An empirical investigation
  181. Elementary School Teachers Performance: How The Role of Transformational Leadership, Competency, and Self-Efficacy?
  182. Allying with AI? Reactions toward human-based, AI/ML-based, and augmented hiring processes
  183. A system dynamics model to simulate the water-energy-food nexus of resource-based regions: A case study in Daqing City, China
  184. The global health pandemic and its impact on the motivation of employees in micro and small enterprises: a case study in the Slovak Republic
  185. Financial Inclusion, Shocks, and Poverty Evidence from the Expansion of Mobile Money in Tanzania
  186.  Work-related social media use: The mediating role of social media communication self-efficacy
  187. New kids on the block? A bibliometric analysis of emerging COVID-19—trends in leadership research
  188. Introduction. Biodiversity Islands: strategies for conservation in human-dominated environments
  189. Knowledge hiding in organizational crisis: The moderating role of leadership
  190. The Management Innovation of Kuliah Kerja Praktek (KKP)
  191. Sexual harassment, sexual violence and CSR: Radical feminist theory and a human rights perspective
  192. Data intelligence and analytics: A bibliometric analysis of human–Artificial intelligence in public sector decision-making effectiveness
  193. Ecological integrity is both real and valuable
  194. Theory and evidence on employer collusion in the franchise sector
  195. Can lean management change the managerial culture in higher education?
  196.  Evaluation of soil and water conservation performance under promotion incentive based on stochastic frontier function model
  197. The concept of creative economy development-strengthening post covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia: Strategy and public policy management study
  198. Do workers discriminate against female bosses?
  199. Conceptualizing smart city applications: Requirements, architecture, security issues, and emerging trends
  200. Labor market concentration
  201. Do nonfamily managers enhance family firm performance?
  202. Policies and actions to reduce maternal mortality in Nepal: perspectives of key informants
  203. Does pollution drive achievement? The effect of traffic pollution on academic performance
  204.  Intranet performance management
  205. Incentives can’t buy me knowledge: the missing effects of appreciation and aligned performance appraisals on knowledge sharing of public employees
  206. Strong Employers and Weak Employees How Does Employer Concentration Affect Wages?
  207.  Affective commitment through further training: the roles of firm provision and employee participation
  208. Gaining strategic insights into Logistics 4.0: expectations and impacts
  209. Lean production, work intensification and employee wellbeing: Can line-manager support make a difference?
  210. Internal Quality Assurance System Of Education In Financing Standards and Assessment Standards
  211. Quality of working life and organizational commitment of Iranian pre-hospital paramedic employees during the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak
  212.  Executive compensation
  213. Antecedents of absorptive capacity in the development of circular economy business models of small and medium enterprises
  214. Integration of green and lean practices for sustainable business management
  215. Extending organizational socialization theory: Empirical evidence from volunteer work for refugees in France and Australia
  216. Job satisfaction as affected by types of leadership: A case study of Greek tourism sector
  217. Labor market concentration, earnings, and inequality
  218. OM Forum—Pandemics/Epidemics: Challenges and Opportunities for Operations Management Research
  219. Implementation of collaboration planning and budget performance information for special allocation fund in budget planning in the regional development planning …
  220. Hot Temperature and High-Stakes Performance
  221. Human-computer interaction with big data analytics
  222. Manifesto for a new Quality of Working Life
  223.  Oceans and society: feedbacks between ocean and human health
  224. Locked in? The enforceability of covenants not to compete and the careers of high-tech workers
  225.  Leadership and business ethics
  226. Effective interdisciplinary teams
  227. How can progressive vouchers help the poor benefit from school choice? Evidence from the Chilean voucher system
  228. Resource allocation through logistic regression and multicriteria decision making method in IoT fog computing
  229. Educator incentives and educational triage in rural primary schools
  230. Assessment of Teacher Performance in SMK Informatika Bina Generasi using Electronic-Based Rating Scale and Weighted Product Methods to Determine the Best …
  231. RAD adaptive management for transforming ecosystems
  232. Integrated approach for the evaluation of groundwater quality through hydro geochemistry and human health risk from Shivganga river basin, Pune, Maharashtra …
  233.  Technological innovation, sustainable green practices and SMEs sustainable performance in times of crisis (COVID-19 pandemic)
  234. High sex ratios and household portfolio choice in China
  235. Responding to Deaths of Faculty, Staff and Students at UC, Berkeley–An Integrated Approach
  236. Organizational resources, industry velocity, attention focus and firm’s performance: A review of literature
  237. Management of Technology in the Higher Education Sector in Aceh Adoption and Measurement during the Pandemic Covid-19
  238. The Emergence of Fintech in Higher Education Curriculum
  239. Universal Access to Free School Meals and Student Achievement Evidence from the Community Eligibility Provision
  240.  English Grammar & Composition
  241. Mobile Picking Robots: A First Study of the Effects of Human-Robot Interactions in Conventional Order Picking Systems
  242. Responding to ecological transformation: mental models, external constraints, and manager decision-making
  243. Influence of internal corporate social responsibility on employee retention with special reference to the apparel industry in Sri Lanka
  244. Is the bottom line reached? An exploration of supervisor bottom-line mentality, team performance avoidance goal orientation and team performance
  245. Where you search determines what you find: the effects of bibliographic databases on systematic reviews
  246. Why are low-wage workers signing noncompete agreements?
  247. Prioritising COVID-19 recovery solutions for tourism small and medium-sized enterprises: A rough best-worst method approach
  248. Can empowered employees go the extra mile?
  249. The Development of a Nonstationary Standardised Streamflow Index Using Climate and Reservoir Indices as Covariates
  250. Formation as an organizing framework for the processes of lifelong learning
  251. Daily microbreaks in a self-regulatory resources lens: Perceived health climate as a contextual moderator via microbreak autonomy.
  252.  Supervisor-subordinate guanxi and emotional exhaustion: the moderating effect of supervisor job autonomy and workload levels in organizations
  253. Knowledge management and digital transformation for Industry 4.0: a structured literature review
  254. The Influence of Transformational Leadership and work Discipline on the Work Performance of Education Service Employees
  255. Corporate foresight: A new frontier for strategy and management
  256. Labor Market Polarization, Job Tasks, and Monopsony Power
  257. Impact of technical and social lean practices on SMEs’ performance in automobile industry: A structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis
  258. Labor market frictions and moving costs of the employed and unemployed
  259.  International labour law
  260. The knowledge based view and global strategy: Past impact and future potential
  261.  Global marketing management
  262. The learning organisation approaches in the Jihad-e Agriculture Organisation, Iran
  263. What do professional drivers think about their profession? An examination of factors contributing to the driver shortage
  264. Federated learning in vehicular networks
  265.  The Effectivity Of Public Services Based On Smart Goverment In Bukit Raya Distric Pekanbaru City
  266. Circular economy adoption by SMEs in emerging markets: Towards a multilevel conceptual framework
  267. Motivating employees through career paths
  268.  5G standards for the Industry 4.0 enabled communication systems using artificial intelligence: Perspective of smart healthcare system
  269. Research data management in Kenya’s agricultural research institutes
  270. Racialised professionals’ experiences of selective incivility in organisations: A multi-level analysis of subtle racism
  271. Addressing the elephant in the room: Global migration and its implications for business school teaching
  272. What is strategic leadership? Developing a framework for future research
  273. He aronga takirua: Cultural double-shift of Māori scientists
  274. Moving to Economic Opportunity The Migration Response to the Fracking Boom
  275. Potentials of big data for corporate environmental management: A case study from the German automotive industry
  276.  R.. 2016
  277. Knocking on Parents’ Doors Regulation and Intergenerational Mobility
  278. Is Vietnam ready to welcome tourists back? Assessing COVID-19’s economic impact and the Vietnamese tourism industry’s response to the pandemic
  279.  Tourism management and marketing in transformation: preface
  280. The Silver Lining
  281. Work engagement, organizational embeddedness, and life satisfaction among frontline employees of star-rated hotels in Ghana
  282.  Global business
  283. A study of barriers for adoption and growth of food banks in India using hybrid DEMATEL and Analytic Network Process
  284.  Festival and special event management
  285. Influence of workforce agility on crisis management: Role of job characteristics and higher administrative support in public administration
  286. The Effect of Mandatory-Access Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs on Foster Care Admissions
  287. COVID-19, frontline hotel employees’ perceived job insecurity and emotional exhaustion: Does trade union support matter?
  288. DMPTY–A wizard for generating data management plans
  289. The impact of opioids on the labor market: Evidence from drug rescheduling
  290. Management of mothers and neonates in low resources setting during covid-19 pandemia
  291. Micro Financial Sharia Non-bank Strategic Analysis: a Study at BMT Beringharjo, Yogyakarta
  292. EMPLOYEE PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS: Communication, Self Esteem, and Self Efficacy
  293. How training and development practices contribute to research productivity: a moderated mediation model
  294. No family left behind: Flexibility i-deals for employees with stigmatized family identities
  295. The impact of sustainable development strategy on sustainable supply chain firm performance in the digital transformation era
  296. Emotional Intelligence & ICTs for Women and Equality
  297. Effects of characteristics of in-store retail technology on customer citizenship behavior
  298. Exploring the Association Among Just in Time, Total Quality and Supply Chain Management Influence on Firm Performance: Evidence from Indonesia
  299. Internal marketing cybersecurity-conscious culture
  300. The Effect Of Job Satisfaction And Organizational Commitment On Turnover Intention With Person Organization Fit As Moderator Variable
  301. Breaking language and cultural barriers: A key to improve stakeholder relationships of SMEs
  302.  An approach to employees’ job performance through work environmental variables and leadership behaviours
  303. Labor market competition and employment adjustment over the business cycle
  304. Connecting integrated management system with corporate sustainability and firm performance: from the Malaysian real estate and construction industry perspective
  305. Strategi pengembangan sarana dan prasarana pembelajaran di pondok pesantren rasyidiyah khalidiyah (Rakha) amuntai
  306. Organizational Performance in Environmental Uncertainty on the Indonesian Healthcare Industry: A Path Analysis
  307. Satisfied as professionals, but also exhausted and worried!!: The role of job demands, resources and emotional experiences of Spanish nursing home workers during …
  308.  Operations management
  310. The Impact of Low-Ability Peers on Cognitive and Noncognitive Outcomes Random Assignment Evidence on the Effects and Operating Channels
  311. The mixed blessing of cyberloafing on innovation performance during the COVID-19 pandemic
  312. How other-and self-compassion reduce burnout through resource replenishment
  313. Linking knowledge enabling factors to organizational performance: Empirical study of project-based firms
  314. Venture capital winners: A configurational approach to high Venture capital-backed firm growth
  315. Multilevel influence of routine redesigning, legitimacy and functional affordance on sustainability accounting: Mediating role of organizational sense-making
  316. Individual ambidexterity in SMEs: Towards a typology aligning the concept, antecedents and outcomes
  317. Shared perceptions of supervisor support: What processes make supervisors and employees see eye to eye?
  318. Does EFQM enhance learning and innovation?
  319. Profesional Guru Dalam Menghadapi Tantangan Perkembangan Teknologi Pendidikan
  320. A systematic literature review on employee relations with CSR: State of art and future research agenda
  321. Towards agility in international high-tech SMEs: Exploring key drivers and main outcomes of dynamic capabilities
  322. Pre-and post-birth components of intergenerational persistence in health and longevity lessons from a large sample of adoptees
  323. Impacts of State Aid for Nontraditional Students on Educational and Labor Market Outcomes
  324. Change, evolution and adaptation of an university EAP: Process and outcome at the University of Saskatchewan
  325. Knowledge sharing opportunities for Industry 4.0 firms
  326. Managing global production networks: Towards social responsibility via inter-organizational reliability?
  327.  The role of implementing BIM applications in enhancing project management knowledge areas in Egypt
  328. Founder-CEOs: Succession planning for the success, growth, and legacy of family firms
  329. A comparison of core competencies of women and men leaders in the manufacturing industry
  330. A hybrid multiple-criteria decision portfolio with the resource constraints model of a smart healthcare management system for public medical centers
  331. Does workforce diversity matter on corporate venturing?
  332.  Managing quality: Integrating the supply chain
  333. Accounting for the effects of entrepreneurial orientation on SMEs’ job creation capabilities: A social capital and self-determination perspective
  334. How do peers impact learning? an experimental investigation of peer-to-peer teaching and ability tracking
  335. Thriving at work but insomniac at home: Understanding the relationship between supervisor bottom-line mentality and employee functioning
  336. The potential of historical ecology to aid understanding of human–ocean interactions throughout the Anthropocene
  337. Developing future human-centered smart cities: Critical analysis of smart city security, Data management, and Ethical challenges
  338. Agricultural waste management strategies for environmental sustainability
  339. Underemploying highly skilled migrants: An organizational logic protecting corporate ‘normality’
  340.  Theory and techniques for “intellicise” wireless networks
  341. Phenomenography—an avant-garde approach to extend the psychology methodological repertoire
  342. Marketing capabilities for b2b firms
  343. Automation, algorithms, and beyond: Why work design matters more than ever in a digital world
  344. Industry 5.0: A survey on enabling technologies and potential applications
  345. A proposal of project management practices in public institutions through a comparative analyses of critical path method and critical chain
  346.  The fourth industrial revolution
  347. Strategic responses to COVID-19: The case of tour operators in Vietnam
  348. Operational and organisational stressors in community correctional work: Insights from probation and parole officers in Ontario, Canada
  349. The Effect of Training, Organizational Culture, Incentives and Work Environment on Employee Performance
  350. The adoption of sustainable supply chain management and the role of organisational culture: a Chinese perspective
  351.  Green Supply Chain Management; with Dematel MCDM Analysis
  352.  A framework for climate resilient community-based adaptation
  353. Barriers to innovation and innovation performance: the mediating role of external knowledge search in emerging economies
  354. Hassles and Environmental Health Screenings: Evidence from Lead Tests in Illinois
  355.  Challenges to open innovation in traditional SMEs: an analysis of pre-competitive projects in university-industry-government collaboration
  356. Management without morals: Construct development and initial testing of amoral management
  357. The hegemonic ambiguity of big concepts in organization studies
  358. Pharmaceutical Business Competition in Indonesia: A Review
  359. Are social media good or bad for employees? It depends on when they use them
  360. Improving management with individual and group-based consulting: Results from a randomized experiment in colombia
  361.  Organisational Behaviour
  362. Perception, reaction, and future development of the influence of COVID-19 on the hospitality and tourism industry in China
  363.  Business research methods
  364. Political capital and MNE responses to institutional voids: The case of Chinese state-owned enterprises in Africa
  365. SWOT-FAHP-TOWS analysis for adaptation strategies development among small-scale farmers in drought conditions
  366.  PADRES: Tool for PrivAcy, Data REgulation and Security
  367. Validity and fairness of utilising student evaluation of teaching (SET) as a primary performance measure
  368. Leadership and organizational culture
  369. Developing core competencies for pharmacy graduates: The Lebanese Experience
  370. The Effect of Competence and Quality of Work Life on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) with Organizational Commitment Mediation
  371. Understanding resistance in lean implementation in healthcare environments: an institutional logics perspective
  372. Information leakage in the football transfer market
  373. Public sector reform in emerging economies: Does privatisation matter?
  374. E-learning? Never again! On the unintended consequences of COVID-19 forced e-learning on academic teacher motivational job characteristics
  375. The role of women in community resilience to climate change: A case study of an Indigenous Fijian community
  376. Cloud-Based E-learning: Scaffolding the Environment for Adaptive E-learning Ecosystem Based on Cloud Computing Infrastructure
  377. Organizational learning, resilience and psychological empowerment as antecedents of work engagement during COVID-19
  378. Exploring the role of organizational support, and critical success factors on renewable energy projects of Pakistan
  379. Survey of mathematics tutoring centres in the USA
  380. Stakeholder pressure, green innovation, and performance in small and medium-sized enterprises: The role of green dynamic capabilities
  381. Substituting human decision-making with machine learning: Implications for organizational learning
  382. Do hotel employees really care for corporate social responsibility (CSR): A happiness approach to employee innovativeness
  383. A responsiveness view of logistics and supply chain management
  384. Community action on natural flood management and the governance of a catchment-based approach in the UK
  385. Leveraging artificial intelligence in business: Implications, applications and methods
  386.  Smart environments and techno-centric and human-centric innovations for Industry and Society 5.0: A quintuple helix innovation system view towards smart …
  387.  Project and program risk management a guide to managing project risks and opportunities
  388. Teacher pension plan incentives, retirement decisions, and workforce quality
  389.  Safety and health for engineers
  390. Family business research in Asia: review and future directions
  391. The development of a pervasive Web application to alert patients based on business intelligence clinical indicators: a case study in a health institution
  392. How does intelligent manufacturing affects enterprise innovation? The mediating role of organisational learning
  393. Orchestrating big data analytics capability for sustainability: A study of air pollution management in China
  394. Campaign-style crisis regime: how China responded to the shock of COVID-19
  395. Status, characterization, and quantification of municipal solid waste as a measure towards effective solid waste management: The case of Dilla Town, Southern …
  396. Blockchain-based supply chain management: understanding the determinants of adoption in the context of organizations
  397. Assessing the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education in the universities of Tehran province based on an entrepreneurial intention model
  398.  Climate change 2022: Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability