Research Topics Cost & Management Accounting

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Research Area/ Research Interest: Cost & Management Accounting

Research Paper Topics on Cost & Management Accounting for Masters and PhD Thesis and publication

  1. Financial and Management accounting
  2. Management Accounting Practices in the Hospitality Industry: A Systematic Review and Critical Approach
  3. Promoting sustainable development through strategies, environmental management accounting and environmental performance
  5. The Hallmarks of Strategic Management Accounting: seeking to support decision making processes
  6. The role of management accounting in the development of supply chain performance in logistics manufacturing companies
  7. Management accounting system in state medical institutions and its organizational aspects
  8. Green intellectual capital and environmental management accounting: Natural resource orchestration in favor of environmental performance
  9. Factors Affecting the Application of Strategy Management Accounting in Vietnamese Logistics Enterprises
  11.  Does Enterprise Resource Planning Lead To The Quality Of The Management Accounting Information System
  12. … STRATEGY AND EXERCISES FOR CALCULATIVE MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLESInteractive Spreadsheets for Calculative Management Accounting …
  13. Strategic Management Accounting
  14. Environmental Management Accounting in European Countries and Japan: A Literature Survey
  15. Identity work of management accountants in a merger: The construction of identity in liminal space
  16.  Blockchain technology, inter-organizational relationships, and management accounting: A synthesis and a research agenda
  17. Environmental management accounting support to iso 14001 implementation in Serbia: a case study
  18. Investigation of the effect of interactive and diagnostic approach on the selection of new management accounting activities and prioritization of techniques appropriate …
  19.  Application of ABB in environmental management accounting: Incorporating MFCA into the budget process
  20. Factors affecting the implementation of environmental management accounting: A case study in manufacturing enterprises in Danang City
  21. Environmental Management Accounting Practices for the Sustainable Development Change: A Case Study from a Sri Lankan Rubber Manufacturing Company
  22.  Construction of Application Model of Accounting Framework Platform for Industry-Finance Integration Management under the Background of Multimedia …
  23. The Changing Role of Management Accounting in Product Development: Directions to Digitalization, Sustainability, and Circularity
  24. Technological developments and new hybrid roles in accounting and finance
  25.  Cost Accounting For Dummies
  26. Material flow cost accounting (MFCA) for the circular economy: An empirical study of the triadic relationship between MFCA, environmental performance, and the …
  27.  Research on cost accounting of enterprise carbon emission (in China)
  28. Analysis Of the Role of Strategic Management Accounting in The Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals on PT NSI
  29. Implementation of environmental cost accounting during the COVID-19 pandemic in medical waste management
  30. Management Accounting in den USA
  31. Artificial intelligence technology enables the development of management accounting: The generation of Intelligent Accounting
  32.  An Empirical Analysis on the Antecedents and Consequences of Quality of Management Accounting System
  33. The Reinvented accounting firm office: Impression management for efficiency, client relations and cost control
  34.  Managerial accounting: The cornerstone of business decision-making
  35. Approaching Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA) According To The Management Control System, Factors Affecting The Application Of MFCA In Businesses
  36.  Accounting and financial management cost accounting integrating rough set knowledge recognition algorithm
  37. Exploring the implications of cloud-based enterprise resource planning systems for public sector management accountants
  38.  Management Accounting Practices and Performance: empirical evidence from an emergent economy
  39. ESG and Sustainable Agriculture: Focus on’True Cost’of Agricultural Operations
  40. The impacts of inventory in transfer pricing and net income: Differences between traditional accounting and throughput accounting
  41. When the supply side of a management accounting innovation fails–the case of beyond budgeting in Sweden
  42. Management Accounting functions in the public sector
  44. Effects of IT Software and Internet Data on Net Accounting Profit—A Case of Coteccons in Vietnam
  45. Implementing a business intelligence cost accounting solution in a healthcare setting
  47. Motivating Corporate Sustainability Research in Management Accounting Through The Lens of Paradox Theory
  48. Ethics instruction and cultural differences in an MBA management accounting course
  49. Implementation of PSAK No. 64 Concerning Accounting Treatment Cost of Exploration and Evaluation (Case Study at the State Gas Company, Tbk)
  50. Assessing the Impact of AI Solutions’ Ethical Issues on Performance in Managerial Accounting
  51. Alternative Accounting Approach For Electricity Compensations To Industrial Enterprises
  52. Integration of Controlling and Balanced Scorecard as the Basis for Building an Accounting Management System
  53. The effect of strategy on the asymmetric cost behavior of SG&A expenses
  54. Dysfunction of the Clinical Path: A Case of the Japanese Medical Service
  55. The Effect of Competition on Earnings Management with Accounting Conservatism as Mediator
  57. The rationale for ISO 14001 certification: A systematic review and a cost–benefit analysis
  58. Application of integrated model based on neuro-artificial median temporal activity (TDIABC-ANFIS) In costing state-owned companies (Case study; Hormozgan Gas …
  59. Influence of Accounting Records on Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Malaysia
  60. The key audit matters and the audit cost: does governance matter?
  61. The impact of cost stickiness on financial reporting: evidence from income smoothing
  62. An Application of Heckman Two-step Procedure to Management Accounting and Firm Effectiveness: An Empirical Study from Vietnam
  64. How relative performance information affects exploration-exploitation decisions
  65. Accounting for transactions costs of agricultural producers in the shadow economy
  66.  Optimization of enterprise financial management and decision-making systems based on big data
  67. Present State of Integrated Reporting Disclosure Practices in Indian Telecom Industry
  68. Judgment and decision making research on CSR reporting in the COVID-19 pandemic environment
  69.  The impact of Technological acceptance model (TAM) outcome on implementing accounting software
  70. Analysis Of The Strategy For Developing Msmes Of Banana Chips Food Supply Chain
  71.  Financial accounting: a managerial perspective
  72. Optimisation of cost accounting method for resource flow based on blockchain technology
  73. The relation between internal forecasting sophistication and accounting misreporting
  74. Management control for sustainability: Towards integrated systems
  75. The relationship between cost behaviour and R&D efficiency: empirical evidence from Korean stock markets
  76.  Leveraging international R&D teams of portfolio entrepreneurs and management controllers to innovate: Implications of algorithmic decision-making
  77. How does green intellectual capital boost performance? The mediating role of environmental performance measurement systems
  78. Exergoeconomics as a Cost-Accounting Method in Thermal Grids with the Presence of Renewable Energy Producers
  79.  Factors of application of activity-based costing method: Evidence from a transitional country
  80. Assessment of Costs For the Quality of Logistics Activities
  81. Организация управленческого учета по системе «Стандарт-костинг»
  82. Information quality and workplace safety
  83. Nondyadic control systems and effort direction effectiveness: Evidence from the public sector
  84.  In-Hospital Economic Burden for COVID-19 Infection Using Step-Down Cost Accounting; a Case from Central Iran
  85.  Post Investment Demand for Accounting
  86.  Accounting: What the numbers mean
  87. Surrogation fundamentals: Measurement and cognition
  89.  Environmental full cost accounting of alternative materials used for railroad ties: Treated-wood and concrete case study
  91. Comparing earnings management and creative accounting. A general review
  92. The Impact of Using the Lean Accounting Tools on Improving the Lean Planning Level in the Jordanian Industrial Public Shareholding Companies
  93. The Effect of Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility, Earnings Management and Family Ownership on the Cost of Debt
  94. Accounting Manipulation of Financially Distressed Firms: Malaysian Evidence
  95.  Pre-decision control mechanisms of strategic investment decision making: Case acquisition of Peak Performance by Amer Sports
  96. The Effect Of Foreign Direct Investment, Inflation, And Export On Economic Growth In Indonesian
  97.  Strategic disclosure and debt covenant violation
  98. The use of information technology for international transfer pricing in multinational enterprises
  99. Integrating Data Analytics into the Accounting Curriculum: Faculty Perceptions and Insights
  100.  The cost of fraud prediction errors
  101. Cost stickiness and stock price crash risk: Evidence from China
  102. Environmental performance and cost of finance: evidence from emerging markets
  104. Analysis of restaurants’ operations using time-driven activity-based costing (TDABC): case study
  105. ABC Cost Driver Framing and Altering the Balance of Power in Customer-Supplier NegotiationsABC Cost Driver Framing and Altering Customer-Supplier Negotiations
  106.  The Determinants of an Accounting Information System Implementation in the UAE: A Study of DU company
  107.  The mediation effect of carbon accounting in relation to carbon risk management and carbon performance of Malaysian Companies
  108. Sustainability with a Cost Perspective–Driving the Industry to Embrace Sustainable Thinking
  110. Accounting and social capital: A review and reflections on future research opportunities
  111. Entrepreneurial Orientation, Market Orientation, Managerial Accounting and Manufacturing SMEs Satisfaction
  112.  Accounting information systems: controls and processes
  113. Biocapacity and cost-effectiveness benefits of increased peatland restoration in Scotland
  114. Analysis of the Application of Environmental Accounting as One of Social Accountability at the One Legian Hotel
  115.  Cost behavior in e-commerce firms
  116. The Proposed Framework to Accounting Disclosure for Environmental Information in Libya: A Case Study in Alhlia Cement Company
  117. Carbon controls in a New Zealand electricity utility: An application of theoretical triangulation
  118. Fair Value Accounting and Stock Valuation of Firms Listed In the Manufacturing Sector in Nigeria
  119. The Importance Of Basic Materials And Technological Losses In Increasing Economic Efficiency In The Formation Of Cost
  121. A review of construction management challenges and BIM-based solutions: perspectives from the schedule, cost, quality, and safety management
  122.  Informatization of Accounting Systems in Small-and Medium-Sized Enterprises Based on Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Cloud Computing
  123. Audit review and audit outcome of tax auditors in Thailand: moderating effects of professional skepticism and audit experience
  124. Accounting, hybrids and hybridity–attending to the value dimension in institutional logics
  125. The effect of co-creation on relationship quality: the role of outcome quality
  126. Influence of Digital Accounting System Usage on SMEs Performance: The Moderating Effect of COVID-19
  127.  Current Issues in Auditing A Publication of the Auditing Section of the American Accounting Association
  128. Parkir Meter (E-Parking System): How It Works and Overcomes Limitation in Collecting Parking Retribution Using Ticket System
  129. Environmental violations, refinancing risk, and the corporate bond cost in China
  130. The effects of multi-level group identification on intergroup helping behavior
  131. … from diagnosis-related groups suitable for use in economic evaluations? A comparison across nine European countries in the European healthcare and social cost …
  132. Do Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Performance Scores Reduce the Cost of Debt? Evidence from Indian firms
  133. The Effect of Endogenous Discretionary Control Choice on Budgetary Slack: An Experimental ExaminationThe Effect of Discretionary Control Choice on Budgetary …
  134. Research of Attitudes toward Implementation of Green Accounting in Tourism Industry in Montenegro-Practices, and Challenges
  135.  AI-Based Prediction of Capital Structure: Performance Comparison of ANN SVM and LR Models.
  136.  English Grammar & Composition
  137. Critical Analysis on the Necessity and Techniques Used in Internal Control in Accounting Operations
  138.  A review of Accounting Manipulation and Detection: Technique and Prevention Methods
  139. Public accounting reforms in the Western Balkans and European Neighbourhood: Guidance for SIGMA Partners
  140.  New Challenges in Accounting Practice in the Slovak Republic Related to Digitalization
  141. Factors Affecting the Performance of Students in Financial Accounting Subject in State Owned Tertiary Institutions of Borno State
  142. Accounting conservatism and relational contracting
  144. Risk management and the cost of equity: evidence from the United Kingdom’s non-life insurance market
  145. Corporate carbon accounting: a literature review of carbon accounting research from the Kyoto Protocol to the Paris Agreement
  146. Investment as the opportunity cost of dividend signaling
  147. An analysis of the curriculum requirements among hospitality and tourism management programs worldwide in AACSB colleges of business
  148.  Integrated Environmental Accounting for assessing the Value for Money in Marine Protected Areas: the case of Tremiti Islands (Italy)
  149. The Influence Of Work Experience And Job Training On Performance On Employees At Pt Citra Karya Jabar Tol Sumedang Regency, West Java
  150. Accounting measures of historical assets “Situs Watu Gong” Malang
  151. Corporate social responsibility and financial accounting concepts: evidence from an emerging market
  152. General Accounting and Finance Fundamentals
  153. Accounting conservatism and bankruptcy risk
  154. Accounting, greed, and beliefs in a nineteenth century communal religious society
  155. The Effects of Goal Publicity and Incentives on Self-Set Performance Goals
  156. Empirical Investigation of Mediating Role of Six Sigma Approach in Rationalizing the COQ in Service Organizations
  157. The localised accounting environment in the implementation of fair value accounting in Indonesia
  158.  Application of Virtual Network Mapping Algorithm Based on Optimal Subnet in Enterprise Cost Accounting Platform
  159. Air pollution, political costs, and earnings management
  160. Accounting-based earnings management: motivations, players, implementation, and detection from the perspective of certified accountants
  161. Accounting for value-based management of healthcare services: challenging neoliberal government from within?
  162. Internal control weakness and the asymmetrical behavior of selling, general, and administrative costs
  163. Celebrating 15 years of the JAOC: a critical overview and reflections
  164.  The Effect of Technological Organization on Cost Innovation and Value Creation
  165. A hybrid multiple-criteria decision portfolio with the resource constraints model of a smart healthcare management system for public medical centers
  166.  Innovative NFC-validation system for accounting of income and expenses of public transport enterprises
  167. Computerized Accounting Systems and Financial Per-formance among firms in Kenya
  168.  Financial management
  169.  Direct facility financing: concept and role for UHC
  171. Customer agility in the modern automotive sector: how lead management shapes agile digital companies
  172. Causes and Effects of Processes’ Complexity in Public Institutions: Some Experiences from Italian Universities
  173.  English for accounting
  174. BIM and Digital Tools for State-of-the-Art Construction Cost Management
  175. Negative Earnings and the Cost of Debt: Evidence from the Emerging Tunisian Market
  176. Outcome and cost of nurse-led vs perfusionist-led extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
  178. Identifying and examining the internal relationships between accounting management factors in Imam Khomeini University of Marine Sciences
  179.  Financial accounting theory and analysis: text and cases
  180. Accounting of fixed assets according to ifrs-tasks and solutions for the organization of accounting by component parts
  181. Corporates’ sustainability disclosures impact on cost of capital and idiosyncratic risk
  182.  Approaches to cost-effectiveness of payments for tree planting and forest management for water quality services
  183. The Motivations and Practices of Impact Assessment in Socially Responsible Investing: The French Case and its Implications for the Accounting and Impact Investing …
  185. Cost of capital, corporate tax plannings, and corporate social responsibility disclosure
  186. Developing a Comprehensive Critical Thinking-Based Earnings Management Model
  187.  Financial management for public, health, and not-for-profit organizations
  188.  E-service quality subdimensions and their effects upon users’ behavioural and praising intentions in internet banking services
  189. Conservative accounting, audit quality, and litigation
  190. Examine the empirical evidence of inventory stickiness
  191. Role of Transformational Leadership Style of Accounting Professionals towards Subordinates Performance, OCB, and Innovation: Mediating Effect of Integrity and …
  192. Government control, regulatory enforcement actions, and the cost of equity
  193. Customer-Induced Planning Deviations within Order Management
  194.  Political uncertainty and cost stickiness: evidence from prefecture-city official turnover in China
  195. Priorities in building decarbonization: Accounting for total carbon and the time value of carbon in cost-benefit analyses of residential retrofits.
  196. Digital transformation and accountants as advisors
  197.  The Effect of Working Capital Management Cycle on Profitability of Retail Supermarkets in Mombasa, Kenya: A Case Study of Binathman Household …
  198. Cost utility analysis of strategies for minimizing risk of duodenoscope-related infections
  199.  Household treatment cost of breast cancer and cost coping strategies from a tertiary facility in Ghana
  201. Evaluation of suppliers in the tannery industry based on emergy accounting analysis: Implications for resource conservation in emerging economies
  202. The Impact of Digital Transformation in the Accounting System of Fuel and Energy Complex Enterprises (International Experience)
  203. Sentinel lymph node biopsy versus selective neck dissection in patients with early oral squamous cell carcinoma: a cost analysis
  204. Cash versus accrual accounting for the public sector—EPSAS
  205.  The Impact of Innovation and Knowledge Management on the Relationship between Balanced Scorecard Dimensions and Banking Productivity
  206. The impact of environmental uncertainty on accounting information relevance and performance: A contingency approach
  207. Short-term catheter management options for urinary retention following pelvic surgery: a cost analysis
  208. Azure Lodging, Inc.: A Case Study on Capital Budgeting with Capital Rationing in a Service Industry Context
  209.  Accounting frauds and main-bank monitoring in Japanese corporations
  210.  Analysis of enterprise financial accounting information management from the perspective of big data
  211. The human capital of an enterprise: theory and assessment methodology
  212.  Accounting, Professions, and Performativity
  213. In defense of limited manufacturing cost control: Disciplining acquisition of private information by suppliers
  214. Accounting multiple environmental variables in DEA energy transmission benchmarking modelling: The 2019 Brazilian case
  215. Capitalising or Expensing Development Costs?–Mixed Methods Evidence on the Determinants and Motives of the Accounting Policy in the context of UK Private …
  216.  Evaluation of cost benefit analysis of municipal solid waste management systems
  217. Income Smoothing through R&D Management and Earnings Informativeness
  218. Research on the Secondary Financial Budgeting in Colleges and Universities
  219. Research methods in accounting
  220. Impact of mergers and acquisitions on accounting-based performance of acquiring firms in India
  221.  Digitized Accounting-The Attributes Of Cloud Accounting In Technological Futurology
  222.  Firm characteristics and environmental performance: a study of listed conglomerates in Nigeria
  223. Offering the right incentive at the right time: Leveraging customer mental accounting to promote prepaid service
  224. Public sector reform in emerging economies: Does privatisation matter?
  225. Accounting and statecraft in China: Accrual accounting for effective government rather than efficient market
  226. JomDataMining: academic performance and learning behaviour dubious relationship
  228. Cost-effectiveness of eltrombopag vs intravenous immunoglobulin for the perioperative management of immune thrombocytopeni
  229. Earnings management to avoid debt covenant violations and future performance
  230. Ancillary Cost Implications of Physicians Multisiting and Inter-Organizational Collaboration During Healthcare Delivery
  231. Direct cost method applied to calculate milk production costs
  232.  Do audited firms have a lower cost of debt?
  233.  Fundamentals of financial accounting
  234. Marine spatial planning and ocean accounting: synergistic tools enhancing integration in ocean governance
  235. The role of choice experiments in natural capital accounting approaches: fast track versus simulated exchange value in the Deben Estuary saltmarshes
  236. Do Corporate Site Visits Constrain Real Earnings Management?
  238. Using cooperative game model of air pollution governance to study the cost sharing in Yangtze River Delta region
  239. A two-step quantile regression method for discretionary accounting
  240. The effect of corporate social responsibility practices on real earnings management: Evidence from a European ESG data
  241.  Qualitative Characteristics of an Accounting Information System inside a Financial Corporation: A Case Study on Multi-Method Information at Haines Watts …
  242. Tax Aggressiveness, Fair Value Accounting, Debt Maturity: Does Integrated Reporting Matter?
  243.  An Investigation of Environmental Accounting Measurement
  244. Critical analysis of the contribution of Integrated Reporting (IR) to sustainability
  245. Cost Estimations of Water Pollution for the Adoption of Suitable Water Treatment Technology
  246. Organizational Performance in Environmental Uncertainty on the Indonesian Healthcare Industry: A Path Analysis
  247. The Role of HRM Factors in Improving Performance Analysis of Local Government Financial Reports
  248. Ownership type and earnings management in US hospitals
  249. Stakeholders’ engagement in the business strategy as a key driver to increase companies’ performance: Evidence from managerial and stakeholders’ practices
  250. Accounting as a social practice: US railroad regulation, value of service accounting, and regional economic development
  251. New technology and desired skills of early career accountants
  252. Earnings management to achieve industry-average profitability in Japan
  253. Environmental administrative penalty, corporate environmental disclosures and the cost of debt
  254. Personal Financial Management Skills Of University Students and Their Financial Experiences During The Covid-19 Pandemic
  255. Effects of the adoption of management control practices on profitability: evidence from Latin America
  256. The impact of cross-listing on earnings management and its economic consequence: evidence from China
  257. Diagnosis and treatment of low-risk superficial basal cell carcinoma in a single visit
  258. A review on prospective risks and mitigation for oil and gas projects: implication for Indian CGD companies
  259. A review and synthesis of contemporary sustainability accounting research and the development of a research agenda
  260. Outcomes of managing healthcare services using the Theory of Constraints: A systematic review
  261.  Asset-light strategies and stock market reactions to COVID-19’s pandemic announcement: The case of hospitality firms
  262. Five Components of Work Motivation in the Achievement of Lecturer Performance
  263. Executive summary of evidence and consensus-based clinical practice guideline for management of obesity and overweight in postpartum women: An AIIMS-DST …
  264. The Role of UKT Scholarships in Moderating Student Financial Attitudes and Financial Literacy on Finance Management Behavior
  265. Liability accounting of natural resource assets from the perspective of input Slack—An analysis based on the energy resource in 282 prefecture-level cities in China
  266. Impact of social responsibility disclosure between implementation of green accounting and sustainable development: A study on heavily polluting companies in …
  267. On the influence of task interruption and interactive time estimation on estimation error in time-based costing systems
  268.  Accounting for homeowners’ decisions to insulate: A discrete choice model approach in Spain
  269. Economic policy uncertainty and the cost of capital
  270.  Impact of outpatient diuretic infusion therapy on healthcare cost and readmissions
  271. Under COVID-19 Pandemic Impact: Do Internal Mechanisms Play Fundamental Role in Corporations’ Outcomes
  272.  Comprehensive evidence implies a higher social cost of CO2
  273. Social impacts of a circular business model: An approach from a sustainability accounting and reporting perspective
  274. The impact of accounting information quality on corporate labor investment efficiency: Evidence from China
  275. The effect of flood mitigation spending on flood damage: Accounting for dynamic feedback
  276.  Corporation Performance and Corporate Governance System: An argument
  277. Corporate Governance Practices and Its Impact on Efficiency of Working Capital Management (A Case Study of Pakistan)
  278. An Overview of Corporate Fraud and its Prevention Approach
  279. Cost effective energy consumption in a residential building by implementing demand side management in the presence of different classes of power loads
  280. A profession in peril? University corporatization, performance measurement and the sustainability of accounting academia
  281. A contemporary review of Islamic finance and accounting literature
  282. Analytics capabilities and organizational competitiveness: Unveiling the impact of management control systems and environmental uncertainty
  283.  Bibliometrix analysis of medical tourism
  284. Blockchain technology for bridging trust, traceability and transparency in circular supply chain
  285.  Managing visitor attractions
  286. Manifesto for a relational economics
  287. Female CEOs and core earnings quality: New evidence on the ethics versus risk-aversion puzzle
  288. Cost, Performance, and Benchmark Bias of Public Pension Funds in the United States: An Unflattering Portrait
  289. Investment efficiency and environmental, social, and governance reporting: Perspective from corporate integration management
  290. Проблемы учета издержек, себестоимости и незавершенного производства
  291.  Impact of entrepreneurial typologies on enterprise performance with regard to hidden cost approach
  292. A Two-Stage SEM–Artificial Neural Network Analysis of Integrating Ethical and Quality Requirements in Accounting Digital Technologies
  293. Management control systems and the strategic management of innovation
  294. Transfer pricing: changing views in changing times
  295. Besonderheiten des Controlling im internationalen Umfeld
  296. Academic entrepreneurial hybrids: Accounting and accountability in the case of MegaRide
  297. Novel visualisation techniques to understand AIS data
  298. Results-oriented culture and organizational performance: the mediating role of financial accountability in public sector organizations in Vietnam
  299. The Determinant Model of Passenger Satisfaction with Low-Cost Carrier Airlines in Indonesia During the Covid-19 Pandemic
  300. Feedback-Driven Time Segmenting: The Effect of Feedback Frequency on Employee Behavior
  301. Fixed salary or incentive contract? The effect of stickiness of compensation contracts
  302.  Internal mechanisms features, unfavourable behaviour and firm performance
  303. Cold versus hot endoscopic mucosal resection for large sessile colon polyps: a cost-effectiveness analysis
  304.  Exploring Accounting Practice For Durian Producer Listed Companies In Malaysia
  305. Predictors of revenue shifting and expense shifting: Evidence from an emerging economy
  306. Persuasive Communications, Online Reviews and Service Performances–A Study on Hotel Industry of New Zealand
  307.  Does COVID Speed Up Accounting Changes? Answers from Czech Accounting Professionals
  308. Management controls and modern slavery risks in the building and construction industry: Lessons from an Australian social housing provider
  309. Quantifying the value of SHM information for bridges under flood-induced scour
  310. Signaling private information via accounting system design
  311. Your competitive side is calling: an analysis of Florida contract performance
  312.  General Accounting and Auditing Developments
  313. Optimal Pressure Management in Water Distribution Systems: Efficiency Indexes for Volumetric Cost Performance, Consumption and Linear Leakage Measurements
  314. Do heterogeneous oil price shocks really have different effects on earnings management?
  315. Variance Analysis: New Insights from Health Care ApplicationsVariance Analysis: New Insights from Health Care Applications
  316. A rationale for imperfect reporting standards
  318. The incidence, valuation, and management of tax-related reputational costs: Evidence from a period of protest
  319. The relationship between firm complexity and corporate social responsibility: International evidence from 2010–2019
  320. Companies’ sustainable reporting: assessment and practice
  321. Certificate in Data Analytics for Accounting and Auditing
  322. Banking Efficiency: A Comparative Study Between Islamic And Conventional Banks In GCC Countries
  323. Diversification of professional quantity surveyors’ roles in the construction industry: the skills and competencies required
  324. Do foreign institutional investors monitor opportunistic managerial behaviour? Evidence from real earnings management
  325. Cost assessment model for sustainable health and safety management of high-rise residential buildings in Korea
  326. Cost and value in contemporary heart failure clinical guidance documents
  327. The impact of air pollution on the cost of debt financing: Evidence from the bond market
  328. Adoption of new ifrs in Bangladesh: Disclosure level and benefits
  329.  Osteoporosis costing all Australians
  330. Entry and exit strategy of low-cost carriers and global crises
  331.  Annual report for 2021
  332. Opportunistic timing of management earnings forecasts during the COVID-19 crisis in China
  333. Artificial intelligence and fraud detection
  335. The joint influence of sarbanes-oxley and FAS123R on financial misreporting
  336. Budgeting and employee stress in times of crisis: Evidence from the Covid-19 pandemic
  337. Cost comparison and complication profiles of superior capsular reconstruction, lower trapezius transfer, and reverse shoulder arthroplasty for irreparable rotator cuff …
  338. Effects of variable setup cost, reliability, and production costs under controlled carbon emissions in a reliable production system
  339. Mapping the key challenges and managing the opportunities in supply chain distribution during COVID-19: a case of Myanmar pharmaceutical company
  340. Improvement of Accounting and Reporting in Budget Organizations on The Basis of International Standards
  341.  Synopsis of the Accounting Research in Hellas
  342.  Building a Performance Management System for Hospitals Based on Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG) Payment
  343.  Influence of control precision and prior collaboration experience on trust and cooperation in inter-organizational relationships
  344. Sustainability assessment of corn production in conventional and conservation tillage systems
  345.  Influence of supply chain risk management and its mediating role on supply chain performance: perspectives from an agri-fresh produce
  346. An investigation of skill requirements in artificial intelligence and machine learning job advertisements
  347. Performance measurement in a lean organization: the case of the Wiremold Company
  348. The Estimated Carbon Cost of Concrete Building Demolitions following the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence
  349.  “What is going on in the ‘big tent’?” Current developments in (new) institutional theory and performance measurement and management research
  350. The Moderating Earnings Management on the Impact of CEO Narcissism, Sales Growth, and Profitability on Tax Avoidance
  351. Geographic deregulation and banks’ cost of equity capital
  352. Evaluation of osimertinib for advanced non-small cell lung cancer with leptomeningeal metastases: a cost-effectiveness and budget impact analysis
  353. Resource Management for Cost-Effective Cloud Services
  354. Algorithmic accountability: robodebt and the making of welfare cheats
  355. Screening for primary aldosteronism in the hypertensive obstructive sleep apnea population is cost-saving
  356. Substitution between Accrual-Based Earnings Management and Real Activities Manipulation-A Commentary and Guidance for Future Research
  357.  AI-powered information and Big Data: current regulations and ways forward in IFRS reporting
  358. Cost analysis of reflexive versus selective molecular testing for indeterminate thyroid nodules
  359. Accounting and the COVID-19 pandemic two years on: insights, gaps, and an agenda for future research.
  360. Testbed simulation modelling in an open business ecosystem context–benchmarking logistics network performance
  361. Embedding sustainability in risk management: The impact of environmental, social, and governance ratings on corporate financial risk
  362. Emergency General Surgery Procedures and Cost of Care for Older Adults in the State of Maryland
  363. Influence of Big Data on Manufacturing Accounting Informatization
  364. An economic analysis of the cost of a regional crisis stabilization unit
  365. The governance role of institutional investors in management compensation: evidence from China
  366. The detailed description of construction waste in low-cost housing project in Indonesia
  367.  Meet, beat, and pollute
  368. What leads to the high capital cost of prefabricated construction in China: perspectives of stakeholders
  369. Biochemical biorefinery: A low-cost and non-waste concept for promoting sustainable circular bioeconomy
  370.  Minimally invasive distal pancreatectomy: a case-matched cost-analysis between robot-assisted surgery and direct manual laparoscopy
  371. Reverse logistics
  372. The effect of business strategy on risk disclosure
  373. Breaking it down: economic consequences of disaggregated cost disclosures
  374.  Enhancing the value of corporate sustainability: An approach for aligning multiple SDGs guides on reporting
  375.  Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
  376. Co-Optimization of Velocity and Charge-Depletion for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Accounting for Acceleration and Jerk Constraints
  377. From Volume to Value: Comparative value, quality, and cost between three treatment modalities for early childhood caries
  378. Between saying and doing, in the end there is the cost of capital: Evidence from the energy sector
  379. Accounting Conservatism and Earnings Quality
  380. A decision framework for estimating the cost of marine plastic pollution interventions
  381. Investigating the impact of international markets and new digital technologies on business innovation in emerging markets
  382.  The Cost-effectiveness of a Mass Media Campaign to Promote Smartphone Apps for Weight Loss: Updated Modeling Study
  383.  Risk management and capital adequacy
  384.  On crisis and emergency: Is it time to rethink long-term environmental accounting?
  385. Audit 4.0-Based ESG Assurance: An Example of Using Satellite Images on GHG Emissions
  386. Audit committee financial expertise, accrual, and real earnings management
  387.  Analysis of the Cost and Efficacy of Intra-Articular Knee Injections
  388. Integrated reporting quality and corporate tax avoidance practices in South Africa’s listed companies
  389. A systematic review of cost-effectiveness analyses on endovascular thrombectomy in ischemic stroke patients
  390. Short selling: A review of the literature and implications for future research
  391. Concept-Based Integration of Project Management and Strategic Management of Rubber Dam Projects Using the SWOT–AHP Method
  392. Cost-benefit analysis of sustainable drainage systems considering ecosystems services benefits: case study of canal do mangue watershed in Rio de Janeiro city …
  393. Factors Affecting The Timeliness Of Distribution Of School Operational Assistance Funds (Bos Program) At Smk Muhammadiyah Delanggu In 2020/2021academic …
  394. A Pervasive Economic Fallacy in Assessing the Cost of Public Funds
  395. The cost-effectiveness of economic resilience
  396. Expediting climate-smart soils management
  397. Microfinance and the role of accounting in supporting family-resilience-based women’s empowerment
  398. Enterprise Risk Management: Theory and Practice