Research Area/ Research Interest: Cost & Management Accounting
Research Paper Topics on Cost & Management Accounting for Masters and PhD Thesis and publication
- Financial and Management accounting
- Management Accounting Practices in the Hospitality Industry: A Systematic Review and Critical Approach
- Promoting sustainable development through strategies, environmental management accounting and environmental performance
- The Hallmarks of Strategic Management Accounting: seeking to support decision making processes
- The role of management accounting in the development of supply chain performance in logistics manufacturing companies
- Management accounting system in state medical institutions and its organizational aspects
- Green intellectual capital and environmental management accounting: Natural resource orchestration in favor of environmental performance
- Factors Affecting the Application of Strategy Management Accounting in Vietnamese Logistics Enterprises
- Does Enterprise Resource Planning Lead To The Quality Of The Management Accounting Information System
- … STRATEGY AND EXERCISES FOR CALCULATIVE MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLESInteractive Spreadsheets for Calculative Management Accounting …
- Strategic Management Accounting
- Environmental Management Accounting in European Countries and Japan: A Literature Survey
- Identity work of management accountants in a merger: The construction of identity in liminal space
- Blockchain technology, inter-organizational relationships, and management accounting: A synthesis and a research agenda
- Environmental management accounting support to iso 14001 implementation in Serbia: a case study
- Investigation of the effect of interactive and diagnostic approach on the selection of new management accounting activities and prioritization of techniques appropriate …
- Application of ABB in environmental management accounting: Incorporating MFCA into the budget process
- Factors affecting the implementation of environmental management accounting: A case study in manufacturing enterprises in Danang City
- Environmental Management Accounting Practices for the Sustainable Development Change: A Case Study from a Sri Lankan Rubber Manufacturing Company
- Construction of Application Model of Accounting Framework Platform for Industry-Finance Integration Management under the Background of Multimedia …
- The Changing Role of Management Accounting in Product Development: Directions to Digitalization, Sustainability, and Circularity
- Technological developments and new hybrid roles in accounting and finance
- Cost Accounting For Dummies
- Material flow cost accounting (MFCA) for the circular economy: An empirical study of the triadic relationship between MFCA, environmental performance, and the …
- Research on cost accounting of enterprise carbon emission (in China)
- Analysis Of the Role of Strategic Management Accounting in The Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals on PT NSI
- Implementation of environmental cost accounting during the COVID-19 pandemic in medical waste management
- Management Accounting in den USA
- Artificial intelligence technology enables the development of management accounting: The generation of Intelligent Accounting
- An Empirical Analysis on the Antecedents and Consequences of Quality of Management Accounting System
- The Reinvented accounting firm office: Impression management for efficiency, client relations and cost control
- Managerial accounting: The cornerstone of business decision-making
- Approaching Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA) According To The Management Control System, Factors Affecting The Application Of MFCA In Businesses
- Accounting and financial management cost accounting integrating rough set knowledge recognition algorithm
- Exploring the implications of cloud-based enterprise resource planning systems for public sector management accountants
- Management Accounting Practices and Performance: empirical evidence from an emergent economy
- ESG and Sustainable Agriculture: Focus on’True Cost’of Agricultural Operations
- The impacts of inventory in transfer pricing and net income: Differences between traditional accounting and throughput accounting
- When the supply side of a management accounting innovation fails–the case of beyond budgeting in Sweden
- Management Accounting functions in the public sector
- Effects of IT Software and Internet Data on Net Accounting Profit—A Case of Coteccons in Vietnam
- Implementing a business intelligence cost accounting solution in a healthcare setting
- Motivating Corporate Sustainability Research in Management Accounting Through The Lens of Paradox Theory
- Ethics instruction and cultural differences in an MBA management accounting course
- Implementation of PSAK No. 64 Concerning Accounting Treatment Cost of Exploration and Evaluation (Case Study at the State Gas Company, Tbk)
- Assessing the Impact of AI Solutions’ Ethical Issues on Performance in Managerial Accounting
- Alternative Accounting Approach For Electricity Compensations To Industrial Enterprises
- Integration of Controlling and Balanced Scorecard as the Basis for Building an Accounting Management System
- The effect of strategy on the asymmetric cost behavior of SG&A expenses
- Dysfunction of the Clinical Path: A Case of the Japanese Medical Service
- The Effect of Competition on Earnings Management with Accounting Conservatism as Mediator
- The rationale for ISO 14001 certification: A systematic review and a cost–benefit analysis
- Application of integrated model based on neuro-artificial median temporal activity (TDIABC-ANFIS) In costing state-owned companies (Case study; Hormozgan Gas …
- Influence of Accounting Records on Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Malaysia
- The key audit matters and the audit cost: does governance matter?
- The impact of cost stickiness on financial reporting: evidence from income smoothing
- An Application of Heckman Two-step Procedure to Management Accounting and Firm Effectiveness: An Empirical Study from Vietnam
- How relative performance information affects exploration-exploitation decisions
- Accounting for transactions costs of agricultural producers in the shadow economy
- Optimization of enterprise financial management and decision-making systems based on big data
- Present State of Integrated Reporting Disclosure Practices in Indian Telecom Industry
- Judgment and decision making research on CSR reporting in the COVID-19 pandemic environment
- The impact of Technological acceptance model (TAM) outcome on implementing accounting software
- Analysis Of The Strategy For Developing Msmes Of Banana Chips Food Supply Chain
- Financial accounting: a managerial perspective
- Optimisation of cost accounting method for resource flow based on blockchain technology
- The relation between internal forecasting sophistication and accounting misreporting
- Management control for sustainability: Towards integrated systems
- The relationship between cost behaviour and R&D efficiency: empirical evidence from Korean stock markets
- Leveraging international R&D teams of portfolio entrepreneurs and management controllers to innovate: Implications of algorithmic decision-making
- How does green intellectual capital boost performance? The mediating role of environmental performance measurement systems
- Exergoeconomics as a Cost-Accounting Method in Thermal Grids with the Presence of Renewable Energy Producers
- Factors of application of activity-based costing method: Evidence from a transitional country
- Assessment of Costs For the Quality of Logistics Activities
- Организация управленческого учета по системе «Стандарт-костинг»
- Information quality and workplace safety
- Nondyadic control systems and effort direction effectiveness: Evidence from the public sector
- In-Hospital Economic Burden for COVID-19 Infection Using Step-Down Cost Accounting; a Case from Central Iran
- Post Investment Demand for Accounting
- Accounting: What the numbers mean
- Surrogation fundamentals: Measurement and cognition
- Environmental full cost accounting of alternative materials used for railroad ties: Treated-wood and concrete case study
- Comparing earnings management and creative accounting. A general review
- The Impact of Using the Lean Accounting Tools on Improving the Lean Planning Level in the Jordanian Industrial Public Shareholding Companies
- The Effect of Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility, Earnings Management and Family Ownership on the Cost of Debt
- Accounting Manipulation of Financially Distressed Firms: Malaysian Evidence
- Pre-decision control mechanisms of strategic investment decision making: Case acquisition of Peak Performance by Amer Sports
- The Effect Of Foreign Direct Investment, Inflation, And Export On Economic Growth In Indonesian
- Strategic disclosure and debt covenant violation
- The use of information technology for international transfer pricing in multinational enterprises
- Integrating Data Analytics into the Accounting Curriculum: Faculty Perceptions and Insights
- The cost of fraud prediction errors
- Cost stickiness and stock price crash risk: Evidence from China
- Environmental performance and cost of finance: evidence from emerging markets
- Analysis of restaurants’ operations using time-driven activity-based costing (TDABC): case study
- ABC Cost Driver Framing and Altering the Balance of Power in Customer-Supplier NegotiationsABC Cost Driver Framing and Altering Customer-Supplier Negotiations
- The Determinants of an Accounting Information System Implementation in the UAE: A Study of DU company
- The mediation effect of carbon accounting in relation to carbon risk management and carbon performance of Malaysian Companies
- Sustainability with a Cost Perspective–Driving the Industry to Embrace Sustainable Thinking
- Accounting and social capital: A review and reflections on future research opportunities
- Entrepreneurial Orientation, Market Orientation, Managerial Accounting and Manufacturing SMEs Satisfaction
- Accounting information systems: controls and processes
- Biocapacity and cost-effectiveness benefits of increased peatland restoration in Scotland
- Analysis of the Application of Environmental Accounting as One of Social Accountability at the One Legian Hotel
- Cost behavior in e-commerce firms
- The Proposed Framework to Accounting Disclosure for Environmental Information in Libya: A Case Study in Alhlia Cement Company
- Carbon controls in a New Zealand electricity utility: An application of theoretical triangulation
- Fair Value Accounting and Stock Valuation of Firms Listed In the Manufacturing Sector in Nigeria
- The Importance Of Basic Materials And Technological Losses In Increasing Economic Efficiency In The Formation Of Cost
- A review of construction management challenges and BIM-based solutions: perspectives from the schedule, cost, quality, and safety management
- Informatization of Accounting Systems in Small-and Medium-Sized Enterprises Based on Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Cloud Computing
- Audit review and audit outcome of tax auditors in Thailand: moderating effects of professional skepticism and audit experience
- Accounting, hybrids and hybridity–attending to the value dimension in institutional logics
- The effect of co-creation on relationship quality: the role of outcome quality
- Influence of Digital Accounting System Usage on SMEs Performance: The Moderating Effect of COVID-19
- Current Issues in Auditing A Publication of the Auditing Section of the American Accounting Association
- Parkir Meter (E-Parking System): How It Works and Overcomes Limitation in Collecting Parking Retribution Using Ticket System
- Environmental violations, refinancing risk, and the corporate bond cost in China
- The effects of multi-level group identification on intergroup helping behavior
- … from diagnosis-related groups suitable for use in economic evaluations? A comparison across nine European countries in the European healthcare and social cost …
- Do Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Performance Scores Reduce the Cost of Debt? Evidence from Indian firms
- The Effect of Endogenous Discretionary Control Choice on Budgetary Slack: An Experimental ExaminationThe Effect of Discretionary Control Choice on Budgetary …
- Research of Attitudes toward Implementation of Green Accounting in Tourism Industry in Montenegro-Practices, and Challenges
- AI-Based Prediction of Capital Structure: Performance Comparison of ANN SVM and LR Models.
- English Grammar & Composition
- Critical Analysis on the Necessity and Techniques Used in Internal Control in Accounting Operations
- A review of Accounting Manipulation and Detection: Technique and Prevention Methods
- Public accounting reforms in the Western Balkans and European Neighbourhood: Guidance for SIGMA Partners
- New Challenges in Accounting Practice in the Slovak Republic Related to Digitalization
- Factors Affecting the Performance of Students in Financial Accounting Subject in State Owned Tertiary Institutions of Borno State
- Accounting conservatism and relational contracting
- Risk management and the cost of equity: evidence from the United Kingdom’s non-life insurance market
- Corporate carbon accounting: a literature review of carbon accounting research from the Kyoto Protocol to the Paris Agreement
- Investment as the opportunity cost of dividend signaling
- An analysis of the curriculum requirements among hospitality and tourism management programs worldwide in AACSB colleges of business
- Integrated Environmental Accounting for assessing the Value for Money in Marine Protected Areas: the case of Tremiti Islands (Italy)
- The Influence Of Work Experience And Job Training On Performance On Employees At Pt Citra Karya Jabar Tol Sumedang Regency, West Java
- Accounting measures of historical assets “Situs Watu Gong” Malang
- Corporate social responsibility and financial accounting concepts: evidence from an emerging market
- General Accounting and Finance Fundamentals
- Accounting conservatism and bankruptcy risk
- Accounting, greed, and beliefs in a nineteenth century communal religious society
- The Effects of Goal Publicity and Incentives on Self-Set Performance Goals
- Empirical Investigation of Mediating Role of Six Sigma Approach in Rationalizing the COQ in Service Organizations
- The localised accounting environment in the implementation of fair value accounting in Indonesia
- Application of Virtual Network Mapping Algorithm Based on Optimal Subnet in Enterprise Cost Accounting Platform
- Air pollution, political costs, and earnings management
- Accounting-based earnings management: motivations, players, implementation, and detection from the perspective of certified accountants
- Accounting for value-based management of healthcare services: challenging neoliberal government from within?
- Internal control weakness and the asymmetrical behavior of selling, general, and administrative costs
- Celebrating 15 years of the JAOC: a critical overview and reflections
- The Effect of Technological Organization on Cost Innovation and Value Creation
- A hybrid multiple-criteria decision portfolio with the resource constraints model of a smart healthcare management system for public medical centers
- Innovative NFC-validation system for accounting of income and expenses of public transport enterprises
- Computerized Accounting Systems and Financial Per-formance among firms in Kenya
- Financial management
- Direct facility financing: concept and role for UHC
- Customer agility in the modern automotive sector: how lead management shapes agile digital companies
- Causes and Effects of Processes’ Complexity in Public Institutions: Some Experiences from Italian Universities
- English for accounting
- BIM and Digital Tools for State-of-the-Art Construction Cost Management
- Negative Earnings and the Cost of Debt: Evidence from the Emerging Tunisian Market
- Outcome and cost of nurse-led vs perfusionist-led extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
- Identifying and examining the internal relationships between accounting management factors in Imam Khomeini University of Marine Sciences
- Financial accounting theory and analysis: text and cases
- Accounting of fixed assets according to ifrs-tasks and solutions for the organization of accounting by component parts
- Corporates’ sustainability disclosures impact on cost of capital and idiosyncratic risk
- Approaches to cost-effectiveness of payments for tree planting and forest management for water quality services
- The Motivations and Practices of Impact Assessment in Socially Responsible Investing: The French Case and its Implications for the Accounting and Impact Investing …
- Cost of capital, corporate tax plannings, and corporate social responsibility disclosure
- Developing a Comprehensive Critical Thinking-Based Earnings Management Model
- Financial management for public, health, and not-for-profit organizations
- E-service quality subdimensions and their effects upon users’ behavioural and praising intentions in internet banking services
- Conservative accounting, audit quality, and litigation
- Examine the empirical evidence of inventory stickiness
- Role of Transformational Leadership Style of Accounting Professionals towards Subordinates Performance, OCB, and Innovation: Mediating Effect of Integrity and …
- Government control, regulatory enforcement actions, and the cost of equity
- Customer-Induced Planning Deviations within Order Management
- Political uncertainty and cost stickiness: evidence from prefecture-city official turnover in China
- Priorities in building decarbonization: Accounting for total carbon and the time value of carbon in cost-benefit analyses of residential retrofits.
- Digital transformation and accountants as advisors
- The Effect of Working Capital Management Cycle on Profitability of Retail Supermarkets in Mombasa, Kenya: A Case Study of Binathman Household …
- Cost utility analysis of strategies for minimizing risk of duodenoscope-related infections
- Household treatment cost of breast cancer and cost coping strategies from a tertiary facility in Ghana
- Evaluation of suppliers in the tannery industry based on emergy accounting analysis: Implications for resource conservation in emerging economies
- The Impact of Digital Transformation in the Accounting System of Fuel and Energy Complex Enterprises (International Experience)
- Sentinel lymph node biopsy versus selective neck dissection in patients with early oral squamous cell carcinoma: a cost analysis
- Cash versus accrual accounting for the public sector—EPSAS
- The Impact of Innovation and Knowledge Management on the Relationship between Balanced Scorecard Dimensions and Banking Productivity
- The impact of environmental uncertainty on accounting information relevance and performance: A contingency approach
- Short-term catheter management options for urinary retention following pelvic surgery: a cost analysis
- Azure Lodging, Inc.: A Case Study on Capital Budgeting with Capital Rationing in a Service Industry Context
- Accounting frauds and main-bank monitoring in Japanese corporations
- Analysis of enterprise financial accounting information management from the perspective of big data
- The human capital of an enterprise: theory and assessment methodology
- Accounting, Professions, and Performativity
- In defense of limited manufacturing cost control: Disciplining acquisition of private information by suppliers
- Accounting multiple environmental variables in DEA energy transmission benchmarking modelling: The 2019 Brazilian case
- Capitalising or Expensing Development Costs?–Mixed Methods Evidence on the Determinants and Motives of the Accounting Policy in the context of UK Private …
- Evaluation of cost benefit analysis of municipal solid waste management systems
- Income Smoothing through R&D Management and Earnings Informativeness
- Research on the Secondary Financial Budgeting in Colleges and Universities
- Research methods in accounting
- Impact of mergers and acquisitions on accounting-based performance of acquiring firms in India
- Digitized Accounting-The Attributes Of Cloud Accounting In Technological Futurology
- Firm characteristics and environmental performance: a study of listed conglomerates in Nigeria
- Offering the right incentive at the right time: Leveraging customer mental accounting to promote prepaid service
- Public sector reform in emerging economies: Does privatisation matter?
- Accounting and statecraft in China: Accrual accounting for effective government rather than efficient market
- JomDataMining: academic performance and learning behaviour dubious relationship
- Cost-effectiveness of eltrombopag vs intravenous immunoglobulin for the perioperative management of immune thrombocytopeni
- Earnings management to avoid debt covenant violations and future performance
- Ancillary Cost Implications of Physicians Multisiting and Inter-Organizational Collaboration During Healthcare Delivery
- Direct cost method applied to calculate milk production costs
- Do audited firms have a lower cost of debt?
- Fundamentals of financial accounting
- Marine spatial planning and ocean accounting: synergistic tools enhancing integration in ocean governance
- The role of choice experiments in natural capital accounting approaches: fast track versus simulated exchange value in the Deben Estuary saltmarshes
- Do Corporate Site Visits Constrain Real Earnings Management?
- Using cooperative game model of air pollution governance to study the cost sharing in Yangtze River Delta region
- A two-step quantile regression method for discretionary accounting
- The effect of corporate social responsibility practices on real earnings management: Evidence from a European ESG data
- Qualitative Characteristics of an Accounting Information System inside a Financial Corporation: A Case Study on Multi-Method Information at Haines Watts …
- Tax Aggressiveness, Fair Value Accounting, Debt Maturity: Does Integrated Reporting Matter?
- An Investigation of Environmental Accounting Measurement
- Critical analysis of the contribution of Integrated Reporting (IR) to sustainability
- Cost Estimations of Water Pollution for the Adoption of Suitable Water Treatment Technology
- Organizational Performance in Environmental Uncertainty on the Indonesian Healthcare Industry: A Path Analysis
- The Role of HRM Factors in Improving Performance Analysis of Local Government Financial Reports
- Ownership type and earnings management in US hospitals
- Stakeholders’ engagement in the business strategy as a key driver to increase companies’ performance: Evidence from managerial and stakeholders’ practices
- Accounting as a social practice: US railroad regulation, value of service accounting, and regional economic development
- New technology and desired skills of early career accountants
- Earnings management to achieve industry-average profitability in Japan
- Environmental administrative penalty, corporate environmental disclosures and the cost of debt
- Personal Financial Management Skills Of University Students and Their Financial Experiences During The Covid-19 Pandemic
- Effects of the adoption of management control practices on profitability: evidence from Latin America
- The impact of cross-listing on earnings management and its economic consequence: evidence from China
- Diagnosis and treatment of low-risk superficial basal cell carcinoma in a single visit
- A review on prospective risks and mitigation for oil and gas projects: implication for Indian CGD companies
- A review and synthesis of contemporary sustainability accounting research and the development of a research agenda
- Outcomes of managing healthcare services using the Theory of Constraints: A systematic review
- Asset-light strategies and stock market reactions to COVID-19’s pandemic announcement: The case of hospitality firms
- Five Components of Work Motivation in the Achievement of Lecturer Performance
- Executive summary of evidence and consensus-based clinical practice guideline for management of obesity and overweight in postpartum women: An AIIMS-DST …
- The Role of UKT Scholarships in Moderating Student Financial Attitudes and Financial Literacy on Finance Management Behavior
- Liability accounting of natural resource assets from the perspective of input Slack—An analysis based on the energy resource in 282 prefecture-level cities in China
- Impact of social responsibility disclosure between implementation of green accounting and sustainable development: A study on heavily polluting companies in …
- On the influence of task interruption and interactive time estimation on estimation error in time-based costing systems
- Accounting for homeowners’ decisions to insulate: A discrete choice model approach in Spain
- Economic policy uncertainty and the cost of capital
- Impact of outpatient diuretic infusion therapy on healthcare cost and readmissions
- Under COVID-19 Pandemic Impact: Do Internal Mechanisms Play Fundamental Role in Corporations’ Outcomes
- Comprehensive evidence implies a higher social cost of CO2
- Social impacts of a circular business model: An approach from a sustainability accounting and reporting perspective
- The impact of accounting information quality on corporate labor investment efficiency: Evidence from China
- The effect of flood mitigation spending on flood damage: Accounting for dynamic feedback
- Corporation Performance and Corporate Governance System: An argument
- Corporate Governance Practices and Its Impact on Efficiency of Working Capital Management (A Case Study of Pakistan)
- An Overview of Corporate Fraud and its Prevention Approach
- Cost effective energy consumption in a residential building by implementing demand side management in the presence of different classes of power loads
- A profession in peril? University corporatization, performance measurement and the sustainability of accounting academia
- A contemporary review of Islamic finance and accounting literature
- Analytics capabilities and organizational competitiveness: Unveiling the impact of management control systems and environmental uncertainty
- Bibliometrix analysis of medical tourism
- Blockchain technology for bridging trust, traceability and transparency in circular supply chain
- Managing visitor attractions
- Manifesto for a relational economics
- Female CEOs and core earnings quality: New evidence on the ethics versus risk-aversion puzzle
- Cost, Performance, and Benchmark Bias of Public Pension Funds in the United States: An Unflattering Portrait
- Investment efficiency and environmental, social, and governance reporting: Perspective from corporate integration management
- Проблемы учета издержек, себестоимости и незавершенного производства
- Impact of entrepreneurial typologies on enterprise performance with regard to hidden cost approach
- A Two-Stage SEM–Artificial Neural Network Analysis of Integrating Ethical and Quality Requirements in Accounting Digital Technologies
- Management control systems and the strategic management of innovation
- Transfer pricing: changing views in changing times
- Besonderheiten des Controlling im internationalen Umfeld
- Academic entrepreneurial hybrids: Accounting and accountability in the case of MegaRide
- Novel visualisation techniques to understand AIS data
- Results-oriented culture and organizational performance: the mediating role of financial accountability in public sector organizations in Vietnam
- The Determinant Model of Passenger Satisfaction with Low-Cost Carrier Airlines in Indonesia During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Feedback-Driven Time Segmenting: The Effect of Feedback Frequency on Employee Behavior
- Fixed salary or incentive contract? The effect of stickiness of compensation contracts
- Internal mechanisms features, unfavourable behaviour and firm performance
- Cold versus hot endoscopic mucosal resection for large sessile colon polyps: a cost-effectiveness analysis
- Exploring Accounting Practice For Durian Producer Listed Companies In Malaysia
- Predictors of revenue shifting and expense shifting: Evidence from an emerging economy
- Persuasive Communications, Online Reviews and Service Performances–A Study on Hotel Industry of New Zealand
- Does COVID Speed Up Accounting Changes? Answers from Czech Accounting Professionals
- Management controls and modern slavery risks in the building and construction industry: Lessons from an Australian social housing provider
- Quantifying the value of SHM information for bridges under flood-induced scour
- Signaling private information via accounting system design
- Your competitive side is calling: an analysis of Florida contract performance
- General Accounting and Auditing Developments
- Optimal Pressure Management in Water Distribution Systems: Efficiency Indexes for Volumetric Cost Performance, Consumption and Linear Leakage Measurements
- Do heterogeneous oil price shocks really have different effects on earnings management?
- Variance Analysis: New Insights from Health Care ApplicationsVariance Analysis: New Insights from Health Care Applications
- A rationale for imperfect reporting standards
- The incidence, valuation, and management of tax-related reputational costs: Evidence from a period of protest
- The relationship between firm complexity and corporate social responsibility: International evidence from 2010–2019
- Companies’ sustainable reporting: assessment and practice
- Certificate in Data Analytics for Accounting and Auditing
- Banking Efficiency: A Comparative Study Between Islamic And Conventional Banks In GCC Countries
- Diversification of professional quantity surveyors’ roles in the construction industry: the skills and competencies required
- Do foreign institutional investors monitor opportunistic managerial behaviour? Evidence from real earnings management
- Cost assessment model for sustainable health and safety management of high-rise residential buildings in Korea
- Cost and value in contemporary heart failure clinical guidance documents
- The impact of air pollution on the cost of debt financing: Evidence from the bond market
- Adoption of new ifrs in Bangladesh: Disclosure level and benefits
- Osteoporosis costing all Australians
- Entry and exit strategy of low-cost carriers and global crises
- Annual report for 2021
- Opportunistic timing of management earnings forecasts during the COVID-19 crisis in China
- Artificial intelligence and fraud detection
- The joint influence of sarbanes-oxley and FAS123R on financial misreporting
- Budgeting and employee stress in times of crisis: Evidence from the Covid-19 pandemic
- Cost comparison and complication profiles of superior capsular reconstruction, lower trapezius transfer, and reverse shoulder arthroplasty for irreparable rotator cuff …
- Effects of variable setup cost, reliability, and production costs under controlled carbon emissions in a reliable production system
- Mapping the key challenges and managing the opportunities in supply chain distribution during COVID-19: a case of Myanmar pharmaceutical company
- Improvement of Accounting and Reporting in Budget Organizations on The Basis of International Standards
- Synopsis of the Accounting Research in Hellas
- Building a Performance Management System for Hospitals Based on Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG) Payment
- Influence of control precision and prior collaboration experience on trust and cooperation in inter-organizational relationships
- Sustainability assessment of corn production in conventional and conservation tillage systems
- Influence of supply chain risk management and its mediating role on supply chain performance: perspectives from an agri-fresh produce
- An investigation of skill requirements in artificial intelligence and machine learning job advertisements
- Performance measurement in a lean organization: the case of the Wiremold Company
- The Estimated Carbon Cost of Concrete Building Demolitions following the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence
- “What is going on in the ‘big tent’?” Current developments in (new) institutional theory and performance measurement and management research
- The Moderating Earnings Management on the Impact of CEO Narcissism, Sales Growth, and Profitability on Tax Avoidance
- Geographic deregulation and banks’ cost of equity capital
- Evaluation of osimertinib for advanced non-small cell lung cancer with leptomeningeal metastases: a cost-effectiveness and budget impact analysis
- Resource Management for Cost-Effective Cloud Services
- Algorithmic accountability: robodebt and the making of welfare cheats
- Screening for primary aldosteronism in the hypertensive obstructive sleep apnea population is cost-saving
- Substitution between Accrual-Based Earnings Management and Real Activities Manipulation-A Commentary and Guidance for Future Research
- AI-powered information and Big Data: current regulations and ways forward in IFRS reporting
- Cost analysis of reflexive versus selective molecular testing for indeterminate thyroid nodules
- Accounting and the COVID-19 pandemic two years on: insights, gaps, and an agenda for future research.
- Testbed simulation modelling in an open business ecosystem context–benchmarking logistics network performance
- Embedding sustainability in risk management: The impact of environmental, social, and governance ratings on corporate financial risk
- Emergency General Surgery Procedures and Cost of Care for Older Adults in the State of Maryland
- Influence of Big Data on Manufacturing Accounting Informatization
- An economic analysis of the cost of a regional crisis stabilization unit
- The governance role of institutional investors in management compensation: evidence from China
- The detailed description of construction waste in low-cost housing project in Indonesia
- Meet, beat, and pollute
- What leads to the high capital cost of prefabricated construction in China: perspectives of stakeholders
- Biochemical biorefinery: A low-cost and non-waste concept for promoting sustainable circular bioeconomy
- Minimally invasive distal pancreatectomy: a case-matched cost-analysis between robot-assisted surgery and direct manual laparoscopy
- Reverse logistics
- The effect of business strategy on risk disclosure
- Breaking it down: economic consequences of disaggregated cost disclosures
- Enhancing the value of corporate sustainability: An approach for aligning multiple SDGs guides on reporting
- Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
- Co-Optimization of Velocity and Charge-Depletion for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Accounting for Acceleration and Jerk Constraints
- From Volume to Value: Comparative value, quality, and cost between three treatment modalities for early childhood caries
- Between saying and doing, in the end there is the cost of capital: Evidence from the energy sector
- Accounting Conservatism and Earnings Quality
- A decision framework for estimating the cost of marine plastic pollution interventions
- Investigating the impact of international markets and new digital technologies on business innovation in emerging markets
- The Cost-effectiveness of a Mass Media Campaign to Promote Smartphone Apps for Weight Loss: Updated Modeling Study
- Risk management and capital adequacy
- On crisis and emergency: Is it time to rethink long-term environmental accounting?
- Audit 4.0-Based ESG Assurance: An Example of Using Satellite Images on GHG Emissions
- Audit committee financial expertise, accrual, and real earnings management
- Analysis of the Cost and Efficacy of Intra-Articular Knee Injections
- Integrated reporting quality and corporate tax avoidance practices in South Africa’s listed companies
- A systematic review of cost-effectiveness analyses on endovascular thrombectomy in ischemic stroke patients
- Short selling: A review of the literature and implications for future research
- Concept-Based Integration of Project Management and Strategic Management of Rubber Dam Projects Using the SWOT–AHP Method
- Cost-benefit analysis of sustainable drainage systems considering ecosystems services benefits: case study of canal do mangue watershed in Rio de Janeiro city …
- Factors Affecting The Timeliness Of Distribution Of School Operational Assistance Funds (Bos Program) At Smk Muhammadiyah Delanggu In 2020/2021academic …
- A Pervasive Economic Fallacy in Assessing the Cost of Public Funds
- The cost-effectiveness of economic resilience
- Expediting climate-smart soils management
- Microfinance and the role of accounting in supporting family-resilience-based women’s empowerment
- Enterprise Risk Management: Theory and Practice