Error Handling and Logging MCQs ASP.NET 

What is the primary purpose of error handling in ASP.NET?
a. To manage exceptions and provide a way to recover or gracefully handle errors in applications
b. To optimize database performance
c. To handle user authentication
d. To manage application state

Answer: a. To manage exceptions and provide a way to recover or gracefully handle errors in applications

Which method is used in ASP.NET MVC to handle exceptions globally?
a. Application_Error()
b. HandleErrorAttribute
c. OnException()
d. Try-Catch

Answer: b. HandleErrorAttribute

What does the try-catch block in C# do?
a. It catches exceptions that occur in the try block and handles them in the catch block
b. It handles regular statements
c. It manages application state
d. It performs data encryption

Answer: a. It catches exceptions that occur in the try block and handles them in the catch block

Which method is commonly used to log exceptions in ASP.NET Core applications?
a. ILogger.LogError()
b. Exception.WriteLog()
c. Trace.WriteLine()
d. Console.WriteLine()

Answer: a. ILogger.LogError()

What is the purpose of the finally block in exception handling?
a. To execute code that must run regardless of whether an exception was thrown or not
b. To handle exceptions
c. To optimize performance
d. To manage application state

Answer: a. To execute code that must run regardless of whether an exception was thrown or not

How can you configure custom error pages in ASP.NET Core?
a. By modifying the Startup.cs file to use app.UseExceptionHandler()
b. By editing the web.config file
c. By updating the appsettings.json file
d. By changing the Global.asax file

Answer: a. By modifying the Startup.cs file to use app.UseExceptionHandler()

What does the Application_Error() method do in ASP.NET Web Forms?
a. It handles unhandled exceptions that occur during the processing of an HTTP request
b. It performs data encryption
c. It manages user sessions
d. It handles database queries

Answer: a. It handles unhandled exceptions that occur during the processing of an HTTP request

Which attribute is used to log errors in ASP.NET MVC controllers?
a. HandleErrorAttribute
b. ErrorLoggerAttribute
c. ExceptionHandlerAttribute
d. ExceptionLoggingAttribute

Answer: a. HandleErrorAttribute

How can you implement logging in an ASP.NET Core application?
a. By using built-in logging providers such as Console, Debug, and File
b. By writing custom logging logic
c. By using SQL Server for logging
d. By creating global variables

Answer: a. By using built-in logging providers such as Console, Debug, and File

What is the role of IExceptionFilter in ASP.NET Core?
a. To provide a way to handle exceptions that occur during the execution of an action
b. To log data
c. To manage user sessions
d. To optimize performance

Answer: a. To provide a way to handle exceptions that occur during the execution of an action

Which ASP.NET Core middleware can be used for exception handling and logging?
a. UseExceptionHandler()
b. UseMiddleware<LoggingMiddleware>()
c. UseStaticFiles()
d. UseAuthentication()

Answer: a. UseExceptionHandler()

How can you capture detailed error information in ASP.NET Core?
a. By enabling developer exceptions page with app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage()
b. By using custom error pages
c. By modifying the web.config file
d. By using SQL queries

Answer: a. By enabling developer exceptions page with app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage()

What is the benefit of using structured logging in ASP.NET Core?
a. It allows for capturing log data in a structured format, which is useful for querying and analysis
b. It improves application performance
c. It provides data encryption
d. It handles user authentication

Answer: a. It allows for capturing log data in a structured format, which is useful for querying and analysis

Which method can be used to log warnings in ASP.NET Core?
a. ILogger.LogWarning()
b. Exception.LogWarning()
c. Trace.WriteWarning()
d. Console.WriteWarning()

Answer: a. ILogger.LogWarning()

What does the Error Handling Middleware in ASP.NET Core do?
a. It catches and handles exceptions that occur during the processing of HTTP requests
b. It manages user sessions
c. It encrypts data
d. It handles database transactions

Answer: a. It catches and handles exceptions that occur during the processing of HTTP requests

How can you configure global exception handling in an ASP.NET MVC application?
a. By using Application_Error() in Global.asax
b. By using HandleErrorAttribute on controllers or actions
c. By using web.config
d. By modifying Startup.cs

Answer: b. By using HandleErrorAttribute on controllers or actions

What is the purpose of ILogger in ASP.NET Core?
a. To provide a logging mechanism that can be used across the application
b. To handle exceptions
c. To manage user sessions
d. To perform data encryption

Answer: a. To provide a logging mechanism that can be used across the application

What does UseExceptionHandler() middleware do in ASP.NET Core?
a. It provides a way to handle exceptions and show custom error pages
b. It logs data to the console
c. It performs data encryption
d. It handles user authentication

Answer: a. It provides a way to handle exceptions and show custom error pages

Which logging level is used to indicate an error in the application?
a. Error
b. Debug
c. Information
d. Trace

Answer: a. Error

How can you create a custom logging provider in ASP.NET Core?
a. By implementing ILoggerProvider and ILogger interfaces
b. By using ILoggerFactory
c. By modifying Startup.cs
d. By using Application_Error()

Answer: a. By implementing ILoggerProvider and ILogger interfaces

What is the purpose of the LogLevel enum in ASP.NET Core logging?
a. To specify the severity of the log message, such as Information, Warning, Error
b. To manage user sessions
c. To perform data encryption
d. To handle database transactions

Answer: a. To specify the severity of the log message, such as Information, Warning, Error

Which method in ASP.NET Core is used to add logging services to the dependency injection container?
a. services.AddLogging()
b. services.AddTransient<ILogger>()
c. services.AddDbContext()
d. services.AddScoped<IExceptionFilter>()

Answer: a. services.AddLogging()

How can you log exception details including stack traces in ASP.NET Core?
a. By using ILogger.LogError() method with exception details
b. By writing exceptions to a file manually
c. By using Trace.WriteLine()
d. By using Console.WriteLine()

Answer: a. By using ILogger.LogError() method with exception details

Which feature allows you to display a friendly error page in ASP.NET Core?
a. UseExceptionHandler()
b. UseStaticFiles()
c. UseRouting()
d. UseAuthentication()

Answer: a. UseExceptionHandler()

What is the role of Exception Filters in ASP.NET MVC?
a. To handle and process exceptions that occur during the execution of actions
b. To log data
c. To manage user sessions
d. To encrypt data

Answer: a. To handle and process exceptions that occur during the execution of actions

How can you capture and log exceptions in an ASP.NET Core Web API application?
a. By using middleware and logging within Configure method of Startup.cs
b. By using Global.asax
c. By modifying web.config
d. By using Application_Error()

Answer: a. By using middleware and logging within Configure method of Startup.cs

Which class in ASP.NET Core provides methods for logging information about the application?
a. ILogger
b. LogManager
c. TraceSource
d. EventLog

Answer: a. ILogger

What is a common practice to prevent logging sensitive data?
a. Ensure that logging does not include sensitive information such as passwords or personal data
b. Log everything to a file
c. Use debugging tools to capture sensitive data
d. Include all data in log messages

Answer: a. Ensure that logging does not include sensitive information such as passwords or personal data

How can you handle exceptions in ASP.NET Core Web API and return custom error responses?
a. By using exception handling middleware and returning IActionResult responses
b. By using Application_Error()
c. By modifying web.config
d. By using Global.asax

Answer: a. By using exception handling middleware and returning IActionResult responses

What is the purpose of logging in web applications?
a. To monitor application performance and troubleshoot issues
b. To manage user authentication
c. To handle database queries
d. To optimize performance

Answer: a. To monitor application performance and troubleshoot issues

Which logging provider in ASP.NET Core writes logs to the console?
a. Console Logger
b. File Logger
c. Debug Logger
d. EventSource Logger

Answer: a. Console Logger

What is a Serilog in the context of ASP.NET Core?
a. A structured logging library that provides advanced logging capabilities
b. A middleware for error handling
c. A class for session management
d. A tool for data encryption

Answer: a. A structured logging library that provides advanced logging capabilities

What is the default logging level for ILogger in ASP.NET Core?
a. Information
b. Debug
c. Warning
d. Error

Answer: a. Information

How can you log information only when the application is running in a development environment?
a. By using ILogger with conditional logging based on the environment
b. By setting logging levels in web.config
c. By using Trace.WriteLine()
d. By configuring Global.asax

Answer: a. By using ILogger with conditional logging based on the environment

Which class can be used for file-based logging in ASP.NET Core?
a. FileLogger
b. FileLogProvider
c. LoggerFactory
d. ILogger

Answer: a. FileLogger

How do you configure logging to write to a text file in ASP.NET Core?
a. By using a third-party logging provider like Serilog with file sinks
b. By writing logs directly to the file system
c. By using Trace.WriteLine()
d. By modifying web.config

Answer: a. By using a third-party logging provider like Serilog with file sinks

Which method in ILogger is used to log critical errors?
a. LogCritical()
b. LogError()
c. LogWarning()
d. LogInformation()

Answer: a. LogCritical()

How can you ensure logging does not impact application performance significantly?
a. By configuring appropriate log levels and using asynchronous logging
b. By logging everything synchronously
c. By writing logs to a central server directly
d. By using excessive logging

Answer: a. By configuring appropriate log levels and using asynchronous logging

What does the LogLevel enum represent in ASP.NET Core?
a. Different levels of logging severity such as Information, Warning, Error, and Critical
b. The method of logging data
c. The storage location of log files
d. The type of logging provider

Answer: a. Different levels of logging severity such as Information, Warning, Error, and Critical