What is the primary purpose of data encryption in web applications?
a. To protect sensitive data by converting it into an unreadable format for unauthorized users
b. To manage user sessions
c. To handle database queries
d. To optimize application performance
Answer: a. To protect sensitive data by converting it into an unreadable format for unauthorized users
Which algorithm is commonly used for encrypting data in ASP.NET applications?
a. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
b. SHA-256
c. MD5
d. Base64
Answer: a. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
What is hashing primarily used for in web applications?
a. To create a fixed-size hash value from variable-size input data
b. To encrypt data
c. To manage user sessions
d. To handle database interactions
Answer: a. To create a fixed-size hash value from variable-size input data
Which cryptographic method ensures that the data cannot be altered without detection?
a. Hashing
b. Symmetric encryption
c. Asymmetric encryption
d. Base64 encoding
Answer: a. Hashing
In ASP.NET Core, which class provides methods for cryptographic operations such as hashing and encryption?
a. System.Security.Cryptography
b. System.Text.Encoding
c. System.IO
d. System.Net
Answer: a. System.Security.Cryptography
What is the purpose of using a salt in hashing?
a. To add random data to the input before hashing to prevent attacks such as rainbow tables
b. To encrypt data
c. To manage user sessions
d. To handle database interactions
Answer: a. To add random data to the input before hashing to prevent attacks such as rainbow tables
Which hashing algorithm is considered cryptographically secure for password storage?
a. bcrypt
b. MD5
c. SHA-1
d. Base64
Answer: a. bcrypt
What is the main difference between symmetric and asymmetric encryption?
a. Symmetric encryption uses the same key for encryption and decryption, while asymmetric encryption uses a pair of keys
b. Symmetric encryption is faster than asymmetric encryption
c. Asymmetric encryption uses a single key for encryption and decryption
d. Symmetric encryption is more secure than asymmetric encryption
Answer: a. Symmetric encryption uses the same key for encryption and decryption, while asymmetric encryption uses a pair of keys
Which method in System.Security.Cryptography
is used for creating a hash value?
a. ComputeHash()
b. Encrypt()
c. Decrypt()
d. GenerateKey()
Answer: a. ComputeHash()
What is the primary purpose of the RSACryptoServiceProvider
class in ASP.NET?
a. To perform asymmetric encryption and decryption using RSA algorithm
b. To hash data
c. To manage user sessions
d. To encrypt data using symmetric algorithms
Answer: a. To perform asymmetric encryption and decryption using RSA algorithm
What is the benefit of using HMAC
(Hash-based Message Authentication Code) in hashing?
a. It combines hashing with a secret key to provide data integrity and authenticity
b. It encrypts data
c. It manages user sessions
d. It handles database queries
Answer: a. It combines hashing with a secret key to provide data integrity and authenticity
Which class in ASP.NET Core provides a way to securely store and manage sensitive information such as encryption keys?
a. DataProtectionProvider
b. SecurityTokenHandler
c. PasswordHasher
d. SymmetricAlgorithm
Answer: a. DataProtectionProvider
What is the primary advantage of using AES encryption?
a. It is a widely accepted symmetric encryption algorithm known for its strength and efficiency
b. It is faster than hashing
c. It uses public and private keys
d. It provides data integrity but not confidentiality
Answer: a. It is a widely accepted symmetric encryption algorithm known for its strength and efficiency
Which hashing algorithm should be avoided for cryptographic security due to its vulnerabilities?
a. MD5
b. SHA-256
c. SHA-512
d. bcrypt
Answer: a. MD5
What is the purpose of HMACSHA256
in cryptographic operations?
a. To create a hash using SHA-256 combined with a secret key for message authentication
b. To encrypt data using RSA
c. To perform base64 encoding
d. To generate random numbers
Answer: a. To create a hash using SHA-256 combined with a secret key for message authentication
In ASP.NET Core, how can you generate a random key for encryption?
a. By using the RandomNumberGenerator
b. By using PasswordHasher
c. By using SHA-256
d. By using AES
Answer: a. By using the RandomNumberGenerator
What is the main purpose of using Key Derivation Functions
(KDF) in password hashing?
a. To derive a cryptographic key from a password in a way that is computationally expensive to deter brute-force attacks
b. To manage user sessions
c. To handle encryption and decryption
d. To create base64 encoded values
Answer: a. To derive a cryptographic key from a password in a way that is computationally expensive to deter brute-force attacks
Which class in ASP.NET Core provides functionality to perform secure encryption and decryption?
a. Aes
b. MD5
c. SHA1
Answer: a. Aes
What does the TripleDES
algorithm provide compared to DES?
a. It uses three iterations of DES encryption for improved security
b. It is faster than DES
c. It provides asymmetric encryption
d. It is used for hashing
Answer: a. It uses three iterations of DES encryption for improved security
Which class in ASP.NET Core allows you to securely hash passwords?
a. PasswordHasher
b. SHA256
c. RSACryptoServiceProvider
Answer: a. PasswordHasher
What is the recommended key size for AES encryption to ensure security?
a. 256 bits
b. 128 bits
c. 512 bits
d. 64 bits
Answer: a. 256 bits
How can you securely compare hashed passwords?
a. By using a constant-time comparison method to avoid timing attacks
b. By converting the hash back to plaintext
c. By using a regular string comparison
d. By encoding hashes in base64
Answer: a. By using a constant-time comparison method to avoid timing attacks
What does the Rfc2898DeriveBytes
class in ASP.NET Core implement?
a. PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2)
b. RSA encryption
c. AES encryption
d. HMAC hashing
Answer: a. PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2)
Which technique is used to securely store encryption keys in ASP.NET Core?
a. Using the Data Protection API
b. Storing keys in plaintext files
c. Hardcoding keys in application code
d. Using weak encryption algorithms
Answer: a. Using the Data Protection API
What is the purpose of Padding
in encryption algorithms like AES?
a. To ensure that the data length is a multiple of the block size required by the algorithm
b. To add extra security to encryption
c. To manage session state
d. To handle database transactions
Answer: a. To ensure that the data length is a multiple of the block size required by the algorithm
Which System.Security.Cryptography
class provides functionality for symmetric encryption and decryption?
a. SymmetricAlgorithm
b. RSA
c. SHA256
d. MD5
Answer: a. SymmetricAlgorithm
What is the main purpose of Key Management
in encryption?
a. To securely generate, store, and manage cryptographic keys used for encryption and decryption
b. To handle user sessions
c. To perform data hashing
d. To manage database queries
Answer: a. To securely generate, store, and manage cryptographic keys used for encryption and decryption
Which class can be used to generate a hash of a string in ASP.NET Core?
a. SHA256
b. Aes
c. RSA
Answer: a. SHA256
How does Asymmetric Encryption
differ from Symmetric Encryption
in terms of key usage?
a. Asymmetric encryption uses a pair of keys (public and private), while symmetric encryption uses a single key for both encryption and decryption
b. Symmetric encryption uses a pair of keys
c. Asymmetric encryption is faster than symmetric encryption
d. Symmetric encryption provides more security
Answer: a. Asymmetric encryption uses a pair of keys (public and private), while symmetric encryption uses a single key for both encryption and decryption
What is the main purpose of using PKI
(Public Key Infrastructure) in encryption?
a. To manage and distribute public and private keys securely
b. To handle user authentication
c. To perform hashing
d. To manage session state
Answer: a. To manage and distribute public and private keys securely
Which class provides functionality to securely handle password hashing and verification in ASP.NET Core?
a. PasswordHasher
b. Aes
c. SHA256
d. MD5
Answer: a. PasswordHasher
What is the purpose of Elliptic Curve Cryptography
(ECC) in data security?
a. To provide asymmetric encryption with smaller key sizes and better performance compared to RSA
b. To handle data hashing
c. To manage session state
d. To perform symmetric encryption
Answer: a. To provide asymmetric encryption with smaller key sizes and better performance compared to RSA
Which method is used to securely generate a new cryptographic key in ASP.NET Core?
a. RandomNumberGenerator.Fill()
b. SHA256.Create()
c. RSA.Create()
d. Aes.Create()
Answer: a. RandomNumberGenerator.Fill()
What is the role of Digital Signatures
in data security?
a. To verify the authenticity and integrity of a message or document using a cryptographic algorithm
b. To encrypt data
c. To manage user sessions
d. To handle database queries
Answer: a. To verify the authenticity and integrity of a message or document using a cryptographic algorithm
Which algorithm is recommended for securely hashing passwords in modern web applications?
a. bcrypt
b. MD5
c. SHA-1
d. Base64
Answer: a. bcrypt
What does the HMACSHA512
class do in cryptographic operations?
a. It creates a hash using SHA-512 combined with a secret key for message authentication
b. It performs symmetric encryption
c. It handles data encoding
d. It manages session state
Answer: a. It creates a hash using SHA-512 combined with a secret key for message authentication
Which class in System.Security.Cryptography
provides functionality for asymmetric encryption?
a. RSA
b. Aes
c. SHA256
d. MD5
Answer: a. RSA
What is the advantage of using Elliptic Curve Cryptography
(ECC) over RSA for encryption?
a. ECC provides similar security with smaller key sizes, leading to faster computations and reduced resource usage
b. ECC is less secure than RSA
c. ECC is used for symmetric encryption
d. ECC is less efficient than RSA
Answer: a. ECC provides similar security with smaller key sizes, leading to faster computations and reduced resource usage