Configuration in ASP.NET Core MCQs

What is the primary purpose of configuration in ASP.NET Core?
a. To manage application settings and environment-specific values
b. To handle HTTP requests and responses
c. To define routing rules
d. To implement dependency injection

Answer: a. To manage application settings and environment-specific values

Which configuration provider is used by default in an ASP.NET Core application?
a. appsettings.json
b. web.config
c. environment variables
d. command-line arguments

Answer: a. appsettings.json

Where is the default configuration file located in an ASP.NET Core project?
a. In the root directory of the project
b. In the wwwroot folder
c. In the Config folder
d. In the Controllers folder

Answer: a. In the root directory of the project

How can you access configuration values in an ASP.NET Core application?
a. By using the IConfiguration interface
b. By directly reading the appsettings.json file
c. By modifying the web.config file
d. By using the IConfigurationBuilder interface

Answer: a. By using the IConfiguration interface

Which method is used to add configuration sources in the ConfigureServices method of Startup class?
a. AddConfiguration()
b. AddJsonFile()
c. AddEnvironmentVariables()
d. AddCommandLine()

Answer: b. AddJsonFile()

What is the default format of the appsettings.json file?
b. XML
d. INI

Answer: a. JSON

How can you load environment-specific settings in ASP.NET Core?
a. By using environment-specific configuration files like appsettings.Development.json
b. By modifying the appsettings.json file directly
c. By using different web.config files
d. By changing the build configuration in Visual Studio

Answer: a. By using environment-specific configuration files like appsettings.Development.json

Which method is used to configure the application environment in ASP.NET Core?
a. UseEnvironment()
b. ConfigureEnvironment()
c. SetEnvironment()
d. Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable()

Answer: a. UseEnvironment()

What is the purpose of the ConfigurationBuilder class?
a. To build and manage the application’s configuration sources
b. To define routing rules
c. To handle HTTP requests
d. To configure middleware components

Answer: a. To build and manage the application’s configuration sources

How can you override default configuration values using environment variables?
a. By setting environment variables with the same names as the configuration keys
b. By modifying the appsettings.json file
c. By using the IConfiguration interface
d. By adding new configuration files to the project

Answer: a. By setting environment variables with the same names as the configuration keys

Which configuration provider is used to read settings from command-line arguments?
a. CommandLineConfigurationProvider
b. EnvironmentConfigurationProvider
c. JsonConfigurationProvider
d. XmlConfigurationProvider

Answer: a. CommandLineConfigurationProvider

What is the purpose of the IConfigurationRoot interface?
a. To represent the root configuration source and provide access to configuration values
b. To build the configuration sources
c. To handle HTTP requests
d. To configure middleware components

Answer: a. To represent the root configuration source and provide access to configuration values

How can you access configuration values from a class that does not have direct access to IConfiguration?
a. By injecting IOptions<T> into the class
b. By using the ConfigurationManager class
c. By reading the configuration file directly
d. By setting static configuration properties

Answer: a. By injecting IOptions<T> into the class

What is the purpose of the Configure<T> method in the IServiceCollection?
a. To bind configuration sections to POCO classes
b. To add new configuration providers
c. To manage the application’s configuration sources
d. To handle HTTP requests

Answer: a. To bind configuration sections to POCO classes

Which configuration provider can be used to read settings from an XML file?
a. XmlConfigurationProvider
b. JsonConfigurationProvider
c. CommandLineConfigurationProvider
d. EnvironmentConfigurationProvider

Answer: a. XmlConfigurationProvider

How can you reload configuration settings without restarting the application?
a. By using the IConfigurationRoot interface and calling its Reload method
b. By modifying the appsettings.json file directly
c. By restarting the web server
d. By using the IOptionsSnapshot<T> interface

Answer: a. By using the IConfigurationRoot interface and calling its Reload method

Which class is used to configure application settings in the ConfigureServices method of the Startup class?
a. Configuration
b. ConfigurationManager
c. IConfiguration
d. IOptions

Answer: c. IConfiguration

How do you specify the location of the configuration file in the ConfigurationBuilder?
a. By calling the AddJsonFile method with the file path
b. By modifying the web.config file
c. By using the AddEnvironmentVariables method
d. By setting environment variables

Answer: a. By calling the AddJsonFile method with the file path

What is the purpose of the IOptionsSnapshot<T> interface?
a. To provide a snapshot of the options at a given point in time and support reloading
b. To manage configuration providers
c. To handle HTTP requests
d. To configure middleware components

Answer: a. To provide a snapshot of the options at a given point in time and support reloading

Which configuration provider is used to read settings from a .env file?
a. DotenvConfigurationProvider
b. JsonConfigurationProvider
c. XmlConfigurationProvider
d. CommandLineConfigurationProvider

Answer: a. DotenvConfigurationProvider

How can you inject configuration values into a Razor Page?
a. By using the @inject directive to inject IConfiguration
b. By modifying the Razor Page’s @page directive
c. By using ViewData
d. By configuring services in the Startup class

Answer: a. By using the @inject directive to inject IConfiguration

What is the role of the IOptionsMonitor<T> interface?
a. To provide a mechanism to monitor and react to changes in configuration options
b. To handle HTTP requests
c. To configure middleware components
d. To manage application routing

Answer: a. To provide a mechanism to monitor and react to changes in configuration options

How can you access configuration settings in a Controller class?
a. By injecting IConfiguration into the constructor
b. By reading the configuration file directly
c. By modifying the web.config file
d. By using ViewData

Answer: a. By injecting IConfiguration into the constructor

What is the purpose of the AddEnvironmentVariables() method in the ConfigurationBuilder?
a. To include environment variables as configuration sources
b. To define the location of the configuration file
c. To handle HTTP requests
d. To manage application routing

Answer: a. To include environment variables as configuration sources

Which configuration provider is used to read settings from a database?
a. CustomConfigurationProvider
b. JsonConfigurationProvider
c. XmlConfigurationProvider
d. EnvironmentConfigurationProvider

Answer: a. CustomConfigurationProvider

How do you access hierarchical configuration sections in ASP.NET Core?
a. By using the GetSection method on IConfiguration
b. By reading the configuration file directly
c. By modifying the web.config file
d. By using the IOptions interface

Answer: a. By using the GetSection method on IConfiguration

What is the default encoding format for the appsettings.json file?
a. UTF-8
c. UTF-16
d. ISO-8859-1

Answer: a. UTF-8

How can you manage configuration settings for different environments in ASP.NET Core?
a. By using environment-specific configuration files and setting the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT variable
b. By creating multiple web.config files
c. By using different settings in the Startup class
d. By manually modifying the configuration file for each environment

Answer: a. By using environment-specific configuration files and setting the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT variable

Which interface provides access to configuration options and their validation?
a. IOptions<T>
b. IConfiguration
c. IConfigurationRoot
d. IOptionsMonitor<T>

Answer: a. IOptions<T>

What is the role of the IConfigurationProvider interface?
a. To implement various configuration sources and provide configuration values
b. To handle HTTP requests
c. To manage application routing
d. To configure middleware components

Answer: a. To implement various configuration sources and provide configuration values

How can you use a custom configuration provider in ASP.NET Core?
a. By implementing the IConfigurationProvider interface and adding it to the ConfigurationBuilder
b. By modifying the appsettings.json file
c. By using environment variables
d. By changing the web.config file

Answer: a. By implementing the IConfigurationProvider interface and adding it to the ConfigurationBuilder

What is the purpose of the Bind method in the context of configuration?
a. To map configuration values to a POCO class
b. To handle HTTP requests
c. To configure middleware components
d. To manage application routing

Answer: a. To map configuration values to a POCO class

Which class is responsible for handling the default configuration sources in an ASP.NET Core application?
a. ConfigurationManager
b. ConfigurationBuilder
c. Configuration
d. IOptions<T>

Answer: b. ConfigurationBuilder

What does the GetValue<T> method do in the IConfiguration interface?
a. It retrieves a configuration value and converts it to the specified type
b. It sets a configuration value
c. It adds a new configuration source
d. It removes a configuration source

Answer: a. It retrieves a configuration value and converts it to the specified type

How can you add a custom configuration source to an ASP.NET Core application?
a. By using the Add method on the ConfigurationBuilder
b. By modifying the appsettings.json file
c. By using environment variables
d. By adding a new web.config file

Answer: a. By using the Add method on the ConfigurationBuilder

Which method is used to read configuration settings from a .json file?
a. AddJsonFile()
b. AddXmlFile()
c. AddEnvironmentVariables()
d. AddCommandLine()

Answer: a. AddJsonFile()

What is the role of the IOptions<T> interface in ASP.NET Core?
a. To represent a configured instance of a POCO class
b. To manage configuration sources
c. To handle HTTP requests
d. To configure middleware components

Answer: a. To represent a configured instance of a POCO class

How do you ensure that configuration changes are applied without restarting the application?
a. By using IOptionsSnapshot<T> or IOptionsMonitor<T> interfaces
b. By modifying the appsettings.json file
c. By restarting the web server
d. By manually applying changes in the code

Answer: a. By using IOptionsSnapshot<T> or IOptionsMonitor<T> interfaces

What is the default behavior of configuration providers in ASP.NET Core regarding configuration file changes?
a. Configuration changes are automatically reloaded by default
b. Configuration changes require manual reloads
c. Configuration changes are not supported
d. Configuration changes are handled by the application’s code

Answer: a. Configuration changes are automatically reloaded by default

How can you validate configuration settings in ASP.NET Core?
a. By using data annotations and IOptions<T>
b. By modifying the appsettings.json file
c. By using the IConfiguration interface
d. By implementing custom validation logic in the application

Answer: a. By using data annotations and IOptions<T>

Which interface is used to provide configuration options with support for reloading?
a. IOptionsMonitor<T>
b. IOptionsSnapshot<T>
c. IOptions<T>
d. IConfiguration

Answer: a. IOptionsMonitor<T>

What is the purpose of the Configure<T> method in ASP.NET Core configuration?
a. To bind a configuration section to a POCO class
b. To add a configuration source
c. To handle HTTP requests
d. To configure middleware components

Answer: a. To bind a configuration section to a POCO class

How does ASP.NET Core determine which configuration file to use for a given environment?
a. By using the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable
b. By defaulting to the appsettings.json file
c. By reading the web.config file
d. By inspecting the build configuration in Visual Studio

Answer: a. By using the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable

Which method in IConfigurationBuilder is used to add command-line arguments as configuration sources?
a. AddCommandLine()
b. AddEnvironmentVariables()
c. AddJsonFile()
d. AddXmlFile()

Answer: a. AddCommandLine()

What does the IConfigurationSection interface represent?
a. A specific section of the configuration data
b. The entire configuration data
c. A configuration provider
d. An individual configuration value

Answer: a. A specific section of the configuration data

How can you ensure configuration settings are securely managed in ASP.NET Core?
a. By using environment variables and secure configuration storage
b. By including sensitive information in the appsettings.json file
c. By using plaintext configuration files
d. By setting configuration values in code

Answer: a. By using environment variables and secure configuration storage

What is the purpose of the AddUserSecrets() method in ASP.NET Core?
a. To manage sensitive information during development
b. To add additional configuration files
c. To configure middleware components
d. To handle routing

Answer: a. To manage sensitive information during development

How can you inject configuration values into a Razor Page without modifying the Startup class?
a. By using the @inject directive in the Razor Page
b. By using the ViewData dictionary
c. By accessing the HttpContext directly
d. By modifying the web.config file

Answer: a. By using the @inject directive in the Razor Page

What method in ConfigurationBuilder allows adding multiple configuration sources?
a. Add()
b. AddJsonFile()
c. AddEnvironmentVariables()
d. AddCommandLine()

Answer: a. Add()

How does ASP.NET Core handle default values for configuration settings?
a. Default values can be set in the application code or configuration classes
b. Default values are not supported
c. Default values are set in the configuration files
d. Default values are automatically managed by the framework

Answer: a. Default values can be set in the application code or configuration classes