Which of the following declarations is incorrect in python language?

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Python Variable Declarations MCQs

Which of the following declarations is incorrect in python language?

(A). lm = 7

(B). l, m=8, 9

(C). l m=3

(D). l_m=2

MCQ Answer: l m=3

Which of the following declarations is correct in python language?

(A). m = 7

(B). n = “t4tutorials”

(C). mn = 99

(D). all of these

MCQ Answer: all of these

Which of the following declarations is incorrect in python language?

(A). l = str(7)

(B). m = int(7)

(C). n = float(7)

(D). None of these

MCQ Answer: None of these

Which of the following declarations is correct in python codes?

(A). m = “t4tutorials”

(B). m = ‘t4tutorials’

(C). both a and b

(D). None of these

MCQ Answer: both a and b

Which of the following declarations is correct in python programming?

(A). g = “t4tutorials”

(B). G = “t4tutorials”

(C). a and b representing same variables

(D). a and b are different variables

MCQ Answer: a and b are different variables

Which of the following declarations is incorrect in python language?

(A). 4g = “t4tutorials”

(B). 4g = “4tutorials”

(C). 4_g = “t4tutorials”

(D). All of these

MCQ Answer: All of these

Example of a Python program

List of Python Programs

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  7. Converting the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit in Python
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  9. Even Odd Number in Python
  10. Leap Year in Python
  11. Calendar program in Python
  12. Prime Number in Python
  13. Multiplication Table in Python
  14. Fibonacci Series in Python
  15. Armstrong number in Python
  16. Factorial of a Number in Python
  17. Sum of Natural Numbers in Python