Condensed matter theory Research Topics

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Research Area/ Research Interest: Condensed matter theory

Research Paper Topics for: Masters and PhD Thesis and publication

  1. Condensed matter theory of dipolar quantum gases
  2.  Topics and methods in condensed matter theory
  3. Non-linear effects in quasi-one-dimensional models of condensed matter theory
  4.  Diagrammatics: Lectures on Selected Problems in Condensed Matter Theory
  5.  Condensed matter field theory
  6.  Group theory: application to the physics of condensed matter
  7.  Principles of condensed matter physics
  8.  Excitation energy transfer processes in condensed matter: theory and applications
  9. A theory of highly condensed matter
  10.  Quantum field theory in condensed matter physics
  11.  Topology and Condensed Matter Physics
  12. Machine learning for condensed matter physics
  13. Interstitialcy model for condensed matter states of face-centered-cubic metals
  14. Ultracold atomic gases in optical lattices: mimicking condensed matter physics and beyond
  15. Self-consistent approach to the diffusion induced by a centrifugal field in condensed matter: Sedimentation
  16.  Condensed Matter Theories
  17. TURBOMOLE: Modular program suite for ab initio quantum-chemical and condensed-matter simulations
  18.  Neutron and synchrotron radiation for condensed matter studies
  19.  The Monte Carlo method in condensed matter physics
  20. Model for a quantum Hall effect without Landau levels: Condensed-matter realization of the” parity anomaly”
  21.  Principles of nanotechnology: molecular-based study of condensed matter in small systems
  22.  Aperiodic structures in condensed matter: fundamentals and applications
  23.  Geometry in condensed matter physics
  24.  Memory function approaches to stochastic problems in condensed matter
  25. The mathematics of principal value integrals and applications to nuclear physics, transport theory, and condensed matter physics
  26. The condensed matter limit of relativistic QFT
  27. Phase-field-crystal models for condensed matter dynamics on atomic length and diffusive time scales: an overview
  28.  Quantum Monte Carlo methods in condensed matter physics
  29. Physical realization of the parity anomaly in condensed matter physics
  30.  Relaxation phenomena in condensed matter physics
  31. Solitons in condensed matter: A paradigm
  32. Quasiparticles in condensed matter systems
  33.  Plutonium condensed-matter Physics
  34. Large-scale condensed matter DFT simulations: performance and capabilities of the CRYSTAL code
  35. Learning the electronic density of states in condensed matter
  36. Quantum Field Theory Anomalies in Condensed Matter Physics
  37. Ab initio nonadiabatic molecular dynamics investigations on the excited carriers in condensed matter systems
  38. Unified theory of noise and dielectric response in condensed matter
  39. Coulomb interactions and generalized pairing in condensed matter
  40. A duality web in 2+ 1 dimensions and condensed matter physics
  41. Accurate semilocal density functional for condensed-matter physics and quantum chemistry
  42.  Symmetry and condensed matter physics: a computational approach
  43. Mechanical properties of simple condensed matter
  44. Lattice gauge theory for condensed matter physics: ferromagnetic superconductivity as its example
  45. Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and quantum electrodynamics
  46. Zoology of condensed matter: Framids, ordinary stuff, extra-ordinary stuff
  47. From relativistic quantum fields to condensed matter and back again: updating the Gross–Neveu phase diagram
  48. Positron kinetics in soft condensed matter
  49. cp2k: atomistic simulations of condensed matter systems
  50. Soft condensed matter perspective on moisture transport in cooking meat
  51. Mesoscopic phase fluctuations: general phenomenon in condensed matter
  52. Snowmass White Paper: Light Dark Matter Direct Detection at the Interface With Condensed Matter Physics
  53. Interstitialcy model for condensed matter states of face-centered-cubic metals
  54. Ultracold atomic gases in optical lattices: mimicking condensed matter physics and beyond
  55. Self-consistent approach to the diffusion induced by a centrifugal field in condensed matter: Sedimentation
  56. TURBOMOLE: Modular program suite for ab initio quantum-chemical and condensed-matter simulations
  57.  Condensed Matter Theories
  58. The condensed matter limit of relativistic QFT
  59. Machine learning for condensed matter physics
  60.  Neutron and synchrotron radiation for condensed matter studies
  61.  Reduction and emergence in the physical sciences: some lessons from the particle physics and condensed matter debate
  62.  The Monte Carlo method in condensed matter physics
  63. Model for a quantum Hall effect without Landau levels: Condensed-matter realization of the” parity anomaly”
  64.  Aperiodic structures in condensed matter: fundamentals and applications
  65.  Principles of nanotechnology: molecular-based study of condensed matter in small systems
  66.  Geometry in condensed matter physics
  67.  Memory function approaches to stochastic problems in condensed matter
  68. The mathematics of principal value integrals and applications to nuclear physics, transport theory, and condensed matter physics
  69.  Simple views on condensed matter
  70. Phase-field-crystal models for condensed matter dynamics on atomic length and diffusive time scales: an overview
  71.  Quantum Monte Carlo methods in condensed matter physics
  72. Physical realization of the parity anomaly in condensed matter physics
  73.  Relaxation phenomena in condensed matter physics
  74. Solitons in condensed matter: A paradigm
  75. Quasiparticles in condensed matter systems
  76. Learning the electronic density of states in condensed matter
  77.  Plutonium condensed-matter Physics
  78. Effective Holographic Theories for low-temperature condensed matter systems
  79. Quantum Field Theory Anomalies in Condensed Matter Physics
  80. Topological states of condensed matter
  81.  Highlights of condensed matter theory
  82. Condensed matter physics of a strongly coupled gauge theory with quarks: some novel features of the phase diagram
  83. Vacuum energy and cosmological constant: View from condensed matter
  84. Communication: Thermodynamics of condensed matter with strong pressure-energy correlations
  85. Effective interactions in soft condensed matter physics
  86.  Skyrmions in Condensed Matter
  87.  Pedagogical introduction to equilibrium Green’s functions: condensed-matter examples with numerical implementations
  88.  Soft condensed matter physics in molecular and cell biology
  89. Electronic decay of valence holes in clusters and condensed matter
  90. Workhorse semilocal density functional for condensed matter physics and quantum chemistry
  91.  Interatomic forces in condensed matter
  92. X-ray-absorption spectroscopy and n-body distribution functions in condensed matter. II. Data analysis and applications
  93.  Bond-orientational order in condensed matter systems
  94. Simulation of the primary stage of the interaction of swift heavy ions with condensed matter
  95. Integrable models in condensed matter physics
  96.  Neutron scattering in condensed matter physics
  97. Fractals and their applications in condensed matter physics
  98.  Ill-condensed matter
  99. Efficient localized basis set for quantum Monte Carlo calculations on condensed matter
  100.  Shock waves in condensed matter-1983
  101. Soft condensed matter physics of foods and macronutrients
  102. The PYXAID program for non-adiabatic molecular dynamics in condensed matter systems
  103.  Statistical mechanics and applications in condensed matter
  104.  Electronic Structure Calculations on Graphics Processing Units: From Quantum Chemistry to Condensed Matter Physics
  105.  Dynamics of ordering processes in condensed matter
  106. Searches for light dark matter using condensed matter systems
  107. Large-scale condensed matter DFT simulations: performance and capabilities of the CRYSTAL code
  108. Surprising connections between general relativity and condensed matter
  109. Continuum embeddings in condensed‐matter simulations
  110. The elastic constants of condensed matter: A direct‐correlation function approach
  111. The scattering of Mossbauer radiation by condensed matter
  112. Electron spectroscopy for atoms, molecules, and condensed matter
  113. Fluctuation attraction in condensed matter: A nonlocal functional approach
  114. Pulsed optoacoustic spectroscopy of condensed matter
  115.  Ordering in strongly fluctuating condensed matter systems
  116. On the concept of spontaneously broken gauge symmetry in condensed matter physics
  117. Field Theories in Condensed Matter Physics
  118. Higgs bosons in particle physics and in condensed matter
  119. Non-equilibrium phase transitions in condensed matter and cosmology: spinodal decomposition, condensates and defects
  120. Brillouin scattering in condensed matter
  121. Quantum electrodynamics of resonant energy transfer in condensed matter. II. Dynamical aspects
  122. Slow electrons in condensed matter
  123.  Understanding soft condensed matter via modeling and computation
  124.  Fundamentals of Condensed Matter and Crystalline Physics: An Introduction for Students of Physics and Materials Science
  125. Formation of mesonic atoms in condensed matter
  126. Effective stopping-power charges of swift ions in condensed matter
  127. Effective interactions in soft condensed matter physics
  128. Effective interactions in soft condensed matter physics
  129. Effective interactions in soft condensed matter physics
  132. Effective interactions in soft condensed matter physics
  133.  Effective interactions in soft condensed matter physics
  137. Soft condensed matter
  138. TOMBO: All-electron mixed-basis approach to condensed matter physics
  139. Equilibrium spin currents: non-abelian gauge invariance and color diamagnetism in condensed matter
  140. An algorithm for the simulation of condensed matter which grows as the 3/2 power of the number of particles
  141. noise and other slow, nonexponential kinetics in condensed matter
  142.  Condensed-matter simulation of a three-dimensional anomaly
  143. The concept of anti-integrability applied to dynamical systems and to structural and electronic models in condensed matter physics
  144. Condensed matter realization of the axial magnetic effect
  145. Structure and transformation: Large molecular clusters as models of condensed matter
  146. Cosmological experiments in condensed matter systems
  147. Phonons: Theory and experiments II. Volume 2
  148. Moltemplate: A tool for coarse-grained modeling of complex biological matter and soft condensed matter physics
  149.  Problems of Condensed Matter Physics: Quantum coherence phenomena in electron-hole and coupled matter-light systems
  150. Application of fractals in condensed-matter physics
  151.  Quantitative infrared spectroscopy for understanding of a condensed matter
  152. Yang–Baxter integrable models in experiments: from condensed matter to ultracold atoms
  153.  Highlights in Condensed Matter Physics and Future Prospects
  154.  Nucleation in condensed matter: applications in materials and biology
  155.  Diffusion in condensed matter
  156. Cavity QED with hybrid nanocircuits: from atomic-like physics to condensed matter phenomena
  157. The wake of charged particles in condensed matter
  158. Unification of Mixed Hilbert-Space Representations in Condensed Matter Physics and Quantum Field Theory
  159. Attosecond spectroscopy in condensed matter
  160. Solitons in condensed matter physics
  161.  Green’s functions and condensed matter
  162.  Correlation functions and quasiparticle interactions in condensed matter
  163. Spatial excitation patterns induced by swift ions in condensed matter
  164. Hydrodynamics versus molecular dynamics: Intertheory relations in condensed matter physics
  165. Interaction of low-energy electrons with condensed matter: stopping powers and inelastic mean free paths from optical data
  166.  Phonon scattering in condensed matter
  167. Simulation of condensed matter dynamics in strong femtosecond laser pulses
  168. Magnetic anisotropic interactions of nuclei in condensed matter
  169. A relativistic optical-data model for inelastic scattering of electrons and positrons in condensed matter
  170. Electron transport in condensed matter. A novel approach using quantum chemical methods
  171. Localized and long-range diffusion in condensed matter: state of the art of QENS studies and future prospects
  172.  Many-body quantum electrodynamics neT4Tutorials_2rks: Non-equilibrium condensed matter physics with light
  173. Self-consistent field model for condensed matter
  174.  Recent Developments in Condensed Matter Physics: Volume Metals, Disordered Systems, Surfaces, and Interfaces
  175. Condensed matter astrophysics: a prescription for determining the species-specific composition and quantity of interstellar dust using X-rays
  176.  Memory functions, projection operators, and the defect technique: some tools of the trade for the condensed matter physicist
  177.  Dissipative phenomena in condensed matter: some applications
  178.  Quantum field theory of many-body systems: from the origin of sound to an origin of light and electrons
  179. Implanted muon studies in condensed matter science
  180. Generalized Symmetries in Condensed Matter
  181.  Principles of Neutron Scattering from Condensed Matter
  182. Benchmarks for characterization of minima, transition states, and pathways in atomic, molecular, and condensed matter systems
  183. Energy loss rate and inelastic mean free path of low-energy electrons and positrons in condensed matter
  184. Introduction to supersymmetry in condensed matter physics
  185.  Machine learning phases of matter
  186. Modeling nonadiabatic dynamics in condensed matter materials: some recent advances and applications
  187.  Physics of condensed matter
  188. Topological framework for local structure analysis in condensed matter
  189. Experimental observation of modulation instability and optical spatial soliton arrays in soft condensed matter
  190. One dimensional bosons: From condensed matter systems to ultracold gases
  191. Electron inelastic mean free paths in a condensed matter down to a few electronvolts
  192. First-principles simulation: ideas, illustrations and the CASTEP code
  193.  An introduction to the properties of condensed matter
  194. Vicinage effects in ion-cluster collisions with condensed matter and with single atoms
  195. Mesoscopic structure formation in condensed matter due to vacuum fluctuations
  196. Classical and quantum pictures of reaction dynamics in condensed matter: Resonances, dephasing, and all that
  197. Rydberg states in condensed matter
  198. Condensed matter analogues of cosmology
  199. Potential condensed-matter realization of space-fractional quantum mechanics: The one-dimensional Lévy crystal
  200. Application of massive integrable quantum field theories to problems in condensed matter physics

Research Topics Physics
