Research Area/ Research Interest: Condensed matter theory
Research Paper Topics for: Masters and PhD Thesis and publication
- Condensed matter theory of dipolar quantum gases
- Topics and methods in condensed matter theory
- Non-linear effects in quasi-one-dimensional models of condensed matter theory
- Diagrammatics: Lectures on Selected Problems in Condensed Matter Theory
- Condensed matter field theory
- Group theory: application to the physics of condensed matter
- Principles of condensed matter physics
- Excitation energy transfer processes in condensed matter: theory and applications
- A theory of highly condensed matter
- Quantum field theory in condensed matter physics
- Topology and Condensed Matter Physics
- Machine learning for condensed matter physics
- Interstitialcy model for condensed matter states of face-centered-cubic metals
- Ultracold atomic gases in optical lattices: mimicking condensed matter physics and beyond
- Self-consistent approach to the diffusion induced by a centrifugal field in condensed matter: Sedimentation
- Condensed Matter Theories
- TURBOMOLE: Modular program suite for ab initio quantum-chemical and condensed-matter simulations
- Neutron and synchrotron radiation for condensed matter studies
- The Monte Carlo method in condensed matter physics
- Model for a quantum Hall effect without Landau levels: Condensed-matter realization of the” parity anomaly”
- Principles of nanotechnology: molecular-based study of condensed matter in small systems
- Aperiodic structures in condensed matter: fundamentals and applications
- Geometry in condensed matter physics
- Memory function approaches to stochastic problems in condensed matter
- The mathematics of principal value integrals and applications to nuclear physics, transport theory, and condensed matter physics
- The condensed matter limit of relativistic QFT
- Phase-field-crystal models for condensed matter dynamics on atomic length and diffusive time scales: an overview
- Quantum Monte Carlo methods in condensed matter physics
- Physical realization of the parity anomaly in condensed matter physics
- Relaxation phenomena in condensed matter physics
- Solitons in condensed matter: A paradigm
- Quasiparticles in condensed matter systems
- Plutonium condensed-matter Physics
- Large-scale condensed matter DFT simulations: performance and capabilities of the CRYSTAL code
- Learning the electronic density of states in condensed matter
- Quantum Field Theory Anomalies in Condensed Matter Physics
- Ab initio nonadiabatic molecular dynamics investigations on the excited carriers in condensed matter systems
- Unified theory of noise and dielectric response in condensed matter
- Coulomb interactions and generalized pairing in condensed matter
- A duality web in 2+ 1 dimensions and condensed matter physics
- Accurate semilocal density functional for condensed-matter physics and quantum chemistry
- Symmetry and condensed matter physics: a computational approach
- Mechanical properties of simple condensed matter
- Lattice gauge theory for condensed matter physics: ferromagnetic superconductivity as its example
- Graphene: New bridge between condensed matter physics and quantum electrodynamics
- Zoology of condensed matter: Framids, ordinary stuff, extra-ordinary stuff
- From relativistic quantum fields to condensed matter and back again: updating the Gross–Neveu phase diagram
- Positron kinetics in soft condensed matter
- cp2k: atomistic simulations of condensed matter systems
- Soft condensed matter perspective on moisture transport in cooking meat
- Mesoscopic phase fluctuations: general phenomenon in condensed matter
- Snowmass White Paper: Light Dark Matter Direct Detection at the Interface With Condensed Matter Physics
- Interstitialcy model for condensed matter states of face-centered-cubic metals
- Ultracold atomic gases in optical lattices: mimicking condensed matter physics and beyond
- Self-consistent approach to the diffusion induced by a centrifugal field in condensed matter: Sedimentation
- TURBOMOLE: Modular program suite for ab initio quantum-chemical and condensed-matter simulations
- Condensed Matter Theories
- The condensed matter limit of relativistic QFT
- Machine learning for condensed matter physics
- Neutron and synchrotron radiation for condensed matter studies
- Reduction and emergence in the physical sciences: some lessons from the particle physics and condensed matter debate
- The Monte Carlo method in condensed matter physics
- Model for a quantum Hall effect without Landau levels: Condensed-matter realization of the” parity anomaly”
- Aperiodic structures in condensed matter: fundamentals and applications
- Principles of nanotechnology: molecular-based study of condensed matter in small systems
- Geometry in condensed matter physics
- Memory function approaches to stochastic problems in condensed matter
- The mathematics of principal value integrals and applications to nuclear physics, transport theory, and condensed matter physics
- Simple views on condensed matter
- Phase-field-crystal models for condensed matter dynamics on atomic length and diffusive time scales: an overview
- Quantum Monte Carlo methods in condensed matter physics
- Physical realization of the parity anomaly in condensed matter physics
- Relaxation phenomena in condensed matter physics
- Solitons in condensed matter: A paradigm
- Quasiparticles in condensed matter systems
- Learning the electronic density of states in condensed matter
- Plutonium condensed-matter Physics
- Effective Holographic Theories for low-temperature condensed matter systems
- Quantum Field Theory Anomalies in Condensed Matter Physics
- Topological states of condensed matter
- Highlights of condensed matter theory
- Condensed matter physics of a strongly coupled gauge theory with quarks: some novel features of the phase diagram
- Vacuum energy and cosmological constant: View from condensed matter
- Communication: Thermodynamics of condensed matter with strong pressure-energy correlations
- Effective interactions in soft condensed matter physics
- Skyrmions in Condensed Matter
- Pedagogical introduction to equilibrium Green’s functions: condensed-matter examples with numerical implementations
- Soft condensed matter physics in molecular and cell biology
- Electronic decay of valence holes in clusters and condensed matter
- Workhorse semilocal density functional for condensed matter physics and quantum chemistry
- Interatomic forces in condensed matter
- X-ray-absorption spectroscopy and n-body distribution functions in condensed matter. II. Data analysis and applications
- Bond-orientational order in condensed matter systems
- Simulation of the primary stage of the interaction of swift heavy ions with condensed matter
- Integrable models in condensed matter physics
- Neutron scattering in condensed matter physics
- Fractals and their applications in condensed matter physics
- Ill-condensed matter
- Efficient localized basis set for quantum Monte Carlo calculations on condensed matter
- Shock waves in condensed matter-1983
- Soft condensed matter physics of foods and macronutrients
- The PYXAID program for non-adiabatic molecular dynamics in condensed matter systems
- Statistical mechanics and applications in condensed matter
- Electronic Structure Calculations on Graphics Processing Units: From Quantum Chemistry to Condensed Matter Physics
- Dynamics of ordering processes in condensed matter
- Searches for light dark matter using condensed matter systems
- Large-scale condensed matter DFT simulations: performance and capabilities of the CRYSTAL code
- Surprising connections between general relativity and condensed matter
- Continuum embeddings in condensed‐matter simulations
- The elastic constants of condensed matter: A direct‐correlation function approach
- The scattering of Mossbauer radiation by condensed matter
- Electron spectroscopy for atoms, molecules, and condensed matter
- Fluctuation attraction in condensed matter: A nonlocal functional approach
- Pulsed optoacoustic spectroscopy of condensed matter
- Ordering in strongly fluctuating condensed matter systems
- On the concept of spontaneously broken gauge symmetry in condensed matter physics
- Field Theories in Condensed Matter Physics
- Higgs bosons in particle physics and in condensed matter
- Non-equilibrium phase transitions in condensed matter and cosmology: spinodal decomposition, condensates and defects
- Brillouin scattering in condensed matter
- Quantum electrodynamics of resonant energy transfer in condensed matter. II. Dynamical aspects
- Slow electrons in condensed matter
- Understanding soft condensed matter via modeling and computation
- Fundamentals of Condensed Matter and Crystalline Physics: An Introduction for Students of Physics and Materials Science
- Formation of mesonic atoms in condensed matter
- Effective stopping-power charges of swift ions in condensed matter
- Effective interactions in soft condensed matter physics
- Effective interactions in soft condensed matter physics
- Effective interactions in soft condensed matter physics
- Effective interactions in soft condensed matter physics
- Effective interactions in soft condensed matter physics
- Soft condensed matter
- TOMBO: All-electron mixed-basis approach to condensed matter physics
- Equilibrium spin currents: non-abelian gauge invariance and color diamagnetism in condensed matter
- An algorithm for the simulation of condensed matter which grows as the 3/2 power of the number of particles
- noise and other slow, nonexponential kinetics in condensed matter
- Condensed-matter simulation of a three-dimensional anomaly
- The concept of anti-integrability applied to dynamical systems and to structural and electronic models in condensed matter physics
- Condensed matter realization of the axial magnetic effect
- Structure and transformation: Large molecular clusters as models of condensed matter
- Cosmological experiments in condensed matter systems
- Phonons: Theory and experiments II. Volume 2
- Moltemplate: A tool for coarse-grained modeling of complex biological matter and soft condensed matter physics
- Problems of Condensed Matter Physics: Quantum coherence phenomena in electron-hole and coupled matter-light systems
- Application of fractals in condensed-matter physics
- Quantitative infrared spectroscopy for understanding of a condensed matter
- Yang–Baxter integrable models in experiments: from condensed matter to ultracold atoms
- Highlights in Condensed Matter Physics and Future Prospects
- Nucleation in condensed matter: applications in materials and biology
- Diffusion in condensed matter
- Cavity QED with hybrid nanocircuits: from atomic-like physics to condensed matter phenomena
- The wake of charged particles in condensed matter
- Unification of Mixed Hilbert-Space Representations in Condensed Matter Physics and Quantum Field Theory
- Attosecond spectroscopy in condensed matter
- Solitons in condensed matter physics
- Green’s functions and condensed matter
- Correlation functions and quasiparticle interactions in condensed matter
- Spatial excitation patterns induced by swift ions in condensed matter
- Hydrodynamics versus molecular dynamics: Intertheory relations in condensed matter physics
- Interaction of low-energy electrons with condensed matter: stopping powers and inelastic mean free paths from optical data
- Phonon scattering in condensed matter
- Simulation of condensed matter dynamics in strong femtosecond laser pulses
- Magnetic anisotropic interactions of nuclei in condensed matter
- A relativistic optical-data model for inelastic scattering of electrons and positrons in condensed matter
- Electron transport in condensed matter. A novel approach using quantum chemical methods
- Localized and long-range diffusion in condensed matter: state of the art of QENS studies and future prospects
- Many-body quantum electrodynamics neT4Tutorials_2rks: Non-equilibrium condensed matter physics with light
- Self-consistent field model for condensed matter
- Recent Developments in Condensed Matter Physics: Volume Metals, Disordered Systems, Surfaces, and Interfaces
- Condensed matter astrophysics: a prescription for determining the species-specific composition and quantity of interstellar dust using X-rays
- Memory functions, projection operators, and the defect technique: some tools of the trade for the condensed matter physicist
- Dissipative phenomena in condensed matter: some applications
- Quantum field theory of many-body systems: from the origin of sound to an origin of light and electrons
- Implanted muon studies in condensed matter science
- Generalized Symmetries in Condensed Matter
- Principles of Neutron Scattering from Condensed Matter
- Benchmarks for characterization of minima, transition states, and pathways in atomic, molecular, and condensed matter systems
- Energy loss rate and inelastic mean free path of low-energy electrons and positrons in condensed matter
- Introduction to supersymmetry in condensed matter physics
- Machine learning phases of matter
- Modeling nonadiabatic dynamics in condensed matter materials: some recent advances and applications
- Physics of condensed matter
- Topological framework for local structure analysis in condensed matter
- Experimental observation of modulation instability and optical spatial soliton arrays in soft condensed matter
- One dimensional bosons: From condensed matter systems to ultracold gases
- Electron inelastic mean free paths in a condensed matter down to a few electronvolts
- First-principles simulation: ideas, illustrations and the CASTEP code
- An introduction to the properties of condensed matter
- Vicinage effects in ion-cluster collisions with condensed matter and with single atoms
- Mesoscopic structure formation in condensed matter due to vacuum fluctuations
- Classical and quantum pictures of reaction dynamics in condensed matter: Resonances, dephasing, and all that
- Rydberg states in condensed matter
- Condensed matter analogues of cosmology
- Potential condensed-matter realization of space-fractional quantum mechanics: The one-dimensional Lévy crystal
- Application of massive integrable quantum field theories to problems in condensed matter physics
Research Topics Physics